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01x14 - A b*mb Game Makes for the Worst Date

Posted: 04/09/24 11:15
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

This is the place the b*mb suspect said he had a b*mb, Domino Department Store.

Start by evacuating the customers.

And have the b*mb squad on standby.


Y-You sun of a...!

What's the matter?

It's the culprit.

It's time for a quiz, Inspector.

A quiz, you say?

What in the world are you thinking...?!

If you get it right, I'll deactivate the b*mb!

Stop this foolishness at once!

Where did you hide the b*mb?

The quiz is simple.

Big or Small?

Domino Department Store has twelve stories.

So, is the b*mb set lower than the sixth floor or higher than the seventh floor?

Stop the bullshit right this instant!

What's the matter? If you don't answer my quiz, I'll set off the b*mb.

Y-You bastard...!

Well? Big or Small?

The lower floors... Small!



Too bad! You were wrong, Inspector!

The b*mb was on the ninth floor!

A b*mb Game Makes for the Worst Date

Hey, hey, did you see the newspaper this morning?!

What's up, Yuugi?

Are you talking about those string of bombings?

Yeah, that!

This is the third time!

It says he issued a quiz to locate the location of the bombs!

What kind of quiz was it?

The details aren't written here...

But this is totally a hurtful crime!

Wow, you really like this kinda stuff!

Yuugi's got the same bruise as the man who saved me...

So is Yuugi the one who saved me?

But if that was really Yuugi...

...he's totally different from the usual Yuugi.



Domino Amusement Park's summer pool is open, it says.

And they've got a water slide too!

Hey, Yuugi, we should go tomorrow since it's Sunday.

The amusement park, huh?

Sure! I love amusement parks!

Okay, it's settled then.

I wonder when they open...

Did you hear that?

I sure did.

The two of them going to an amusement park!

Think it's a date?

It's gotta be.

Anzu and Yuugi-kun, huh?

They say they're childhood friends,

but could those two actually be secretly going out?!

I'd sure love to check out the Domino Amusement Park's pool.

Sounds fun!

We should totally go, Miho-chan!

Alright! Let's go expose the truth!

But Anzu and Yuugi...


S-Save me!

It's so likely it's scary.

Here they come! It's a two-shot!

Hey, why do we have to hide?

Like I said, we're here to check on their date!

Miho came here to swim in the pool!

That's right, Jounouchi!

And I came here to graciously check out Miho-chan's swimsuit...

Eh?! Honda-kun, you perv!

Ah, no, no! I meant I came to have fun in the pool!

Right, Jounouchi?

Well, let's just call it that.

Uh, Anzu, the two of us going out... Would you say we're on...

...a d-d-da...

Oh yeah, we need to buy the entrance tickets.

I'll go buy them!

Tickets for two students, please.

So one student and one child, right?

And who's this child?

Kiddo, grade school students get the child's price.

E-Excuse me!

I may not look it, but I'm in high school!

The Notice: Bomber Case

Yes, hello?

Yahoo! Time for a quiz!

It's the culprit.

It sure is hot, is it not?

Huh, Inspector?

Isn't there a certain thing one would generally do on such a hot day...?

You scumbag...! What are you scheming this time?!

This is a quiz! As such, I will give you a good hint!

You sunova...!

Will the temperature at 11:00 be more or less than 28 degrees?

The answer will be announced at the 11:00 weather report.

Now then, Big or Small?

Sorry to keep you waiting!

Since we came here, we've gotta do this, right?

Let's go.


Wow, Anzu has more of a sexy dynamite body than I thought.

She doesn't match Yuugi at all!


That sure was fun!

You said it...!

Let's go again!

Yeah... Right...

I did come here to sneak a peak at Yuugi's date with Anzu...

Yup, no doubt about that.


But when the hell did those two end up on a date!?

That makes me look like a total idiot!

Hey there, ladies? Wanna go for a swim with me?

Hundreed meter free form.

Another time, boy.

Us older gals don't have that kind of energy.

I see...

It's so bright...



The one from before...

Whaddya think you're doin', ya brat?!

Oh well. Just my imagination...

The ordinary Yuugi is like a little kid...

But if the one who saved me really was Yuugi...

...will the other Yuugi appear if I'm in danger?

Save me...!

I'm drowning...!


Save me!

I'm coming!


Save me...!

You okay?!

Here, grab on.


I'm drowning!

Here, hang on.

Guess that wasn't enough to bring him out...

This couple does not match at all!

The 11:00 temperature is 28.2 degrees.

Reported temperatures in other locations are three...

Shit! So it was Big?

Too bad, Inspector.

But it would be boring if it ended here.

So I'll give you another quiz.

This damn...!

Where does everyone go on such a hot day?


What are you talking about?!

I mean the pool, Inspector.

And where is the largest pool in Domino City located?

H-Hey, wait!

Damn it...!

It's the pool! Where's the largest pool in the city?

I believe it would be Domino Amusement Park.

Okay, so let's go!

What should we do next?

Is there any ride you want to go on?

I-I love them all!

Oh yeah?

Let's check that out over there.



Yuugi, that guy's a pervert!

He touched me in a weird place!

W-Wait a minute--

Hey, ya jerk!

What did you do to that girl?!

I didn't do nothin'! Hey!

Anzu! What the hell are ya tryin' to do?!


What the hell are you doing?

So you guys came too, huh?

Y-Yeah, seems so.

And why exactly were you following us?

I wasn't followin' nobody!

You just jumped to conclusions.

Um, since we're all here, we should all hang out together.

C'mon, Yuugi...

The more the merrier, as they say.

Yuugi, let's play tag next.

You've got to catch me on your own.

Huh? Anzu!

Wait up, Anzu!

What's with that chick?

It's normal to be mad when someone interrupts your date.


Domino Amusement Park was correct!

Time to begin the next quiz!

The stage will be the Ferris wheel.

What? The Ferris wheel?!

Hey! Evacuate the people!

Prepare balloons sold at the amusement park to be used in the quiz.

What in the hell are you...?!

Stupid Yuugi... Just when we were finally alone...



Your attention please. There is a b*mb planted in the amusement park.

A b*mb!?

Customers, please calmly follow police instructions and proceed to the nearest exit.

Where's Yuugi and Anzu?!

I don't see them anywhere!

You, there! You have to evacuate!

My friend is up there!

Inspector! There are three people riding that Ferris wheel!

What's wrong with the Ferris wheel?

There's a b*mb planted somewhere on that Ferris wheel!

A b*mb...?! No way...!

The balloons are ready.


This one will be rather difficult. You could say it's a game requiring brains.

A game, you say?!

You think I'll play along?!

Then the Ferris wheel goes...BOOM!

Play my game and no one else will die.

Wh-What kind of game...?

We'll start by testing your luck. Release a balloon into the sky.

A balloon...?

It doesn't matter the color!

But be quick.


The first gondola!


I will now explain the rules.

I will blow up the gondola depending on the color of the balloon released.

Find the correlation and you win.

Let's see...

That girl there will do.

You must guess what color will blow up gondola number three.

Now... All ready?


Are any of you good at games?

Can't you do it, Inspector?!

I can't. I don't have the confidence.

Is anyone good at games here?

Someone save me...!

I'll do it!

Give me this.


Yuugi? Is that...?

So that man really was Yuugi...?

Hey, are those the only rules?

Huh? A little boy?

Very well then.

You have a time limit of fifteen minutes, understand?

Fifteen minutes...?

If you get the answer wrong or blow up a gondola with a passenger on board...

then you lose, boy.

And what happens if I don't find the answer within the time limit?

Then you also lose, boy!

And all remaining bombs explode!

I swear...

I'll definitely save you, Anzu!

Let's go. Game start!

Fifteen minutes remain.

The white balloon blew up the first one.

But the gondolas are all the same.

Is there any of the park staff members here?

Yes. What is it?

Are those gondolas known by anything other than numbers?

No. We refer to them as "carriage one", "carriage two", et cetra.

Are there any differences in colors inside them?

No. They're all the same color.

If one example isn't enough, why not release another balloon?

I'll give you a hint.

Try releasing a yellow balloon.

Worry not! It's not a gondola with a hostage inside!

Like we can trust you!

Hang on, Inspector.

He's clearly enjoying this situation.

I'm sure he wouldn't end the game now.

There goes car ten!

Yes indeed. Yellow was ten.

White is one.

Yellow is ten.

But what's the pattern?

Now, think. But don't take too long.

Half the remaining time is over.

What's the matter?

You confidently accepted my game, yet you seem to regret it.

You can switch with Mr. Inspector, you know.

The culprit is watching me from somewhere...

Somewhere he can see the balloons!

The park's been evacuated, so where is he?!

I'm getting bored... I long for some thrill...

Go on and release another balloon. And make it pink this time.

Is pink safe?

Beats me. No more hints!

I just want to see a pink balloon.

Is he trapping me?

Or maybe...

Hurry up already!

If you don't release it, I'll blow up a gondola with a hostage!


He's still trying to enjoy the game...

The fourth car!

Now, let us review.

White is one. Yellow is ten.

And pink is four.

So what will three be?

Don't get ahead of yourself. I still have time.

That's true. You've still got five minutes, right?

Have you figured it out?

Don't you start getting impatient either!

Hey! Smoke's coming from the Ferris wheel!

Don't tell me those two are caught up in all the commotion...!


Two minutes left!

Say... Why not release another balloon?


The numbers correspond to the positions.

But what about the colors?

A clock separated by colors?

A flower clock!

Is there a flower clock in this amusement park?

Uh... In that plaza past the Ferris wheel...

The flower's color!

What's the color of the flower for three?!

I can't remember that off the top of my head!

How much time does it take to reach the plaza?

Roughly two minutes if you run.

Over there! Let me on that thing!


Yuugi? What's he running for?

One minute remains.

Twenty seconds...




I figured it out!

Three is blue!

Bingo! Correct!

The gondola numbers correspond to the flower clock.

Tch. Found me out, huh?

Then let's end this game.

No, I'd like to continue.

It's time for another game.

Eh?! What?!

This time I'm going to specify the b*mb location.

And you'll guess where it is.

You're a riot! Sure thing!

But the rules remain the same.

Release a balloon.

The color of the balloon I'm releasing is...white.

You already released a white one at the start!

Did you forget that's one?

It was...

Wha? What's that mean?

The clock needles have already shifted to afternoon.

So now we use the afternoon numbering system.

And white stands for thirteen o'clock.

Blow up number thirteen!

Stop screwing around!

You were watching me from somewhere...

But there are no other people in the park.

But if you're watching me and the Ferris wheel...

The gondola not coordinated with the clock is number thirteen.

You're on gondola number thirteen!

If I'm wrong, go on and blow it up!

Your guess is wrong!

I'm blowing up three.

Oh, you won't have time for that.

The b*mb I planted on car thirteen is about to explode!

There is no b*mb planted here!

Search carefully...

Wh-What is that sound?!

It's the Penalty Game of Destiny!

What the hell is this?!

The Door of Darkness...has opened.


If you're going to play with peoples' lives in a game,

...try having the resolve to back it up.

He's the culprit, Inspector.

Eh? He is?

Yuugi... So it really was you...!

The one who saved me!

Thank you, Yuugi!

You saved me again!

Anzu! You're safe!

Eh...? The usual...Yuugi...?

What's "usual" about me?

What is...?

Eh? Where'd that cool Yuugi from before go?

Something the matter?

There you are!

So you guys were there!

What in the heck happened?

That's what I'd like to ask! Gosh!

Uh, Anzu...?

But now I know that guy was Yuugi...

That I'm sure of.

Eh?! Yuugi got a love letter?!

N-Not that it has anything to do with me...!

But that girl is really shameless!

Playing wife at Yuugi's house!

But she actually has another reason to get close to Yuugi.

And then, Jounouchi falls in love with an older woman!

And the third Game Master approaches!

The next episode!

"Scary Woman!! Unable to Transform"

What the heck? Why am I so irritated?