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01x13 - Target the Schoolgirls – The Fangs of Great Prophecies

Posted: 04/09/24 11:15
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

It's a fire!

The prophecy... It really came true.

Target the Schoolgirls: The Fangs of Great Prophecies

Step back!

Step back!

The Great Prophet, Lord Kokurano, is passing through!

Clear the path!

-I see. -Hey.

Th-The hell is all that?

You haven't heard?

He's a boy with psychic powers everyone's been talking about.

A boy with psychic powers?

Yeah. They say he can see the future.

His predictions are really accurate, apparently.

You've seen all the girls disappearing at recess, right?

They go to get their fortunes told.

He was right about a fire at the house of one of the students from Class A.

He became really popular after that.

Anyway, I have no interest in that stuff, but...

I so gotta get my fortune told!

From the sounds of it the guy's spot on!

Yuugi, let's go get our fortunes read!

But I'm not really...

That's right!

Do not be deceived by such a shady motive!

As a Beautification Member I cannot overlook it!

Let's go, Yuugi!

Can't breath!

Hold it!

That ain't the work of no Beautification Member!

You just wanna go get your fortune told, right?

About your love with Miho!

I-I have no idea what you're saying, you buffoon!

H-Hang on...


Are you going, Miho?

Miho's not interested, really.

Miho's future is obviously going to be marrying a prince with a huge inheritance!

I'm sure you could pull that off.

The Notice: Keep Things in Order Lord Kokurano has now arrived!

Okay. I'll take my first customer now.

Lord Kokurano, I've, like, heard the beautiful die young.

Will I live a long life?

All becomes clear!

As long as you do not die, you will continue to live!

Wow, I'm totally moved!

Wow! Look at all the people!

Damn... It's super embarrassing with all these girls watching.

It ain't cool for a hot guy like me to get his fortune told.

Alright! Time to bluff!

Holy cow! I can't believe Honda dragged me here to get my fortune read!

Hey, you! You're a foul soul, you know that!

Quiet over there!


Lord Kokurano is meditating to raise his awareness.

Your negative energy is blocking the flow of his power!

If you are going to be noisy then leave!

My bad, dude!

Don't be like that! Tell me my fortune!

You there! You're a bit off there.


I am no fortune teller.

Things like palmistry, divination, water reading,

fortune telling, zodiac horoscopes, feng shui, astrology...

All of these things attempt to tell the future using past statistics to calculate odds.

All methods of the past!

However, I have the power of premonition, the ability to see into the future!

I am a prophet!

Oh? Well, who gives a damn?

Just show me.

You really do not believe me, do you?

Hold your horses!

Before anything else, what is that?!

How dare you use our sacred cleaning tool for something like this!

As a Beautification Member I cannot overlook...

I have seen a vision of you happily married to the girl of your dreams!



I'll make you happy, Miho!



How 'bout me?! Me!

An earthquake!

That one was pretty big.

Are you okay, Lord Kokurano?

Somehow, yes.

For I already foresaw these events.

My powers gave me a vision of the future this morning and I wrote it down here.

"Earthquake today."

Applause for Lord Kokurano!

Yo, he's legit!

The guy's for real!

Of course he is! I never once doubted him!

Ah, they're back!


So, how'd it go?

I bet he gave you the complete runaround, right?

Stupid! He's the real deal!

There you go again.

But it's true! He said I'm gonna be a policeman in Los Angeles in the future!

That's never happening.

What was that?!

Miho-chan, let's make a happy family!


Looks like they're totally buying into it...

These kinds of fortunes are usually tricks though.

Oh well. I guess we can treat it as a game.

Exposing the trick would be against the rules.

Yuugi, let's walk home together.

Uh, what about your job?

I'm off today.

Wanna stop by a tea house on the way home?

I'll treat you.



Alright, let's go.

Miss Masaki Anzu.



You aren't interested in your future?


Well, you and Miho Nosaka are the only two girls in the school who didn't come see me.

Well, I'll forget about Miho Nosaka since she doesn't take life seriously.

But I am a bit curious as to why you didn't come.

When you put me on the spot like that...

Sorry, but I don't believe in that stuff.

You're supposed to create your own future, right?

How insolent!

You doubt Lord Kokurano's powers?!

You're free to believe it or not!

I'm not gonna play your fortune games!

Let's go, Yuugi.


That's my Anzu!

It wouldn't suit her to have her fortune read.

C'mon, get moving.

I can't believe there's people who choose not to be guided by Lord Kokurano's powers.

Oh well. Forget it.

She will come to understand... My powers, that is.

So damn stiff!

What's the matter? You look pitiful.

Must be nice for you chicks with tennis.

I've got judo to deal with, ya know! Judo!

I'm all stiff!

What's your problem? Judo is the building blocks of manhood!

I'm about to be the central pillar of a household.

Gotta be dependable.

It's the telepathic boy!

Do you have another divine message to deliver upon me?

U-Uh... No...

I just had two premonitions.

I came to tell you.



You will be assaulted by bright light, so take caution.


Me? As if.



There is a guy who has been watching over you from whereabouts unknown.


What the heck?

If you'd like the details, I welcome you to my shrine.

I don't really have any desire to know anymore.

Is that so?

O Lord Kokurano, what is this "assaulting light" you speak of?

Is it some kind of bad omen?!

Hey, hey, I wonder what's underneath this mantle.

What are you...? No, don't! Stop that.

I have no business with those who mock life!

-Hey, tell me! -Stop it at once!

Lord Kokurano! Tell me, tell me!

How stupid.

Leg'go, vile woman!


Anzu Masaki...

There's no way you aren't curious about my prediction.

You're sure to come to my shrine!

I'm sure of it!

Tell me.

A guy who's been watching over Anzu...

I wonder if there really is one...


As I am now, I am invincible!

Damn, now I'm pissed!

Honda, you tryin' to get me serious?!

As if you could beat me when my future's so rosy!

Oh, shut it!

A guy looking out for me from whereabouts unknown...


Nope, no way! As if there's someone like that.


-What're ya laughing about? -Hey, c'mon Miho. Knock it off--

Let's go, Anzu.

Could he have been talking about him...?

What's the matter, Anzu?

Mhm-mm. No way it could be.

Hey there!

Did you hear what happened in the gym?

I light from the ceiling fell apparently.

I heard Jounouchi-kun nearly got hurt!


You will be assaulted by bright light, so take caution.

Everyone's been talking about how Lord Kokurano was spot-on with his prediction!

Really? Sounds like a coincidence.

Right, Anzu?


Anzu, why'd you suddenly want to go see Kokurano-kun?

Hm? No reason, really...

Could it actually think he was right?

About there being someone who's been looking out for you?

No... That's not it, really...

Just, he was right about the case with Jounouchi...

So I was thinking it might not be bad to visit him just once.


Anzu... Wait!

I welcome you, Anzu Masaki-san. I knew you'd be coming here.

"Anzu Masaki will come after school."

What do you think?

You should no longer have reason to doubt my powers, right?

Th-That aside, I'd like details about the vision you saw of me before...

Sure thing. Give me your hand.

Oho, what a lovely hand you have.

Geh! What a creep!

Anzu's hand...!

I can see... I can see...!

A vision of you!

The man who's been watching over you from the shadows will soon appear before you!

Eh...? Really?

Wait in the science room at 6:00, please.

You are certain to swoon into his arms there...

That voice I heard...

Anzu... Do you actually believe his prediction?


This is...nothing but a fraud!


Now that's an interesting accusation...

You're calling my telepathic powers a fraud?

But...But I've seen a trick like this before!

For example, when you wrote down "Anzu will come" and a bunch of different times... could have shown us any of those written times

and made it seem like you foresaw them ahead of time!

I see... That certainly would be a clever trick.

But what about the other predictions?

I'm sure...

But I'm sure the other predictions are also lies!


Lord Kokurano!

You're saying you don't believe in Lord Kokurano's powers?!

I can see...! I can see it!

I see your future!

Countless letters fall from the heavens and bring disaster upon you!

So I suggest you watch your step!


Yuugi, cheer up already.

There's no way all his predictions will come true.

But you're still gonna go, right Anzu? To the science room...

U-Uh, yeah.

I'm just a little bit curious, you know?

It could be a stalker, after all.

A-Anyway, it's nothing for you to worry about, Yuugi.

See ya!


Guess it's none of my business...

If Anzu falls in love with someone...

Exposing that trick just because I'm jealous...

I broke the rules of the game.

I hate myself...

It's a library book.

Oh well...

The Sign: Library

Um... Should go around here...

Countless letters...!

I see... "Countless letters," was it?

But now I know. Kokurano is a menace who makes his own fortunes come true.

What a pathetic psychic he is...

Still, his next move will be...

Anzu's in danger!

The Sign: Science Room

I wonder if it really is the guy from before...

I only know him by his voice, though...

My prediction was spot-on, wasn't it?

What are you saying?

No one came.

Oh, he did! And he's right here!

So this is what he was after from the start...!

H-Huh...? What's happening to me...?

I'm getting weak...

And, as you see... were fated to swoon into my arms, right?!

As long as I've got my psychic powers, I can make anything go my way!

-I'll be popular forever... -You think so?

Looks like my fortune was far off.


Your fortunes are completely bogus!

The fire, the light in the gymnasium...

You created all those incidents yourself.

All so you could play yourself up as a psychic.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

If you want to play dumb, be my guest.

But it's time for a game, Kokurano.

It's time for a game...

I'm so happy...

You really came!

I've got to see his face today...

Huh...? Why am I so sleepy...?


Ha! You've got some nerve challenging a gifted psychic like me!

Here's the chloroform bottle you love so much.

We'll use this bottle in our game.

Should you win, I'll back off and keep my mouth shut.

I see, fine by me.

So, what game are we playing?

Listen up. Starting now, the long hand will cut a string every minute.

We have no way of knowing which string connects to which bottle.

We take turns catching the bottle dropped by the cut string.

If we're too slow, the bottle of chloroform will fall.

It will render one of us unconscious, leaving us in a rather pitiful state.

It's a pretty risky match, I'd say.

You only have one minute to think, after all.

I'll start things off.

The first was a success.

Alright, then. It's my turn, I take it?

I can see it...

The bottle that will fall next...

Which one?! Which one will fall?!

If I don't react in time...

Holy crap...!


How 'bout it?

As I'd expect.

Won't make it!

And now I win!


Y-You actually...!

Kokurano, I wasn't aware tripping people was part of your psychic powers.

Uh...! I know nothing about that!

Hmph. Well, forget it.

If that is your supernatural powers...

...this is the source of my supernatural powers.

Now then. Only the most difficult bottles remain.

One mistake and you won't be able to cover it.

Although, with your psychic powers, it should be easy to see which bottle will fall.

I can see it...!

This one will fall.

So come to me!

The door of darkness has been opened.

Oh crap!

Well, well...

So many fortunes under your mantle...

Guess you didn't see your own pathetic future.

He saved me again...

But he's hurt...

Have to...treat his hand...

Crap! And here I was believing in the guy!

But he was a total fraud!

We're better off not knowing the future anyway!

Miho knows hers, though!

Must be nice for you...

But I guess he's the one who took the biggest hit this time.

Good morning, Honda-kun!

No need to look so down.

You've got to grab your future with your own hands!


Let's both try our best!


Does he even know what future Miho's talkin' about?

But Anzu and Miho-chan are right.

No one knows what the future will hold.


In the end I never learned who my certain someone was.

It's time for a game.

If you two don't hurry, we're gonna be late!


Anzu, let's go!


Why does Yuugi have...?

Was the person who saved me really Yuugi?

In order to find out, I take Yuugi to the amusement park, but now there's a bomber!

And there's a b*mb on the Ferris Wheel I'm riding, and I'm in huge trouble!

Then Yuugi finds himself with a mysterious stalker.

Finally, a beautiful older woman appears before Jounouchi!

The next episode!

"A b*mb Game Makes for the Worst Date"

Yuugi, was it really you?