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01x23 - Capumon King! Showdown for the Top!

Posted: 04/09/24 11:20
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

The young leader of the Kaiba Corporation, Kaiba Seto-kun...

to defeat me, he built the largest amusement park in Japan, Kaiba Land.

And when we came here, we saw...

To save my grandfather held hostage, we went

through the dangerous game of Kaiba Land...

We have faced Death-T.


Something is falling from above!

Capumon King! Showdown for the Top!!

Guys, be careful! Another block is falling!

Now, will you be able to get out of the room before the blocks crush you?

It would be boring for me if they were defeated here.

Damn, I cannot predict where the blocks will fall!

F-For now we can only avoid them running away!

Run, run!

You know, if you worry about your friends, you will be crushed by the blocks.

You cannot win this game without sacrificing others.

Not good, there are no escape routes left!

Guys, get on the blocks!

The game is to escape from this room!

I get it!

As the blocks fall, we have to climb up until we reach the exit!

Guys, please do not give up.

If the blocks surround you, it's over!

Damn! At this rate we will be crushed!

Is there any way out of it?!

Wait a moment!

There is a precise rhythm with which the blocks fall.

Perhaps there is a way to predict where they will fall!

I get it!

Anzu wants to become a dancer.

She has talent in understanding the rhythm, right?!



Amazing! You predicted where the block would fall!

Fantastic! You got it exactly!

The time of falling blocks follows a rhythm.

The block's landing point is like the steps...

So the blocks do nothing but a simple dance!

I see! A huge game like this...

...the computer program is simple or it would be impossible to control.

Alright then!

If we know where the blocks will fall, it will be a breeze!


Something shouts inside me.

It's moving...

My body... it's hot!

Guys, climb here!

We have almost reached the exit!

Yuugi, hurry UP!

The pace has changed!

Honda, be careful!

All right, Honda-kun?!

More or less.

Be careful! The pace is going faster!

All right, let's hurry up!

Yuugi, give me your hand! Soon!

Honda-kun, go ahead!

Come on!

The exit will be closed by the blocks!

Jounouchi, take care of Yuugi!


Honda, hurry up!


I stop here.



Honda-kun's clothes got caught in the blocks!



See you next time.



What happened to Honda-kun?

I do not believe it!

Honda cannot die!

That idiot does not get defeated so easily!


Honda-kun... for me...


My friends...

...and grandpa are being taken away from me!



Let's go GUYS!

Honda has definitely survived!

Let's run to save him!

Wait up.

Something is wrong with Yuugi!

Using chess as an analogy...

Yuugi is the king.

Jounouchi is the horse.

Honda is the tower.

A tower has just fallen.

Thus begins the countdown to checkmate.

In any case, I'm going, Brother.


Big brother, remember the bet we made?

Before the Death-T, we bet.

At what stage will Yuugi fall in this theme park?

We have bet on each other.

You bet on the fourth Death-T.


The fourth Death-T is the stage where Yuugi and I will fight, after all!

But brother, you bet on the fifth Death-T!

What are you trying to say?


You know!

I have been holding back from insulting you all this time!

Because... Brother, you bet on Yuugi instead of your little brother!


Unlike me, you do not feel a grudge against Yuugi.

Why does it make you so angry?

I will definitely defeat Yuugi!

And then you'll have to recognize my strength, brother!


You must understand that in the world of games,

things like fraternal love do not exist!

Until you understand it, you will never defeat Yuugi!

I will win.

I will surely defeat Yuugi and show you!


Yuugi?! What's wrong?


I cannot keep it...

Something inside of me.

Yuugi... what are you saying?

I have always kept it hidden from all of you.

Inside me...

I feel there is another me of whom I know nothing about.

Another Yuugi?!

So Yuugi noticed it...

...the existence of the other Yuugi.

Since I completed the Millennium Puzzle...

sometimes I lose knowledge.

I think at that moment I change into the other me!

Although we are friends, I thought that if you had discovered it, you would have left!

I was terrified by this!


I swear.

Even if there was another Yuugi inside you...

It does not matter, we will always be friends.


But... are you sure you want to be my friend?

What are you saying?


It's all my fault...

...that all these things happened to you.

To Honda-kun and Grandfather.

If it were not for me, this would not have happened!

Yuugi, you!

Try repeating that!



Do not you understand why we came here with you?!

That is because we are friends!

Yuugi with friends...

They support each other, allowing each other to help each other.

That's why we have to go together!

If you feel pain or suffer, then let off steam on me!

This make friends!


And this is for Honda-kun.

Jounouchi is right. We are friends.

No matter what happens, right, Miho?

Yup! Of course!

How many nonsense.

Let's put an end to this solidarity background.


This is...!

The fourth Death-T.

Welcome to my phase.



Yuugi, I challenge you to a duel.

Come alone in the arena.

Yuugi, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. We come too!

Let me go.


Everything is alright. My friends are with me.

You are all with me.


Jounouchi-kun, Honda-kun, you have all taught me.

You taught me true courage.

I'm no longer afraid of the other me.




I will definitely win.

What... this attitude so sure of itself?

Is this of the other Yuugi?!

Jounouchi-kun, leave it to me.

Can you take care of Honda-kun and Grandpa?

Agree! Let me do it!

Come on, Miho. Anzu, stay close to Yuugi, please!

That looks like the challenger of Mokuba-sama.

It cannot be! He will never win!

Yuugi, you managed to reach the fourth Death-T.

I congratulate you.

Mokuba, laugh as long as you can.

Yuugi, let me tell you something.

The last phase you are looking for, Fratellone's b*ttlefield, is ahead.

Look, if you get to the elevator you can reach it.

Mokuba, are you saying that if I defeat you the road will open?

But this is impossible.

Yuugi, you will lose at this stage!

And now, let the game begin.

Fourth Death-T.

This phase includes Capsule Monsters Chess.

The battle will be represented in the ground below using virtual reality.

Clearly the loser will face a penitence.

An infernal experience awaits him.

Now everyone gets their own Capsule Monsters.

This group is certainly disadvantaged.

The levels of the monsters are too different.

Damn Mokuba, you're playing with some trick.

Now, let's place the capsules in the ground.

And now, how should I fight?

The characteristics of the terrain are...

Two ways...

In every territory there is an evolutionary basis.

All right.

If your formation is ready, the capsules come out.

Do not try to run away when you see my monsters, Yuugi.

What kind of formation is it?!

A g*ng of spineless huddled together. Pathetic! Pathetic!

The monsters of Mokuba prevail level 5, the most powerful group.

This is the only way to fight them.

Very good, game start!

Yuugi, hold on!

H-hey! Virtual monsters have appeared in the ground below.

I start.

Come on, Yuugi!

Armorzaurus go!

Now, it's your turn, Yuugi!

You heard me?! It's your turn!

I remain firm with this formation.


Damn Yuugi.

You have something in mind, but it does not matter.

I will advance with my pieces and attack in your territory.

My plan is to divide my monsters.

And attack it from inside and outside.

So I will sweep my opponent!

The sharp-haired boy did not move his pieces at all!

The monsters of Mokuba-sama are advancing in enemy territory!


What are you doing...?

Go! Flood the enemy territory!

Watch! The monsters of Mokuba-sama have surrounded the enemy!

It seems that the game is over, Yuugi.

The boy makes a move of his own for the first time!

So does that mean he did not give up?

But it's too late, Yuugi!

Armorzaurus att*cks!

That pitiful monster will be defeated in one fell swoop!

This is not the only power of Armorzaurus.

Destroy another one!

Yuugi, you've already lost three monsters.

Until the end...

I will not give up until the end.

All right, all the Yuugi monsters will be destroyed by Armorzaurus.

Go, Armorzaurus.

Flatten him!

W-What?! It cannot be!

It dug under the earth!

I cannot stop Armorzaurus's attack! And it will hit one of my monsters!

Both were destroyed!

Damn Yuugi! Was this what you had in mind?!

The monsters of the high level have a great power of attack, but...

...sometimes it is necessary to use them with caution.

With this you have three monsters left.


Yaw. Counter-attack, Yuugi!

Also, I'm left with this piece.

And attack your Zoido M.

But with this low-level monster...

this is the only way to defeat an enemy.

Forgive me.

H-He's making my monsters destroy each other!

And the way has been opened!

The evolutionary base is unattended!

Damn Yuugi!

So, you sacrificed the other pieces to allow...

...a weak to reach the evolutionary base!

My monsters are too far!

I cannot stop Beeton's advance!

A monster that reaches the evolutionary base instantly gains three levels.

Even a pitiful level two monster...

...can become the most powerful monster!

Now, I have reached the evolutionary base.


No matter how weak a monster is, as long as he believes...

...will surely become stronger.




He k*lled him!

One monster remains in Mokuba's game now.


This battle is over!

HyperBeetle's long-range attack is pretty strong...

But BigFoot is powerful at close range.


HyperBeetle has been defeated! Yuugi, you're finished!

Yuugi, I know you still have a monster.

Did you think I forgot?

BigFoot, shatter that cowardly monster under your foot!

I've done it! I won!

You will not know until the end of the game.

BigFoot's body...

It cannot be!

Has the HyperBeetle attack lowered its power so much?!

I won.


I lost.


I do not believe it.

It cannot be!

You're great, Yuugi!

It cannot be... Mokuba lost to CapMon?!

Who is the sharp-haired boy?

It's not right!

Mokuba, I go.

At the last stage where Kaiba awaits me.

W-Wait Yuugi!

I... I cannot believe it!

I... I cannot have lost!

The power and level of Capsule Monsters...

I had no chance of losing against you!


I had grown tired of waiting, Yuugi.

I was getting bored with today's events.

Now continue on the road to the last phase.

I'm coming. Wait for me there, Kaiba!

Big Brother!

You understand now?

Only the winner is allowed to leave the arena.

A penance awaits the loser.

These are the rules of Death-T!

It cannot be... really my brother is sending me to have a hellish experience?!


I cannot believe that Kaiba inflicts a penance on his brother.

Damn it... where could Honda be?!

And Yuugi's grandfather.



H-Hey! What are you doing here?!

It cannot be, is Honda over there?


F-For now we check. Come on, Miho!



Mokuba, grab my hand!



Why did you save me?


I won the game because I have friends who have entrusted me.


This is...!

Honda! Grandpa!

Here we go!

Fifth Death-T.

The final stage!

And finally I will have my revenge.


The last battle between Yuugi and Kaiba is about to begin.

Kaiba will attack with the most powerful card.

Will Yuugi reunite the Exodia pieces?

The revived Game Masters Aileen and Ryuichi attack us!

And the secret of Bakura at the end...

Furthermore, we are at stake!

The next episode!

"Now! The Time of Decision and the Miracle Friendship"

Yuugi, I believe in you!