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02x08 - The Gambling Bug

Posted: 04/08/24 14:51
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the bottle

but then I hit a

to us

to see me guna strike my



I gotta go



you can do it maybe 69 has always been

my lucky number

all right fork get over you ran a

valiant race Othello fellows phlaser you

didn't happen to glue my cockroaches

legs to the bar did you maybe

accidentally check the Ripper are you


what did you put in his water - gee I

thought it was water I guess it could

have been vodka I'm not paying high


how am I gonna splatter me all over my

friend Christina before in my life if I

told you they'd me that I hate you



isn't this for cleaning scum off the

water bingo


the next time that guy comes to collect

leave me the hell out of it collect have

you been gambling again blazer is that

what this is all about gambling is such

an ugly word

it's okay Frannie really I can handle it

no to fight an addiction like this you

need your friends support and you need

to make a real commitment or whole

gambling and cleavage three of my

favorite things

hey five bucks says the one on the Left

wins you're on it will only drag you


I know Franny come on sweet sweat go

baby go Oh little droplet blazar Riley

stop it I can't believe you two we're

gonna get some help it you the Haunted

dreams you know gambling has ruined many

a life hmm it's an illness like cancer

rheumatoid fever or feline leukemia the

high is like it oh I used to love and

feta means when I was a kid the low is

like a track well I uh

ooh tranquilizers to the first step

breaks the chain of denial admit you

have a problem like Riley did with his


oh don't compare me with someone who

gambled his own grandmother away she

only had a couple of years left in her

anyway working in that coal mine was

probably great exercise you have to

regain control of your life now I don't

mean to be an old nag but what you need

to told Meg is running in the fourth

I put some money down it's a sure thing





masturbation any questions oh that's


later can you show Frannie that

revolving tongue things let's try to

modify your lifestyle with them

wholesome activities you can enjoy with

your friends I know just the thing an

outing in the great outdoors communing

with nature enjoying the sea air the

waves pounding on the shore I hate


it's so fresh now now open your hearts

to mother earth and all her sunny glory

of course under the protection of a

beach umbrella made of lead thanks for

sticking by me Frannie I mean it I got

you a little little something Oh blazer

you didn't have to do this I'm helping

you because I care about my fellow

beings it's a bathing suit well this is


I think the store forgot to put it in no

no it's in there try it on


and maybe later now we're here to help

you fresh air exercise and no

temptations why don't you and Wiley take

a walk what he looks up to you talk to

him about his gambling you can help him

if you want to I don't want to I'll try

this son when we get home

Oh blazer what say you and I take a

little stroll I think this will do them

both good they should be back by now

maybe I should find out what they're up

to come on sweetie

drop one I know just where it's gonna

land you do have an uncanny gift for it

I'm so disappointed in you two I'm

leaving oh where are my car keys

um I might have lost the van to one of

these gentlemen a few plops ago

damn seagull couldn't poop straight

Freddie my fault some stupid seagull

couldn't crap to save his life

ten-to-one Lefty's the first to die of

heat exhaustion how I didn't know your

chairs battery on you lasted three hours

without recharging Oh


oh yeah I guess I should have mentioned

it earlier

I might have gambled away the house

can't believe you gambled away my house

sure you can it makes perfect sense I'm

a low-life with a gambling addiction

it's totally in character from me is it

in character for me to jail you now

you're far too nice a guy you understand

that I have a problem where are we going

to sleep all my medications are in there

and my air purifier oh you know how my

sinuses flare up oh all Riley's physical

therapy equipment Oh

malaria Tod collection blazer you better

do something about this relax it's all

taken care of thank goodness we're doing

home Grizz is gonna let us stay in the

room over the bar I fixed it up real

nice smell like some big-ass hell with

the Pope to shower no problem laser who

is that guy anyway he looks like a cross

between a male model in a Rottweiler

he's known as the [ __ ]

it's one of the 50 richest men on earth

then why does he care about your

piddling little debts don't you get it

it's not about money

it's the thrill of the game and the buzz

whether it's one dollar or a million boy

no wonder you were such a feeble drunk

you don't know anything about addiction

what he's not here again is he even

scarier I heard what happened you'll

never learn will you apparently not

I'm sorry Franny I screwed up again I'm

a bad head

I shouldn't bail you out I should let

you stew in your own juices hmm but I'll

help you one last time I'll talk with

this mr. thug and explain the situation

I'm sure he's a reasonable man we've

taken into meetings counselors so far no

luck but I think this will teach him a


now about his debt so many people have

been hurt already and I know you

wouldn't want to take advantage of the

poor man Morty well thank you so much

for hearing me out so should I take that

as a yes so it's a No


I can't sleep up there again

it's smoky dirty oh it smells like stale

beer and there's the ghost of a thousand

farts in that mattress I slept like a


really yeah I cried myself to sleep then

I wet myself got to get our house back


he's favored a hundred to one so if the

scrawny kid won a huge upset the odds

would be astronomical

this should be it let's find out whoops

sorry I thought this was the men's room

we cripples don't see so well that's

okay let's get to work now step to nice

you guys to take me out for a night on

the town we wanted to spend some quality

time together

yeah 23 hours a day we spend cooped up

in the house isn't enough oh this is a

very trendy club we're going to so we

have to dress shorts on a chilly night

like this oh the way kids dress today

there's more what my lord I'll never

understand these crazy fashion this is

one popular place you bar me to Sparling

eat I divert her father

he sure is not one of those gay places

these shorts on the brief they're riding

up so I we're gonna have trouble getting

about oh no your dress perfectly for the

occasion trust me your and there he is

okay you're gambling got us into this

let's see it get us out go make the bet

ooh no problemo we got nothin to wager

oh well bet anything it doesn't matter

because we know we're gonna win I

thought we were gonna lose Fontaine is

going to lose we've bet against him so

we're gonna win just think of something

to make him take the bait tell him he's

gonna win something really classy yeah

okay classy

real cities being here what are you

doing yeah yeah okay can we talk with us

later i want to watch the fight

what a sport it's violent and barbaric

the only good part is that two men

pummel each other senseless the bars run

get little libation it's all over there

a bit you'll have to swing your right

arm hard and then jump you lived this

sure is one strange place you brought me

to you swears not a gay bar I don't get

that drink nice face

enough time oh these gloves on I want

you to leave this place with me right


go Fontaine sorry what are you doing

here fried like my new outfit Oh No

Freddy he was supposed to lose so we won

does that mean we lose we don't get the

house back so that's what this is all

about you wanted your house back so much

you are willing to endanger your dear

friend's life yeah that's pretty much it

shame on you what did you bet blazer

Riley said anything he said it didn't

matter well you have to face the music

and pay up it's an important step in

acknowledging your problem

okay oh here he comes to claim his


how could you never been sergeant dr.

gambling away my home was one thing but

gambling away my girlfriend hey don't

blame me you don't need a bet anything

make it classy you said well it's not

like there's a lot of classy things

around here that pet frog so you gamble

away Frannie the one person who was

trying to help you and I dragged my

friends into this pit of despair with me


well at least now you're talking sense

but we've got to save her

there's no telling what he's doing to

her right now how dare you

you can't win another person so what are

you going to do now

ravage me abuse me do your worst

oh I get it

the iron fist in the velvet glove but I

cannot be seduced so easily I will not

be swayed by such pathetic attempts this

is a free society

I will must be held against my will in

the name of all women I demand freedom

oh no you won't get rid of me that

easily how much do you know about the

feminist movement I'll bet it's not much

little sister I don't blame them for not

speaking to me I've gambled away our

home and lost the one person who was

trying to save me from myself who by the

way had truly scrumptious melons maybe

the world would be a better place

without me maybe yeah come on guys we're

gonna sit here doing nothing or are we

gonna do something to say Franny from

that cold-hearted 8:00 I sure wish we

could do nothing they do is what we do


but it's Franny we have to help let's go

you grab blazer we're gonna need all the

help we can get I hope you're in the

mood cuz I'm going to do something that

will totally satisfy you the collected

writings of the most celebrated feminist

writers of our time if a vag*na could

hold a pen this is what it would write


this will make life a lot easier for my

friends goodbye cruel world no wonder

you can't sleep it's too exciting

watching the feminist viewpoint to throw

off the manacles of male oppression yes

that's right manacles and listen to this

a sweareth or I'm going to the loo I

don't know where the hell are you don't

worry he'll turn up we've got more

important things to worry about what's

your plan ah yeah good idea Lefty a plan

you don't have a plan my sinuses look

stupidity got us into this mess

stupidity can get us out the politics of

fertility are another complicated issue

does the medical establishment free

women or by potentially replacing the

womb does it render them redundant and

deprive them it's fun if you want to

leave the door open so you can hear

better okay so here's what we do

Spaulding jumps onto the Bromberg fence

leaps up to their roof rolls down

catches the telephone wires and swings

over to our chimney where he kicks out

the attic window to gain entry into the


or he could just climb in that window oh

yeah that's Plan B huh poor Bree Frannie

she's trying to escape

lefty me


I can't even commit su1c1de right


nothing is so bad

wouldn't be the time

only 50 bucks you are a very good


most men are that attentive when it

comes to post modern feminism now here's

something you'll find fascinating I'll

bet I can grab that if I do I'll give up

gambling forever if I miss well and out

to sea and shark bait anyway and now to

make amends use brute force I'll Ram him

with my chair Spaulding you bite his

ankles lefty go for the stomach

Fontaine you go for the face all right

we're going in

take that you lanky [ __ ]

I'd come for Frannie I've escaped the

jaws of death and turned over a new leaf

whoa this leaf includes showering sorry

alright let's kick him out and reclaim

what's rightfully ours no I don't want

this creep coming back to haunt us I'm

gonna win it all back fair and square

no yeah one last chance for me to make

things right then I'll give up gambling

forever you go for it blazer

name your game what's it gonna be

poker blackjack dice tiddlywinks maybe

next time you won't forget about paying

your piddly wait that's

okay let's do it whoever weights their

tiddly into the bowl first

winner-take-all wow that is one lame

tiddly toss it's almost like trying to

lose okay blazer you're up all right

come on baby it's all up to you look two

down in losing you oh I wasn't his


I could have left any time what you made

us go through that whole rescue thing

you needed to see how serious this

problem was so we could treat it

have you learned how dangerous gambling

is I have Frannie and I'm gonna keep

that promise I made I'll give you eight

to five I never gamble again Walter







