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01x04 - Theft! The Legendary Super Rare Watch

Posted: 04/09/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

The history of games can be traced back...

...all the way to Ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago.

In ancient times, people used games to foretell the future of their kings,

and they would decide their fates through sorcery and rituals.

They were referred to as the "Shadow Games".

At the beginning of this century, an team from England excavating a king's tomb

took the Millennium Puzzle from a tomb found in the Valley of the Kings.

It was written on it that whoever managed to solve the puzzle

will inherit the Shadow Games and come to accept the dead.

Everyone on the excavation team suffered mysterious deaths...

And what was carved into the puzzle said...

"Ye who solves me shall gain the powers and knowledge of darkness."

And that person shall be called...

the King of Games.

Shotaro? Shotaro!

Are you there?

Shotaro! Shotaro!

The freakin' greatest!

Theft! The Legendary Super Rare Watch

Man... Calling me out this early in the morning...

What the heck does Miho-chan want with me?


Honda-kun, the truth is, when Miho sees

you keeping the school clean as a Beautification Member,

and when I see your strong sense of responsibility

and your manliness, I can't help but...

...lo-love... you!

Or something like that!

As if!

Ah! Wastepaper in a place like this!

Littering in the street is a big no-no!

Right, granny?

Hmph, youngin's these days haven't a shred of decency!


Oh, Miho-chan!

S-So lovely!

Sorry for calling you out this early in the morning.

No sweat!

No matter how early in the morning,

nor how late in the evening, if it's for you, Miho-chan...

So, what did you need from me?

Right. Well, you see...

I have a little favor I want to ask of you.


I'm off!

Hold it, Yuugi!

What is it, Grandpa?

"What is it, Grandpa" my foot, boy!

If you're going to leave, you better eat a proper breakfast first.

It's bad manners.

Huh? But if I arrive later than the scheduled time,

everyone'll laugh at me.

-See you! I'm leaving! -Ah! Yuugi!


"Everyone," huh...?

Yuugi, who used to stay home all day and do nothing but play games by himself,

wants to hurry and get to school so he can see his friends.

"Giving something up for others is what making friends is all about."

I'm so glad for you, Yuugi.

I guess you'd have to expect it to be so crowded on a Sunday...


What's their deal?

It's the D-Shock Premium Collection.

Huh? By that, you mean that D-Shock wristwatch?

Yeah, that's the one.

That Legendary Premium Collection is on sale here today for a limited time.

Really...? A legendary collection?

Not good...! It's about to leak out...!

And when I'm this close!

I'm way too close to leave now!

I'm just gonna have to hold it!

How can I tell Miho-chan I couldn't get it just because I had to take a piss?!

But even so...!

I didn't know you were interested in this stuff, Honda-kun!

That's pretty surprising!


Yuugi, I have a favor to ask.


Honda-kun's sure taking his time...

Here, next in line.


Sir, you are very lucky!


Everyone else in line, I sincerely apologize!

Aside from this one, the D-Shock Premium Collection has sold out!

-Huh?! -Hey, what gives?!

Say what?!

So that was the last one, huh? Boy was that close!

Here. Thank you very much.


I'll be taking this.

Eh...? What are you talking about? This D-Shock...

You don't deserve this thing.

Th-Those are...!

They're special variation Swiss color watches!

They're quite the collection when you have these various colors and designs side by side...

There are only about 100 each of these ten types in the entire world.

I doubt you'd find anyone in Japan... no, in the entire world who gathered all of these types together!

Do you understand now?

That's why this D-Shock Premium Collection

only holds meaning when in the hands of a watch collector of rare items like me!

Some amateur like you who can't even tell

the difference between a limited item and a regular one

has no business even holding one!

N-No way...

It's unforgivable...! I ain't gonna forgive you, punk!


Who the hell're you? Trying to get in my way?!

I don't know anything about limited watch collectors, but you have to follow the rules!


Hello?! Is this the police?!

Sorry I got back late.

Are you all right, Yuugi?


Hey! It's amazing, isn't it?!

Wow! That's the first time I've seen the real thing!

Honda-kun saved Miho from having to wait in line forever!

Friends are a must-have, Miho.

For sure! I love Honda-kun!

She loves you, she says, Honda!

Aren't you glad you stood in line since so early in the morning? quiet!

I was just doing what any Beautification Member would do!

Just look at the world!

The people's hearts have been dirtied...!

The true work of a Beautification Member is to clean those filthy hearts!

In other words, a Beautification Member must have a pure heart and immense kindness!

Overdoing it much?

He's really overbearing!

Hey, Miho, let me borrow that thing for a while.

Huh? This D-Shock?

Hey, Jounouchi!

Are you listening to me here?!

It's fine if it's only while we're here!

I just wanna do this one time in my life!

Sure! Just don't get it dirty, okay?


What the hell is it, Honda? Don't scream my ear off!

Rock, Paper, Scissors.


Whoever wins in Rock, Paper, Scissors gains the right to Miho's D-whatcha-ma-call-it!

It's the D-Shock, man!

Don't talk about beautification when you can't even remember the thing's name!

Just do Rock, Paper, Scissors with me!

H-Here goes, Jounouchi!



Are you serious?

Fine, guess there's no helping it!

Rock, Paper...

I can feel Miho-chan's warmth!

It's good to be alive!

Wow, this is great! Look at all of this!

Hey, look, Honda-kun!




Thank your lucky stars that you didn't actually scratch my watch!

If you had scratched it even in the slightest, you'd be dead right now!


Man oh man!

I'm really not cut out for games!


It'll be bad if I get this thing wet!


You saved me a ton of trouble. Thanks.

Okay, all cleaned up.

Now that I'm refreshed, let's have another round.

Eh? You're going home already, Miho?

Yeah. I have an early curfew.

Oh, really?

Guess I better return this to you.


What's wrong?

Hey, don't tell me you went and lost it.


No way I did! Just wait a minute. Where'd I put it again?


Where... Where the heck did I put it?


It's gone!


Where did it disappear to?!

Honda-kun, you idiot! Stupid! Dummy! Jerk!

I hate you! I really hate you!


Did he...?

Gone, gone, gone...

It's not here...!

Where the hell did Miho-chan's watch go?!

Honda-kun, I just couldn't find it.

You lost it. Just give up already.

Like hell I'll give up!

It's my fault!

Because I was careless, Miho-chan's D-watcha-ma-call-it was lost!

I told you! It's not a D-whatcha-ma-call-it! It's a D-Shock!



Oops, my bad. I thought that was a floor mat!

You bastard...

The hell's your problem, jerk?

Stop it, Jounouchi.

If you've got the time to fool around with that idiot, help me look for the watch.

So he says.

Not good. I don't have any proof that he took the watch.

Hey, what do you think you're doing?!

Stop it, you idiot!

Please let me go! I beg you! I was just going to look underneath it!

I'm begging you! Please let me go!

-Honda! -Honda-kun!

I wonder where Yuugi went off to...

Beats me...

I'm going to check the bathroom one more time...


Give it back!

Give it back now!

Hey, this belongs to me!

But that...!

I'll say it once again! This is mine!


You mean it is mine, right?!

Just obtaining a legendary item is the shit!

It won't open...

The hell's the deal?

Damn thing...

It's time for a game.

You assh*le!

Whoa there. That's dangerous.

What in the hell is this?

You're going to play a little game with me...

Say what now?


It's a Shadow Game.

You'll be betting that D-Shock you stole.

Stop bullshitting! This is...


My D-Shock!

It's not yours, you know.

But if you win this game, I'll acknowledge that it is yours.

A game, you said?!

Well? Do you accept?

Yeah! I don't give a shit what game it is! I'll do it!

That's the spirit.

The rules are simple.

At the same time the game starts, that pigeon from earlier will come out.

The D-Shock stop watch will then activate.

Whoever stops it closest to ten seconds wins.

What, that's all there is to it?


If you exceed ten seconds, the pendulum you saw earlier will pass right next to the D-Shock.

You understand what will happen if you're even a little too slow, don't you?

It's your choice whether you face the darkness or not.

Don't take me lightly! Of course I'll do it!


So who's going to start?

I will!

Okay. Then...


How's that?!

Not bad. Then I guess it's my turn.


Like he can dish out more energy than I did before!


Th-This guy...!


I win.

Do over!

That was a test just now!

The next turn's for real!

A test, huh? I see.

Fine then.


Wait! This time I'll take that side!



I saw through his cheap little trick.

One side is more favorable.

This side allows your hand to escape at the last moment.

I thought it'd be harder with the upside-down numbers, but the switch is the most important thing.

Wait! Something's different from before!

Dammit! The pendulum's coming from the other side!

If I stand here, I'll be hit before the ten second mark!

What a shame.

I'll be taking this back after all.


Like hell I'll give this to you!

Screw this game!

This D-Shock is mine!



The Door of Darkness has been opened.


Wh-What's going on?!

This... This...!

I don't want this!

Save me!

Eh?! You found it?!

You're right! Thank goodness we found it!

You said it was underneath the stairs?


What could it have been doing there?

But what happened to your face?

I'd like to joke about this...

But I don't remember what happened.

Thank God! Now I can see Miho-chan!

I'm so glad!

Thanks a lot, Yuugi!


Pull yourself together!

What's gotten into you?!


Your mother will understand!

Shotaro! Shotaro!


Yeah! This Sunday, Emperor department store mambo line lady perfume is specially on sale!

Miho wants this!

But I'm sure there'll be a long line!

Alright, Miho-chan!

Leave this to the beautification of justice, Honda Hiroto!

I'm so happy!

Miho's so moved!

Goodness gracious...

There's no medicine for stupidity, is there?

Yuugi, someone named Shadi is after you.

The secrets hidden in the Millennium Puzzle will be exposed.

Anzu-chan's heart will then face a desperate situation!

Further, Miho-chan is also targeted by a digital pet fanatic!

The next episode!

"Now Revealed!! Yuugi's Secret"

Yuugi, your grandpa believes in you!