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01x11 - The Rumored Capmon – It's a New Arrival

Posted: 04/09/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

What's this thing?

A present someone sent me!

W-W-Wait just a minute, Miho-chan!

It could be a b*mb!


A present--

Let's open it--!





This thing's...a Gacha Box, isn't it?


For Capsule Monsters!

Capsule Monsters?

CapMon for short.

It's really popular among elementary school students right now.

There's a monster inside the capsule,

and you use them in a game similar to Chess.

You win once you defeat all the enemies!

What makes it so interesting is that you can't see

your opponent's monsters until the game starts, so you don't know what their levels are.

To tell you the truth, I just started getting into it!

The Rumored CapMon: It's a New Arrival

But I can't really see Miho being happy with this thing.

It may as well be a trash can--

A heart closed necklace and earrings from Tiffany's!

There's so many things I've been wanting!



Hold on, Miho...! Who sent this?

Who would send something like this in school?

A university student I ran into lately named Warashibe-kun!


You mustn't go, Miho-chan!

You must not let this confuse you--




Just give up.

The Worth: In 1998, ¥100 is about $0.50. The way you are now, you're a man who can't even buy a single 100 yen CapMon.

No! C'mon, Jounouchi! Cut it out!


Yuugi didn't come back, huh?

Knock it off already!

What the heck, man?!

What's this guy's problem?

Come out, come out, come out, come out...

Another Level One, huh?

This time for sure!

Come out, come out, come out, come out...!

At last!


Hey there, Yuugi-kun!

So... Was she happy?


I was originally going to send the CapMons as is,

but following your advice seems to have worked out the best.

But that alone shall not suffice!

That is not the end of my love for Miho Nosaka!

My memory of that shocking encounter with her and the feelings I've felt since!

Yes. It happened when I was trying to get a new CapMon for myself.

That was when I saw her smiling through the display window.

She was like a CapMon fairy!

No, a goddess!

I couldn't believe that Miho Nosaka was a friend of yours, my CapMon buddy!

You can say it was good fortune!

But that is also...

...proof that she and I are bound together by the string of fate!

Now, even more than obtaining new CapMons,

I want to get my hands on Miho Nosaka!

But I'm not talking about the distant future either.

My love with Miho Nosaka will only continue to grow!

Don't you think so, Yuugi-kun?

I guess...!

He seems a bit too happy...

It worries me a bit to think of the kind of extremist lifestyle he leads.

Good evening!

Huh? Miho-chan!


Yuugi-kun, do you have any of those CapMon thingies?

CapMon? I do.


But what'll you do with it?

Um... Not much, really.

It doesn't really seem all that cute.

What's so fun about collecting these things anyway?

Miho-chan, CapMon aren't meant for collecting, you know.

The true thrill of CapMon is battling with them!

Here we go...

Feel like giving it a try?

Nah, Miho isn't interested in battling!

Uh, see ya, Yuugi-kun!

See you later, Mister.

As usual, she's a busy little girl.



I-It's terrible!

Please come with me right away!


What is this place?

It's my secret base.

Secret base?

This is incredible!

These are all Level Four and Five CapMon.

There isn't a single CapMon I haven't been able to get my hands on!

If I add the Goddess of CapMon, Miho Nosaka to all this,

wouldn't you say it'd be perfection?

Uh, Miho-chan's not a CapMon, you know!

Yes, you're right, but Miho-chan just hasn't realized her destiny as the Goddess of CapMon yet!

Take a look at this!

"Thank you for the present!"

"Miho was super moved!"

"I want to learn more about this CapMon you love so much, Warashibe-kun,"

"so I'm studying it with all my might right now!"

"It seems kinda interesting to me! See ya!" Gosh, Miho-chan...

The time is ripe!

It's time for me to go pick up my Goddess!


But I must set a stage for our fated meeting!

Like a prince on a white horse, as one example.

So I need your help, you see.



Well? Wouldn't that be a wonderful production?

No it wouldn't!


Um... I think it'd be better for you two to exchange more letters first.

So Miho-chan understands you a bit better.

Okay, I gotta get going to school now!

You won't be leaving.

What do you think you're doing, Warashibe-kun?!

I'm not gonna help you if you're going to be like this!

You and I are supposed to be CapMon buddies, are we not?!

It's only natural for friends to help each other out, isn't it?!

Right?! Right?! Right?!

I became friends with a real pain in the butt.

Uh, do as I say!

Do as I say!

What on Earth are you doing, Yuugi-kun?

Eh?! I, uh, I...


What do you think you're doing, you vermin?!


It's all right now.


Talk about a coincidental fate.

It's me. Kiwami Warashibe.

No...! This is so not good!

So, I've come to pick you up.

Please accompany me to our very own world of love!


The CapMon are waiting for us!

Ahhh... What do you think you're doing?!

There is nothing to be embarrassed about!



My Goddess!


You also...! You also love CapMon, don't you!?


What's wrong, my baby!?


I feel sorta bad for the guy, but maybe he'll give up now.


Lies! All lies!

Miho Nosaka is all mine!

She's my CapMon Goddess!

Right... It's strange.

We're supposed to be tied together by the strings of fate...

She shouldn't be saying things like that.

There has to be something I'm missing here...

A reason...!

I can't believe there's a guy who'd an old trick like pretending to save a girl!

I can't believe you did something like that, Yuugi.

Anyway, I'm really sorry, Miho-chan.

I just couldn't bring myself to turn him down...

But Warashibe-kun's really not that bad a guy...

No, he's terrible!

He shouldn't even be writing letters to Miho-chan in the first place!

It's just wrong! Wrong!

What's this guy's deal?!

And he was acting like he was dying in pain yesterday!

But you're the one to blame most here, Miho.

Anyone would have misunderstood that emotional letter.


Miho just thought he was a pen pal!

Right! You're not in the wrong, Miho-chan!

So don't worry!

I won't let that CapMon freak get anywhere near you again!

Thank you!

You're really someone Miho-chan count on, Honda-kun!

So that's it...

So they're the ones entangling our strings of fate!

But I sure would'a liked to see that CapMon jerk!

You don't hear people scream, "Baby!" that often, huh?




I can't hold it anymore! My stomach hurts!

The Sign: Infirmary

You'll be fine.

You guys just drank some un-purified water.

No need to worry.

But I wonder why it was just you guys.

None of the other students were affected.



Those who got in the way of our destiny have received due heavenly punishment.

You can rest easy leaning on my chest.

This is...!

Miho's pissed!



Take me to Warashibe-kun's place!


Okay, let's go, Yuugi-kun!


My sweetheart!

So you finally came to jump into my arms?

Keep your jokes to yourself!

Miho admits she was a bit in the wrong,

but you didn't have to do something so terrible to Anzu and the others, did you?!

I heard all about it from Miho.

You're awful, Warashibe-kun!

I can't believe you'd do something like that!

It just couldn't be helped.

They got in the way of our destiny together, after all.

There is no destiny between us.

Because Miho's really pissed off today.

Understand!? Don't even think of doing something like that again!

You're not being honest with yourself, my honey!

But if you really insist on being this way...

...shall we decide this with a game?

A game?

It'll be CapMon.

I heard you've been practicing.

If you win, I'll never approach you again.

But if I win... will follow your destiny.

Fine then.


We'll use Field Seven, "Crisis Hill".

I've prepared the field best suited for a beginner like you.

Don't blame me if you end up regretting that!

My, what self-confidence you have.

I expect no less of my Goddess!

Now then, we will take turns drawing capsules.

Ladies first, if you please.

Level One...

Such a pity that is.

Now, I am up next.

Not good...

Miho-chan got stuck with three Level Ones...

While Warashibe-kun got all Level Fours and Fives!

I must express my sympathy.

It looks like the battle's over before it's even begun!

We won't know that until we play, now will we?!

That's the spirit.

So let's start the game.

What should I do?!

I went and said all that, but I have no idea what to do!

Well...why don't you go first?

You can do this, Miho-chan!

Guess I've got no choice!

It's sink-or-swim!

Tch...! That's not a good move at all...!

Mmmm... Nice move, dear.

Then I shall use "Gumbo"...

There, the first one is defeated.

God, this pisses me off!

Go! Level Four! Great PA!

No matter how you look at it, you aren't a match.

It would be so much better for you to just give up, my dear!

God, just shut up and do it already!

Huh? There's something strange set up inside.

Don't tell me, Warashibe-kun...

That's cheating!

That's right! It's rigged so it switches between putting out low-level and high-level capsules.

What did you say?!

I just didn't want to put you through a long, painful battle.

Save the excuses, you jerk!

It's obvious I win by default now!

Now let's go home, Yuugi-kun. We won.

That is unacceptable.

When you enter this, you'll be the best there is.

You already belong to me, me, me, me!


What's with this guy?!

Let's run, Yuugi-kun!


You cannot escape me, Darling.

Goodness me. It seems to have broke.


Warashibe... This prank has gone too far.


It's time for a game.

A game, you say?

Then shall we start over from the beginning?

No, it's fine as is.

"As is"?

With these disadvantageous monsters?

I'm about to test whether they're disadvantageous or not.

I will take over Miho-chan's strategy as is.

"Strategy"? Could a beginner like her actually have such a thing?

For now, let's just get started.

However, the game we're about to play...

...will be a Shadow Game.

Huh--? Well, whatever.

I'll just get started.


Wow! Now isn't this interesting?!

But it appears to have been a draw.

But that still doesn't change the fact that I'm going to win.

Go, Dinosaur Wing!

As I thought, our levels are different, Yuugi-kun.

Now you've only got two monsters remaining.

I suppose so.

Now that just won't do! Head Sucker is in that area, after all!

A pity it is, Yuugi-kun.

You've only got that one Level Two Monster left.

I win.

Well now, I wonder.

Hmm? You still don't plan on giving up?

Take a good look at your monsters' positions on the field!


M-My monsters are lined up diagonally!

Since when...?!

And my last Monster is "Torigun".

It's low-level, it can't make sharp turns,

and it's terrible at close range combat,

but it has one special talent...

Just once per game, it can defeat even Level Five enemies.

He has a one-hit KO special attack worth seven consecutive spaces!

Th-There's no way...!

He actually placed himself in that disadvantageous situation

by sacrificing his monsters just to turn things around!

Here I go!

Whirlwind Razor Beak Slash!!

M...My...monsters have...!

The true charm of CapMon isn't limited to just zealously collecting monsters.

It's about how you actually use those monsters you collect to win!

I lost...!



Miho Nosaka belongs to me and me alone!

The door of darkness has been opened.

It's dark!

I can't move--!

There's a small punishment for you.

CapMon isn't just for collecting.

You'd best remember that it's also a battle game.

I'm glad you guys are doing much better.

It wasn't that big of a deal.

More importantly, I can't believe Miho-chan actually fought that CapMon dude for me!

It makes me so happy!

Idiot! Stop talking about CapMon! My stomach hurts every time I hear it!

I don't want to hear it.

But that CapMon man learned his place real quick.

C'mon, stop!

Guys! Morning!


Good morning!

Hey, hey, get this! Miho got this great CapMon--

The hero of a TV show and an invincible champion

is actually the second of the Four Game Masters sent by Kaiba!

He's the greatest enemy yet whose loved by the Goddess of Fortune!

Can you really take a guy like that on and hope to win, Yuugi?!

And then we deal with a creepy prophet!

Followed by a b*mb threat closing in!

The next episode!

"The Extremely Lucky Enemy: The Invincible Legend"

The member of the Four Game Masters this time is really something!