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01x10 - The Pressing Beautiful Teacher – The Secret Mask

Posted: 04/09/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

G-Good morning, Miss Chouno!

Good morning!

Good morning to you, Miss Chouno!

Oh my, if it isn't Mr. Kishida!

Good morning!

Good morning, sensei!


Miss Chouno's so pretty again today!

Just because our teacher's beautiful doesn't mean we need to care about it.

Wait a second, young lady!

What might that be?

Um, it's a key chain...

Well, it's against the rules!

So I'll confiscate it!

Please be more careful next time, darling.

She's super strict about school rules.

But she's a teacher, so that's normal.

There's rumors flying around that Miss Chouno's

trying to make them even more strict.

You're kidding!

It'd be nice if I was...

Umm... Excuse me, Anzu-chan! Miho-chan!

Ah, good morning, Mayumi!

Is something wrong?

I need your advice on something.

The Pressing Beautiful Teacher: The Secret Mask

Vice Principal!

Have you thought more on the matter we spoke of the other day?

A-And what was it?

The complete ban on personal items within this school.

Furthermore, we should make the rules more strict for violators.

Oh that? I need a little more time--

Oh my, your necktie is crooked!

Thank you for that...

I strongly believe that making stricter rules is necessary.

We have to observe our students more strictly.

I... I understand...

Let's discuss this topic at our next meeting.

Please do so!

TL Note: Loosely, omiai is a term for "arranged marriage interviews" in Japan. Come to think of it, Miss Chouno, this Sunday is your omiai, isn't it?

My mother is such a big mouth.

Oh, how I wish it were my omiai...!

Wha?! Jounouchi--?!

You mustn't, Anzu!

Anzu-chan, your voice is too loud!

I-- I get that... But him..?

You skipped out on your cleaning duties yesterday, didn't you?!

As a Beautification member, I won't forgive you!

You can forgive me, right, Honda? I had some business to take care of.

Just what is it that makes you like Jounouchi?

I can't really say...

You can't ask her things like that, Anzu!

Love needs no reason!

I wonder what Jounouchi-kun likes?

What he enjoys?

What are you planning?

A present! I'll give him a present he'll love!

Hmm... What does he like?

He and Honda-kun often talk about porn videos.

I can't give him a present like that!



I seriously don't get what you're..!

Stop it, Honda-kun! Jounouchi-kun already apologized!

Save it, Yuugi! How was that an apology?!


Come here a second, Yuugi.

What is it, Anzu?

It's fine, just hurry up!


What? Us too?

I don't need you guys, just Yuugi!

What's with her?

Beats me.

Huh? Things Jounouchi-kun likes?

Yeah, you do know, right?

Ah! He likes porn videos, right?

That's not what I meant! Something a girl could give to him as a present!

Are you giving it to him, Anzu..?

Why would I?! Mayumi here will give it to him!

Wait a second, Anzu-chan!

It'll be okay. Yuugi won't say anything to anyone.

Right, Yuugi?

If it's a secret, I won't tell.

So, the present!

Hmm... Jounouchi-kun enjoys games,

so maybe something from our shop?

I get it, so something from your grandpa's shop?

Let's take a look after school today!

Ah, now I understand...

A present filled with emotions for another, is it?

Ah, it's nice to be so young...

Hey, Anzu-chan...

Don't worry, we can trust this old man.

Ah! I have just the thing!

Really, Grandpa?

I told you about how I used it to win over your Grandma, Yuugi

I think it was somewhere in this box, if I remember right...

It's so dusty!

Will this really be okay?

It'll be fine, I think...

Oh! Here it is!

Here we go. This is it!

Look here.

Isn't this a jigsaw puzzle?

But there's nothing written on it-- it's blank.


The idea is to send your feelings to them in pieces.

The person receiving it puts it together piece by piece

and the message written on it will be displayed.

It's so romantic!

How lovely! It's so lovely and very romantic!

Yes, that's right, indeed it is!

I'm going to buy this!

Alright, here you are.

But what message should I write on it?

Tomorrow is Sunday, so take your time and think it over.

Wow, I'm honored to have an omiai

with a beautiful woman such as yourself!

My, that can't be.

Of course I am! Now, praise my beauty even more!

You're a high school teacher, aren't you?

I'm sure you're the most beautiful and popular woman at your school.

You mustn't say such things.

It's obvious, isn't it?

Keep praising me with your flattering words.



Watch where you're going!

You could've torn my kimono!

Unbelievable! Kids these days!

It truly is a problem when children aren't raised right, isn't it?

You're not quite who I thought you were...

Its such a shame, really...

Did you bring it? Did you bring it?


How adorable!

I spent all night touching it up.

Well, what are you going to do now?

Maybe you could place it in his desk.

But if he finds it, won't he just start putting it together in front of everyone?


When he finds it, I'll try to get him to the rooftop.

Okay, let's go with that.


Good morning!

Ah, Miss Chouno. The proposal for the school rules revision is going very well.

Oh? Is that so?

By the way, how did your omiai yesterday go?

Oh, that man would have surely been wasted on me.

If you'll excuse me...

Miss Chouno...

Just shut up!

That stupid vice principal...

Prying into people's omiai like that!

Just thinking back on it pisses me off!

And here I was planning on rejecting that man's proposal if he asked me!

Marriage interviews are my hobby!

I get the greatest thrill out of crushing the egos of men all over the world by rejecting them!

How dare he damage the pride of a beautiful, wealthy babe like me!

Oh my, this won't do.

What a disastrous face. Make up, make up.

Ah, I'm so pissed!

Jounouchi's still not here yet?

You don't think he's out sick today, do you?

No way...!

Phew! I made it!

Jounouchi-kun, you're so late!

Hurry and take your seat. Our teacher's coming.

Sure thing.

I spent so much time watching videos last night that I overslept.

Was it porn?

Don't be so damn rude! They were Hong Kong Action movies!



Take your seat!

Now then, please take out your textbooks.

I always keep my book in my desk year-round.

What the hell's this?

Jounouchi, you idiot! Hurry and hide--

What are you doing in the middle of class, Jounouchi-kun?

A lunch box, huh?

And such a cute lunch box at that.

Good... This is good!

I've found something good!

That isn't mine!

It isn't yours?

You brought it with you, didn't you?

It was in my desk, that's all.

Someone must've made a mistake.

A mistake? I see...

But you know...

As your teacher, I always tell you, don't I?

"Do not bring unneeded things to school or class."

What might this be, Jounouchi-kun?

I keep telling you, I don't know!

Is that so?

Oh my! This is a Jigsaw puzzle.

You must not bring your playthings to school.

If you take things like this out, you'll get completely distracted by it!

You really should be learning instead.

Oh my, how interesting!

When you assemble the pieces, words appear...

What could it say?

"From the first time I saw you..."

"You have always been on my mind."

My, my, are these words to a confession?

You can't do that.

Love distracts you from learning.

Simply put, this is a violation of the rules.

This could perhaps merit an expulsion.

Who does this belong to?

Well, I suppose I'll just continue...

Please stop this, Miss.

What is it, Masaki-san?

That is a message; a letter.

I think it's mean to read other people's letters.


But as your teacher, I must determine who brought this to school.

Meaning I must put it together to confirm the name of the owner.



It's okay. I can explain this to Jounouchi later.

I see. So it's yours, Masaki-san.

Well then, please come to the staff room after class ends.


The Sign: Staffroom

You mustn't bring things like this to school.

I don't think I did anything wrong.

What did you say?

It's not like bringing it caused anyone any problems in class.

There's a clear connection between the rules and disturbances in class.

And who exactly is being disturbed?

Besides, having a rule for this is too strict in the first place.

For example, banning part time jobs.

You're ignoring the needs of your students.

How cheeky! This brat is too full of herself!


You say that...

But are you certain the other students feel the same as you?

I'm willing to bet they probably are.

"Probably" isn't going to cut it.

If you feel that way, why not gather some signatures?

You mean...a petition?

If you would like the rules to be revised,

and you manage to gather enough signatures from the students,

I would be delighted to put in word for you at a staff meeting.

Eh? For part time jobs too, then?

If the students ask for it, then yes.


How did it go?

I'm sorry, Anzu. This is all my fault.

What did she say, anyway?

Anyway, take this.

She gave it back to you?

I just have to do my best from here on out!

Now, I'll give it my all.

This truly is a problem.

She's really threatening and shows no remorse for her actions.

You mean Masaki?

So there's students like that here?

She's trying to get the rules appealed. She seems to be up to something.

We certainly cherish our students abilities to self-reflect,

but as teachers it's our job to guide them, isn't it?

The Poster: Let's amend the school rules! There we go.

Are you really gonna do this, Anzu?

Well, if I get rid of the petty complications, I can work my job freely.

But still...

What do you guys think about the rules?

Well, I think it'd be better if we ditched 'em altogether.

Here you go!

Give me your signatures, alright?

Um, would you like me to help?


Then hang up these posters for me.


Ah, Yuugi!


The Text: Stop being a busybody, stupid!!

The Sticker: Against revision of the rules

That's horrible!

What a bunch of lowlifes.

I just have to redo them.

Isn't this harassment?

There are people like that.

But there should be some who don't like the rules.

What's the matter?

You still can't figure it out?

But sir...

We haven't learned this yet.

You would've known if you'd bothered to prepare for the lesson.

You shouldn't be wasting time on pointless activities.

What's that supposed to mean?

After that test we had--

Please help us!

Please sign this petition to revise the school rules!

She sure is trying hard.

I really hope she gets enough.

Let's make part time jobs and fashion okay at our school!

Please help!

How's the progress?


Oh my, not nearly enough.

I just got started, you know.

Well, let's see if you get enough.

Like hell you'll get enough!

I sure wish more people would have the courage to sign.

Anzu, you didn't hear the rumors?

About what?

There's been rumors saying that students who signed the petition to revise the rules

are being picked on by the teachers.

Well, that just can't be true.

Who said that?

I'm not sure, but...

As long as we get the signatures, the teachers will have to consider it.

Let's all work to change the rules!

Please help!

Please help!

They're really at it over there.

Even with the rumors spreading around.

Ah, would you like to sign?

Who the hell would?

The rules we got now're good enough!

Who in their right mind would sign a petition to change 'em?

Right, there's no point.

They'll just get picked on by the teachers.

If you're not going to sign then that's fine.

But don't get in my way!

Take a look! She ain't even close to enough!

Let's see!

Give that back!

Don't! Give it bac--

Whoa there!


Piece of junk.

Knock it off, ya assholes!


You're a friend of her's?!

What a rule-breaking bastard!

You're the ones harassing them!


You shouldn't do that, Jounouchi-kun!

You're not gonna get off easy!

This is simply no good!

v*olence at school is a major violation of the rules.

They're the ones at fault here.

But I heard you were the one who laid your hands on them, Jounouchi-kun.

Jounouchi didn't do anything wrong.

You have a point.

You're the one who caused all this in the first place, aren't you?

There was never any need to change the rules, was there?

It looks like resounding statement by the students that the rules are fine as is.

It can't...


You may even get expelled.



Okay, you guys are next. Please enter.

Yes, ma'am.

Once my report is finished, I'll have the staff decide your punishments.


Why did things end up this way?

I was just trying to make the rules more fair, that's all.

Wait up, Anzu!


Excellent work, guys. Thank you.

It really wasn't a big deal.

It was an honor to do something for you, Miss Chouno.

You have a point.

Well, as your reward, I'll erase all incidents of rule-breaking from your records.

So, may we go now?

Sure thing.

But don't you break any more rules.

If it happens again, you'll be expelled.

Now, I must make the rules even more strict... Huh?

It's time for a game, Miss Chouno.

"Game"? What are you blabbering about?

If I win, Anzu will not be punished.

I don't have time to play games with you.

If I lose, I'll keep quiet about you using students to interfere...

Just what are you implying?

Furthermore, I will do whatever you say.

Is that so? A student who defies his teacher... I think I'll have you expelled.

This game is a jigsaw puzzle...

Using mirrors.


The rules are simple.

Whoever finishes first is the winner.


We will use these.

I see.

Now, let's begin.

Use these, Teacher.

You'd better be careful.

This is a very dangerous game, after all.

You take care as well.

I forgot to mention one thing...

Tell me when you finish, and the game will end.

Oh, really?

What kind of game is this, anyway?

What a stupid child.

I can do this during the game,

and you'd be none the wiser.

This piece...goes here..?

Hmm, you seem to be doing well.

There is one more thing I forgot to tell you...

This is a Shadow Game.

A "Shadow Game"?

Why is it called that?

A severe punishment awaits people who violate the rules.

Is that so?

I guess I really don't completely understand this situation.

How's it going?

I'm halfway finished with mine.

No way! I'm going to lose!

This is such a trivial game.

Now, with this, I'll win!

The Door of Darkness has been opened.


Miss Chouno...

You used your position of authority to hurt Anzu.

You merely wear the "mask" of a teacher.

Hidden underneath that mask lies your true, hideous nature!

W-What's happening..?

Just as a mirror reflects light upon the people you've hurt...

Your face shall reflect your true nature!

My makeup..!

My face..!

I warned you...

Break the rules and you'd be punished.

Miss Chouno hasn't said anything about it.

I wonder if that means we'll get off free?

It's all right, isn't it?

To a Beautification Member such as myself, that seemed unreasonable.

Come to think of it, what was that jigsaw puzzle about, Anzu?

S-Sorry about that!

It was just a friendly prank.

Heh, you call that a prank?

I heard a second year senior confessed to Mayumi.

It would be unfair to tell Jounouchi-kun now since he doesn't stand a chance.

It's fine, isn't it?

He's probably better for her than Jounouchi.

Miss Chouno.

Are you pleased with these new rules we worked out?

Don't be ridiculous!

We should make them even more stri...

P-Please excuse me!

Oh, Miss Chouno...

Miss Chouno sure wears thick makeup these days.

For sure. She probably has more cover up than skin at this point.


My makeup looks so bad lately!!

Come on! Why is this happening?!

Do you guys know about the popular Capsule Monsters?

You can collect and battle with cute monsters!

But, to rid myself of a stalker,

I'm challenged to a battle!

Furthermore, the second member of the Four Game Masters appears,

along with the shadow of a bewitching prophet...

The next episode!

"The Rumored CapMon: It's a New Arrival"

But Miho doesn't understand the rules at all!