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01x12 - The Extremely Lucky Enemy – The Invincible Legend

Posted: 04/09/24 11:14
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

Big Money: Game -DE- Get Show!

To our television audience, the time for people dreaming of big money has come!

This week, our challenger is the outstanding university student, Naoki Tagawa-san!

And, facing our challenger is, none other than him...

He's our defending champion, who's been winning for seven weeks straight!

He's the legendary man said to be loved by the Goddess of Luck, herself, Ryuichi Fuwa!

The Worth: In 1998, ¥800,000 is about $4,000.00. If our champion wins today, he'll receive 800,000 yen!

Now, today's game is Electric Roulette!

The rule is simple: the person who presses their switch and lands on the highest number wins!

Now, it's the challenger's turn!

A 35, that's incredible! The champion couldn't possibly win!

Next, it's our champion's turn, go ahead.

He got it, it's the champion's victory!!

Has there ever been a more blessed individual since humanity's inception?!

Is there anyone, who can defeat him?!

Nah, only gods an' aliens got a chance of beatin' me.

It's impossible for mere humans!

The Extremely Lucky Enemy: The Invincible Legend

Did you see yesterday's Game -DE- Get Show?!

Yeah, that champion is amazing!

The prizes increase as you win, right?

Yeah! The first week was 100,000 yen and the second week was 200,000 yen!

If you win for ten weeks straight, you receive one million yen!

He's amazing! I wonder how much that champion has won from those games?!

No, you mustn't do that, Miho-chan!

You mustn't be influenced by their envious talk!

Its best for people to just live day by day!

A person who gets rich quickly will be driven out of society,

and all that's left is to end your life at the guillotine.

I don't know what the hell you're saying!

One million yen is one million yen!

If I had that, I could repay my idiot of a dad's drinking and gambling debts!

With that money, I could finally escape from my miserable life caused by those debt collectors!


Y-You really live like that..?

S-Shit... D-damn it...

Come to think of it, you've been paying for tuition

and living expenses by yourself since Elementary school, haven't you?

T-that's right!

I always pay for myself unlike you who leeches off of his parents!

Living day-by-day is how I always live my life!



Good morning.

So, today, I would like to introduce a new student to you.

A transfer student, huh?

I wonder where he's from?

The Board: Ryuichi Fuwa This is Ryuichi Fuwa-kun.

Nice to meet'cha.

It's him!

It's the champion of the Game -DE- Get Show!

You're right!

-It is! -He's a gaming champion!

Well, there ya got it.

Oh yeah, I gotta mention this ahead 'a time.

I don't do autographs.

And to all the lovely girls here,

I know I'm hot stuff an' all,

but don't think you're gonna be my girlfriend.

I ain't interested in little kids!

What a stud! He's cool!


Wh-What the hell's this guy's problem?!

Well then, as for Fuwa-kun's seat...

Right there!

Excuse me. I'm the one who decides your seat.

Hmph. Time for a game.

E-Excuse me?


The rules're easy.

A coin toss with head or tails.

An' if you win, sir, I get to sit where I want.

That, an' this coin belongs to you.



Ha! Heads!

So sorry, but I win!

Nice to meet you! I'm Yuugi Mutou!

Sure. Let's get along real good.

Hey, hey, since you appear on TV and all,

you get to meet actors and stuff, right?!

Yup, but those guys're a buncha idiots so I ain't interested in 'em.

But you sure are awesome!

You win one million yen in just one week, after all!

How much have you won so far?

Hell if I know that crap.

The money's good as spent by the next day!

Lovely... He's far too cool!

M-Miho-chan...! Why are you falling for such a rotten guy?!

He does make you want to punch the back of his head.

Hey, say something, will ya, Jounouchi!

Say, I've been trying to get on the show and sending in applications every day!

Please tell me how you manage to win like that every time!

Heh! Do ya know why lions are strong?

It's 'cuz lions're born that way from jump street.

An' the same applies here.

There ain't no special trick to winnin' a game.

Strong guys're born strong from the start.

That's all there is to it.

Hey, big trouble!

I heard there's a surprise test next period!


What the hell, man?! Again?!

Oh gosh... I won't make even if I study now...

Right here. Ya study that part an' you're golden.


Has everyone received a test form?


Then begin at once.

It's true!

Fuwa-kun was right!

He hit the mountain!

No, forget the mountain...

Space! The moon!

This guy is out of this world!


Hold on, you! What is this?!

The paper's blank, isn't it?!

Sure! A zero don't bug me the least!

There's a hell lot more to my life than worryin' over some petty test.

H-How cheeky of you!

Well, I bet you don't get me, Miss.

Fact is, chosen people live special lives.


W-Wait just a minute!

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to say this,

but your makeup's rubbin' off, Miss.

Say, Miho's a Virgo and her blood type's AB.

What about you, Fuwa-kun?

I bet we're really compatible with each other!

Fuwa, you bastard!

How dare he seduce Miho-chan like that...!


Jounouchi's been glarin' the guy down since school this morning.

I bet he's about to blow his top soon.

And I can't wait!


What'cha say? Feel like eatin' somethin'?

I'll treat ya.

At such a delicious looking restaurant?!

But it looks pretty expensive...

You sure?

Looks like you people still don't get me.

Follow me.

Congratulations, good sir!

You are the ten thousandth customer we've had since the opening of this restaurant!

Enjoy all the food and drinks you like today free of charge!

This is what I meant.


Now dig in!

Eat up 'til your heart's content!

An' there's more dishes comin' where that came from!

Thanks for the food!

Thanks for the food!


Right, go on, Jounouchi!

Pop this arrogant jerk right between the eyes!

Damn jerk...!

Compensation prize!

Is there really one in there?

Hey, let's give it a try!

We just got some tickets, after all.

We get three chances.

'Kay, Yuugi-kun. Feel like havin' a bit of a bet with me?


Rules're easy.

Whoever gets the A prize wins.

The loser's gotta do one thing the winner says, no matter what.

How 'bout it?

Mhm-hm... Sure...

Give it a really good spin, Yuugi.


Sorry, but here's a compensation tissue package.

Sweet, an' I'm next.

Th-There it is!

Congratulations, sir!

The special prize is a trip to Italy!


Looks like I win, Yuugi-kun.

I lost.

Guess I can't beat you, Fuwa-kun.

I can't believe someone like Fuwa-kun even exists!

It's no use. I can't hold back anymore...!

Yes! Go forth, Jounouchi!





Yes! Give him a good beating!

Please! Make...Make me your disciple!



I...I wanna be lucky like you!


So the guy wasn't looking for a fight, but was admiring him?!

What're ya, stupid?

Yuugi, I'm gonna look forward to that promise we made.

By mean doing what you tell me to do?

You bet.


I'm pretty sure I've seen this dude somewhere!


I ain't givin' up!

I'm gonna get big luck and repay my old man's debt!

It's that dude from Game -DE- Get Show!

Cool! I'm totally gonna get his autograph!

Look out!



Forget that.

If I touch unlucky folks, my luck's gonna run dry.


You okay?!

There, there! You'll be alright.

That bastard...!

I am here to pick you up, Master Fuwa.

Master Kaiba has called for you.

Good of you to come.

One of my Four Game Masters, Ryuichi Fuwa.

Heh! I was just about to hit ya up anyway.

I transferred into Domino High as you ordered,

but Yuugi Mutou?! What's this guy's deal?!

I don't got a clue why I gotta fight him!

Yuugi Mutou... He has another face.

You're yet to see his true form.

As ya know, I hold an incredible amount of luck.

Do ya got any idea what that means?

He unlocked that so easily...!

Five b*ll*ts in six slots.

It may be a model g*n, but I bet'd hurt like hell.

I'm bored silly.

I only followed ya 'cuz you promised me life-and-death battles, ya know.

With Yuugi, that'll be possible.

Draw out his other face!

And if you wish for it, I can arrange a specific location for your match with him.

How about it?

It'll do wonders for your boredom.

An organized location, eh?

How 'bout a match in Game -DE- Get Show?

The sponsor for that show is a part of our system.

I can make it happen.


Now I get it.

That jerk...

He may got luck on his side but as a person he's a total scumbag.

Hmm? Who're you talking about?

Fuwa, of course! Ryuichi Fuwa!

Oh, so you finally saw through him, huh, Jounouchi?!

I... I'm so glad, man!

You think? He seems like a nice guy.

Right, Anzu?

Yeah, more than I expected.

That seasonal abalone from our Chinese cuisine yesterday was delicious!

Don't turn on us 'coz of food!


But Yuugi sure is running late.

What's keepin' him? He's usually here before any of us.

Oh, Yuugi said he wasn't coming today.

He said something about promising to play a game with Fuwa-kun.


This...isn't a game!

Stop it already!

Whac'cha yappin' 'bout?

It's a darn fine game, ain't it?

We both sh**t balls at each other an' whoever gets the most hits wins.

Ya dun forgot already?

Ya went an' promised you'd do whatever I told ya, didn't ya?

So stand.

On yer feet, Yuugi!

A'ight, Yuugi...

Let's see it...

That "true face" ya got.

An' there's more where that came from!


Yuugi! You okay?!

Fuwa, how dare you do this to Yuugi?!

You're facin' me next!

Damn thing--!

I'll show you!

Here's the power of a Beautification Member!

Heh! Simpletons.

You people still don't get it?

I'm protected by pure luck.

Peasants like you people couldn't even dream'a touchin' me.

Hey! Just what is your problem?!

That's cruel! I thought you were a much nicer person than that, Fuwa-kun!

Ha! Yer lowly commoners an' ya got the gall to talk down to me?!

Just thank yer stars I allowed ya'll to indulge in some of that luck!

'Bout time ya'll learned yer place.


Suck it up.

You're supposed to be a boy, Yuugi-kun.

Like that changes anything...


Yuugi, there's a letter here from the TV station.

Grandpa must've left it there. Can you read it?

Wow! Th-This is...!

It's a request for you to appear on the Game -DE- Get Show!

Eh?! For real?!

Why me?

It says they want you to challenge Fuwa.

Hey, Yuugi! Can you let me do that?! Please!


I ain't gonna be satisfied 'til I beat the shit outta that Fuwa bastard!

Plus, it'll be two birds with one stone if I win the prize money!

I can pay off my old man's debt!

Big Money! Game -DE- Get Show!

Once again this week, it's time to dream about winning big money!

Today's challenger is Yuugi Mutou-kun from Domino High!

Sixteen years old!

He dreams of winning the prize money and paying off his father's debt, apparently.

This is pretty embarrassing...

I'm glad it ain't Yuugi up here...

Go, Jounouchi!

Don't you dare lose to Fuwa!

And here's our winner nine times in a row!

It's our Champ, as you all know him!

He's the miraculous man loved by the Goddess of Love herself!

Ryuichi Fuwa!

The hell? So he went an' switched places with Yuugi, huh?


Ha! Like it even matters.

Gonna end the same no matter who plays me.

Now, today's game is Electric Concentration.

The rules are simple!

Whoever gets the most cards from the concentration board wins!

However, there is one joker card hidden among them.

Whoever draws it gives all their cards to their opponent.

We'll start with the challenger.

A and K.

Oops, too bad!

Now, the champion's turn!

A and C.

Splendid! Bingo!

Wh-What happened?!

Whoops, I forgot to mention that.

When the opponent gains cards, you receive a light electric shock.

Alright, Champion, you're up next!

B and J.

Right on the mark!

E and G.

Got it yet again!

D and K!


H and I!

Awesome! Amazing! Incredible!

The Champion gets all the cards in one fell swoop!

Are you all right, Jounouchi-kun?


But that Fuwa jerk's not human.

Ya bet!

I'm a God!

Jounouchi, I hear you been workin' yer rear off tryin' to pay off your Pop's debt.

Hah! I bet yer lookin' for some waterworks!

But I loathe stories like that the most!

It's pitiful and disgusting!

You lousy...!

Damn it...!

Hang on, Jounouchi-kun!

How could you, Fuwa-kun?!

Heh! Yuugi Mutou.

Yer a pathetic fool who don't even live up to the rumors.

You didn't need to do things this way!

All I wanted was to play a game with ya, Yuugi.

But... That...

Ya sure are kind, Yuugi...

"Other face" my foot.

If I skin his face, maybe another face'll show up, though...



It's time for a game.

What's this kid's deal? He's like a totally different guy now.

So this is the "other face" Kaiba was goin' on 'bout.

Heh! I been waitin' for ya!

We'll play the same game as earlier. Electric Concentration.

Oh? Sounds like a hoot.

However, the electrical shock will be a bit stronger than before.

And we will take turns even if one of us obtains a card.

Fine by me. If we did it like before, I'd win before you got ta do a thing.

I go first. C and H!

I and F.

A and E.

I...and F.

What? That's the same as before. What're ya tryin' to do?

Ha! Guess ya already threw the match.

B and K!

I...and F...!

The same again?

Maybe the electricity fried yer noggin?


All that electricity caused the breaker ta blow, huh?

The backup generator's active.

Now let's continue the game.

Ha! Ya still wanna play?

Well, fine. There's only five cards left anywho.

G and...

Wow, look at that! It's five!

The same as the card ya kept playin' before.

Meanin' the other "five" card's F!

What in the...?! The Joker?!

Oh, right... When the power went out, the hidden cards changed places...

Were you...aimin' for this?!

Hmph... It would appear luck isn't just on your side.

Now that you've drawn the Joker, all of your cards become mine.

And all the electricity assaults you.

Big Money: Game -DE- Get Show!

To our television audience, the time for people dreaming of big money has come!

Shit! That Fuwa bastard...!

Today'll be his tenth win.

Now, it's finally time for the Champion!

The game is the same Electric Roulette!

The challenger has gotten a two! It should be a breeze for our Champ!

Oh, my!

It's a one!

That's absurd!

I don't believe this!

The miraculous champion has actually lost!

What the?!

His chair broke!

Looks like Fuwa-kun lost his luck...

Lately, a fortune teller boy has been popular with the girls.

All his fortunes have been 100% right.

No one has ever been able to escape them.

Anzu is overjoyed when she hears she'll meet the man of her dreams,

but an unpredicted outcome awaits her!

And then comes a challenge from a Bomber!

Then a mysterious stalker approaches me!

The next episode!

"Target the Schoolgirls: The Fangs of Great Prophecies"

You should decide your future with your own hands!