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01x26 - Clash of Rivals – The Greatest Pinch

Posted: 04/09/24 11:22
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

While we are at Bakura-kun's house.

We decide to participate in a game called Monster World.

But we had no idea it would be a Shadow Game.

One by one our souls have been transferred into the figures.

The other Yuugi!

Do not worry.

Your lives are in good hands.

I will defeat Zorc!

Clash of Rivals: The Greatest Pinch

Hey, that's...!

The other... Yuugi?!

It's true! Yuugi's soul is trapped in this game.

So it is the other Yuugi who is working on fighting Bakura.

Yuugi, we're counting on you!

Our lives are in your hands! Please, defeat Zorc!


Two masters!

That is the other me?

This is the first time we meet, is not it?


You put your life at stake to fight with your friends.

Your courage has made us meet.

I will fight for you guys.

So I beg you guys, lend me your power.

Do not panic. Do not be afraid of the enemy. Being united is our power.

So you are the one who resides in the Millennium Puzzle?

I will definitely save my friends.

To do that, I have to defeat Zooku and free their imprisoned souls.

We continue the game.

I agree.

Now that you're all alone, you'll roll the dice and move all the pieces.

However, if a player's Life Points becomes zero...

your friend will die.

The moves of this game are decided by the dice.

00, known as a super critical shot,

numbers closer to that are better.

99, known as fumble, means destruction instead.

To beat Bakura, I need his technique with dice.

I need a series of critical hits!

The battle continues.

Because of my mistake, Zorc is hurt, but...

He suffered little damage.

And the situation of adventurers becomes even more critical.

Mi-Miho! Zorc's flesh!

It's changing shape!

Damn! It has turned into a monster!

When my flesh separates, the pieces are transformed into monsters.

They are my servants!


Zorc himself is the source of this dark world!

Until he is defeated, he will continue to create monsters!

Zorc-sama, we'll finish them.

I leave them to you.

Are you trying to escape, Zorc?!

Fight against me!

I will prepare a suitable place to fight against you.

Reach my castle if you want to get rid of my infernal flames!

That bastard! We will reach Zorc Castle at all costs!

And then we will defeat it!

We are acting according to the Bakura-kun plan.

We are completely trapped in this game.


Bakura's plan foresaw that Zorc would appear...

...when the adventurers had lowered their guard.

His goal was to trap your souls inside the figures.

He is a tough game master.

Whenever Bakura-kun rolls the dice, he always makes a critical hit.

Do we have any chance of winning?

We have it.

Well, let's continue, the battle starts again.

This time it will be the soldier who has a chance to attack.

Roll the dice, Yuugi.

But if you do 99... other words, if you make a fumble, do not..

...forget that it will mean death for that pal!

Please Yuugi!

Super critical shot. The soldier launches a powerful sword stroke.

You did it! Another critical hit!

Just what we expected from the other Yuugi!

Hey, thank me too! Do not forget me!

T-This is... Could it be that Yuugi, that bastard...

What's the problem, Bakura?

Give the next instruction to continue the game.

It seems that the soldier's attack caused mental damage to the other monster.

Tamer of beasts, this is your chance to attack.

Yuugi, you can do it!

Before entering Zorc's castle, we need to turn

as many enemy monsters as possible into allies.

I am coming to pick you up!

Hand power of the Beast Tamer!

Go, master!

Zorc Arm Dragon is a monster that was part of Zorc until recently.

Low possibility of hypnotism. Ten percent.

Ten percent?

So it will fail if the number is greater than 10?!

But I believe in you, other me!

Judgment of the dice.

The red die that scores the tens is 8.

It is obvious that the other Yuugi has already failed.


The stationary dice was hit by the rotating dice to make it change!

This technique...!

Yes. It's a dice technique called Double Hit.

The same technique you used to make that series of critical hits, Bakura.

Another critical!

Hypnotism was a success.

Appear, guide hand!

So cute!

Good! Now we have a new partner!

From now your heart has changed. Pau!

I know!

I will fight for my new master!

I had no idea that Yuugi knew about the Double Hit technique!

And Bakura, that bastard!

Was he cheating?!

Yuugi, is it true that there is a technique for manipulating dice?

Yes. These ten-sided dice are made of two similar parts.

They are divided into even and odd numbers.

For the Double Hit technique, the even side with

0 must be at the top when the dice is rotating.

This way there is no chance of getting an odd number.

And the possibility of making a zero is one in five!

Moreover, when the two dice are thrown, one of the two gets a greater thrust.

The dice with weak spin will stop first.

If a non-zero number comes out, the faster dice will hit it thus changing the number.

But how many chances are there that the dice will hit each other in that way?

The direction of the moving dice can be manipulated by the impact with the ground.

For example, hitting the table with the elbow.

Using this technique, the dice face can be changed many times.


Too bad, your tricks did not work with me.

Okay. From now on we will roll the dice this way.

The roll of the dice will take place by dropping them.

We ban the rotation of the dice.


The game continues!

With the Zorc servants swept away, the players proceed through the forest.

How much do we have to walk again?

Miho's feet are hurt and she cannot walk anymore.

There's nothing to do.

Unlike Anzu, Miho-chan's body is not suitable for such a wild adventure.

I guess I'm just a savage.

Come Miho-chan. Let me take you on my back.

Even for the rest of my life if you're okay.

Miho loves Honda-kun!

Come, come, princess.

Do not spoil her! What are you doing, complaining about just this?

There are other dangerous adventures waiting for us!



This is not the time to argue!

Look at that!

That is...

Zorc's castle!

The castle of Zorc...

This is the castle of Zorc!

The hiding place of the sovereign of darkness, the Demon King Zorc!

Good! We can finally enter!

Are you all ready?!


Be careful. Probably Zorc has prepared traps. Poki.

Agree. We will be cautious, Poki.

Do not worry!

No matter what traps we will encounter, we have Yuugi with us!

A friend we can trust!

It's true, Poki.

A friend we can trust.

But will you really avoid the traps?

Yuugi, that's where your skills will fail.

The drawbridge is lowering!

Come, adventurers! Entrance to the castle is open!

Good! Here we go!

Players enter the Zorc Castle area.

Open up, land of the castle!

W-What has gotten this castle?!

The castle has also opened!

Finally the last quest!

If inside the castle you find the hiding place of the

Demon King Zorc and you defeat him, the adventurers win.

Hey, Zorc!

Where are you hiding?! Come here now and fight with me!

Coward of a Demon King!

Hey, that tower looks suspicious.

All right. Let's try to enter.

Wait a moment.

What's up?

What is this pedestal? I wonder why this strange brand.

Is not it just a relief?

In any case, we look inside.

That brand worries me...

It must have meaning.

It seems that you connect with a top...

It's a trap!

Wait, guys! Do not enter the tower!

But now we are already inside.

They fell for it!


The ceiling!

Master! Poki!


Unfortunately, the adventurers fell into a trap.

But do not worry. I'm not the type of game...

...master that uses instant deaths on adventurers.

I will give you a small opportunity to save them.

Oh no! Poki!

Oh no!

We would be crushed!

It hurts!

Are you all okay?!

Obviously not!

This ceiling is heavy, plus it has some spikes!

I cannot move!

Bakura... bastard!

The weight of the ceiling increases.

In the end they will all be crushed.

Well, the next player is the fairy.

The fairy...

Is it Miho-chan's turn?

You will have three turns.

You will have to roll the dice three times.

Yuugi, if you fail, probably your friends will die.

Therefore, solve the mystery.

To save your friends, just bring up the pillar that will support the ceiling.

However, to do this you need to get the correct number from the dice.

A special number?

Will the dice numbers make the pillar appear?

Please! Get a critical, Yuugi!

There is no time to think.

Everyone's lives are at stake!

Launch the dice!

Great, a critical!

He did it!

You did it Yuugi!

Too bad.


This allows the fairy to use her powers...

But the number is not correct.

The clue is: you have to get "that" number.

That number is the correct one.

So getting a critical is not enough?

So I have to get the right number?

So that relief is the key to solving this puzzle, after all?!

The ceiling is getting heavier!

M-Miho, cannot you use your fairy power to do something?!

Easy to say, but I'm just a fairy merchant.

Merchant, do you mean a shopkeeper?

Why did you choose this job?!

Well, I thought I could earn!

How irritating!

You should not think about making money even in the game!

So, let me determine if Zorc will appear.

The probability that it appears is...


If Zorc appeared now it would be a complete disaster!

Judgment of the dice.


The worst possible outcome for adventurers emerged.

Zorc appears.



So you fell straight into my trap, brats.

Say your prayers! I will t*rture you while you are trapped.

Damn! This is playing dirty! Fight loyally!

They are literally about to be crushed.

In the next round they cannot help but wait for Zorc to k*ll them.

I must immediately take them out of there!

Damn! This is not correct either!

Damn! We are beyond our limits!

Zorc att*cks. Probability of hitting 95 percent.


Not a large number, but enough to cause some damage.

Yuugi! You still have one last chance!

We... we will believe in you until death!

Soon, roll the dice!


You guys hold on, please! I will definitely save you!

I get it!

That relief...

The number is hidden in the relief!

The floor and the ceiling.

If there was anything between the two pedestals they would have formed a pillar!

The numbers that can be written there...

0, 3, 6, 8, 9.

No other number would fit the model on the surveys.

Dice, please answer our prayers!

This is the last chance!

Let the right number come out!

66, that's the number!

I'm sorry, Yuugi!

The correct answer is 99.



It's over!

W-What?! 99!

The pillar appeared!

This cannot be!

I get it! The power of the fairy!

The merchant fairy can manipulate numbers freely.

I changed the number!

Nice work, Miho-chan!

We are safe.

Quickly determine the Zorc attack.

12! Zorc att*cks!

I will divide the tower, the pillar, and you guys will get cut to pieces!

In other words you are dead!

It's over. You have never been at my height!

Oh really?

Adventurers are much faster than you.

In other words...

We are alive and well behind you!


Since we are behind Zorc, we should have the chance to attack early.

In other words, we should be able to make 4 att*cks in a row.

I'm ready, Bakura! Launch the dice!

Bakura, we will show you the power of our union!

Bakura, we agreed to participate in this game,

because we believed in you as a friend.

But despite this, you betrayed us and turned us into these things!

You are completely unforgivable!

Our outraged hearts...

I took them in these hands together with the dice!

Launch the dice!

Critical hit!

It cannot be!

Thunder Grenade!

Furthermore, it follows the attack of the sorceress Anzu!

Apprentice Displace!

Damn Yuugi! Why do you keep making criticals?!

It is obvious that he is not cheating!


It is not so difficult to understand!

Our hearts are in Yuugi's dice!

The dice are responding to our anger!

Coup de grace! Beast attack!


We made it! We made it!

This is what you deserve!


It is not possible!

Despite all those att*cks...

It is practically unharmed!

I'm sorry, but you're still a level 1 beginner.

You lack the experience to defeat Zorc.

Jonouchi-kun, Honda-kun, Miho-chan and Anzu.

We have come so far thanks to all of you.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, when we work together we can overcome it!

And together with a new friend, we will return to our world.

The last episode!

"Friendship: From Legend to Myth"

Our hearts are now one.