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01x01 - Furious Battle – A Dark Game

Posted: 04/09/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!


Thieves haven't gotten this one yet!

Professor! What's that...?

Th-This box...!

Could this be related to those Shadow Games we heard abou--



You must pull yourself together!

That must be the puzzle of darkness...!

Furious Battle: A Shadow Game

It's lunchtime!

Let's play basketball!

I'll ask some girls to play!

Hey, Yuugi!

Quit playing by yourself

and come play basketball with us for a change, will ya?

W-Well, no thanks...

The team I join usually ends up losing...

That's true.

-Alright, let's go guys! -Okay!

I'd like to play my kind of games with everyone once in a while...

I always bring so many games with me to school, too...

Oh yeah!

I'm gonna finally finish that today!

It's the treasure I always carry with me!

My greatest treasure lies within this box.

So I must keep it a secret!

And that's the quiz!

What lies in this box is something you can see, yet you have never seen it!

Now, what could it be?

And the answer is...


Yuugi, what'cha talkin' to yourself for?

"What you can see, but can't see"?

You ain't makin' sense at all!

G-Give that back!


Man, caring so much for a box like this...

You know, Yuugi...

It's that part of you that... well, it really pisses me off.

So I'm gonna have to put you through some trainin' so you can be a man!

How 'bout it? Ya want this box back, right?

Then come at me with all you got!

I hate fighting and v*olence!

You may not got any guts but you sure got a freakin' loud voice!

Anyway, just give me back that box!

That's right!

Knock it off, Jounouchi!

Oh! Did ya say something?

Honda-kun, the first year wanting to "make the school a better place"

by running for Student Council president

but ended up rejected and falling to Janitor Patrol!

It's not "Janitor Patrol"...

It's called the "Beautification Patrol"!

Your voice is friggin' loud, too!

Right, just as you said...

I was not elected as the Student Council president,

but I have instead been reborn as an even bigger human being!

As a Beautification member, I...

I am to purify human beings. By the way, what's in this box?

All so I can spread peace around the world! Y-You can take a look, but don't lose anything!

Hey! Are you listening?! It's really important to me!

You should listen when a person is talking to you!

What the hell? This is boring.

-Masaki! -Masaki!


If you think it's boring, just give it back to him already!

Besides, you're the boring one for bullying the weak!

No one's bullying the weak!

-I was just teaching Yuugi to be a man-- -Shut your mouth!



That wasn't directed at you, Miho.

That sure surprised me!

I wanted to eat lunch, but there's still so many people in line...

That's no good!

I'll go get something for you right now!

Wait up, I'll go with you!

Those two are hopeless...

Damn it! She pisses me off!

Don't talk badly about Miho-chan!

Who the hell was talking about Miho Nosaka?!

It's Masaki! Anzu Masaki!

Dammit, who the hell's "bullying the weak"?

What was that about bullying, you two?

It was nothin'!

-Shut the-- -W-We didn't say a thing!


Bullying is not good, you know.

Yes! Understood.

Oh, one more thing...

Be sure your school uniform is properly buttoned.


He left.

You jerk! I couldn't breathe!

Idiot! Do you have any idea who you were picking a fight with?!

He's the Public Moral Member, Ushio-san.

It's his responsibility to make everyone follow the school's rules.

He's an amazing person.

Hmph! I wonder.

Everybody knows flattering guys like that always have another side to them.

Don't be ridiculous!

You're sure something.

One word from you and they were scared off, Anzu.

Guys like that would just get cocky if I didn't tell them off.

You need to stand up for yourself once in a while, Yuugi.

But Jounouchi-kun's really not that bad of a guy.

It's because you think like that you get picked on.


By the way, what is this?

Ah, right!

I haven't shown this to you yet, Anzu.

I'll show you if you promise to keep it a secret.


I won't tell anyone, so show me, show me!

Wow! It's pretty!

Are these parts to something?

They're all pieces.

They're a puzzle!

I haven't completed it yet, so I don't know what shape it'll take.

In other words, it's "something you can see, but have never seen."

So that's it...

My family runs a game store.

We've got games from various countries.

I found this in the corner of a shelf, covered in dust,

and I was allowed to keep it.

Supposedly it's a strange puzzle unearthed in an Egyptian ruin.

Wow, from Egypt?

Here! See these strange hieroglyphs written on the front?

I bet they translate to something along these lines...

"Whoever solves this puzzle shall be granted one wish."

Yeah right!

That'd be too good to be true!

You must be making fun of me, with that look...

There's no way!

So? What are you gonna wish for?

No way! This is a definite, definite, definite, definite secret!

Oh? What's that?

A piece to Yuugi's little treasure I stole a while ago.

I only saw a glimpse,

but I'm pretty sure it was a puzzle.

Meaning that if this piece is missing, it's still a treasure but ain't one at the same time.

Jounouchi, I always thought you were a hopeless idiot,

but you really are pitiful!

Doesn't your conscious bother you even a little? Well?

Oh yeah, weren't you gonna go buy a lunch box?


I sure am hungry...

Oh crap!

What "treasure"...?

He always acts like a kid!

That bastard Yuugi... That's what pisses me off about him.

First! We serve to protect the rules at all cost!

Serve! Serve! Serve!

Second! We fight to protect justice in this world!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

The Public Moral members...

I better not bother them.

Hold it right there, you!

You're Yuugi Mutou-kun, right?


I actually have something I'd like to ask you.

Are you being bullied by any particular students in your class?

Eh?! N-Nothing like that happens to me.

Now wait.

People who are bullied often say that they are fine.

I've been looking into the matter.

But you can rest at ease, Yuugi-kun.

Starting today, I, Ushio, shall take responsibility for you as your bodyguard.

B-But... nothing like that happens to me, for real...!

P-Please excuse me!

What was that? Weirdo...


So long as Ushio here remains your bodyguard, your school life will be rose-colored.

I'm ho--


It's been so long since I came over to play!

You're late, Yuugi!

I'm home, Grandpa!

Speaking of which, Anzu-chan, you sure have grown since I last saw you!

Especially your boobs! Finally 80 centimeters? Good for you!

What's with this old man?

And what's this, Yuugi?

I heard about it from Anzu-chan.

So you haven't give up on that puzzle yet?

Why would I give up?

That puzzle is beyond human knowledge. It's impossible for you.

And it has all sorts of unsavory rumors attached to it.


Originally a British excavation team found the Millennium Puzzle in a pharaoh's tomb,

within the Valley of the Kings, while looking for royal tombs in the early 20th century.

However, everyone in the excavation team died mysterious deaths afterward.

And the last one said with his dying breath...

"The Shadow Games..."

Yuugi, that puzzle has a dangerous aura around it...

What are the "Shadow Games"?

I'm interested!

They say the hieroglyphs carved into this box say this:

"Ye who solves me shall gain the powers and knowledge of darkness."

Or a meaning similar to that.

So that means...

I get it!

It really does grant your wish!

I'm pumped!

I'll finish it no matter what!

Actually, give that back! Imagine the price I can sell it at!

You just wanna sell it!

No way!

Maybe if I fit these two together...

He's still at it...

He hasn't given up this entire time, even after eight years...

That's my grandson for you.

But the one who solves that puzzle is said to inherit the Shadow Games.

It may be better if he doesn't solve it...

Yuugi-kun, may I have a moment?

What do you want me to see, Ushio-san?

Just come with me. I bet you'll be delighted.

It hurts...

Jounouchi-kun! Honda-kun!

What do you think, Yuugi-kun?

What's the meaning of this...?

I told you, Yuugi-kun. I, Ushio, have become your bodyguard.

So I decided to teach these little bullies here a lesson!

No way...

Ushio-san! This is too much!

Are you alright, Jounouchi-kun?! Honda-kun?!

Yuugi... you bastard... satisfied now?

That's not it! You think I asked him to do something so cruel?!

Move it, Yuugi!

This lesson is far from over!

Stop this already!

Hey now, Yuugi-kun. Are you protecting them?

What a weird guy you are.

It's a good chance to pay them back for everything they've done.

Punch them! Kick them!

There's no way I can do that to my friends!


You're a special case, alright...

Friends, you call them?

These two have been freakin' bullying and using you as an errand boy for a long time, you know!

They weren't bullying me...

Jounouchi-kun was just teaching me to be a man!

God, you're weird, alright.

Forget it.

By the way, Yuugi-kun, it's time for you to pay up.

The Worth: In 1998, ¥200,000 is about $1,800.00 in 2021. My bodyguard fee of 200,000 yen!

200,000 yen?!

What should I do...?

200,000 yen...

There's no way I can come up with that amount of money...

What do I do...?

What should I do?

What's wrong with me? It's not the time to be working on the puzzle.

Huh? But I'm completing more than usual...

Weird... This is the worst day of my life...

Yet I'm getting much further on the puzzle than normal.





I did it!

I finished it...

Just one more piece and it's done!

It's gone...

That last piece...!

No way!

That's why I said that...

There's no telling what a guy like that will do.

Isn't that what I said?

That so?

Guess it's the same no matter who said it.

There's no way I can do that to my friends!

Anyhow, as a Beautification member...

You listening?

Hey! Hey!

If I don't have that piece, I can't complete the Puzzle!

And my wish will never come true!

Please be at school!

Hey, Yuugi-kun!


I take it you brought the bodyguard fee with you? Good boy.

That's not it. I just came to get something I left at school!

Plus, that's impossible for me...

I see then. Seems you need a strict lesson.

Alright! I found it!

As a Beautification member, I can't stand seeing dirty things.

But make sure you buy me a new towel!

Wh-What was that?

You cheap bastard!


That's enough teaching for today.

Be sure to show me the fruits of my labor tomorrow.


What's this? It's the bullies themselves?


Hey, pull yourself together!

I...wished for true friends on the puzzle...

Ushio-san, I've highly respected you until today...

But now this...!

We won't let you off easily!

Oh? You really think you'll beat me two-against-one?

I made a wish on the puzzle...

I wanted true friends...!

Friends that would never betray me, no matter what happens...

...and true friends who I would never betray, no matter what what...!

Remember what happens to those who dare to defy me!

Jounouchi-kun...! Honda-kun...!

It's no use... I can't stand...

I can't do anything like this...

This is...

Now... It's time for a game...


Wh-What in the hell...?!



Hey, Ushio-san.

The thing you're after is right here.

What?! You mean the money?!

So you did bring it?

Then you really didn't need to go through all that!

Now hurry up and give it to me!

It would be boring to hand it over that easily.

What'd you say!?

Well? Feel up to playing a little game with me?

A game?!

But this will be no ordinary game.

It's a Shadow Game.

Ha! Interesting! I, Ushio, have never lost a game in my life!

I accept!

That's our Ushio-san for you.

That's the spirit.

The rules are simple.

We take turns drawing cards...

...and you can only climb up the number indicated on the card.

While the other person lowers the same amount.

The first to reach the top gains the prize.

Alright, I get it. Then I'm up first.

Ten of Diamonds.

How do you like that, Yuugi? I'm gonna climb up!

One, two, three, four, five, six...

seven, eight, nine, ten.

I got a King, which is thirteen.


Two of Spades! I'm catching up to you!

We can't have that, now...

Queen of Spades.

What'd you say...?

Three of Diamonds!

Nine of Hearts!

Six of Clubs!

Jack of Spades!

What's the matter, Ushio-san?

You've got nothing left.

Then let's settle this with one last draw.

Shut up! The next card I draw...

...will turn the tables around...!


That's a shame, Ushio-san...

The Joker's a miss.

It's my turn then.

What the hell?! Screw this!

You set this from the start, didn't you?!

Ace of Diamonds.

I win.

You'll pay!

Breaking the rules?

-If you do that, the consequences will be fierce. -Shut the hell up!

As I thought, it seems you just can't follow rules.

Now fall!

I did it!

What the heck? This isn't money...!

The Door of Darkness has been opened.

What'd he say?

The Shadow Games bring out a person's true characteristics.

You shall be swallowed in darkness by the form of your own greed.


It's fine! It's not like I'll die from getting a bit wet!

It's Ushio-san!

-Hey, Ushio-san, what's wrong? -What's up with you?

Mommy, I'm scared--!

-Ushio-san! Ushio-san! Pull yourself together! -What's wrong with him?

Hey, did you hear?

Yeah! About Ushio-san, right?

He was admitted to a hospital due to extreme shock!

What could've happened to bother someone like him?

My treasure!

Yo, Yuugi!

Ah! Good morning, Jounouchi-kun!

I decided to follow your example and got a treasure of my own.

Wanna see?


Unfortunately, my treasure is also

something that you can see, but can't see, so I can't show you.

Huh? What the hell's wrong with me today?

Something you can see, but can't see?

It's friendship.

What the hell?

The two of us can both "see" it...

But you can't really see friendship, right?


Why am I spitting these lame one-liners left and right today?!

W-Well then, class's about to start!

Jounouchi-kun! You dropped your shoe!

Occurring one after another, evildoers commit heinous crimes.

It can't be...! Anzu's been taken by one of them!

With her taken hostage and at stake, a do-or-die Shadow Game is about to begin.

And the next enemy, a powerful rival in a recently popular Monster Card game... about to show himself!

After that, a wicked D-Shock Hunter draws closer to us.

The next episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!

"The Devil Gamer: The Trap of Hell"

Now then... It's time for a game.