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01x05 - Now Revealed!! Yugi's Secret

Posted: 04/09/24 11:05
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

Now Revealed!! Yuugi's Secret

The history of games can be traced back...

...all the way to Ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago.

In ancient times, people used games to foretell the future of their kings,

and they would decide their fates through sorcery and rituals.

They were referred to as the "Shadow Games".

An Egyptian exhibit?


They discovered a tomb in the Valley of the Kings!

It's opening tomorrow at the Domino City Museum!

Wow, that sounds interesting! Let's go!

The college professor who discovered the tomb is my grandfather's friend!

He invited us, so we can get in for free!

That's the guy in the newspaper.

Egypt is such a mystical place!

Speaking of which, Yuugi, your Puzzle was found in Egypt, right?

Yeah! My good ol' Millennium Puzzle.

But Yuugi's grandfather was saying that the archaeologists

who discovered it all died mysterious deaths.

Urk...! For real?!

Yuugi, you aren't cursed, right?!

Of course I'm not!

But ever since I completed this Puzzle, there's been times when I lose my memory...

I'd...better not tell everyone that, though...

Look! They've got a mummy on display there!

A-A mummy?!

What's wrong with you? You suddenly look pale.

Could you be scared of mummies?!

L-Like hell I am!

Mummy? This could possibly be... good for me!

Miho-chan, there's nothing to be afraid of!

I will protect you!

Even if it costs me my life!

You're so strong, Honda-kun!

Yes! Let's go to the Egyptian exhibit!

Well, since tomorrow's Sunday, let's all meet at the museum at 1:00!

I can't wait!

The Sign: Domino City Museum; Egypt Unearthed



It's been a while! Good to see you!

No, the pleasure's mine! Thank you for inviting us to your show!

Let me introduce you!

This is Professor Yoshimori.

Pleased to meet you.

Whoa! You're the one who found the Pharaoh's tomb! You're famous!

So cool!

I'm certain there was one other...

Yes. This is the owner of the museum who provided the grant for the excavation

and is sponsoring this exhibit.

Kanekura's the name! Welcome to my museum!

I thought I saw someone watching us just now...

Am I seeing things?

Oh, Yoshimori-kun, ask them about the thing we talked about.

Oh... S-Sure.

Mutou-san... You told me that your grandson solved the Millennium Puzzle.

I did tell you that, didn't I?


So you're Yuugi-kun!

That's it! The legendary Millennium Puzzle?!


This is wonderful! Such an important piece of Ancient Egyptian history!

Kanekura-san makes his living in the art business. He has an eye for antiques!


Uh, more importantly, let's hurry to the mummies.

Let's go check 'em out!

Yuugi-kun, I beg you!

Would you lend me this Millennium Puzzle to put on display?!



What a problem... I always have it with me...

Well, how about for one day?

Oh, sure! Thanks a lot, Yuugi-kun!

I am grateful on behalf of the Egyptian exhibit!

One day is plenty...


Wow, Anzu, just look at this necklace!

That's a ruby! It's as big as Miho's hand!

Miho, you're drooling!

So all this belongs to the person who dug it up?

Until 1921, the excavator could keep up to half the artifacts he found,

but now they all belong to Egypt.

Right, but the man who found the famous tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922

didn't get to keep one piece of the artifacts he found!

I see... I thought archaeologists were treasure hunters with dreams of hitting it big...

Hardly at all! Archaeology is one of the worst paid professions.

But when after months of searching, you open the door to a piece of history no one's seen,

there's an indescribable excitement!

That's what I'm in it for.

You could say you get paid in romance rather than money!

That's very true.

Ah! Look!

It's so pretty!

This is a scene depicting the Judgment of the Dead, right?

Yes. The dead are said to go on trial before the King of the Afterlife

where they are weighed on a scale.

If the scale falls on the side of bad deeds, they are eaten by a monster!


And next up we have the mummy!

Mummy? Let's not look, after all!

The mummy! Here it comes!

Finally! At last!


Now come leap into my arms, Miho-chan!

So cute!

How can you possibly feel that way?

But it's head's all smooth like a baby!


I-I suddenly feel sick! It's the curse... the mummy's!

How long're you gonna do that?!

Let's get on to the next exhibit before we all get cursed!

But the baby!

-What's gotten into you all of a sudden?! -Forget that! Just hurry!

An Egyptian...?

Why are you crying?

These tears are not mine...

This shriveled form... He has become a doll of dust...

But still he is the eternal Pharaoh... His spirit lives on with his name.

Even the eternal sleep is denied him...

The cry of his soul becomes tears and flows down my cheeks.

He's carrying a scale...

That's weird...

You're a nice little boy...

Boy?! I'm in High School!

What a weird Egyptian...

Mr. Kanekura! This Millennium Puzzle is spectacular!

I'll pay any price!

You're quite the bidder!

Let's finalize the sale in my office before the museum closes...


Hey, look! Yuugi's Puzzle's on display over there!

That's awesome!

You're right!

Well, we'll talk about this later...


Yuugi's treasure became famous!

I guess so!

Let's take a picture in front of it later!

Yuugi-kun, you didn't really want to lend him the Millennium Puzzle, right?

Well, no...

This expedition wouldn't have happened without Kanekura-san.

So I'm in no position to complain.

Okay! Gather 'round, everyone! I'm taking a picture!

Okay! Pose!

Wow, that was fun!

For real! Miho's really impressed!

Right, Honda-kun?!

Y-You're right!


Professor Yoshimori! Thank you so much for today!

My pleasure! Well, I need to get back to the university.


-Thanks a lot! -Thank you very much!

So, guys, what're we gonna do now?

I'll wait here until the museum closes!

I want my Puzzle back before I go home!

Then I guess we're dismissed now!

See you tomorrow!

See ya!


Yes, it's 4:30.

30 minutes left.

My investment funded the discovery of the Pharaoh's tomb...

And now I can make some money on the Millennium Puzzle.

Luck is with me!

Who is it?

Mr. Kanekura!

Oh, he's here! Come in!

A power outage?

Wh-Who the hell are you?!

I am of a clan of Tomb Guardians existing for 3,000 years.

I am a servant of Anubis.

A-Anubis?! The God of Death?!

D-Don't be absurd!

Because of your greed, another tomb in the Valley of Kings has been defiled.

For that, you will be judged!

Huh?! I get it!

You're from the Egyptian government!

I-I don't know anything about selling antiques!

What is...?

You know of the scene of The Final Judgment in the 125th chapter of the Book of the Dead.

This is the Scales of Truth!

The Scales of Truth? You intend to weigh my sins?

We now begin the game! The Shadow Game!


On this side of the scale I place the Feather of Truth.

As you see, the scales are now balanced...

And I will now ask you several questions.

If you do not tell the truth, the other side will grow heavy...

...with the weight of your crimes.

If that side of the scales should touch the ground, a Penalty Game awaits you.

Penalty Game?

Then the first question...

A young girl falls into a deep well.

You are the only one to see it happen.

However, at your feet lies the golden ring the girl was wearing...

So what do you do?

I-I save her! I save the little girl!

Absurd! I'm not lying!

Then the next question...

Yes! It's about time!

Time to get my Puzzle back!

Why?! I-I'm not lying!

How is the plate sinking without anything in it?

This has to be some kind of trick!

What the hell is a Penalty Game?!

Very well... Before the last question, I'll tell you about the Penalty Game...

It awaits within your heart.

That is Ammit. The monster taking residence within your Room of Soul.

Then the last question...

Have you defiled the territory of the Gods and sold their treasure to fatten your own pockets?

S-Stop! I'll pay anything!

There is no truth in your Room of Soul!

There is only greed.

Therefore, you will receive judgment!

The room of your soul is filled with the decaying scent of money and greed.

Creatures like that make their homes there.

You will be destroyed by the illusion born of your crimes!

Th-This is the Millennium Puzzle...!

And in its completed form...!

In 3,000 years, it hasn't been completed once...

So why is it here...?

Does it mean someone in this country has solved the Puzzle?!

This museum is like a maze...

The Egyptian from before!

Ah! It's my Millennium Puzzle!

What?! It can't be...!

Does this belong to you, by any chance...?


I was searching for it!

But why do you have the Puzzle?

The one who solves the Millennium Puzzle is said to gain the Power of Darkness.

The same power as my clan...!

If so, then this boy...

I must confirm whether this boy has the power!

I'll use the Millennium Key to look at this young man's Room of Soul.

A key...?

Th-There are two rooms in this boy's heart.

One room is open and has toys laid out all over the floor.

But there is no wicked thoughts.

And the other room...

Oh? I didn't think anyone would come to investigate my room.

Is this that boy from before?

No, the atmosphere around him is different!

And who are you?

I have looked into many humans' rooms in their hearts in the past.

Normally, there is only one room within a person's soul.

But what is this other room in this boy's soul?

This kind of serious and cold room is like the Ancient Egyptian grave of a Pharaoh.

I don't know what kind of powers you have used to come into my room.

State your purpose for being here.

From your perspective, I am an unwanted guest.

Answering your question is a common courtesy.

I came to discover the secret of the power of your Millennium Puzzle.

So you know the existence of the Millennium Puzzle...?

The Millennium Puzzle is one of the Millennium Items of darkness.

Since Egyptian times, for 3000 years,

this story has been passed down in the Valley of Kings.

They were made by those who served the ancient Pharaohs

to punish thieves who would defile their tombs and steal their treasures.

So it is written in the Pert Em Kru, the Book of the Dead.

So you came here with the power of one of these Millennium Items?

The dark power of the Millennium Key!

This key opens the door to one's soul...

In this room of the soul, one discovers everything about a person.

Who they are, what they love, and what they fear...

And one more: The Millennium Scale of darkness.

They weigh the sins of a person being judged.

But even I do not know the power of the Millennium Puzzle.

I do not know what power is bestowed upon the person who completes it.

So you entered my room in order to find the answer to that question.

If I can see a person's room, I can see what kind of power they possess.

That is what I came here to discover.

And if that power is needed, I will draw it into my clan.

Your clan?

The power of the Puzzle does lie in my room.

But I can't let you see it that easily.

You know the routine... It's time for a game!


If you win, I'll tell you the secret behind the Millennium Puzzle's power.

The rules are simple.

Somewhere within this soul is my True Room.

You need to search for it.

I forgot to tell you about one other power I have.

When I enter the room of one's soul, I can "redecorate" and control that person at will.

And of course, I can even destroy their personality.

I shall accept this game.

And I will find the True Room of your soul!

Don't think it's that easy.

This game is more dangerous than you know!

I-Is this...a maze?!

What is it? If you don't take the first step, it's impossible to start.

Countless doors as far as the eyes can see...

But among all the doors, only one of them is the real room.

First this door...

Do you give up now?

You may find yourself getting hurt on the path to finding the True Door.

Best of luck.

A trap...!

The True Room...


I will not be deceived by these traps!


An illusion?!

I must remain calm!

I must focus myself entirely on finding it by erasing all other presences!

This boy's soul is so tightly closed off against strangers that it seeks to confuse me!

But I must know regardless!

The secret of the Millennium Puzzle!



Is this the place?

I've come to the True Room?

No, this is also a trap!

If I fall into the deep hole of darkness,

I will never be able to leave this young man's shadowy heart!

So this is the end, eh?

It's all right. My hand isn't a trap.

I never imagined I'd be saved by the other soul within this boy's heart...

I am in your debt.

I don't like your hobby of peeking into other people's souls.

So I have lost this game...

No... This is likely just the beginning.



Hey there!

I entered this boy's soul in order to test him, but...

I was the one who was tested!

Are you okay? You look really pale!

You closed your eyes and stopped moving...

Yes, I am all right...

You can have this back.

Th-Thank you!

You need not thank me.

I am already in your debt.


Did I loan you something?

It was the other you.

The other me?

What're you talking about?

This boy hasn't realized the existence of his other self yet?

When these two sides join forces, the true power of the Millennium Puzzle will be awakened!

Hey, are you sure you're all right?

Boy... What's your name?

I'm Yuugi! Not boy! Yuugi!

Yuugi, there is still something else I need to do within this country...

Well, when I'm finished with my work, the two of us will meet again.


My name is Shadi.

This is the first time I've ever told anyone my name.

I must make sure of this boy's power...

Yuugi! We'll settle things this time!

Right now, your friend has become my puppet!

If you want to save Anzu's life, you will accept this trial!

There is also a Digital Pet Master after you!

And Kaiba's Game Masters are targeting you as well!

The next episode!

"Desperate Situation!! The Passionate Battle of Friendship"

So how will you fight me, King of Games?!