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02x12 - cr*pple Challenge

Posted: 04/08/24 14:54
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the

but then I hit a

to see me guna strike my



I gotta go




what are we eating for breakfast this

morning my good friends I have made some

delicious toast for us to enjoy the

careful though this try has extremely

sharp edges I hope no one has moved the

trash can because I am blind and

therefore cannot see hey watch out

danger could ants you Oh No


bigger laughs there and maybe a scream

cut how was I oh did the ketchup look

realistic so that is the most disturbing

thing I've seen in 30 years of

television I love them all but for

funniest family videos what happened to

babies hitting guys in the nuts I've got

something perfect for their own show I

see yes yes something with social

relevance exposing the prejudices and

misconceptions surrounding the

handicapped no just a bunch of freaks on

TV when television was invented people

marveled that it was the most powerful

communicator of all time I'm proud we

have not squandered this gift but it

lives up to its great potential every


so it's called [ __ ] challenge yes a

reality show set in your house

following your daily struggles with the

cool hand that fate has dealt you on TV

not trying to cover our faces if I might

make a suggestion sleep with me now cuz

when I'm famous everybody's gonna want a

piece oh this sounds like the perfect

opportunity to showcase some of our

special talents exactly people are

crying out for new and exciting

television plus there's a $500,000 prize

so this is a competition yes one of you

will emerge as the victor the conquering

[ __ ] the ultimate [ __ ] if you will

this is nothing more than putting greed

up against our most precious friendships

come in meek I'll be there like fun

I'll get the contracts out in the

morning no in just a couple of pages all

very standard Wow these TV people don't

kid around the name Reilly O'Reilly is

now owned by the entertainment satellite

network I'm not allowed to accept any

movie deals without their permission

crap I can't go near the sister Beatrice

convent that's not in the contract no

I'm reading my restraining order don't

tell me you're really serious about this

it's tacky degrading and exploitative of

course it's television at least call

Ricky a lawyer should have a look at

these relax Franny I'm sure this is all

par for the course these people are

responsible professionals

I want a camera in every room I'll take

those but we haven't signed them yet DNA

traces are legally binding you can't

stop me from visiting Riley who are you

I'm his soul mate spiritual adviser

lover and best friend

he needs me we need you how would you

like to be on the show but I'm not

disabled I'm a woman too

I've had to prove myself time and time

again to men less talented and deserving

than me if being a woman is not a

disability then I don't know what is

read on sister

make sure you get lots of close-ups of

her boobs


I love the magic of TV we kick off the

show tonight at 8:00 now remember you're

going to be locked up together for weeks

so if there's any important business you

need to take care of

did I ever tell you I was on TV once a

security camera at a liquor store

doesn't count this place won't be the

same without you what a nice thing to


I might get some decent customers in for

a change

so TV stars how about paying for your

drinks we better get back you policy you

have to sign fine ship

good luck can't be careful don't let

those TV people exploit you okay let's

start with a hundred copies at two bucks

a shot that's a few simple rules before

we get started this isn't too bad

no contact with the outside world if

your housemates vote you out you must

leave immediately and above all and

naturally forsooth thou dost wish me to

act naturally

I'll be outside in the control van

talking to you through a PA system we've

set up good luck and have fun

just because this is a competition

doesn't mean there have to be negative

vibrations let's work together and share

the money that way even the losers win

good idea about your Frannie sorry sugar

buns but that ain't the way I do bidness

but I tell you what after I win the

$500,000 and let a real man take care of

ya quit hittin on my girlfriend you

[ __ ] or I'll thump your rancid melons

you wanna fight who's gonna swing your

arms for ya a little eat me


Marty please leave the toilet seat up so

I don't but my head after every meal

what would a TV crew be doing with those

freaks reporting a mass su1c1de

I hope math is still alive don't they

care about our property values come on

quadriplegic Fontaine vision impaired

mentally challenged laser torso

insufficient Frannie chronic testicular

deficiency 100 cameras 10

$500,000 you

need legs to walk all over your friend


come on baby have a little morning money

hmm that sounds like a nice way to wake

up Riley this isn't a great shot can you

move to your left a bit Frannie continue



while I didn't appreciate the intrusion

some of us were willing to share

everything you may be wondering how I

wash my nether regions without injury

k*ll it's quite ingenious it involves a

piece of string a Bulldog clip and some

industrial-strength baby


you know what's this all about no no

there you said to meet outside the

kitchen your mission today is to make

breakfast breakfast I could do that with

my lips tied behind my back


oh they're friends of mine

owes me money who's in charge here

hi I'm Phil producer of [ __ ]

challenge the exciting new reality show

that separates the weak from the very

weak cripples on TV battling it out for

half a million dollars in 30

action-packed minutes every night if

they get that much money they'll be able

to pack even more freaks in there

they've got to be stopped

I want in what's your disability what I

can't hear you I completely deaf [ __ ] I

heard that I exploded


morning who the hell is that he's not

disabled this is a disaster what the

hell were you thinking you could have

told me you were sh**ting a TV show in

our health

you weren't tipped off by the cameras

recording our every move oh my god I'm

on camera ah

I say we keep him we'll score big time

in the q*eer demographic just what we

need boner benders and [ __ ] hags watching

the show will also do great with the


the time has come to face the truth to

choose who must leave our house cripples

cast votes

I refuse to both because you're all my

friend well then I vote for Spaulding

Sparling Spaulding Spaulding small ding

sorry it's because I'm a guy is enough

not enough of a handicap for you well

how about this my nose bleeds when I

even get close to a gerbil Spaulding you

are the weakest give me goodbye

how could they do that to me hate them I

never want to see them again


yes ladies and gentlemen just some of

the delicious beverages only available

at the very bar frequented by your

famous rebels

that's one slippery click a Fontaine

Wallbanger a fuzzy Frannie and a blazer

beer it's all head


the handicapped neighbors oh look

Oh lives are a living hell come on sorry

Jose Bowl



my kidneys can't take much more

displacement times up clears well done

your bathroom privileges are restored I

still don't get what the big deal is

because tomorrow morning you have your

second vote I don't want to be here

without you

O'Reily that's lovely so we've got to

make sure we work together I don't want

to be here without you that's lovely

Riley we've got to make sure we work

together oh that's lovely Riley count me

in so just stick with me okay

uh can we talk about this later the time

has come to face the truth kritis cast

your votes

I vote for Riley what Riley Riley sorry


you said stick it to you Riley you are

the weakest [ __ ] goodnight they voted me

out of my own house boy ha ha I'll tell

you one thing you can't trust the

handicapped screw them and screw this

stupid show I'm glad to be out of my own


they might not have a leg to stand on

but they can park wherever they want


the only thing worse than being on a bad

TV show not being on a bad TV show he's

making a cup of tea only one sugar easy

on the lemon this is crazy

I've got to get away from reality TV and

back to reality


give the man some room get your chance

to touch him just have your wallet ready

those people are vultures what is all


you're a semi celebrity this is your 15

minutes of fame

so enjoy it's time for the nine o'clock

show ladies and gentlemen turn your eyes

to the stage and give a big crippled

challenge cheer to Spaulding sick

episode how could they do that to me I

hate them I never want to see them again

I want to go back I'm sure in one hour

in the meantime line up to purchase your

autographs or have your picture taken in

a genuine authentic reproduction of a

blazer costume


you're it the challenge is over

congratulations lefty you can have your

muffin my first food in two days well

the ratings are climbing but we've got

to turn up the juice

I say we axe the boring one time goes -


that's it you are the weakest gift Lefty

come on this show is completely full of

[ __ ] enjoyable to watch I recommend

it heartily to everyone of all ages

still number two

oh we just can't get past the capital

punishment goodtime hour it's time to

add that magic ingredient love pain pain

the phone it's okay just let the Machine

pick up what I don't get is why you're

still here Franny listen this show kind

of go against all your hippie chick love

thy neighbor's pet seal pop principles

perhaps but think of all the things I

can do with the money

adopt away who chained myself to an

entire forest you're such a moral and

virtuous person what a waste

cripples prepare for your next challenge

you each have a color with your name on

it a cat will be released into the house

the first player to put their collar on

it wins exemption from the next vote

it's not fair you can't go see the cat

not anymore they just turned the lights

out sweet Mary Martin mother Larry I'm

afraid of the dark this little pretty 10


quick lipid attack type we sustainable

not now I'm with my public this is one

crazy cab I got a plan

come on Frannie what do I do distract

him if they don't want to put us on the

show we'll have to break in who could

refuse Siamese twins joined at the head

I guess I should call for help in a few

minutes Ponte Ponte I'm the weakest kept

by now we have a saying in the final

Terry family have a million ain't diddly

if gas is cat food

don't get used much but somehow things

are probably right now the final

challenge is starting and now the

ultimate confrontation you each sit on a

bridge of balloons

armed with air r*fles the grand prize

goes to the last person standing good

luck and may the best [ __ ] win this

is gonna be as easy as sh**ting a

pacifist g*n hating fish in a barrel

don't be too sure this is for the seal


I didn't mean okay lady now it's perfect

it's live why aren't they stopping the

show oh the producers mustn't defeat it

now this is great TV Phil we've got to

pull the power don't you dare this is

reality TV don't interfere we cut the

power to light everything they could

have died but not in vain

we'd be number one those are numbers to

die for oh there's another way to get to

number one and put you in deep number

two smile you're on crippled camera

don't you dare this is reality TV we

don't interfere Phil how could you

sacrifice your morals for a TV show

worse how could you get good I'm sorry

please me to Franny I'm sorry I got so


I lost my humanity I'm sorry we didn't

get the money so you're all sorry the

birds dead now everybody's watching that

other show tonight on dregs of society

the bums take on the winos

I used to be somebody







