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01x06 - Desperate Situation!! The Passionate Battle of Friendship

Posted: 04/09/24 11:08
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!


Could it be the Pharaoh's curse...?

No... There's no such thing as a curse...

Mutou-san will be coming shortly...

I've never needed a friend as much as I do today...

I must just be tired...

Who are you?!

I am of a Tomb Guardian tribe from 3,000 years ago.

A servant of Anubis.

What'd you say?!

And you are the other sinner who defiled the Valley of the Kings ordained by the Gods.

By Anubis' will, I will put you on trial.

Don't come any closer!

Stay back!

Man, it's gotten really dark.


Your pain will let you know the pain of the Gods within the Valley of Kings!

Desperate Situation!! The Passionate Battle of Friendship

The Sign: Domino First Aid Department


He somehow made it out with his life.

Now then, it's late, so you should all go home.

What about you, Grandpa?

I plan to stay with him through the night.

But what's going on here? First Kanekura-san and now Professor Yoshimori.

The people involved in the Egyptian excavation are dropping like flies.

It's obvious!

It's a curse! A curse!

It's because they just went and raided someone's grave!

Miho's so scared!

Miho-chan, there's nothing to be afraid of.

There's no way something like curses exist.

Even if they did, I'd give my life to protect you from them!

This guy's more scary than any curse with that thickheaded skull of his!

What'd you say?!

Knock it off already!

Don't make a fuss in the street!

Yeah, yeah!

Yuugi, I have finished bestowing judgment over this country.

All that remains is settling what I started with you.

It's all right. My hand isn't a trap.

I never imagined I'd be saved by the other soul within this boy's heart...

I am in your debt.

I don't like your hobby of peeking into other people's souls.

So I have lost this game...

No... This is likely just the beginning.

Since that time, the feeling of defeat smolders in my heart...

I cannot leave this country with these embers still burning...

Well, I'm heading back.

Be careful, okay?

I'll be fine.

See you again tomorrow!

I will use this girl to once again...

...draw the other Yuugi out of hiding.

This Millennium Key...

It will be the key that will open the door to your mind.

Show me the inside of your mind.

This is... the room inside this girl's mind.

The walls are mirrors, like a dance studio...

Mirrors reflect one's own image.

This is a symbol of confidence...

This girl possesses strong beliefs...

And dreams...

A photo of a man without a face?

This means nothing to me...

But this girl possesses strong will...

Forgive me.

I do pity her, but this is needed to draw out the other Yuugi.

Dark Marionette Design!

Wh-What is that you've got, Jounouchi?


Can't you tell by looking?! It's a talisman! A talisman!

Then what's that below it?

It happened to Kanekura and then Professor Yoshimori went through Hell!

I have no doubt that the curse is coming for us next!

Idiot! How many times must I say it?!

Curses don't exist!

Even if they did, as long as your heart is clean, you have nothing to fear!

Leave me alone! Dammit!

Anzu, good morning!

Alright! Today we'll measure your physical strength!


Before that, we must prepare the ground!

Uh, Mutou, please bring me the white liner.

White liner, white liner...

There it is!

That was close!

Man! That sure was a close one! Be careful!

That aside, things need to be organized properly!

I can't overlook this as a beautification member!

H-Hey, Yuugi!

Are you okay?!

It's no big deal! Just a light wound!

You should go to the school infirmary.

Is anyone here?


I wonder how Yuugi is. Didn't seem too serious, though.

Class is going to start soon!



Why are you in the infirmary?

You aren't sick, are you?!

Tell me! If you have anemia, you can have all my blood!

God are you depressing!

That's not it! I saw Anzu enter earlier when I was walking by.

I was wondering if she wasn't feeling well or something.

Anzu did?

Maybe it's just sunstroke?

She's been acting really weird today.

Hey! Yuugi!

What are you doing?!

Show me your true power.

I do this so I can finish things with you!


What was with Anzu just now?!


You okay, Yuugi?!


See her?

Nope. I can't find her.

Hey, what was with Anzu's voice?

The curse! It's gotta be the Egyptian curse!


If that's true...

Then somebody else among us may...

A-Anyway, let's split up and search for Anzu!


Hey! Classes are in session! Don't run in the halls!




I have been pushing you to draw out the other you.

But it would seem that you won't appear for me.

What are you talking about?

I will have to use a different method if I wish to see the other Yuugi again.

What are you talking about?

Listen well, Yuugi.

That girl is now a doll under my complete control.

She will obey any order I give to her.

Find her?!

Nope! No luck!

Oh, Honda. What about you?


What's wrong...with you?

Well, Yuugi?

Anger! Hatred!


On the far side of your emotions...

...the other Yuugi should be waiting!

He's coming...! The other Yuugi!


So we finally meet face-to-face, other Yuugi.

How dare you use Anzu in your game!

I will deploy any means necessary to settle things with you.

Yuugi, if you lose this game... will lose that girl in the process.

Before I explain the rules...

I want to say one thing...

About the Millennium Puzzle...

You may have thought it a coincidence that you solved the Puzzle,

but that is wrong.

The Millennium Puzzle chose you.

After waiting over 3,000 years...

And my clan was also chosen by the power of the Millennium Items.

Don't you dare try to tell me we're some sort of allies.

I have no interest in listening to that!

Explain the rules of the game!

Don't be afraid, Yuugi...

What did you say? Me, afraid?

Somewhere in your heart, you are afraid of that power.

You fear the unknown power of the Millennium Puzzle.

That is the weakness of your heart.

The proof lies before you, so take a look!


Yuugi, didn't you realize the game's already started?

Those statues are the ushabti of your heart.

When you show the weakness of your heart,

the statues will break one by one!

If the remaining three break, you lose the girl.

But you do have a chance.

The ropes are tied to the Millennium Key.

And holding it is the statue reflecting my heart.

I see...

So before my heart statues break...

If your heart statue breaks first...

That's right.

If that happens, the Millennium Key will travel down the rope and reach the girl's hand.

The girl who has been redecorated using the Millennium Key

will come to her senses if she touches it, resulting in my loss.

Do you understand?

The one whose heart shows weakness loses the game!

This is a game to determine each other's weaknesses, huh?

Then let us begin.

Here I come, Yuugi! The first trial!

This is...!

Shit! We can't let people see Honda like that!

This way!

Yuugi, you will need to clear this trial if you wish to escape from the Ammit.

And this game will be Concentration of Darkness.

Those stone plates have various pairs of pictures etched into them.

Wait a moment! There are nine stone plates!

There's one too many for the game of Concentration!

That is correct. There is one extra plate in the middle.

In this game, you must name the picture etched on that middle plate.

However, you are not allowed to turn over even one of the nine slabs!

Let me tell you the key to the puzzle.

Those stone slates are a mirror of Ammit!

The picture on the center plate?



Get lost, you damn janitor!

Honda-kun, you idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

Forgive me, Honda! Now open your eyes!

Call me... Beautification...!

You still care about that at a time like this?!

This situation ain't no joke!


Wh-Why's she up there?!

Run through everything he said again...

Shadi said that these slates are a mirror of the monster...


A mirror reflects your face and form!

And since this is Concentration, eight of the plates must hide four pairs.

If these slates are a mirror, then they must reflect parts of the monster.

What does this monster have two of? And what does it have one of?

I've got it!

There are two ears, eyes, nostrils, and hands!

And it's got only got one mouth!

Splendid job, Yuugi.

But the match has only just started.

Let me introduce you to your opponent for the next game.


That image of your friend is created from a past memory in the other Yuugi's heart.

The friend who bullied you in the past has been reborn before your eyes!


Let me explain the rules of the game.

The both of you will take turns spinning the Puzzle like a die.

For each throw, your opponent must move two squares

in the direction the tip of the Puzzle points!

The first one to force his opponent into the pit wins!

Now, Yuugi! Let me see you crush that terrible memory from your past!

I have no doubt that this Jounouchi-kun is Shadi's illusion.

But if there's even the slightest chance he's under Shadi's control...

What if he's real?

This is your "greatest treasure"?

Yuugi, man! Only a girl would care so much about a box!


Damn it... Just one more statue.

Now lets get started. I challenge you, Yuugi.

The Puzzle points that way.

Now, Yuugi, advance two steps toward the pit!

Now its your turn, Yuugi.

I won't roll!

I don't want to play this game with you, Jounouchi-kun!

Then you pass? It's my turn again!

Again toward the pit, Yuugi!

You've finally reached the edge.

Don't tell me you're passing again.

I pass!

Are you throwing away the game?

Do you admit your defeat, Yuugi?

You're wrong, Shadi.

I... believe in him!

In my friend.

You believe in him?

Yuugi, it seems you are unable to defeat your past.

You will be defeated by this trial because your weak heart chooses to trust in others.

This trial will show you that true strength comes from believing only in yourself!

Now roll the Puzzle for the last time!

End the game!

What's wrong?! Why don't you throw the Puzzle?!


The illusion of the past is disappearing!

My friend is not the same person he was in the past.

Its no use trying to confuse me with an illusion.

The rope holding Anzu up...!

Anzu! I'm here now, so don't worry!



It's as if these children are supporting each other!

My heart statue...

Shadi, I doubt you'll understand this.

Do you know where true strength comes from?

The power to trust in your friends?

Huh? Where am I?

What?! What's going on?!

Just hurry up and climb onto the roof already!

Hurry up!

I can't hold on much longer...!



Why am I here?!

Shut up! Don't shake!

Everyone! Are you guys okay?!

H-hey! I can't move like this!

No! I can't die before I become class president!

You'll never make it! I promise to win it for you, so just let go already!

Like hell you can!

It is my loss this time, Yuugi.

But do not forget.

The fate between you and my clan will not disappear.

And Yuugi...

You still have the mission to draw out the true power of the Millennium Puzzle.

We will meet again, King of Games...

Lately I've gotten into these super popular digital pets!

If you take care of it properly, you can raise your own individual pet.

I want to show everyone how cool it is!

But there's a horrible plot in the background!

Then the Four Game Masters finally appear!

And then the new street item, the Miracle Yo-Yo, makes an appearance!

The next episode!

"The Underhanded Digital Pet Rebellion"

How will you raise yours?