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06x08 - Phantom

Posted: 04/10/24 07:19
by bunniefuu
Good to see you again.

Are we all set?

- Were you able to, uh...
- Yeah.

It all worked out.

That's good news.

I couldn't tell if you were
able to pull it off or not.

You know, you're not very
specific in your text messages.

Wanna see it?


All right.


- Looks good.
- As good as it gets.

I'll grab the money.
We'll get this thing done.

- We'll be out of here.
- All right.

It's all here, my man.

I would not be offended in the least.

Hey, what's this?


- Good morning.
- Hey.

The victim's name is James Sun.

He took two to the chest.

Yeah, no g*nsh*t residue, though,

so the sh**t wasn't at close range.

The federal government owns all this?

That's what they tell me.

- Any witnesses?
- No.

We're still canvassing,
but it's pretty empty

around here, so don't get your hopes up.



Nice watch.

Wallet and phone
were on his person as well.

Anything else we need to know?

Yeah, Sun was an employee
of the United States Army.

He's dead?

Someone sh*t him?


That's a shame.

James was a good man, worked hard.

We're sorry for your loss.

You know what happened?

Why he got sh*t?

No. We're still investigating.

Okay, were you aware
of anything unusual,

altercations or arguments?


But the last few months, he did seem

to lose his interest in the job.

Got a little bitter.

Why is that?

He was passed over for a promotion,

and he took it really hard.

I tried to talk him down,

but he put in his paper six days ago.

His retirement would have
been effective next week.

What sort of work did he do?

He was an 89 Bravo,

amm*nit*on specialist.



He got a hit on this tarp.


Dog's alerting, so yeah.

So an amm*nit*on specialist gets sh*t

in an industrial park,

and a b*mb dog alerts
on his empty truck?

Maybe James Sun was
selling the expl*sives.

Customer didn't wanna pay,
so he sh*t Sun in the chest.

All right, so the lab
is running more tests

on the tarp to determine
what type of expl*sives

may have been stolen.

But our main focus right now
is Mr. Sun's phone and laptop.

So who has he been chatting with?

Have we figured out
who's on the other side

of this unholy transaction?

It looks like Sun
was active on WhatsApp.

Yep. Okay.

Lots of chatter about perfume...

guessing that's code for the expl*sives.

Very, very good, Kelly,
but we need more.

We need names.
So if Mr. Sun is the perfumer,

who is the cognoscenti?

I have no idea what that means.

We can't get any user info
without a warrant.

We can definitely trace the IP address.

Okay, the IP address
comes back to somebody

named Clinton Payne.

Uh-huh. Eyes up, people.

Clinton Payne, 34 years old.

He's got a long list of priors,
dating back almost 20 years.

Most serious offense appears
to be armed robbery.

Did three years at Fishkill,
was released 11 months ago.

Okay, anything else?

Anything that speaks
to use of expl*sives,

acts of terrorism?

- Nothing obvious.
- Hmm.

But he's still on probation
for armed robbery.

Okay, that means we can
search his property

without a warrant.

Get his address
and get it over to the team.



Clayton Payne! FBI! Open up.



Federal agents!

Kitchen's clear!


sh*ts fired, upstairs.

Are you guys okay?

Yeah, no, we're good.

We're gonna press him. Stay out back.

Copy that.

Clinton Payne,
come out with your hands up.


Clinton Payne, you're under arrest.

Things aren't looking
too good for you, Clinton.

The a*mo we found in your house
is the same caliber

as the a*mo used to k*ll James Sun.

I'm sure your g*n's a perfect match too.

Hey, we found RDX powder
in the basement.


Things are looking
even worse for you now.

That means you're looking
down a life sentence or worse.

So I would start talking

and tell us who you're working with.

I'll talk.

I want a deal first, in writing.

Yeah, that's not how this works.

Well, then I ain't talking.

You really wanna play this out?

Take it to court, put your life
in the hands of some judge

chomping at the bit to make an example

out of some idiot like you?

I want a lawyer.

If you confess to k*lling James Sun

and give us information that
leads to another arrest,

I will put in a good word

with the U.S. Attorney's Office.

A good word?

It's the best I got.

What does that even mean?

It means that you have a chance to be

a free man someday... a chance.

And considering what you have done,

that is the break of a lifetime.



I'll cooperate, but you gotta promise

to help in writing.

Why don't you start talking?

And if it is interesting,
I'll consider it.

So start talking now.

So I knew that guy Sun from this bar

I go to in Astoria,

and I knew he made bombs
and stuff for the army and...

Did you k*ll him?

Yeah, but I-I didn't want to.

It... he wanted 10 grand for the RDX,

and I couldn't come up
with the money, so...

Why did you purchase the RDX?

- What was your intent?
- I was gonna sell it.

- To whom?
- I don't know.

You were just gonna walk around town and

hope to find someone interested
in buying an illegal expl*sive?

No. I had somebody in mind.
I just didn't know him.

I met him on the web in a chat room,

and dude said he was looking
for RDX, a lot of it.

So that's how this whole thing
ended up happening.

He was offering a lot
of money too... 20 grand.

What else did you know
about this potential buyer?


Like I said, he was looking for RDX,

enough to blow up a city block
is what he said.

You didn't know his name,
what he looked like, where he lived?

No, no. I never met him.

All right, I'm gonna go grab a laptop,

and you are gonna get back
in that stupid chat room,

and you're gonna set up
a meeting for later today.

Do you understand?

Payne is supposed to be meeting
his potential buyer for the RDX

at 3:30 p.m. at a dive bar in Harlem.

Since Payne never actually met this guy,

we want you two to go under,
see what you can find.

Sounds good.

All right, Scola,
you will be posing as Payne.

Tiff, you'll pose as the broker,

the one who's been searching
the dark web,

looking for potential buyers.

For now, the goal is simple.

Elicit as much information as possible.

Who is this guy working with?

And what does he plan
to do with the expl*sives?

Use the RDX as bait.

Let him know you have it,

but you need to get to know him first,

understand who you're dealing with,

that type of thing.

Nice to finally meet you.


Nice to meet you as well.

And your friend?

My name is Tiffany.

What about you? What's your name?

Call me whatever you want.

I'd rather call you what
your mother calls you.

My mother's dead.

Look, we just wanted to
get to know you a little bit.

As the sellers, we got
some homework to do,

make sure you are who you say you are.

I never said who I am.

I just said what I want.

So how about we move on?

Talk about something else.

Let's get a screenshot of this guy.

Run it through facial rec.

Got a hit. Amida Sonogo.

There's not much information
on this guy.

Yeah. Yolanda, dig in.

I need to know what you have
on Mr. Sonogo.

I'm on it.


I got something.

Sonogo was born in Saylac, Somalia.

He moved here seven years ago,

no priors, but does have ties
to senior members

of al-Shabaab in New York and Somalia.

Look, Scola and I have a
meeting with Amida tomorrow

to do the deal.

Now that we know he's al-Shabaab,

why don't we play it out?

Use Amida to track down
the big boss, Hakim?

Yeah, that's what
I was thinking as well,

but it looks like he fled to
Africa after the bus bombing.

And k*lling Hobbs, of course.

I mean, are we sure?

I can't guarantee it, of course.

Okay, but... but you
can't be certain, right?

Whether they are
or aren't doesn't matter.

We need to assume that it's true.

So for now, Hakim is not in play.

But if we take down Amida,
we can flip him later.

We tried that before.

I mean, these al-Shabaab dudes,
they don't roll.

They're believers.

Look, let's just slow play the deal.

We can use Amida to try
to track down Hakim?

Tiffany, you're not listening.

The intel suggests that
Hakim is in Africa.

More specifically,
in either Ethiopia or Kenya.

Look, I wanna nail Hakim
just as much as you do.

But right now, our main
objective is to take down Amida.


Okay. Copy that.

Stuart, is she okay?

She's still struggling.

You know, her and Hobbs were tight.

I get it, but keep an eye on her.
Keep her on point.

I can take Hobbs.

Check out the beanie by the door.

You know, now might be a good time

to check out if he has
a scar on his neck.

We just sat down, so I don't wanna
seem too suspicious, you know?

Look, we really need
to find out who's involved

and if they have another att*ck planned.


You're a cop.

I ain't playing this game with you, bro.


You gotta fight, Hobbs!



- What are you doing?
- Nothing. Uh, just...

Just what?

I was just looking over the files

to see if we came across Amida
last time.

Well, we didn't,

and you know that.

Why don't we just focus
on this case, okay, Tiff?

- This case?
- Yeah.



Whoa! Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Watch it!

Damn it.


Tiff, you ready?

Here he comes.


I don't know why you live here.

It's too cold.

It's all about the seasons,
you know,

watching the leaves change color.

What leaves?

You have the product?

We do.

- Where is it?
- Close by.

You got the cash?

I wanna see the product first.

No, that's not how we do this.

What's that saying?

The buyer is always right?

We still need to see
that you have some money.

Money is not the problem.

Trust me, we have lots
of financial supporters.

My boss is very well respected.

Are you part of a group or something?

Your boss, this guy got a name?

That doesn't matter.

Is he in New York?

What's going on?

Just close the deal already.

He's close by.

But, you know, we don't know you.

So unless you show us the money,

you're just another dude
talking a lot of talk.

Don't look at him. I'm right here.

[LAUGHS] Really?

You gonna walk away over this?

[SCOFFS] Fine.

We'll show you the powder.

m*llitary-grade RDX,

straight from the arsenal.

I'm glad you have the product.

I'll grab the money.

That sounds good,
but the price just went up.


What are you talking about?

It's 30k.

Is this a joke?

What is she doing?

I don't know.

You're the one who was bragging
about how much money you had.

Money is not an issue, right?

So what's another 10k
if you are who you say you are?

This is a crazy way to do business.

Look, you're the one that changed it up.

We had an agreement...

show the product
and the money at the same time.

Okay, okay.

It's not worth arguing about.

I'll get the extra money.

But first, I need to talk to my boss.

Call him.

We'll wait.

He doesn't use phones.

I'll reach out after I talk to him.

What happened?

What... what was that?

What are you talking about?

The deal with Amida should be done.

I mean, he should be
in handcuffs by now.

Were you not listening?

He practically announced that
Hakim was here in New York.

He said that his boss was here.

That doesn't mean that Hakim is his boss

or that he's in New York.

The plan was to arrest Amida.
Those were our orders.

Why are we still talking about this?

Our goal, our real goal,
is to eradicate al-Shabaab

and take down that bastard
that k*lled Hobbs,

not bust some mid-level idiot
like Amida.

We need to get up on his
phone and see who he calls.

Already on it.
I called the JOC and told them

as soon as Amida took off.


So let's follow Amida.

We'll see where he goes
and who he talks to.

That won't be easy.

He's long gone by now.

I put a tracker in his wheel well.

So let's go.

Yeah, uh...

let me call Isobel.

I'll just tell her
more information came up

in the meeting, and we're
gonna chase that lead.


Tracker, huh?


Was that the plan all along?

k*ll the deal, force us
to introduce him to his boss?


Look, I know that you
and Hobbs were tight.

But you've gotta forgive yourself, Tiff.

You did not get Hobbs k*lled.

Look, Scola, all I know

is that a good friend of mine is dead.

And that son of a bitch who k*lled him

is out there, roaming free as a bird.

We should go.

Amida here has got some self-restraint.

He has not made one call or text.

He's gotta reach out
to his boss at some point.

Who knows.
He could be in there right now.

I don't see anybody in there, Tiff.

Not yet, anyway.

Copy that.

Anything else?


Isobel isn't too happy.

She wasn't expecting us
to call an audible,

but I was able to calm her down.

Copy that.

I'm gonna get a closer look,
see if anybody's home.

This isn't good.

Be careful, Scola.

Scola, get down. He's coming out.

All right.


Do we know anything about this place?

Pulling it up now.

Owned by a lawyer from Manhattan,

no priors, no obvious
connections to al-Shabaab.

So it's just a warehouse?


Oh, my God. I think I just saw him.

- Saw who?
- Hakim.

You saw him, or you think you saw him?

I saw what I saw.

- Where are you going?
- To confirm.

Okay, wait. This is a bad idea.

Apprehending a major
t*rror1st is a bad idea?

That's not what I'm referring to.

Come on.

Hey, wait a second.

Hey, Tiff, will you hold up?

Hey, hey. This is a bad idea.

Amida knows us. We were just with him.

You cannot walk into this
place out of the blue...

We just talked about this.

All I'm saying is, let's just slow down

and do this the right way.


What do you suggest?
What's the better idea?


I feel like we're chasing a ghost.

It's a face I'll never forget.


Sorry, private party.

That's right. Can you check the list?

Omar Hassan.

There is no list.

Okay, uh...

in that case,
thank you for your service.

It doesn't work like that.

All good.

It's not interesting in there anyway.

Thanks for that, man.


Hold on. Check it out.

Well, we're here,

so we might as well take some photos.

JOC just ran the photos.

Amida's friends appear to be clean.

Just a couple of people
having a few drinks.

They're coming out already?

What's going on?

Why'd you leave?

We didn't wanna risk spooking Amida.

He's our target,
and he's still a damn good bust.

Hakim's better.

Isobel was very clear.

Look, I saw him.

Guys, we cannot walk away.

Hell no.

Let me talk to her.

What are you doing?

Look, Scola,

I will not let this bastard
get away, okay?

So you can come with me,
or you can walk away.

It's up to you.

All right.

Let's do it.

All right, guys, we're
going back in one more time,

see if we can get eyes
on the king.

Copy that.

We're here if you need us.

It's not a good idea.


We need to give her some freedom.

We're a team.


No matter what.


We gotta be real careful here, Tiff.

We are dancing on a thin line,
all right?

So why don't we just do
one lap around the club?

We will see Hakim or we don't.

- If we don't see him...
- I have eyes on Amida.

Okay. All right.

Why don't we fall back, grab a drink?

We'll lay low.

Let me go check it out.

Tiff, please.

Go easy, all right?




- What the hell are you doing...
- What are you doing here?


You seem upset.

No, I couldn't be happier.

Now, why is that?

I'm meeting few friends of mine.

I haven't seen them in a while,
so I'm excited to see them.

Out of all of the clubs in New York,

somehow you picked this one.

What are the odds?

Now, tell me, what are
you really doing here?

A friend of mine wanted
to check this place out.

It's her birthday, and so I said yes.

It's as simple as that.

So about that other thing,

you, uh, talk to your boss? Are we good?

I'll call you tomorrow.

All right, Tiff. That's enough.

Walk away.

Look, I just wanna know if we're good.

Tiff, get out now.

I mean,

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

You know what?

I actually saw you
talking to somebody earlier.

I didn't want to interrupt.

You were in the middle
of a conversation.

But was that your boss?

Why are you watching me talk to people?

I just saw you two talking.

If he's here, I just wanna talk to him.

Maybe we can all see how
we can do more business.

Ah, no.

My boy Hak doesn't like outsiders.

You say Hak or Hakim?

You're making me nervous.

I just never heard Hak used as a name,

only a nickname for Hakim.

FBI! Show me your hands!




All right, we got sh*ts fired.

We're in pursuit of Amida.

He's headed out
in front of the building.


Hey! FBI! Stop running!

Amida! Stop!



Hey, get in the car.



Jubal, the suspect was
last seen driving west

in a blue hatchback.

He's got one female hostage.

I'm gonna text you the plate now.

We're on McGuinness.

Hey, we're up
on the stolen vehicle's GPS.

It's heading west on Grand Avenue

towards Williamsburg.

It just crossed 47th Street.

Okay. Copy that.

We're on our way.

Here he comes... up here on the left.

- Here he is.
- We're on our way.


- Shut your mouth.

Watch out, watch out,
watch out, watch out!

- All right.
- Whoa.


- Hold on.
- Okay.



Get out. Now.


Come here.

It's over, Amida.

Drop the w*apon. Let her go now.

Get back or I'll sh**t her!

Hey! Let her go.

You do that and you tell us
where Hakim is,

you might just walk free.

I said get back!

Let her go.

And then we'll talk
about what comes next.

I want your car.

- Now!

Okay. You can have it.


You can take it.

The keys are in the ignition.

But you're gonna have to leave her here.

I said get back!

Drop your g*n now!

- You need to leave her.
- Drop it!

Okay. Okay. Calm down.

On the ground, now!

Calm down.


I'm dropping it, okay?

Look, I don't have a w*apon.

Let her go, and get in the car.

- Get in the car.
- Hey!





Hey. Hold on.

Amida, hey, listen to me.

Where is he, huh?

Where is Hakim?

Is he here in New York?


Hey, do something good before you die.

Tell me, where is he hiding?

Go to hell.


No. No. Don't you die.

Come on. Come on.

Don't you die!


Damn it.

So what the hell just happened?

We were surveilling Amida,
and he ended up

at some underground club,
so we continued to surveil.

- And?
- And during our surveillance,

we... we thought that we saw Hakim.

I saw him.

It... it was me.

So we followed him into the club,

and we looked around,

and then Amida saw us, so we were forced

to make contact with him,

and then he got nervous
and pulled out a w*apon,

and so we were forced to engage.

We had a plan.
It was a very simple plan.

Arrest Amida.

Hakim had nothing to do with it.

He is in Africa.

So why the hell did you two choose

to deviate from the plan?

Like Tiff just said,

she thought that she saw Hakim.

Okay, based on that information,

we changed our approach.

While I appreciate
what you're doing, Scola,

- you are pissing me off...
- Isobel.

I don't know what you want.

Do I need to pull Tiffany? Yes or no?

I'm sitting right here, Isobel.

I am talking to your partner.

Is she mentally fit to be in the field?


I think she's struggling
with Hobbs' death still.

Like the rest of us are, I suppose.

But her decision to go after Hakim

was based on things that Amida said

and things that she saw.

You still haven't answered
my damn question.

Do I need to pull her from the field?

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

I just got off the phone with State.

They have new intel regarding Hakim.

What does that mean?

They think he may have
reentered the United States.

Last week.


Hey, Jennifer.

- Tiffany?
- Hey.

What are you...

Yeah, I'm sorry. I know this is weird.

I just hadn't heard back.

You didn't return my calls or my texts.

I just wanted to give you
some good news.

The man we were looking for, Hakim?

We thought he was in Africa,
but he's actually in New York.


So that means we're that much
closer to getting him.

And we will. You have my word on that.

And, um,

I thought you should know that...

I think about Trevor every day.

About what we could've
done differently...

I don't wanna talk about this.

I'm not ready.

I just wanted to let you know.

Did you hear what I just said?


I'm not ready.


I don't wanna do this anymore, okay?

No more texts, no more calls.

I sure as hell don't want you popping up

outside my apartment again.

I just wanna move on.

And I suggest you do the same.