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02x07 - Sam in Love

Posted: 04/09/24 18:14
by bunniefuu
Most romantic time of year.

Maybe that's because it's the

time when most of nature's

creatures do their guy girl

pairing up things and it gets

pretty noisy here. Hey, pipe

down, would you?OK,

let's take a look at some

contestants in Nature's

Dating Game. The ostrich has

an interesting approach to

getting a date. Just swagger

and strut. Hey, if you got

it. Want it? Even a frog gets

spiffed up for a date. Who

knows, If he gets kissed, he

may turn into a Prince. His

technique isn't so different

from the courting rituals of

a more familiar species, the

American popgested male. The

hair gets shinier, the

clothes get funkier, and the

look in the eyes get spicierand spacier.

Yep, there's no mistaking the

courting rituals of the

teenage boy. So whether

you're a lion or a sea slug

or a humanoid, spring is the

time for romance. And it

looks like my best friend Sam

has just come down withspring fever.

Math board problems is that

sometimes the words are the

problem. For example, if a

farmer has three chickens who

each lay 6 eggs a day for a

year. Whoa. And I'm

bored already. Who cares

about chickens and eggs?

Let's talk about something I

can relate to now. If a

really cute farmer has three

convertible sports cars and

he drives each 6 miles a day

for a year. Now we're

talking, so why not just use

a calculator? Sam and I are

competing in the school math

lawn. It's sort of like the

Olympics of junior high

school math. If we win, we

get to go to the National

Math Bond finals in sunny

Waikiki. Sam's got his boogie

board waiting, and I'm still

waiting for Sam. Hi,

Sam. We better get started.

Sorry I'm late. That's OK.

Get ready to multiply, divide

and conquer. Here, take a

look at this problem. My

biggest problem right now is

the phone. The phone?

What does the phone have to

do with the math alone? I

just can't concentrate on

anything else. OK, if a

telephone operator handles

600 calls a day.

Sam, what are you doing?

Oh, sorry, does my hair look

OK? It looks fine, but why

are you dancing?I wasn't

dancing, OK? You weren't

dancing. You were wiggling.

Now can we get to work? Sure.

Sam, you're about to hit a 10

on an RCB scale. RCBS radical

changes in behavior. You're

either having a pre mathemone

binomial breakdown or you

tell me, Well, actually I'm

having a problem with the Q

factor. You mean factor in

for Qi? Mean factoring for

Elise? Quackenbush a leaf.

What's wrong with Elise?

Nothing. Never really talked

to her. She's always smiling

though. I know, I just love

the way she crinkles her nose

when she laughs. And have you

ever seen her drink a can of

soda? She has the cutest way

of slurping out the last drop

with her straw. And the way

she twirls that long,beautiful hair, Sam.

Back to Earth. I'm glad you

and Elise are hitting it off,

but if we don't get started

studying, we'll never get to

Waikiki. You're right. OK,

let's start with theorem. Now

you have a ^2 + B ^2.

Clarissa, I need your help.

Come on, Sam. This stuff is

easy, but dialing Elise's

phone number is really hard.

I've had her phone number

written on my hand all day. I

can't concentrate until I ask

her out. So I ask her out.

Why? She says no. Our only

exchange was when she pinky

waved me from across the

cafeteria. Sam, if she

already pinky waved at you,

you're a shoo in. Just call

her. But I can't. Every time

I start to dial, my hand

turns into a claw. Just dial

her number. Pretend you're

calling pizza to go.

See. Easy, right?

Sam, I couldn't remember if I

want a pepperoni. Your extra

cheese. It was ringing in her

house. Maybe you're not ready

for this. Can we start

studying now?OK, you

call her for me then. Can we

study? Sure. I'll be a

mathweed for the rest of my

life. You'll just call her.

That's what it takes.

You make it look so easy.

Hey, I said. A car. I never

said I'd speak to her. Hello.

Is this Elise? Hi,

this is Umm.

Sam. Sam from school. Hi.

I was just wondering if you

wanted to umm if you wanted

to hang out, hang out at the.

Frisbee Fling tomorrow

afternoon. OK.


Oh, I'm sorry, Sam. I thought

it would just be best to bite

the b*llet. Jump in the deep

end. Go for it. Don't be mad.

Mad. Why would I be mad? She

said yes. I can't believe she

said yes. She said yes. That's great.

Congratulations. Now can we

finally hit the equations?

Oh, sorry, Clarissa. I've got

to get ready for the Frisbee

Fling. But it's not until

tomorrow afternoon. How many

showers can you take? If I

don't practice my Frisbee

Fling, I'll look like a dork

tomorrow. Sam, if we don't

practice for the math lawn,

it's adios. Aloha. We can

catch up on the math stuff

after tomorrow. And thanks

for helping me, Clarissa.

How come sometimes the more

you help others help

themselves, the more you feel

totally helpless?

Ferguson and Dorney sent you

some spending money for

Groundhog Day, right? And

this year she's only two

months off. But how come he

gets cash and I got a

porcelain duck limp brush?

Well, you know your aunt

Dorney, She's a little old

fashioned. She probably knows

a lot. Clears of fritters

away here. Disposable income.

I'll be entrusting my funds

to a safe, reliable home. You

mean you're itty bitty

biggie? Bank actually says

I'm opening up bank account.

Ferguson, that's very wise.

Wouldn't a Piggy Bank be less

risky? First Federal is a

very sound institution. Now

all I need is a copy of my

birth certificate to open an

account. I'll go get it for

you, Ferguson. Thanks, Mom.

Of course she has to go to

Mars for the original very

funny slug breath. I bet you

wish you had enough money to

open an account. I just wish

I had enough money to send

you into another time zone.

Let's take a look. What do

you think?Well, to be honest,

Dad, it looks like a

doghouse. It is a doghouse.

Oh, but where do you see it?

It's going to be so much,

much more. Really. We're

getting a dog. I'm not

walking it. Relax, Ferguson.

It's for the pop impellers.

They commissioned me to

design the ultimate living

quarters for their dog,

Precious. You're building a

home for a dog named

Precious? Yes, it's a very

picky poodle and also very

happy. So they want me to

spend some time with her, you

know, get a sense of her

personality. This is strange.

What is, Marshall? Have you

seen Ferguson's birth

certificate? Well, don't

usually. Keep it upstairs in

your jewelry box. Well, yours

and mine is there and Clarissa

's is there, but Ferguson's

is missing. I knew it. He's

an alien invader from another

Galaxy. I must have misplaced

it. I can't believe it.

I don't exist. Don't be

silly, Ferguson. I had a

funny feeling I didn't come

from this family. Yeah,

first, and I'm sure it'll

turn up. Wow. I'm adopted.

It's OK. You can tell me. I

don't mind. It all makes

sense when you think about

it. Ferguson, I hate to

disappoint you, but I'm sure

your birth certificate is

around here somewhere. Sure,

Mom. Whatever you say, Mom.

You can always call the

hospital. Absolutely, Dad.

I'm gonna go look for it

until I find it. And I'd

better go study. Me too.

Yes, yes,

yes, yes.

Ferguson Not my real brother.

This could be the happiest

day of my entire life. Except

I don't think the equation

quite adds up. Now if only

Sam would get over here to

study, we could get that

Waikiki equation going.

Hi, Sam.

Hi, Clarissa. We better get

cracking. Yeah, but, umm,

could we get cracking later?

Like tomorrow, Sam. Signing

up for the math loan was your

idea. You're the one with the

boogie board. I know, and

we'll work on it all day

tomorrow. I just wanted to

thank you for getting me and

Elise together. I didn't get

you together. All I did was

dial. But what does that have

to do with the math lawn?

Well, I promised Elise I'd

help her paying her bike

today. OK, well, what about

later on?Later we're gonna

paint mine to match. And

after that, after they drive,

we're gonna ride them. Oh,

well, that's all really Sweet

Sam. Well, what can I say?

Have fun. I knew you'd

understand. Are you sure you

still wanna do this math

alone thing? Absolutely. But

I better go. Elise is

waiting. You're the greatest,Clarissa.

I know, I know.

It's a curse.

Well, I signed Sam and me up

for the math on this

afternoon, but I couldn't

even find Sam. Should I even

bother describing the many

ways Sam's blown me off this

week? I can just imagine what

he and the lovely Miss

Quackenbush have been up to.

I guess it's hard to have

time for square roots when

you're in spring feverheaven.

Now there's a many splendored

thing. How come when you're

not the one in love, it all

looks like one big dork fest?

Who can blame him? If I were

frolicking through the field

of love, I wouldn't have time

for math either.

We would appreciate having

some juice as well. We Oh,

did you bring your imaginary

friend with you today,

Ferguson? Haven't you ever

heard of the royal? We You

mean the Royal weenie?The

royal memory is very long. We

shall not forget your

impertinence. Well, we really

don't care. We happen to have

done a little royal research

in this text. Your deals are

true heritage. The

boy King Ferdinand of

Multeria. Let's mold area, a

proud land now forgotten. We

shall be receiving royal

offerings on tomorrow. Can't

you hold up on the

humiliating behavior until

it's officially declared that

you're not my brother? Your

humiliation is completewithout our help


Salmonella. Salmonella are

Macron partners. So sorry.

Apparently you've lost a

kinship with a King and a

partnership with the Pee On

All in the same week. I can't

believe this. Good show,

former sis. Well, we're off

riding to hounds thisafternoon time.

This whole week has been one

big subtraction. Ferguson's

lost his last living brain

cell and I've lost a methyl

partner. I just hope I

haven't lost a best friend.

Spring may be a time for

romance, but it's also a time

for major bummers. I think

it's time for a late breaking

Darling family update. Dad's

been hanging out with

Precious to perfect the

luxury poodle condo. I just

hope he's not barking up thewrong tree.

Meanwhile, moms turned the

house inside out, but she

still hasn't found Ferguson's

birth certificate. She has,

however, found $36.52 in

Loose Change. All the missing

socks we thought had vanished

to that great laundry room in

the sky. And the winky blinky

doll I lost when I was 2.

Annual skipper, Royal

pain in the butt. And in

Matalan news, the new kid in

class is my new partner,

Ernie Fingers Libra cow.

They call him fingers because

that's what he counts on,

which means. Map on anytime

in this century.

The same later. But of course

I think I have to stop seeing

Sam. But I thought you two

were really getting along

great. Well, we were, but

don't get me wrong, I like

Sam. I just don't like like

Sam. You know what I mean?

That's OK. Not everybody's

meant to go out, that's all.

Well, I just thought you

might know how I can let him

down easy, Since you're his

best friend and all. Well,

sounds pretty good at rolling

with the punches. Just do

what I do. Tell him exactly

what's on your mind. Well, it

may not be that easy. What's

exactly on my mind is I'm

beginning things. Annoying.

Really seems annoying.

Totally the way he laughs.

The way he picks food up my

plate, the way he never tucks

his shirt in, everything

that's funny. Those are

exactly the things I think

are really cool about them.

Really. Yeah. For one thing,

that laugh can Get Me Out of

some major bad moods. Well,

yeah, I guess sometimes it is

kind of cute, but not all the

time. Well, nothing is cute

all the time. I used to like

it, but maybe I'm just seeing

so much of him. It's like too

much of a good thing. He does

have his own style.

Definitely. But I guess I can

only see Sam through best

friend vision. Well, I never

thought about that. Sam's a

great best friend, isn't he?

Yeah, he usually is. Wow. Of

course, I was all set to

break it off with Sam, but

now I see what a great guy he

is. That's what I've always

thought. Probably a lot of

girls really, really like

him. I'm sure they do.

Thanks Gloria, this really

helped me out a lot, but I

didn't say anything. If you

want to break up with him,

you should. So you think I

should break up with them?

No. I mean, yeah. I

mean, do whatever your heart

desires. Sam's right. You do

give great advice. I've got

to run. I'm meeting Sam with

them all. Thanks again.

When Dear Abby gets stuck in

the middle of other people's

problems, at least she gets a

paycheck. No

fingers. I think it's better

if we each study on our own.


OK. Bye.

Hey, what's up? Oh, you know.

Cosines, Tangents, fingers,

trying to count past 10. How

about you? Well, I've been

spending a lot of time with

Elise lately. I know, and

it's getting weird. Weird.

Why weird? I thought Elise

was ready to break up with

me, but then she changed her

mind or something. That's

good, right? Actually, I kind

of wish she had gone ahead

and broken up with me. What?

Why?So I wouldn't have to

break up with her, but I

thought you really liked her.

That was before. Before what?

Before she started getting on

my nerves. What happened when

I figured out? I'll explain

it to you, but it's all

little things, like the dumb

way she crinkles her nose

when she laughs. Sam, you

used to love that Houston was

right. And then there's the

way that she slurps that last

bit of soda out of the can

with her straw. Every single

time it drives me crazy. And

she never stops twirling her

hair. So do you think we

could be Macklemore partners

again? No way, Sam. You blew

me off to be with her, and

now you want to come back

just because you changed your

mind?I guess I really

was a jerk. I'm

sorry about the math lawn. I

got carried away. I know, I

know. Spring fever. No,

you're right. Besides, what

would I tell fingers? Beats

me. What do I tell Elise? I

don't know. Lucky for me, I'm

fresh out of advice. I don't

want to hurt her feelings.

Sam, I have the feeling Elise

can roll with the punches.

Just tell her what's on your

mind. We still have to study

together. Hey, do you think

we could study over here with

you? I don't know about that,

Sam. It'll be so

uncomfortable if we have to

study alone. Besides,

wouldn't it be more fun to

study with us than with

fingers? I'll think

about it. Thanks, Clarissa.

You really are a great bestfriend.

Great. How do I ever get

stuck in the middle of

something I'm not even

supposed to be a part of?

Since I haven't been able to

work on any math problems

lately, I've been trying to

workout my own problems.

OK, the object is to get out

of the tunnel of Love without

getting caught in the middle.

Sam and at least dragged me

in here. Now it's up to me to

get out. And we're off

lookout for Cupid's arrows.

Hey Sam and elites are hit.

I'm the sole survivor. Oh,

they're back. Now I have to

avoid those breaking hearts.

Looks like it's home free.

Oh no. How come when they

head for each other, I'm the

one who gets stuck in the

middle?I know just what to

do. Ask Mom. She's always the

voice of reason.

I must be losing my mind.

The great search continues.

It has to be here. It's just

the Ferguson's birth

certificate. Just grew legs

and decided to walk right out

of here. I wish we

could lose Ferguson and find

his birth certificate. Mom,

have you ever been in the

middle of something you

didn't want to be in the

middle of? What do you mean,

Clarissa? Like if your best

friend likes someone, so you

help him, call someone who

then doesn't like him, so you

help her realize how great he

is, but then he doesn't like

her, so you feel right smack

in the middle of it with a

yucky math lawn partner.

That's pretty complicated.

But do you know what I mean?

Not really, but maybe. You

know, when I was in high

school, your father told

Sally Kirk and Pfeiffer he

liked me. And then she told

my old boyfriend, Joey Russo.

And then Sally told me she

liked Joy, but she thought

Joy still liked me. And boy

did I feel stuck right smack

dab in the middle of a mess.

So what happened? Well, we

all got together for pizza

one afternoon and things just

sort of worked themselves

out. So I just have to get in

the middle of what I'm really

in the middle of in order to

get out of it. What are you

talking about, Clarissa? It's

an old football play Sam once

told me about. Take them into

thinking you're going up the

middle, then fade.

Way, way.

Well, I think it's time for

the Darling equation. Take

one Sam, add Elise, split

from a room and hope they

divide themselves. Hi,

Sam. Hi,

Clarissa. What's up? Where'sElise?

Hi, Clarissa. Nice ladder.

Thanks for letting us study

together. Yeah, if we really

crank out together, it's

Aloha. Like Kiki well made

the best team win. Where's

your partner? Fingers. He's

probably at home getting

study tips from Big Bird. OK,

let's just start. Yeah, but

you know, I can never do the

binomial theorem on an empty

stomach. I'll just run to the

mini Mart, grab some metal on

munchies. Wait, stick around.

Yeah, we should all get

started together. The sooner

it began, the sooner I can

split. Hey, wait a minute.

You sound like you don't want

to be here. I don't. Oh, I

didn't want to be here first.

Then what are we doing here?

Clarissa asked us over. I'll

just be getting those

munchies. Now stick around.

I've really gotta go. You

know, sometimes 3 into two

doesn't go well. This was all

your idea. My idea? Maybe we

should forget about studying

together. Well, that's fine

with me. We just stopped

twirling your hair. Sure, as

soon as you tuck in your

shirt. I should have broken

up with you when I wanted to

break up with you. Yeah, me

too. So why didn't you say

something? Why didn't you say

something sooner? I would

have, But then I talked to

Clarissa. Hey, don't look at

me. I try not to get stuck in

the middle. Sam, you and

Elise was Clarissa. Would you

stay out of this?Now you tell

me. I never even would have

called her. If it hadn't been

for you. You wouldn't have

even called me. Clarissa,

help me. Call me. OK, Maybe.

But you should've known she

was wrong for me. What could

I do? You begged for myhealth. Did not.

I'm getting out of here. I

can see why you took it along

so well. You're bothcompletely nuts.

Well, that could have been

worse. Could not, could do,

could not, could. Do, could

not, could do, could.

OK, here we go. Oh, you're

gonna love this. Precious,

Are you ready? Ready. Hey.

Here it is. Here it is. Thisis it.

What do you think?

Precious. Precious, come

back, precious, come back.

Come on, we'll try French

provincial. Voila.

I found that. Mike Ferguson.

Your birth certificate. Oh,

it was stuck behind the desk

all this time. Can't use to

get back there. You mean I'm

not a king? Or a Kn*fe Or

even a rock? Sorry, Ferguson.

Looks like you're a true blue

darling. But we're glad to

have you back in the family.

There must be some mistake.

So, how did the math lawn go,

you guys? Well, there's no

way we could have known.

Really. Yeah, but what a

surprise. What's a surprise?

Dear fingers. My math

partner. Oh, yeah. A little

slow on the uptake, huh?

Light speeds. More like it.

Turns out he's some kind of

genius. That counting he was

doing on his fingers. He

wasn't counting numbers. He

was keeping track of radical

Google plexes. Google what?

That's math talk for a whole

bunch. We made it to the

playoffs, but then we choked

them fingers. Gotta hang now.

How did you do, Samuel? Not

too hot. My math partner and

I kind of weren't talking. It

makes. Help. Any of you are

staring at Julian Mingpa the

whole time? Yeah, she's kind

of cute. St. Corsa. Do you

think you could help me ask

her out? No way. There's one

theorem we'll never forget

from this methyl on it'sCount me out.

Normally it takes 365 days

for a year to pass, but at

the Roundhouse, a year blows

by in just 24 minutes 38

seconds. How do they do that?

Check out my crazies at the

Roundhouse next on Snick.