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02x06 - Pulling the Strings / Crossing Destinies

Posted: 04/09/24 09:33
by bunniefuu
What a surprising turn of events.

You sound like you aren't happy that Yuuran won.

Of course not!

I'm super happy.


Let's go, Yuuran.

It's now a - tie, what are you going to do?


I won't do a single thing.

Because from the beginning, the one who was going to gain control of the entirety of Goha was me.

I'm Goha Yuuou, after all.

Now, it's about time I went off to go play, too.

They want to go up on stage too, after all.

Go enjoy, feel, believe, and plunge into the light!

For some reason, when I looked up at the sun, I sneezed

A weird action, satisfaction, a hunch that something would happen

On those stifling days, come here when you're tired

Keep chasing your impulsive urges, for the ordinary is boring

To your turn that belongs to no one else

To the road's end that nobody sees

To our Harevutai that's like no one else's

greatest stage

I wanna enjoy, feel, believe, and kick the earth!

Limit break past your dreams and aim for that meteor!

We'll go beyond that boundary and surpass it!

Believe in that light shining in your hands!

Go enjoy, feel, believe, and plunge into the light!

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Duel!

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Duel!

Let's go Rush! Let's go Rush!

Title: While Luke is off eating gyoza...

Title: The fourth son of the Goha Siblings, "The Puppetmaster", Goha Yuuou makes his appearance!!

Title: Intertwined Fates

Double Talk: See you! Bye-bye!

And with that!

I believe it is time to host a "Counterplan for the Goha President Siblings" meeting!



I said this was an important meeting, so where did Luke-kun run off to?!


He said that Tahayasty's gyoza promotion ended today...

So he would come after eating.

Does he not understand how important this situation is for the Rush Duel Robot?!

But what can we even do if we don't have any information?

Sounds like you need help!


You are...?


Oh, hello Atachi-san!

Atachi-san, swirl?


U-Um, who were you again?






How cool!!

Th-Thank you…

So... what did you want to say?


What's this?


That's an ancient relic—an overhead projector!

Also known as an OHP!




It's not very trendy to make a presentation like this, without special software,

but it's more heartfelt this way!

I see!

Alright, we're starting now!

...and that's it.

I have no idea what just happened, but okay!

So our next opponent is the youngest of the Goha President Siblings,

and also the strongest, Goha Yuuou?

And I've heard some people call Goha Yuuou…

The Puppetmaster.

The Puppetmaster...

Ah, I'm full, so full!

Of course after eating plates—



Is the meeting already over?



I used too much strength!

Sorry, Yuuga!

It's okay.







That was—



It's all his doing!

Full throttle!



Riding machines in the halls is banned!!

As I thought.


The Super Mobile Fortress, Rocross.


I am...



You're the same as always.


Yuuro-nii-san is here too?

That's too bad, I wanted to shock you guys more.

Were all those puppets yours?


Yup, they're part of my collection.

They all obey me without complaint, they're my super-cute friends.

You have awful taste!


I think they're really cute, though.

They're like you, pathetic plebeians trying oh so hard for naught.

That's a strange way of thinking.

Ohoho, how scary~!

You're full of energy, aren't you?

Neil, it's your turn.


The Rush Duel between Goha Yuuou and Oudou Yuuga…

Will now commence!


Please allow me to begin the performance of Yuuou's Puppet Troupe.

Of course!

RUSH DUEL: Rush Duel!

Okay, here I go!

My turn, draw!

I summon Dark Sorcerer and Aqua Sorcerer!

I sacrifice them both to tribute summon!

Yuuga: Roar!

Yuuga: To the red sky of the witching hour!

Yuuga: Brave of Twilight, Lydacross!

I return two cards from my grave to the deck to activate Lydacross' effect!

Yuuga: Twilight Order!

I special summon Daybreak Warrior!

When I have a level Warrior-type monster on my field, Daybreak Warrior's effect activates.

I special summon a level Warrior-type from my hand!

Yuuga: Guide me toward the rising sun and shine!

Yuuga: Brave of Dawn, Lydacross!

Yuuga's going off with a strong first turn!

He's accelerating right from the starting line.

Good play, Oudou Yuuga.

You're making my stage more exciting.

Turn end...

Then please bear witness.

Welcome one and all to our troupe's wonderful show!

Now, it's my turn.


First, our troupe's stars make their appearance: Imaginary Actor and Fire Jester!

Imaginary Actor exits stage left.

Tribute summon.

Gyakutenno Megami takes center stage!

Gyakutenno Megami...

I've heard rumors about it, but this is the first time I've seen her!

Ah, I also want that card!

When Gyakutenno Megami is on my field,

I can send the top card of my deck to the grave to activate Fire Jester's effect!

Yuuga-kun's Daybreak Warrior loses ATK and DEF until the end of the turn.

Now the show starts heating up!

Fire Jester and Gyakutenno Megami both exit stage left!

Tribute summon!

Yuuou: A miracle that shines twice—no, thrice!

Yuuou: Bring victory to me.

Yuuou: Daigyakutenno Megami!

He went beyond Gyakutenno to Daigyakutenno?!

It's like supersizing your order!

If Gyakutenno Megami is in my grave,

I can activate Daigyakutenno Megami's effect!

I draw one!

Though her name is impressive, her effect is a little underwhelming...

So she's disappointing, swirl?

Speaking of...

It's time to show you the true abilities of my troupe!

Its effect continues on and on!

I send the top card of my deck to the grave, and if that card is a monster,

then I can destroy monsters with the same Type as it!


The top puppet of my deck is...

Sword Dancer!

A Warrior-type!

I'll have both of your Brave of Twilight, Lydacross and Brave of Dawn, Lydacross exit stage left!


This really is a huge reversal!


Have you been enjoying Yuuou's Puppet Troupe's performance?

I guess so.

Then I'll make it even more exciting for you.

I activate the field spell, Imaginary Arc Tower.

Now the scene has been set!

Monsters on both sides of our field that are LIGHT attribute lose ATK.

Now everything in this space is my stage.

And once you're on stage, you're at the mercy of whoever's pulling the strings!

I'll just set a card, and...

Daigyakutenno Megami att*cks your Daybreak Warrior!

Yuuou: Starlight Crescendo!

You're as cute as a doll, gasping in pain like that.

Now, I'll end my turn.


Who went and brought a toy like this to school?!

I mistook him for the real Yuuga!


What is...

...this feeling?

A-At this rate…!

No, knowing Yuuga-kun—


He'll show us a real comeback for sure!

Then, here I go.

My turn, draw!

I summon Mystic Dealer!

By sending Hydro Magician to the grave, I activate Mystic Dealer's effect!

I draw one!

Yuuou, you called this theater a "stage", right?

And if I did?

Then it's time for a star to be center stage!

I send Mystic Dealer to the grave.

Let's go!

Yuuga: No matter if volcanoes,

Yuuga: glaciers,

Yuuga: or meteors block my way!

Yuuga: I will carve a road through it all and flare up in a blaze!

Yuuga: Maximum summon!

Yuuga: Come forth!

Yuuga: Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan!


That's amazing.

That's just like Yuuga-kun!

He hasn't used his Maximum in a while, so I was getting a bit worried!

The cards were reaching their limit, so I had Asana repair them for me!

So this is a Maximum...

It's truly fit to be the star of the show.

So, why don't I present this trap as a welcoming gift?!

I activate Imaginary Arc Turret!

This turn, my opponent cannot attack with monsters over ATK!

What a shame.

Even though a star had taken the stage...

In that case!


I activate the spell Level Blast!

You take Vast Vulcan's level times in damage!

Then, I send the top card of my deck to the grave to activate Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan's effect!

Daigyakutenno Megami's ATK goes down by until the turn's end!

Finally, I destroy Imaginary Arc Tower and deal you damage!

Good going, swirl!

But, in any case...

He can't attack with Vast Vulcan.

I'm not done yet!

I send the top card of my deck to the grave to activate Vast Vulcan's effect!

The monster I choose loses ATK based on its level times !

The checkered flag is likely to wave for Oudou Yuuga.

I choose Vast Vulcan!

Then, I can deal you damage based on the level of the chosen monster times !

By lowering the ATK of his own monster...

He became able to attack!

Fever, fever!

All he needs to do is end it, swirl!



Vast Vulcan is...!

Could it be...

Did something happen to the Rush Duel Robot?


I thought that this might happen!

So I borrowed the Hubble binoculars from the Space Operations Duel Squadron!

Romin-chan, hurry, hurry!

I-I get it, okay?!


Th-The right arm fell off!!

What did you say?!


The right arm is the domain in which Maximums are governed.

My oh my!

Looks like your favorite mechanical doll is at his limit.

Hey! This is all because you guys made it wear those things, right?!

That aside, if Vast Vulcan gets destroyed because of this...

If a card's data disappears during a duel... will be erased from the field.


Ah! The robot!


The Rush Duel Robot is...

Trying to repair its right arm...

...of its own will?!


You're pretty good for a robot!

Even so, I get it!

Its burning sense of friendship!

Thank you, Rush Duel Robot!

Alright, here we go!

Vulcan Ignite Hyperdrive!

I end my turn.

Agh, he couldn't finish it!

But if he's come this far, then—

This is so fun!

It's been so long since I've had a duel this fun!

And yet.

My performance is nowhere near finished!


Right, because the leading actor hasn't appeared on stage yet.

Leading actor?

I discard a card to activate Monster Reincarnation.

I add Imaginary Actor to my hand from the grave.

Then I summon two monsters!

Returning a monster from the grave to your hand?

Well, it is a pretty strong effect, but...

He's just struggling in vain!


What are you trying to do?

Falling into a tough pinch, then coming back brilliantly.

You've danced well to my tune, Oudou Yuuga-kun.


Look closely now.

The Machine-type Imaginary Actor and the Warrior-type Sword Dancer both exit the stage as materials.

Now it's time for my troupe's lead actor to take the stage!

Double Talk: Yuuga!


Where did you go?

Yuuga's about to win!


Let's have some thunderous applause for...



This is... an intertwined fate!

A forbidden existence born from joining!

Yuuou: Fusion Summon!

Yuuou: Cyborg-type!

Yuuou: Metallion Asurastar!

Two monsters became one?!


Wait, like polymerization?!

And "Cyborg-type"! What's that?!

Hey, you! Did you know about this?!

No, even I didn't...

Fusion Summon...?

By sending the top card of my deck to the grave...

I can destroy one set card of yours.

That's fine! Right now, Yuuga-kun...

...doesn't have any set cards!

Lucky, swirl!


I can raise the ATK of a Cyborg-type monster on my field by the total ATK of all Warrior-types on the opponent's field!

These are Metallion Asurastar's two possible effects!

So he can use... whichever effect he wants?!

I choose the effect that raises its ATK.

My lifeless puppet...

Become the foundation for your master!

Yuuou: Occultic Stranger!



Alright, now here I go...!

Yuuou: Fall Into Shining!


Are you okay?!

What was...

As I said earlier.


I'll say it as many times as it takes.





Double Talk: Fusion...

Double Talk: Fusion...

Double Talk: Fusion...


Kojima Yoshio's Rush Duel Fun Time!


Hey, everyone! Wanna duel today, too?

I'm Kojima Yoshio!

Today's theme is... this!

Today's theme is... this!


"What totally happens when you lose a Rush Duel!"

Well, when you lose, you feel frustrated, right?

Well, when you lose, you feel frustrated, right?

And there are certain things you say!

And there are certain things you say!

So, why don't I introduce those things to you!

So, why don't I introduce those things to you!


I lost...

I lost...

Thanks for the match.

Thanks for the match.

I totally bricked!

I totally bricked!

I totally bricked!

Double Talk: Totally, totally!

It's the draw of fate...

It's the draw of fate...







What's this?

This is the worst draw ever!

This is the worst draw ever!

The worst draw ever!

Double Talk: Totally, totally!

When you lose, it's totally instinct to blame the cards, but...

When you lose, it's totally instinct to blame the cards, but...



It's about your own skill, you know!

It's about your own skill, you know!

When things just don't go your way

When things just don't go your way

Blaming others for it is... really lame!!

Blaming others for it is... really lame!!


To end it off, why don't I share what I do when I lose!

To end it off, why don't I share what I do when I lose!

Okay, then.

Ah, I lost!

When I lose, I become a hunchback...

When I lose, I become a hunchback...

... and really small...

.. and really small...

I become slumped over and make myself really small...
But none of that matters!

None of that matters at all!


And my hunchback is healed.

And my hunchback is healed.

My hunchback is healed and I can stand straight.

See you next time!

The back that's supposed to be far beyond

is out of sight

There's no map leading to the goal

So which way should I even go?

I had planned on standing alone

But now, you're by my side

and that isn't bad at all

Even if my hands can't reach

the future I want to grasp

and the dreams I want to come true

still remain as dreams

Let's sing as loud as we can!

As long as I walk beside you

Tomorrow will surely surpass today!

I will surely surpass the me of today!

Title: Next time: "Order Button"

Title: "The congress between student councils" does not move forward, it dances.