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02x23 - Snoopin' Around / The Mystery of Yuga

Posted: 04/09/24 10:24
by bunniefuu
Yuuga-chan and Luke-chan sure are late.

Hm... Oh!

How about we go to Yuuga's house?


Go to Yuuga-kun's house?

I just realized something, you know.


We really don't know anything about him, do we?

Yuuga, I mean.

For example, what kind of house does Yuuga live in?

Or what his parents are like?

Or if he has siblings or not?

Now that you...

Mention it...

I've failed.

The student council president should know all students and employees well!

Doubly so for the Serious Division Chief!!

And yet, I can't believe how little I know about Yuuga-kun!

Double Talk: The darkest place is under the candlestick!

Double Talk: How could I have missed the elephant in the room?!

Then let's go to his house.

Then we'll know for sure whether or not Yuuga is the sixth Goha sibling, right?


I had forgotten all about that!

We still don't know the truth.

I'm certain Yuuga really is the last of the six Goha siblings!

That's not really certain, though...

But you can't be certain he's not, either.


Romin's idea sounds good to me.

Well, if we've decided...

Let's-a go!

Go enjoy, feel, believe, and plunge into the light!

For some reason, when I looked up at the sun, I sneezed

A weird action, satisfaction, a hunch that something would happen

On those stifling days, come here when you're tired

Keep chasing your impulsive urges, for the ordinary is boring

To your turn that belongs to no one else

To the end of the road that no one sees

To our Harevutai that's like no one else's

greatest stage

I wanna enjoy, feel, believe, and kick the earth!

Limit break past your dreams and aim for that meteor!

We'll go beyond that boundary and surpass it!

Believe in that light shining in your hands!

Go enjoy, feel, believe, and plunge into the light!

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Duel!

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Duel!

Let's go Rush! Let's go Rush!
"The Mystery of Yuuga"

Can I come with you to Yuuga's house?

The Mystery of Yuuga


Oudou Yuuga is not currently with his friends.

Oudou Yuuga is not currently with his friends.

Oudou Yuuga is not currently with his friends.

Just where did he run off to?!

As soon as Yuuga is found, we're holding an emergency meeting.

You, go off and make preparations for it.

Yuuga is the last sibling and heir to that vile Goha...?

There's no way that's true!

Oh, R thinks so too?


Yuuga's extraordinary talent in creating Rush Duels being because he's a Goha President...

It's not unthinkable.

Just what is the truth?


Hey, pretty baby.

R says, "Are you not going to greet me?"

Hey, pretty baby.

R says, "I'm not a baby, in fact I'm way older than you."


It also said, "I'm not someone who calls girls 'baby' because unlike you, I'm a gentleman."

Oh, R... If it were me, I'd be dancing in joy if Roa-sama called me "baby".

Wait, were you on your way to the Road Research Lab, Asana?



That's right, Asana-chan, why don't you come with us to Yuuga-chan's house?

Yuuga's house?

We're trying to find out if Yuuga-chan really is a Goha President.

Does Yuuga know about this?


Then you're just going behind his back.


"Going behind his back"... I don't like how you said that.

And if he's not home?

So? We'll be able to investigate in secret, so that's even better.

That's absolutely disgraceful.

How could you just sneak around behind his back as his friends?

R says, "That's right."

I've been thinking...

Aren't you a bit too serious, Asana-chan?

Excuse me?

It's a shame, considering how cute you are.

Why don't you smile instead?

Wonderful, Roa-sama!



I was acting childishly...

Anyway, we'll be heading off to Yuuga-chan's house.

If you're going to Yuuga's house, then...


Do it after defeating me!



What will you do, Roa?

A duel with Asana-chan, huh?

Interesting, I'll be your opponent.


Let's go, Asana-chan.

With the pride of my Machine Cavalry Way.

RUSH DUEL: Rush Duel!

My turn!

Roa: The Greatest, Best Draw!

I summon Royal Demon's Groupie and Royal Demon's Phaser!

I sacrifice Groupie to tribute summon Gatekeeping Gargoyle.

I discard Royal Demon's No Wave to use Gatekeeping Gargoyle's effect.

Its level increases by to .

Then I send Royal Demon's Phaser to the grave to use its effect.

I special summon No Wave in face-up defense!

I sacrifice Gargoyle to tribute summon Royal Demon's Grunge.

I switch Grunge to defense to activate its effect.

Asana-chan takes damage!

Then I draw one.

I set one card and end my turn.

My turn, I draw!

Field spell, The Snow-Capped Summit of Spectral Shangri-La.

Then, I summon Mixah the Mythic Sword Brawler!

Mixah's effect activates.

I send the top card of my deck to the grave.

Cards sent, confirmed!

The sent Pailong the Mythic Sword Princess is a Normal monster, so I draw one!

With Snow-Capped Shangri-La's effect, I can tribute summon this with only one sacrifice!

Asana: No path lies before you.

Asana: As you press on, a path is built behind you!

Asana: Continue on into eternity, o infinite track!

Asana: Build Dragon the Mythic Sword Dragon, engage!

Build Dragon's effect, Infinity Reclamation, activates!

I special summon Pailong from my grave!


Asana: Paint the infinite construction dream!

Asana: Construct the incarnation of build action!

Asana: Fusion Summon!

Asana: Buildream the Infinidream Mythic Sword Dragon, engage!

Oh, no!

I send Snow-Capped Shangri-La to the grave to use Buildream's effect!

Asana: Arcadia Banish!

I destroy Royal Demon's No Wave and Royal Demon's Grunge!

Then, I use Bucket Wheel Force.

Sending the top three cards of my deck to the grave, confirmed!

Dracrush the Mythic Sword Demolition Dragon,

Gantry Dragon the Mythic Sword Heavenly Dragon,

and another Dracrush.

All cards sent were level or higher, so Buildream's ATK increases by until the turn's end!

Then I choose the Build Dragon, Mixah, and Gantry Dragon in my grave...

And return them to my deck!

I set one card!

At this rate, she'll one-turn k*ll him...

It'll be over for Roa-kun!


Buildream att*cks directly!

Hang on now!


At this moment, I activate Card Reprint!

I draw five!

I regain LP for every monster I drew!

He managed to just avoid a one-turn k*ll by increasing his LP.

I see!

The battle has only just begun.

Go, Buildream!

Asana: Ultimate Pride Crush!



I end my turn.

My turn, draw!

I summon Royal Demon's Shout.

I sacrifice Shout to tribute summon Royal Demon's Blues!

I discard Royal Demon's Command to use Blues' effect.

I special summon No Wave from my grave!

Then I summon Royal Demon's Gospel.

I switch it to defense to use its effect!

Blues is also switched to defense.

Now Blues and Gospel both gain levels!

Now that he has two level or higher monsters...

I sacrifice them to tribute summon!

Roa: A red-hot blast beat screamo that tears through the gates of hell.

Roa: A death rush requiem that submerges darkness into light.

Roa: Come, king of the demons!

Roa: Annihilate everything you touch!

Roa: Royal Demon's Death Doom!

Now, I guess it's time for me to use Death Doom's effect.

And now!

I return Snow-Capped Shangri-La from my grave to my deck...

And use Buried Shield!

Death Doom is switched to face-down defense.

Then, Buildream's ATK goes up by until the end of the turn.

What a cute smile, Asana-chan.

Switching my monster face-down, gaining ATK...

The right choice.

However, a "right" choice doesn't mean it's always the best!

What... did you say?

"Don't sneak around behind Yuuga-chan's back, it's a betrayal of his trust."

What you're saying is right, ever on the side of justice.

But you know, you're the same as us, aren't you?

You're always flanked by people, but today you're alone.

It's obvious you came out today to confirm the truth with Yuuga-chan.

You're so curious about whether or not Yuuga-chan is one of the Goha siblings...

But yet it's strange that you're criticizing us.

Even the "right" choice can be overturned sometimes.

Like right now.

I sacrifice Blues and Death Doom to tribute summon!

Roa: Sound rules the world.

Roa: Resound, the screams of hell!

Roa: The Overture of the Apocalypse!

Roa: Soar to even greater heights!

Roa: Scream your heart out on the ultimate stage!

Roa: Royal Demon's Hard Rock!

Royal Demon's Hard Rock's effect activates!

Roa: Aggressive Burning!

I deal damage to Asana-chan equal to the difference in ATK between it and Buildream!

Then Hard Rock's ATK goes up by Buildream's ATK!


He overturned the right choice?!


It's my victory, Asana-chan!

Now sing!

Lure her into Hell!

Royal Demon's Hard Rock!

Roa: Resonate Demisedge!


It's my loss; I'll back out of this gracefully.

However, once you've betrayed a friend, you'll never be able to earn his trust ever again.

Don't forget that.

Yuuga's house is apparently around here.


He is here! Over there!

Yuuga-chan, wait!

We want to ask something!


Over there!




Double Talk: Yuuga-kun!


Yuuga-kun, we want to speak with you!

Wait, Yuuga-kun!

This year old Atachi Mimi is at an age where she doesn't have the energy to chase after kids...

Was Yuuga-chan always this fast?




No way!

Guys! Guys! Guys!

You came to see me?

You came to see me?

Or are you here to investigate me?

Just how many of you are there?!

Seven, of course.

S-Seven of you....?!


Don't tell me these are clones?!

That's why he didn't tell us anything about his family or siblings!

As I thought! Yuuga really is the sixth Goha sibling!

There's so many clones because they're body doubles meant to protect the real President Yuuga!

So you've finally figured it out.

Why I've been

keeping my identity a secret.

I can't believe you went behind my back...

Awful! Awful! Awful!

We'll settle this.

Finish this.

Finish this!

We have no choice.


Let's go! Rush Duel!


That is not Yuuga!


There's two Romin-kuns?!

Is Romin a clone, too?

Romin: Romin Kick!!

Jump Set!


Roa, how could you not tell the difference between me and an impostor?

Huh? An impostor?

Who are you? Reveal yourself.




We got caught, na.

On my way back, I happened to run into Romin.

Double Talk: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Over here, over here!

What, I want it!

It's tasty, delicious dango!

It looks so good!

Sale, sale!

What a bargain!

Double Talk: These are limited edition!

Double Talk: Limited edition?!

What a dirty trick.

I won't forgive you for pretending to be me and deceiving everyone!

Aha, nanana!

I've learned a lot today, na.

Like how easy it is to manipulate you guys.


Your beloved "friendship" with Oudou Yuuga...

Seems like nothing but a farce, na.

Yuuga and Luke are doing their best to help Swirly right now.

That's right. Ever since the Zombie Party, Swirly-kun has been acting strangely.

So he hasn't gone back to normal yet...

Despite that, what were you guys doing, na?

You let yourself get tricked by an impostor, went all in on whatever I suggested,

and tried to betray Yuuga, you know.



Aha, nanana!

With that pathetic teamwork, how could you ever beat us, na?


I was just doing some field research today, na.

But don't forget.

Our plans are going to get even more interesting from here on out.

See ya!

Sorry about earlier, Asana-chan.

We were playing right into the palm of her hand.

Please forgive us.

I'm really sorry...

It's alright.

I was also weak and didn't believe in Yuuga.

I apologize.

I'm glad you could make up!



I can't help but shed tears...

The back that's supposed to be far beyond

is out of sight

There's no map leading to the goal

So which way should I even go?

I had planned on standing alone

But now, you're by my side

and that isn't bad at all

Even if my hands can't reach

the future I want to grasp

and the dreams I want to come true

still remain as dreams

Let's sing as loud as we can!

As long as I walk beside you

Tomorrow will surely surpass today!

I will surely surpass the me of today!

It's Yuuga,

Luke, and friends'

Monster Research Lab!

Today is Asana's Fusion monster, Buildream the Infinidream Mythic Sword Dragon!

Send a field spell to the grave, and destroy two of your opponent's monsters!

It's strong!

Now Roa's Royal Demon's Hard Rock!

It deals the difference in ATK between it and your opponent's ace in damage, then gains more ATK?!

Its effect is super strong, isn't it!

Next time: The Merciless Tiger!

The next duel will be hella insaaaaane!

I've always wanted to try saying that...

Next time: "The Merciless Tiger"

An unexpected person stands before the two of them...!