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01x02 - The Devil Gamer – The Trap of Hell

Posted: 04/09/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!

Wh-What's this?!

You really completed the Millennium Puzzle?

I can't believe this.

Not a single person has been able to solve it since it was discovered in Egypt.


You don't feel any different at all, do you?

Your head doesn't start hurting randomly, or you don't feel feverish, do you?

Not really...


Hmm... It's even written on the outside...

"Whoever solves me shall be granted the power and intelligence of darkness."

Now that you mention it, it did grant a wish of mine!

I made some friends!


But that shouldn't be all...

"The power and intelligence of darkness..."

Just what could that mean?

I sure hope nothing bad happens...

The Devil Gamer: The Trap of Hell

The Sign: Domino Prison A jail break?

That's impossible. There's no way.

No one should be able to escape from here.

Jirou "The Yellow Spider"?

That's just like him!

What the hell are they babbling about?

I'll show you I can get out of here, too!

This is terrible!

Someone's escaped!

He should still be around the area!

Everyone search for him!

The fugitive's name is Tetsuo Sasaki.

He is also known as Tetsu "The Hedgehog".

He is considered to be armed and dangerous...

You better call me "Mr. Tetsu, Master of Disguise" from now on.

It's over, it's over!

Hey, Yuugi.

Wanna grab some food on the way home?


Oh, that's right!

Let's go to that new restaurant that just opened, Burger World!

I heard the hamburgers there are delicious!

Hold it, you guys!

Oh, if it isn't the one who failed to become first year Student Council president,

and instead became a janitor, Honda-kun!

I'm not a janitor! I'm a Beautification Member!

Don't you know it's against school rules

to stop anywhere on the way home from school?!

I'd like to check out Burger World, too!

Let's go!

Listen, you...

U-Um, guys...

About this "Burger World"...

You wanna come too, Anzu?

Don't joke!

I heard the food there is disgusting and tastes horrible!


People started getting sick there the day they opened!

You'd be much better off not going there!

And didn't you hear what the teacher said?

That a criminal broke out of prison!

Oh yeah, that's right!

The jail break!

It's caused a huge panic throughout the city.

What the hell? You scared?

You got no guts!

But I heard he has a g*n on him...

But you know, Yuugi...

Hasn't Anzu been acting a bit weird lately?

Now that you mention it, she hasn't walked home with me recently...

You don't think...

I sure hope Anzu hasn't been into that "compensated dating" crap after school.

Wh-What a thing to say!

There's no one in our school like that!

That's right! Anzu would never stoop that low!

Damn, are you pissed!

Your face is all red, Yuugi!

Maybe you...

No! That's not it!

C-Compensated dating?

Anzu is...?

I-It couldn't be...

Anzu's doing that...?


But sometimes I feel like Anzu's interested in older men!

Maybe this is...!

Oh no!!

Just you wait, Anzu!

Miho's gonna save you from those old men!

Serves them right...

I finally got my freedom.

Now all I got left to do is my work!

It's been so long since I felt this way!

This thrill...!


It's empty!

Y-You gotta be freakin' kidding me!

In other news...

a burglar has entered the Sakuya Domino City Ushijima Bank...

The Worth: In 1998, ¥30,000,000 is about $274,600.00 in 2021. ...and made off with about 30 million yen.

He also reportedly has broken into a number of banks around the city.

And reports indicate that, judging from the metalwork,

they believe it is the work of Tetsuo Sasaki, who broke out of jail the other night.

Are you freaking kidding me...?!

I didn't steal jack shit!

But they're saying I hit other banks as well...!

Just what the hell is going on here?!

But man, it's so freakin' hard I can't even clear the first level!

Could we go to your place so you can show me?

All right!

Yeah, that's sounds good!

Miho wants to come!


O-Oh, that's right.

Sorry. I can't today.

We're going to be way too busy for a while.

So don't tempt her too much.

Let's get going, Miho.

See ya!

H-Huh? Miho-chan?

So she finally recruited Miho into her hoard of escorts?

This world sure is falling to pieces.


You bastard! There's no way Miho-chan would do such a thing!

Take it back!

Or if you don't, then slice open your stomach right where you stand!

That's right! That's really rude, Jounouchi-kun!

You guys sure are naive.

Don't you know?

Do you have any idea what lunch box Anzu bought today?

The ultimate Stamina Lunch Box!

Do you believe it?!

It's the top level Stami-Lunch we've never once eaten before!

In other words, she has money!


The legendary Stami-Lunch?!

N-No... Miho-chan would never resort to compensated dating...


If there's even the slightest possibility...

It can't be...

I can't compare to some rich old guy, being a High School student and all...

N-No way...

No... No...!


How could this happen!?

Found 'em!

You mustn't, Miho-chan! Open your eyes!


I shall...

Save you from this!


I've gotta succeed this time!

I'm aiming for a much larger mountain this time, after all!

This is amazing!

It's the necklace Marie Antoinette wore, the Starlight!

If I sell this, I can play around for the rest of my life!

Furthermore, the Marie Antoinette necklace stolen, the Starlight, was an imitation.

A-A fake?!

There were also 30 jewels missing.

Authorities believe Tetsuo Sasaki to be behind this incident...

...who's whereabouts are currently unknown.

Don't screw with me!

So the thing I stole was this thing?!

What the hell is going on!?

Man! It's finally over!

Hey, Honda! Wanna go play some basketball?

N-No, I'm a bit busy today...

Now let's go, Miho-chan.


Hey... Don't tell me you think Honda-kun is an escort now, too...

No, it's definitely possible.

He's after a rich old woman!

That settles it.

Come on! Drop the jokes and think about this seriously!

This is too strange for those three!

So, let us begin Operation Trailing!

My briefcase sure is heavy today.

Oh, let me carry it.

What's wrong?

Nope, it's nothing.

Let's go.

That was close!

That girl can be pretty clever sometimes!

Okay, let's go...


This place is...!

Burger World!


Hello there!

Welcome to Burger Worl--


W-What the hell are you guys doing here?

They found out!

And Jounouchi of all people!

The big mouth of the school that must never find out these things!

Hey now! Say something!

S-Say what?

Y-You can tell by looking! It's a part-time job!

We're sweating through hard labor for society!

You of all people should realize part-time jobs are forbidden by school rules.

Especially since you're talking big all the time about it.

Say no more, Jounouchi.

I... I was also troubled by this.

I thought over the meaning of this...!


But... there's a ton of things Miho wants!

Hey now, you guys.

Are these not customers?

Hurry up and show them to their seats.

Um, Jounouchi-kun...

Don't you think it was a bad idea to come here...?

Anzu seems pretty mad...

Serves her right.

They were keeping such a huge secret from us, after all.

But Anzu sure looked cute in her uniform...

Shit...! That damn Tetsu...!

Where'd he run off to?

Sorry for the wait.


Please enjoy our shop's hamburgers with plenty of our famous ketchup!

Tell and I won't forgive you--


Anzu, you little...!

Well, you already found out about my part-time job.

I guess there's no harm in hiding this from you anymore.

I'm saving money.

So I can go to America once I graduate.


To study dancing in New York.

It's my dream.

Don't you dare laugh!

W-We'd never laugh at you!

R-Right, Jounouchi-kun?


Don't you worry, Anzu.

I'm not gonna say anything.

I'll eat 10,000 of these hamburgers if I do.

But seriously! They expect us to pay for hamburgers drenched in ketchup?!

This joint's a real piece a' work!

Relax. Those are on me.

Hey, look at that Yuugi...

There's something fishy going on...

You're kidding!

An escaped criminal?!

S-So you're saying there's a chance that the criminal is in this restaurant?


There was a report about it this morning.

This area appears to be the most commonly hit among the various break-ins.

Thus, I'm currently investigating this entire area.

U-Um, do you happen to have a picture of the culprit's face?

Doesn't look like he's here...

He's a master of disguise.

It's rare to see him out of hiding.


We'll just have to check each one.

No, that's no good.

It seems he has a g*n on him.

Does the criminal have any other characteristics?

Three days ago, it was reported that he was confronted by a guard while stealing jewels.

The fallen guard was able to hit the culprit in the right calf with his baton while he fled,

and it is highly possible a mark was left.

In that case...

We can use those.


Gosh, this is making Miho's heart beat like crazy!

Amazing... These guys are so brave.


It's not appropriate for customers to put their feet up on the table.

He doesn't have it!

It's not this guy either!

What the hell are you doin', ya bitch!?

I-I apologize, sir!

We have a situation going on.

Don't bullshit me!

How dare you mess with a man's rest?!

What's the meaning of this!?

A policeman!?

I apologize, everyone.

Due to the possibility of an escaped convict being present in this restaurant,

we must check every one of your legs.

The culprit should have a bruise on his calf resulting from a guard hitting him.

H-Hey... What's the meaning of this?!

An escaped convict?

Well doesn't that sound fun.

Are you positive you are not mistaken?

Besides, this town's police force is worthless!

You lost the convict that escaped before, too!

That...certainly is true...

Detective, isn't there any other clue about the culprit?


While in prison, he was once admitted to the hospital.

He had an allergic reaction after eating eggs.

He's allergic to eggs?

Well now, in that case...

We'll know who the culprit is right away if we do this.

Because our hamburger buns are loaded with eggs!

W-What'd she say...?!

There's...eggs in these hamburgers?!

Now that I think about it, my body feels...

Is something the matter?

You don't look so good.

Shut up!


Tetsuo Sasaki! You're under arrest!

Call an ambulance before you do anything!

Hurry up and call a g*dd*mn ambulance!!

I'm allergic to eggs!!

You're stupid. I was lying.


Our burgers are made with 100% whole wheat flour.


He has a bruise on his calf!?

What's going on here?

Speaking of which, I wasn't hit by no guard...!

Hold on...

If there really is another criminal besides me...

Then that means...!

This guy's the culprit!

It's this man!

You fool!!

It's this! This tattoo!

Jirou "The Yellow Spider"!

No one move a muscle.

Or I'll take this girl's life!

So you were Jirou "The Yellow Spider"?!

That's right.

I had my face altered with plastic surgery and then headed to this city.

Tetsu "The Hedgehog", I never thought you would come to this restaurant...

Even in disguise, I was able to recognize you at first glance.

I was able to tell what places you were going to rob.

I'm different from before.


I was the one who robbed Ushijima Bank and stole the jewels!

That's right!

I ate burgers here both times before my robberies...!

And I never had an allergic reaction!

I'm so stupid!

Everyone get down!


When blindfolded, people become so frightened they can't utter a sound.




That bastard!

Now then!

Someone's gonna get what I demand!

You! The wussy-looking brat over there!

You do it!


Don't any of you other people even think about moving!

Anyone who tries anything...


First, get me some booze and cigarettes!

I quit all of my old habits a while ago.

I quit drinking and smoking.

But I suddenly feel free for a change!

This man said "wussy-looking brat" before, didn't he...?

I'm sure he did...

Don't tell me...



It's Yuugi, right?!

Don't come here!

Shut your damn mouth!


How dare you do that to my precious Anzu...!

But your luck ran out when you chose me.

I brought what you wanted...

Who the hell gave you permission to sit down?!

So what?

I was just trying to help you pass the time.

It's time for a game.

Was that voice...Yuugi's just now?

No it wasn't...

They sound similar, but it's not him...

This voice has so much confidence in himself...

It's not Yuugi's...!

Oh? A game, eh?

It certainly caught my interest for now.

I used to gamble non-stop a while back!


This will be no ordinary game.

It will be a Shadow Game.

A game where one bets his life.

Now ain't that interesting?

I wanna hear the rules.

Is this kid a ret*rd or what?

I'll show him what happens when you underestimate me.

It's too quiet...

Just what the hell is happening over there?

There is...but one rule.

And that is, of our ten fingers...

...we are permitted to move but one each.

You are, of course, free to choose which finger that is.

You can only move that finger you choose.

So, which finger do you choose?

If that's the case, then of course it's the index finger.

The finger I'll use to blow you to Hell.


Then I will choose the thumb.

What the hell can he do with his thumb?

Either way, I'll be sendin' him to the next world with a press of my finger.

Once the game begins, you're free to do whatever you please.

You're even free to pull that trigger.

Now...let's go!

Game, start!

It's game over this very second!

Oh, that's right.

I forgot to ask for a lighter.

I'll let him use his thumb to light the cigarette.

Then I'll k*ll him after that!

You can...keep the lighter.

You can take it with you to the afterlife.

That booze is Russian Vodka.

It's 90% alcohol!

I can't move...!

If the lighter falls and the booze ignites...

Then I'll be...!

I'd like to see you fire your g*n now.

The lighter will surely fall due to the recoil.

Let's go, Anzu.

If this keeps up...!


That's right...!

If I do this...!

As I figured, you couldn't follow the rules.

What the...?!

That glowing eye...!

A Shadow Game reveals a person's true characteristics.

Those who can't follow the rules are fated with a penalty game!

You brat!

Don't you dare screw with me!

The Door of Darkness... has been opened...


Ah, someone...!


This fire...!

Put it out, please...!!

The Paper: Closed for a short time. ~ Burger World What?

So you really quit your part-time job?


If I work all the time, I won't have time to spend with you, Yuugi.


But I wonder who that was back there...

Who was the one who saved me, I wonder?

Hey! The Sign: Yoshi's House of Gyuudon

You're late!

TL Note: "Gyuudon" is rice covered with beef and vegetables. Look! This gyuudon shop is opening today!

I hear the food here is delicious!


Y-You guys're still doing this?

But... but...! I want new clothes!

I... I will fall as far as needed!

So long as I'm with Miho-chan!

My strongest rival...

The noble son of Kaiba Corporation...

Seto Kaiba finally arrives!

A battle using a hot new card game, Duel Monsters, has begun!

And the next enemy...

The D-Shock Watch Hunter!

And finally, a threatening man from Egypt appears before me.

The next episode!

"Clash! The Strongest Monster"

Now... It's time for a game.