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01x18 - Don't Touch the Forbidden Game

Posted: 04/09/24 11:17
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

No matter how, just this...

This Senhai must be protected!

That dream again.

Don't Touch the Forbidden Game

What are you doing?!

Did not you understand? I'm bored.

How do I know?!

Play with your trash alone. Here we go.

Do not you feel the emptiness?

Every day the same school life. I'm really fed up.

Really? It seems to me that you do everything to have fun.

No! I would like something much more exciting!

For example, Japan in danger of destruction!

Japan destroyed by a terrible natural disaster, and I create a true paradise!

At that point, Honda, I'd call you a keeper.


No. Stop.

Do not be stingy.

The Worth: In 1998, ¥500 is about $4.50 in 2021. It's a match of only 500 yen.


I cannot do that.

Huh? Is not he our classmate Imori-kun?

He seems to be in trouble with bully thugs from the nearby class.

The rules are simple. There is a vase in the grass below.

Who manages to throw the 500 yen inside wins.

If nobody succeeds in making a basket, those who have gone closer win.

I'll go first. Get up!


I was almost there.

Hurry up, Imori. It's your turn.


Could I do it in his place?


Go, if you think you can beat me.

Thank you.


So will it at least reach the vase?

What?! This is not valid!

Do it again!

He has not broken any rules.

Yuugi won. I saw it with my own eyes.

Get it in your head and disappear!

You're amazing, Yuugi-kun!

It was really nothing.

You're a worthy son of a game store owner.

He's really cool when we're not looking at physical strength.

Yuugi-kun is strong at all games, is not he?

It's fantastic. But I do not have any skills.

I do not believe.

I would like to be like you Yuugi-kun.


Yuugi. No offence, but stay away from that guy.


To be clear, he's all too dark.

He's like a wet blanket. If you're too close to him, you'll certainly get moldy.

No way!

A letter.

Yuugi-kun. Thanks for this morning.

It's the first time someone has helped me.

I felt so happy. I cannot express it only in a letter.

To thank you, when you have some time...

I will show you my secret base.

Secret base?

Am I disturbing you? I'm sure you do not absolutely have fun with me.

It is absolutely not like that!


Is there a secret base here?


Your home is fantastic, Imori-kun!

You have a cellar!

This is my secret base.

Do you always come here alone?


When I'm here, no bully makes fun of me.

I can feel at ease.

Imori-kun, do you like games too?

Telling you this is embarrassing, Yuugi-kun...

But my family has a wealth of great games.

It seems they have paid a lot to get the rarest games.

But they are all games for one player.

I wonder if most of them have not had friends.

Hey, Yuugi-kun.

In fact, I would need a favor.

Umm... if you do not mind, would you like to be my friend?

Of course! Let's play a game together.

What? Why are you crying?

I'm happy. Since my birth, you are my first friend.

I got it!

Yuugi-kun, as proof of my friendship, I will show you something interesting.

Something interesting?

It seems that one of the relics of my family is a very rare game.

I've never seen it before.

If I'm with you Yuugi-kun, I'm sure I'll be able to see it.

They say that in this world, it is a unique game.

In this world, is it unique?

I only know where it is hidden.

This way Yuugi-kun.

It's here.

Past this door there should be the mystical game.

It is a door without a handle.

Let's push together.

That's no good. It does not move in the slightest.

I think it's useless.

This is...?

What is going on?!

Something behind this door?

Could it be?

I knew it! This door itself is a puzzle!

What do you think about this?

Good. I get it.

A form is formed!

A little bit more!

One more!

You did it!

That's it.

That is the mystical game.

The mystical game?

I brought it here because I think you know something about it, Grandpa.

Th-This is...!

Hey. Let's open it.

It's a game, so it's best to play with it.

DO NOT open it!


I'm sorry if I screamed.

But this seal must not be broken.

This is Ryuuhai, aka Dragon Block. A game handed down in Ancient China.

This is the first time I see one.

Dragon Block?

Dragon Block in the past was used to train those who learn Taoism and Feng Shui.

Feng Shui? Those who tell fate?


Feng Shui is the ability to align oneself with the forces of the earth.

It is said to have appeared more than 4,000 years ago.

Why has Dragon Block been sealed?

In Taoism there are two sides, Onmyou and Gomyou.

Yin and Yang. In other words, in this world, everything is balanced by light and darkness.

If the Dragon Block seal was broken...

Yin and Yang would erode each other.

A mixed power would come to be created.

The Millennium Puzzle is reacting again.

It is said that the Millennium Puzzle also has a mysterious power.

It is probably reacting to the energy of Dragon Block.

It is a power that goes beyond human knowledge, and controls the fate.

It's a game with such power.

It is a power that people should not even touch.

Listen. Do not open Dragon Block under any circumstances.

I get it.

A power that transcends human knowledge?

But if such a power was mine...

Hey, Imori.

You will not escape today.

Do you think you can escape?

The seal of Dragon Block.

What is this? A game?

Imori also likes games, eh?

Interesting. I challenge you! Obviously we will bet some money.

The-The island!

Hey, did you hear about Mizuno from the next class?

Mizuno...? That guy who was bothering Imori the other day?

He seems to have lost consciousness and been taken to the hospital.

Yesterday evening was found laying on the road.

Hey, hey, did you hear? Miho is shocked.

This Sunday I had to go to the beach with my family.

But a nearby island has sunk.

Did not you know?

It was on the news!

This has caused them to believe it is a bad omen...

So my family cancelled the trip.

Jounouchi, it's your fault, is not it?


Bastard! You said you wanted Japan to be destroyed by a natural disaster, is not it?

Your sick mind ruined Miho-chan's vacation! Take your responsibilities!

Are you crazy?!

If all my wishes became reality, you'd already be dead for a long time!

I would like to talk to you.

Can you follow me for a moment, Yuugi-kun?



Exact. I was busy last night.

I did not have time to do my homework.

And there's no time to copy them.

Could you give me yours?

But... then I...

Are not we friends?

Is not that what friends do for each other?

Are you dumb?

Do not listen to him, Yuugi.

None of your business.

Do not meddle.


Now, fast! Did you not promise me that you would be my friend?

Do not you tell me you want to betray my friendship, Yuugi-kun?!

This is not friendship! It's just selfishness!

Do you think so too, Yuugi-kun?!


Alright then. I get it.


I am disappointed!

You traitor!

What the hell is with that punk?

Teacher! Jounouchi squirted us!

Hey, Jounouchi!

That felt really good.

Huh? The Millennium Puzzle is gone!

This is...?

I took your Puzzle.

If you want it back, I'll wait for you at my secret base.

From a messenger of darkness.

Secret base?

It cannot be...

Imori-kun. Stop it with jokes.

I was waiting for you, Yuugi-kun.

You can have your Puzzle back at any time.

But you will have to fight me in a game of Dragon Block.

The seal of Dragon Block!

Since then I have learned several things about this game.

For example, there is only one way to reseal Dragon Block.

The only way to calm this game is to sacrifice the loser's soul in this pot.

Sacrifice the soul?

It cannot be... Mizuno-kun is in the hospital because...

Exact. I punished him.

This time it's your turn.

Sit down, Yuugi-kun.

Let's start the game.

First let me explain the rules.

We will use this map for the game...

And we will put these blocks with drawn house...

...atop of the map. That will become our base.

However, I decide where your base is.

Subsequently, we both take turns taking 6 blocks from the box.

On the blocks there are dragons with various powers.

When you have three of the same block, you can summon a dragon.

Players combine dragon blocks that are stronger together.

They summon two dragons. Defeating an opposing dragon means your victory.

I will draw first.

For now, I just have to believe in myself to be able to fight.

I've already got pieces of two Water Dragons.

Just one of the same kind and I can summon a Water Dragon.

Add one and remove another block.

In this game, the goal is to beat the opponent's dragon element.

The fire beats the metal. The metal beats the wood.

The wood beats the earth and the water extinguishes the fire.

This is your first time at Dragon Block, how far will you be able to read my moves, Yuugi?!

Good. This seems strong.

I put two dragons together.

I summon them!

I put them too. I summon them!

Yuugi! You have two Fire Dragons?

I have two Water Dragons instead.

Battle! Water Dragon att*cks!


Fire cannot beat water. I won!

This game has a terrible feature.

The locality where the loser's base is located is affected by a natural disaster.

The one marked on the map!

In other words... Tokyo!

It cannot be...

So that uninhabited island...

Yes. And the soul of the loser...

Yuugi's soul was sucked into the pot.

It is the punishment of your betrayal of our friendship.

What?! When did he took the Millennium Puzzle?!

That was close.

If I had not taken the Millennium Puzzle... soul would be delivered to everlasting darkness.

What? This Yuugi looks entirely different than before.

Imori! This time you will clash with my other soul.

I challenge you in Dragon Block again!

Another soul?! What is going on?!

Does this mean that Yuugi has two souls?!

What's wrong? Afraid?

I choose your base first.


I will face you as often as you want.

Your base will be here.

My base is at sea, so there will be no damage.

But if you lose...

...this time Tokyo will be destroyed.

I have nothing but bad memories related to that place!

I have to recover my soul in this game.

Looking at the blocks that he is discarding I can...

...tell the elements of the dragons he will play.

He's definitely trying to make a Metal Dragon and an Earth Dragon.

But I'm sorry for you.

You cannot beat me like that.


I got two dragons.

I summon them!

I also completed mine.

Mine are dragons of water and wood!

I have a Metal Dragon and an Earth Dragon.


Go, Water Dragon!

Take them out with your water attack!

The same attack will not work, Imori!

Earth dragon, tear up the earth!

The earth gives power to the metal. And the metal is protected by the earth.

Your attack will not work!

Now then!

This is...

The Water Dragon gives power to the Wood Dragon.

Just like trees grow with water!

At this point... the Earth Dragon cannot move.

What an insistent!

Keep attacking!

Try to free up some more power!

Metal Dragon!

It cannot be!

Good! Thus the Earth Dragon is free.

Tear up the earth!

D-Did you see right now?

Y-Yes. I wonder if we're so exhausted?

I lost... it's not possible.

This time it's your soul to be sacrificed, Imori!

The pot was already filled with one soul.

My other soul has been restored.

H-Huh? Where am I?

Ah! Why is Dragon Block here?

In the heart of Imori, another heart was born.

Dragon Block has taken the dark side of Imori.

Now that it has been sucked, Imori has returned to normal.

Hey, Yuugi-kun. Please.

Help me get Dragon Block back in place.

I'd be in trouble if my dad finds out.

Yes. Okay.

Now we can relax.

In this world there is a power that goes beyond human...

...knowledge, and controls the fate of the world.

The games that possess these powers exist.

Games that should not even be touched by people.

Miho is getting ready for the number one contest, the school's popularity contest.

If I win, maybe I'll be able to meet the person I'm looking for!

Eh? Who is the person I'm looking for? Obviously it's...

And finally the last Game Master appears.

In addition, the Millennium Puzzle is stolen. What a mess!

The next episode!

"The Great Melee!! A Popularity Contest"

Miho will do her best, so good luck!