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02x05 - Midnight Cash Cowboy

Posted: 04/08/24 14:46
by bunniefuu
still love the nightlife and hang out in

a bar I used to hit the button but then

I hit a settlement to see me through the






while the men of else Narborough Country

Club shot rounds of a hundred and lied

about it on their scorecards their wives

enjoyed the day of wealth and leisure

working on their tans look at that ten

girls that is bronze to perfection very

nice but all this Sun don't we worry

about cancer girl I'm not going to let a

little melanoma scare me when it comes

to looking good time's up let's check


congratulations Carlos you're the

darkest Miguel sorry you lose

immigration it's good to add a little

fun to the club ha ha ha

it's not the same since Tyrone laughs OH

nothing like a little chocolate Under

the Sun melting on top of you all of you

and Tyrone the black parking valet don't

tell me you've never experienced

afro-american sin well I haven't really

not exactly


I need to have sex with a black man

don't get upset

it's not that I don't enjoy our sex life

about that time in July on on your

birthday three years ago yeah okay you

caught me I faked it that night but body

I'm the only girl at the club who's

never picked a cocoa bean and if I want

to be accepted I have to lay down the

boogie and get jiggy with it oh thank

you for understanding

but who to choose the man next door's

got all the qualities I'm looking for so

what do you boys think what are you to

try to fix the loose banister might and

it's not that you haven't done a

fabulous job but you're outside [ __ ]

that explains the 30-foot drop when I go

into my bedroom I saw you building your

stairway to heaven and realized I had to

have one in my bedroom I'd love to

oblige but unfortunately I'm fresh out

of wood

Oh give me two minutes and a pair of

kneepads well this was trying to fit in

with her friends I was having my own


fitting in

my thighs are on fire too and I can't

even feel them honey please I can't hear

my sweating - the psychics teeth and now

I'm seeing you doing donkey kicks 1 2

basket what I wouldn't give to have the

use of my right hand for about 3 minutes

baby with you not putting out Riley we

talked about this I'm practicing empathy

celibacy for the women with excessive

facial hair movement those guys at Rover

last night

they weren't guys yeah just try to think

about something besides sex well I go

lather up in a hot shower could you do a

guy a favor and hang your sweaty leotard

on my face

oh great is this a bad time

yeah brother I have to talk to somebody

what's up I just had sex with a married

woman four and a half time Fontaine you

old dog you've been pretty quiet in the

love Department for the past actually

ever since I met you I thought I'd

retire the love pump for good but she

caught me in a mood weakness all right

nothing puts a smile in a man's face

like getting his tires rotated you don't

understand I have this power over women

when it's let loose chaos and disaster a

short of follow we gotta put the cork

back in my bottle whoa whoa buddy calm

down it'll be okay take a deep breath

better now did she have a nice rack I

released my life cornucopia and she

reached a spiritual plane uh no prior to

my love doctor been down this road

before my sexual platitude is a day

bad once you've opened Pandora's pants

then no stopping it I think you're

complicating the issue let's cut to the


give me graphic details



thanks man trust still horny white quad

to give a brother perspective all right

fill me with your plenitude no huh oh

you're coming a copia glorious morning

isn't it girls the smell of freshly

mowed fairway the Sun glinting off the

luxury automobiles in the parking lot

there's there's something different

about you

what is it hair Nance bulimia let's just

say I had some hot lovin from a big

brown oven I always knew you'd fit in

iced tea no his name's Fontaine and he's

not only black he's blind to minorities

and one it might be too much for you to

handle what's his number

excuse me Liz is my best friend how'd

you like to chair the safe the Shih

Tzu's Committee a committee somebody

pinch me without breathing so do a

sister fella and hook me up with your

brother Sydney the optician remember

your Ebonics girlfriend oh that brother


sounds like cook good Captain Hook the

return of Martin guerre hello

which one of you lads ordered the

over-the-hill hooker me I did Riley

Riley come on give me 20 bucks

it's like I got free moisturizer in my

past it's okay just go with it a little

evany on ivory never hurt anybody if you

say so what the hell's going on she must

be an old friend

probably a social worker social work

she's doing um which Fox via check to

get that service

uh Riley could I see you upstairs for me


you spontaneously upstairs thickened or

Alma lips I don't know where all my

sexual energy is coming from lately well

you know what they say once you groover

the man who can't move you've up there


whoa free hotel reporters newly

appointed chairwoman of the save the

shih tzus committee i call this meeting

to order first order of business madam

chairman has anyone else been ruined for

all other men

my name is taffy and I'm a Fontaine a

holic he oiled me up like a piece of ahi

tuna on a hot barbecue he you smoothie

oh I'm just a man trying to keep the

ladies happy

oh I whipped you up an energy drink

the Druids drank this at their orgies

and they had enough energy left over to

a redstone hand and then they died off

apparently k*lled by the smell an issue

Fontaine your help with a sexual problem

we want your hand-me-downs dope think of

your pals next time you toss out a real

skank but boys all women is beautiful

too Fontaine one of the perks of being

blind deaf guys got it real easy to


something special oh I see them storm

clouds brewing darling you just relax

and let me replace those tears with more

joy as moistures wow he's good I do him

that didn't sound gay


mmm miraculous not one not to need what

happened to your usual mouth Aetna of

sexual tension for your information I've

been pumping the France dirt like a

bicycle tire I'm just too much of a

gentleman to brag yo three times last

night guys yeah we read the note on the

fridge quelle coincidence

Fontaine enjoyed three romantic liaisons

Oh see Oh looks like he's trying to keep

up with me

right and you're gonna star in

Riverdance this little strange though

haha here's a bored

maybe she's fantasizing about Fontaine

no way why would she think about him

when she's got a guinea crippled white

guy she can't imagine uh-huh you look

tan son before just closing your eyes

that's a dead giveaway this far enough


I'm putting the brakes on right now all

right wait until I had my front-end

aligned huh Oh anyway I never been more

miserable in my life except for getting

run over being paralyzed and having to

come here

can I say something Riley please

anything most maladjusted personality I

have ever treated once my help if my

professors could see me now

hello low self-esteem here your low

self-esteem is just icing on the cake

look this is a sexual insecurity issue

you need a dialogue with the one member

of this relationship we haven't heard

from your member

why do you have something you'd like to

say to mr. Boone stay the hell away from

me that makes me sad hey I don't have

that problem

give me the damn sock remember to wash

them in warm water hon or he'll shrink

meanwhile to save the Shih Tzu's

committee was getting a lot of new


Melissa's mansion had turned into a

theme park with only one ride coat I'm

talking to a saw [ __ ] this crazy let's

go Frannie has it occurred to you that I

want to be with a woman who's thinking

about me when she's doing you I don't

get what she's thinking about as long as

I'm getting to full frontal howdy you

are so shallow

hey you wouldn't pick with my head for

years I ever steered you wrong only

about three billion times I'm tired of

you calling the sh*ts do what you want

but remember if I'm not happy you are

not happy Riley who are you talking to

and just some jerk-off


I love it when you talk dirty I'm not in

the movie

since when since now I have feelings too

you know Wow

seeing this vulnerable side of you

really makes me want your hot monkey

love come on give it to mama strong well

I don't really understand but I respect

your feelings I'll just transfer my

sexual energy into something else like

like cooking I know I'll go make myself

a cucumber zucchini and banana salad

eventually I did I finally stood up to

you I'm not gonna have sex tonight

in between the two of us that makes you

a bigger d*ck both of you out I had the

four o'clock get in line

I have to have an orgasm and get to my

manicures by 5:30 well I've got three

hungry kids and the many waiting in the

SUV ladies ladies please why can't we

all just get it all mm-hmm because I'm

the chairwoman of this committee if

anyone's going to bang his gavel it's



I've been waiting so long my bikini line

needs relaxing this thing gone off

Paisley just like I knew it would he has

never been nothing but trouble my whole

damn life if I don't do something soon

he's gonna get worse

real worse I don't know why he's

bitching at least he's getting his

banana peel ooh sounds like Frannie put

a clamp on the old hose monster wrong I

turn down sex tonight because I wanted

to make a point and what the hell point

was that you have no idea what he'll

have my loins rot woman's fighting all

over town Riley's relationship torn

asunder a statewide condom shortage that

may be I I can undo some of the damage

I've done I'm not unzipping these pants

for anything but a urinal


with the love doctor retired Fontaine

had plenty of time to catch up on all

the household chores he'd been putting

off hey Lefty

come take a look at my bookshelf and I

had plenty of time to make up with

Franny now sorry how about now

honey I'm just not in the mood there's a

different energy in the air it's less

like a temple of spiritual oneness


construction site

okay lefty how's that picture look now

it was then that I realized it was

better for everyone if Fontaine used a

different kind of power tool around the


Fontaine up to now you can bagging up to

ladies fan but there's mystery in your

past baby open up tell us what's in

there boom I can these too painful then

maybe he'll tell us


my pals are both a blessing and a curse

I just have to raise my shine and Nubian

head and catastrophe follows my first

time with my babysitter mmm sweet Noreen

November 63 next day Freddy was shot few

year later i was serviced in a pretty

italian woman until it was a huge

earthquake outside rome in the 80s i

made a deposit in a nice bank early shut

up stock market crashes all calls bodies

wonderful we get a pen i retire for good

some years ago until this whole mess

started up again Fontaine and little

Fontaine I know this is difficult for

you but you can't deny the world your

gift we just have to figure out a way to

channel your power for good instead of

evil I think that's a wonderful solution

why don't you two hug mm-hmm the perfect

way for Fontaine to share his talent was

with those who needed it most desperate

horny losers remember that pleasing a

woman is nightly present presentation

and one present ejaculation what's the

other 9% toleration when forced into the

after cuddles now let's move on to the

breasteses it might help to have a

visual aid hey quit staring at me like

I'm some kind of boob here you close

enough now let's take turns with our

trimming technique left

it was also the perfect way to make

money from those who had plenty of it

desperate horny women

but the coupon in the mail said

Fontaine's love jungle not disabled

petting zoo but each one of them has

been personally cheated by the master

himself and we're running a special

introductory file I say I didn't get

rich letting a bargain get away take the

short round one koko to them what kind

of tailor are you this is just my luck

my ex friends are next door doing the

Humpty dance and I'm stuck here cleaning

a puppy crap shouldn't be too hard to

find them homes they're humping you

idiot come on Fido

let's see you sit up and beg baby I know

I'm not the greatest lover in the world

hell I'm not even the greatest lover in

this house but I'll try anything to put

you back in the mood even if it involves

sharing feelings ah that is so sweet you

know I do have this little sexual

fantasy we'll bring it on come on








