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02x09 - The Magnificent Severed

Posted: 04/08/24 14:52
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife

and hang out in a bar I used to hit the


then I hit it

to see me through the stripe my



without a leg to stand on



they're malicious that egg foo young

smells good


fellas this one's on me try one of these



could we get some fortune cookies with



we haven't eaten for three days I think

I'm going to faint

well maybe you need some air quick

somebody roll down the window and drop

it out nah fellas let's look for the

silver line at least we're not going

home to a sink full of dirty dishes what

we were going home to was a bunch of

moving guys ransacking our house just

because of a few years of missed

payments the bank wanted to liquidate

our assets Morty does it bother you just

a smidge that we have so much when those

around us have so little not at all

you forget it blazer

these guys had repossessed the air and

my tires if they could I just wish we

didn't have to see them wallow in

poverty how about some new blinds for

this window


tuna casserole

only instead of cheetah I used

silverfish I can't eat no more bugs I

need real food man Grizz is taking care

of that right now

Brewster sweet Jesus our real in here


rooster with the keywords to be House of

cripples oh really

hey pass on the news it was for you

Riley and put this as gently as I can

your uncle Bob grizzle Meyer is

stone-cold dead the worms are probably

eaten his decomposing arse very minute

no ho not Uncle Bob

the uncle I hardly knew in fact the

uncle I didn't know existed

my condolences I feel your pain let's

drink to the old fashioned blood

sad yes you won't be spending a lot of

quality time together now apparently he

was richer than a whorehouse full of

bankers and he left his entire fortune T

oh my boy Oh bless you Uncle Bob it was

nice to finally have a little dough and

being the generous soul I am I wanted to

share it with my friends they say that

money can't buy happiness however you

can rent it for a while but is the next

best thing

I had them gold-plated and I bought some

dad some class to this joint a genuine

Picasso and must have been from

Picasso's blind period oh well we can

afford it

this is the life it looks like all our

hard work paid off what hard work would

that be neglecting our responsibilities

leeching off society but it was all

worth it's toast there he is officer

arrest that man immediately that toast


he stole my most prized possession the

st. Germain rubies and traded them in

for a pool full of cheap [ __ ] so you

know what these girls charge they're

hardly cheap sir I'd like to ask you a

few questions

this is obviously some kind of mistake I

would know a ruby from my [ __ ] well

sir they're both small and red but

rubies are used primarily for Julie

whereas your [ __ ] he's lying

the thief clearly had knowledge of my

schedule as say a neighbor might he knew

I'd be at my bridge game last night look

I don't know anything about her schedule

except if she can find some time in it

she can fight me then mr. O'Reilly would

you care to explain these


I can't believe they put me under house

arrest I've never been so humiliated

listen Riley I know we haven't always

gotten along but I want you to know that

I'm behind you 110% and I'll do anything

to help you out of this mess thanks man

I appreciate it I'm ready to go to jail

with you anytime actually the sooner the


whoa whoa you want to go to jail come on

don't you realize it a girl can dream

out here

he's naked a getaway

she like-a to get hit by another car


that sound like it hurt mr. O'Reilly we

have the manhole surrounded do not know

shouldn't be a problem house arrest was

turning out to be a royal pain but it

did have one perk conjugal visits yeah


this is so much better than trying to

peek in Riley's room the sounds of young

love that reminds me we're having pork

for dinner dude have you locked up in

here it's like major bomber time I can't

find your uncle the proof he left you

all this green of course you can't find

him he's dead see these are the kind of

things you can't be hiding from me bro

I'm your lawyer I have to know

everything but check this out I made a

deal with the DA

IRRI free dude great

how'd you clear it out so fast there's

like one total technicality you've got

to find the skeevy rat who really stole

those rubies in the next 24 hours or you

go to jail for like ever like bummer


so if you don't figure out who sold

those rubies they're gonna toss you in

the pokey yeah looks that way

and this concerns me how because you

ingrate if they did Riley away you'll

all be back on the street here god no I

can't go back on the street again I

couldn't bear to face another balloon

hey man times 2 brother I'm gonna hate

myself for asking but what the hell are

you clowns talking about well before we

met all of you Fontaine and I were

balloon artistes Oh children would come

from miles around just to buy one of our

beautiful balloon animals


yeah the novel satisfied [ __ ] and then

it all came crashing down a woman from

the back ordered 500 balloons our

biggest order ever we were thrilled as

soon as we were finished you know what

I've changed my mind I'll just take one


from that day on we couldn't do it


oh do you have any idea what it's like

to blow 500 animals scrawling

those poor balloon animals please that's

a life of luxury I used to work in the

finest wig store in this city the king

of the wig mannequins they called me

then at the grand opening of our new

display it

Herbert he's looking up my skirt


I could have been the greatest tweet

manikin of the whole time but I was

washed up and nobody I can't go back to

my old life

those stories made me realize one thing

I just lost 10 of the remaining 3

minutes of my life on the most sorry-ass

flashbacks I've ever been bored to tears

with can we please get on with the

business of saving mine um but otherwise

precious but we decided to split up to

make the most of our time Griezmann a

checkpoint to watch for any suspicious

activity official neighborhood business

have you been drinking no better get


perhaps you care to explain less smells

like evidence double cheese and

pepperoni evidence


Fontaine had another idea he and the

guys cowered the neighborhood for any

sign of the Rubies fine gems emit a

high-pitched frequency we pick them up

right here follow me this way keep

covered we're getting closer as usual

Frannie had a slightly different

approach as now the candle of lost


clear the fog so we might see Oh candle

of lost things where'd you get the money

to buy this and why'd you buy such a

cheap brand I'm gonna have to confiscate



I hate nature I'm telling you it's not

here it's got to be this machine is

never wrong what are you trying to tell

me girl well if that isn't the funniest

thing it's my watch


meanwhile with the minutes ticking by I

figured I'd better take a poke around

the scene of the crime


honest place is locked up tighter than a

nun's bloomers I'll give a guy a man a

bobby pin it can perform open-heart

surgery you keep a lookout I'll see what

I can find


isn't this sweet the Bromberg salad days

now all I need is a place to vomit

what's this

so did you find anything did I ever I

just don't know what the hell it is good

evening everyone you're probably

wondering why I've asked you here

tonight we live here stupid I've taken

the liberty of inviting a few guests to

our little soiree who else around here

could use a drink

show of hands if you will be so kind as

to indulge me inspector I've uncovered

some information which I think you might

find very interesting I've been doing

this job for 20 years I don't find

anything very interesting I'm gonna sit

the candle of truth to clear the air for

justice and honesty to come forth

it's a good thing she's got those

fabulous sweater pumpkins because she

can be a real loon job during our

investigation some surprising

revelations have come to light for

instance lefty and Fontaine were once

renowned balloon artists but something

we didn't learn just who was the

spectator who destroyed their lives that

fateful day

any ideas left I don't well you see I

didn't think so

miss Bromberg any idea where this came

from I don't know what you are talking

about well maybe we can jog your memory

but first would you like some caviar I

know how you love those little eggs no

you know what I've changed my mind I'll

just take one you know what I changed my

boy I'll just take one


let's see and Fonteyn driven by rage

seeking revenge against the woman who

tore your lives of sunder you rode your

bicycles to the broad birds the tire

tracks and stole the precious to me

rubies I still got me one of them

balloons who like themselves a nice

puppy dog sorry sounds good to me take

him away boys but they couldn't have

done it why not for the simple reason

they don't own bicycles now Blazer what

you can't possibly think that I does

this ring a bell you had a brilliant

career as a wig mannequin you are at the

top of your profession until

the genitals that got you fired those

very same genitals belong to liz

Bromberg how else to repay her for

ruining your career but to steal her

precious gems so you chose your moment

and using the cover of darkness

ingeniously broke in and stole those

famous st. Germain rubies

yes how many points the xylophone

inspector my evidence see he's

confessing no I got burned by the candle

of truth sorry I'm telling you it wasn't


you gotta admit Riley story makes pretty

good sense arrest the little fella

but this time blazars telling the truth

he wasn't even in the area that night it

was his weekly meeting with his parole

officer Freddie bring in the real

culprit sister puts Johnson that same

sister Bush was on her way to the

orphanage that night to administer her

bi-weekly beatings only on this

particular night she was running late

she realized that walking just wouldn't



but what was the motive aha this time it

was not revenge she immediately

recognized the saint germain rubies for

they once belonged to the church they

were worn by Pope Thomas himself in the

11th century CE I'd like to get me one

of them Pope hats if I could return them

I'd be guaranteed a place at his side

for eternity

a supply of terrified orphans at my feet

forever but I didn't take them well

hells bells and spanked me with a paddle

somebody took them take them all the way

well sort it out downtown

this allows my touch white I've got it

Flynn's Bromberg Stover ironruby

Riley recently inherited a large sum of

money from his uncle Bob Gribble Meyer

which is fine except Bob griddle Meyer

never died Uncle Bob's alive Bob grizzle

nah never died because Bob grizzle mah

never existed will everyone please stop

gasping for a minute if there was no Bob

grizzle Maya then who sent the money

something about the name Bob grizzle

mayest struck me as odd and I finally

figured out why

now you can guess the scrawny little hoe

stole their own rubies to frame the boss

and get us kicked out of the house baby

I like the way you think you've all been

watching too many movies come on Mort

we're going home

not so fast well looky here

the Saint Germain rubies you have the

right to remain silent yadda yadda just

like on tv

good luck no I would have gotten away

with it if it wasn't for those meddling

clods well you couldn't have thought of

this earlier you're welcome

hey Riley I appreciate your pointing a

finger at me I wish I could give you a

finger right back now I've never been a

violent man but you're making me rethink

my position this is all sad very very

soon yes yes that we're at each other's

throats that great wealth made the

Bromberg's morally bankrupt no did they

forgot these

come on my hearties drinks are on the








