01x01 - Swing Into Action: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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01x01 - Swing Into Action: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

I release my "Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler" and my "Superheavy Samurai Swordsman"

to Advance Summon my "Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei"!

Now, Yuya, I, Gongenzaka, am ready to fight you, man to man!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I activate the Quick-Play Spell, Hippo Carnival!

It's show time!

What the...? Are you mocking me!?

For cripes' sake! Take things a bit more seriously, Yuya!

Eh, eeh!?

What are ya doin', Yuzu!?

Sorry, Dad!

If this thing breaks, my hot-blooded training is...!

The Solid Vision's gonna disappear!

This is the Entertainment Duel that the You Show Duel School prides itself on!



Action Duels were born from the realization you could add mass to Solid Vision.

This kind of Duel is one where Duelists and their Monsters on the field unite as one,

and whip the audience up into a storm of enthusiasm.

Believe X Believe Be-Be-Be-lieve Buddies!

Opening Theme: "Believe x Believe"

(YOU)! The strongest Card ain't winnin' or losin'

(YOU)! At FULLSPEED, my heart's a poundin' - On the game

Dan Dan Dan Dan Done! Done! Done! Done!

Dan Dan Dan Dan Done! Done! Done! Done!

Swing, ma-ma-mah mind!

The Pendulum of Souls, The Ultimate Confusion

Impulses - Got it, got it

The game's so intense, it's a serious revolution

(Just breakin' the wall...)

(Just breakin' the wall...)

Ride on now!

Believe x Believe

Everybody goin' ta' break down that wall!

You're gonna beat, it beat!

Let's race towards an infinite future without hesitatin'!

Make it, Make it, Show your courage (Break it now)

Step ahead! Let's take a step forward (Do it now)

Here comes the fun part! So, everyone, be a Believer!

Believe X Be-Be-Be-Believe Buddies!

"The Trail of Light: Pendulum Summon"

"Injection Angel Lily"

"Chain Strike" "Sonic sh**t"

"Jinzo - Lord", "Endymion, the Master Magician", "Magical Citadel of Endymion" "Morphing Jar #", "Needle Worm", "Morphing Jar"

"Swift Birdman Joe" "Elemental Mistress Doriado"

"Dian Keto the God of Healing" "Wight (Skull Servant)"

"Mystic Swordsman LV, LV, LV", "Key Mace" "Mokey Mokey", "Cloudian - Smoke Ball"


The Solid Vision System broke down,

the new applicant I was hoping for is gone now,

and my You Show Duel School's management's...!

Aaaah, if Yuzu hadn't broken it, there'd have been more smiling.

It's because you treat everything like a joke, Yuya!

And look into my eyes when I'm talking to you!

Ouch! You were still standing there, Gongenzaka?

That child didn't laugh or smile.

Huh? No way, I'm pretty sure he smiled.

Making someone laugh and being laughed at are as different as the Earth is from the sky!

Your father, Sakaki Yushou, dueled in a way that let everyone smile.

Did you forget how they smiled, with their hearts into it?!

Well, in the end, even my father ended up being the butt of a joke!


My oh my, you lot seem to be in a heap of trouble.

Uh, yeah, and you are...?

I am the Manager-slash-Promoter of the current Action Duel Champion, Strong Ishijima.

The name's Nico Smiley.

Strong Ishijima!

"XX-Saber Gottoms", "Chaos Sorcerer" "Breaker the Magical Warrior"

{\fs}"Foolish Burial", "Verdict of God (Solemn Judgment)", "Bottomless Trap Hole"

"Caius the Shadow Monarch", "Resurrection of the Dead" ("Monster Reborn") "Dark Armed Dragon"

"Dimensional Prison" "Torrential Tribute" "Battleguard Barbarian King"

You, too, can become a better Duelist at LDS!

"Battleguard Barbarian King", "Resurrection of the Dead" "Mirror Force", "Chaos Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning"

"Gorz the Emissary of Darkness", "Heavy Storm", "Cyclone (Mystical Space Typhoon)", "Constellar Pleiades"

"Resurrection of the Dead", "Mirror Force" "Chaos Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning"

"Gem-Knight Master Diamond", "Heavy Storm" "Cyclone (Mystical Space Typhoon)"

If you really want to become one of the Pros,

the Leo Duel School, run by the Leo Corporation, is the place for you!

We'll be waiting!

Strong Ishijima, who serves as the mascot for LDS...

...wishes to invite Yuya-kun to his Fan Appreciation Day!

So me...with Strong Ishijima!?

Yes, and he wishes to duel you.

To make that three year old wish a reality.

What on Earth's going on!?

It's the Action Duel Championship Match...

And the reigning champion, Sakaki Yushou, hasn't appeared on the big stage!

Are you afraid of me, Yushou!?

He must've turned tail and ran away 'cuz he was afraid of losin'!

- Real champs don't run away! - What a wimp!

My Dad'll be here! Until then, I'll be your opponent!

That's enough. Come with me, Yuya!


I'll never run away!

As you can see,

everything's already been prepared.

'Fraid not! I can't afford to send Yuya there.

Eh, why not?

The guests would be delighted to see the son of Sakaki Yushou there.

I won't allow Yuya to be turned into a spectacle!

For these past three years, Yuya's been feelin'...

Go show yourself the way out!

What a pity.

If you were to accept, as a "thank you" present,

we were thinking of giving you the latest

Real Solid Vision System from Leo Corporation LLC.

Free of charge, of course.


You just said you won't let him turn into a spectacle!


Though our Duel School is important, too.

The most important thing here is Yuya's feelings.

Ah...he's not here...

When you feel like crying, just laugh.

Laugh it off with everything you've got.

When you laugh, you feel a lot happier.

And it then turns into energy.

The same holds true for a pendulum.

If you swing forward, you'll always swing back.

It's the same in Duels.

In Duels?

If you curl up because of fear, you won't be able to do anything.

If you want to win, then bring out your courage and step forward!

The more courage you put into things, the more happiness you'll get out of them.

The pendulum.

Pendulums are tools that can be used to find things.

If you ever lose your way, this pendulum...

...will help point you toward the direction you must go.


Sway, pendulum...

Swing more...even more...!

And finally, today's main event has arrived!

Here to challenge the Champion, Strong Ishijima...

...is the one and only son of the legendary Duel Star, Sakaki Yushou...

Presenting Sakaki Yuya-kun!


Is he really going to show?

Heck yeah! Now that's our-

This special match will be held using the Official Action Duel Rules!

Activating Field Spell, Frontier Fang Castle!


It looks and feels so real that you could fool yourself into thinking it's the real thing!

This is the Solid Vision System created by LDS!

Whoa! Appearing on top of that castle is none other than

the Supreme Ruler who has reigned above all

at the summit of Action Duels for the past three years...

It's Strong Ishijima!

And facing the Supreme Ruler is the young challenger, Sakaki Yuya!

Been waitin'!


Y-Yuya-kun, any time now!

The heck? He chickened out?

Ain't this the same as his father did three years ago?

Guess he's a coward, just like his father!

Hold on there!

Don't, Yuzu.


I thought dragging out his son would get Sakaki Yushou to show his face...

Shit! I can't call myself the Supreme Ruler unless I beat him down!

What's that?

A clown?

That pierrot couldn't possibly be...

--Champion, behind you! Behind you! --The hell?


Are you Sakaki Yushou's son?

You call that the right attitude to face the champion with?!

Pardon me, sir.

Now then, I have a teensy little favor to ask of you.

Please have a Duel against me!

Show me what you've got, great champion!

Show you what I've got?! You snot-nosed little brat!

Guess I'll have to beat some manners into you with the skills of a pro!

Oh my! There was a sudden unexpected development out of nowhere,

but at least the actors are now assembled!

Now, you both draw five cards into your hand.

After gathering at the Palace of Battle, the Duelists,

alongside their Monsters, kick up dirt and spin through the air...

...as they dash across the Field!

Take a look at the greatest evolution of dueling to date!



Action Cards have been scattered across the field!

The fires of battle have been lit!

I'll give you the first turn.

Guess I should tell you this beforehand just in case.

You can't draw on your first turn.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

From here on out, I am going to show you, dear viewers, what a real Action Duel is all about!


To start off, the first thing I'll do is...

...Summon Entermate Hip Hippo!

So, by all means, try to catch me!

Whoa, man. The guy's running away already?

Sakaki Yushou's son sure is fast at escaping!

What in the world is Yuya doing?!

Fight like real men fair and square!

I'm gonna kick his ass the second I catch 'im.

My turn! Draw!

"Battleguard Barbarian King"

"Lava Battleguard - Barbarian #", "Swamp Battleguard - Barbarian #", "Battleguard Rage", "Feast of the Wild LV", "Battleguard Magic"

I activate the Spell Card, Feast of the Wild LV!

It Special Summons two Level Five Warrior-Type Monsters from my hand with their effects negated!

"Lava Battleguard - Barbarian #" "Swamp Battleguard - Barbarian #"

Show yourselves, Barbarian # & ! Swamp and Lava Battleguards!

I then release the two for an Advance Summon!

Emerge from the depths of the dense forests, tear through the thick trees, and show yourself!

King of the savage tribe who rules over the barbaric nations!

Barbarian Battleguard King!

Here he comes! Champion Ishijima's Ace Monster makes an appearance!

Your old man may have escaped me, but you won't! Battle!

Barbarian Battleguard King, attack his Hip Hippo!

Such luck! I got an Action Card!

Action Spell, Evade!

"Evade: Target attacking monster on the field; negate that monster's attack."

Rolling Hippo!

But he won't win if he keeps running away! Why doesn't he fight more...?

He does fight properly.



Yuya keeps fighting, and while doing so, he's remaking himself.

To use an Action Card in such a way... He really is the son of Sakaki Yushou.

But you can't stop a Pro like that!

If Battleguard King was Advance Summoned by using "Battleguard" Monsters as Tributes,

it can attack twice during the same turn!

Eh? A second attack?

That settles it! Barbarian King's Attack Points have pulverized Hip Hippo...

...or not!

What the hell?!

Phew, I made it!

I activated the Action Spell, Miracle!

Due to its effects, my Monster's destruction was negated

and the Battle Damage was halved!

That guy's awesome!

He's putting up a good fight against the Champion!

Hmph, oh well.

I set one card, and end my turn.

Yuya is remaking himself?

What do you mean?

He has lived behind a clown's mask during the past three years.

Instead of letting himself being laughed at due to his father's disappearance,

he kept on making himself laugh.

But what he really wanted to become...

...was Sakaki Yushou.

That legendary Duel Star whom he looked up to since he was a child.

Here comes the fun part!

My turn! Draw!

"Odd-Eyes Dragon"

Here it comes!

Now then, dear viewers, we are just about to reach the climax!

Entermate Hip Hippo can be treated as two Tributes for an Advance Summon!

I release my Hip Hippo! Advance Summon!

Please welcome him!

Today's main star is a very rare and strange dragon with heterochromatic eyes!

Odd-Eyes Dragon!

Here comes the fun part!

Here it comes! Sakaki-senpai's catchphrase!

His blood's boilin'!

You've waited so long for this, haven't you?

Don't you dare repeat your spineless old man's words!

My dad isn't spineless!


I'll beat you with the knowledge I got from him,

and prove that Dad was stronger than you or anyone in Duels!

Hmph, your Dragon's only got Attack Points.

It doesn't stand a chance against my Attack Power Barbarian King!

I wonder about that.

Continuous Spell, Wonder Balloon!

Whoa! Yuya-kun is gathering Action Cards, one after another,

and keeps sending them to the Graveyard!

Take flight, Wonder Balloon!

Each time I send a card I added to my hand to the Graveyard, Wonder Balloon

increases the number of balloons by one.

And then if I send the card itself to the Graveyard,

the balloons pop, and after each of them,

a Monster loses Attack Points until the end of this turn!

Three balloons have popped!

Which means that Barbarian King's Attack Points have fallen to zero!

W-What is this? Using Action Cards like that!

You can only have one Action Card in your hand.

You acted like you were just running around, while actually

you were looking for places where Action Cards were.

I've been good at finding things since I was a kid.


He's holding back the Champion!

The applause! The cheering!

So this is the ovation of the stadium that Dad was showering in!

Let's go, Odd-Eyes! We'll excite the crowd some more!

When Odd-Eyes Dragon destroys a Level Five or higher Monster,

it inflicts damage equal to half of its original Attack Points!

Wha-! Battleguard King's original Attack Points halved is .

Together with the Battle Damage I'll take, it adds up to damage!

With this, my One Shot k*ll is completed!

Battle! Odd-Eyes Dragon!

Attack his Battleguard King!

Spiral Flame!

--It's flaming! He won! --Yuya!


I activated an Action Spell as well!

Miracle, which you used just a little while ago!

That's the Champion for you!

He obtained an overlooked Action Card!

In the end, this is all there is to Sakaki Yushou's dueling!

I activate my Continuous Trap, Battleguard Rage!

Whenever I receive Battle Damage,

a "Battleguard" Monster's Attack Points increase by !

Keh! I end my turn!

At the end of the turn, Wonder Balloon's effect wears off,

and the decreased Attack Points return to normal!

I wouldn't say "normal", more like "powered up"!

Now...I'll make you regret this! My turn!

I won't let you escape! Battle!

Barbarian Battleguard King! Attack Odd-Eyes Dragon!

Due to Battleguard Rage's effect,

the Monster I destroyed goes back into your hand, instead of going to the Graveyard.

I also activate a Quick-Play Spell, Battleguard Magic!

I'll be gaining Life Points equal to half of the Attack Points of the Odd-Eyes Dragon

that was sent back to your hand.

His Life returned to again!

Battleguard King can only attack Monsters a second time.

You managed to survive.

I set a card face-down. Turn end!

It's your turn now! Draw already!

Or would you rather surrender? Like your old man, with his tail between his legs?

No way! I won't run aw---

"Odd-Eyes Dragon", "Entermate Whip Viper", "Entermate Sword Fish", "Stargazer Magician"

But I only have Monster Cards in my hand right now...

What should I do?


So standing in for my dad was impossible after all.

When you feel like crying, just laugh.

If you swing forward, you'll always swing back.

If you curl up because of fear...

...you won't be able to do anything.

If you want to win, then bring out your courage...

...and step forward!

Swing, Pendulum! Further...! Even further!

"Stargazer Magician", "Odd-Eyes Dragon", "Timegazer Magician"

Using my Scale One Stargazer Magician

and my Scale Eight Timegazer Magician, I set the Pendulum Scales!

Thus, I can Summon Monsters between Level Two and Seven at the same time!

What on Earth is happening?!

Swing! Pendulum of Souls!

Draw an Arc of Light on the sky!

Pendulum Summon!

Appear now! My faithful Monsters!


...is this...?

Now, I'm gonna catch that heartpounding dream, and release my overflowing tears

I take my first step onto the field , that Fabulous One Step to see a miracle

I realized that strength isn't given

So, I reach for it, one step after another

I gotta keep moving, can't stand still

Even if walls or fierce winds stand in my way

I take a step forward, drawing my Trump Card called "Courage"

And believe in the story of victory

Everyone who stands in my way, is a Duelist to be tested

Even if I have a painful moment, I'll just Smile, Jump, Fight & Step Up!

Ending Theme "One Step"

Performed by Pendulum Cute

Smiling is energy, as I kick away my desire to run away

And I leap towards a new Field, and take a Shiny One Step towards the future

I take a step forward... It might just be a single step, but this is my Big Chance!!

Appear now! My faithful Monsters!

What is that Monster?!

Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V!

"The Strongest Evolution of Dueling!! Its Name is Action Duel"

Here comes the fun part!
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