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02x03 - To Slash or Not to Slash

Posted: 04/08/24 14:45
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the button

but then I hit a car

to see me do the strike



I gotta go



it was hot the kind of hot that makes a

man glad he's paralyzed so he doesn't

have to feel his undies filling up with

sweat but hey we weren't a bunch of


oh my delicate system can't handle this

heat much longer I can't believe we

don't have water or air conditioning hey

money was tight this month we had to

prioritize our bills yeah we barely had

enough for the dirty Channel enjoying

the lovely everyday people about as much

as we'd enjoy getting sodomized by a

Turkish prison guard but at least we get

to see you to what do we owe this

unexpected pleasure I'm here to take

Fontaine to his new job I'm ready and

raring to go

don't you be forgetting something Jack

the pears again I share some downs up

again I would blind him I didn't bump

into him

what dumb job if you got from this time

heart surgeon he's an extra in a movie a

movie Central Park a love story

Oh doesn't it make your heart go hold

your hobbled horses I've got an idea

so do I it involves a golf club and a

pair of rubber pants you could all be

extras you just have to stand around

doing nothing you'll be perfect sorry I

had my brush with showbiz in high school

I was a Southern gentleman coming home

after the Civil w*r I've been fighting a

w*r and this is

pay me sell my farm marry my dog and

have my brother put to sleep please talk

about lousy homecoming you can at least

get a kiss


I was sensational I brought down the

house show business for me why would I

want to do something like that again you

get $15 a day and a free lunch I'm in a

movie there's gonna be lesbians there

I'd heard the movie business was filled

with Liars cheap women and crooked

accountants but it sounded too good to

be true well at least I got our minds

off the heat

yo atmosphere sign up over there and

we'll get started

I studied drama at the National Art

Society oh and I get summer stockett I'm

Tiffany and this is my twin sister

Tiffany and we're here for the movie hi

yeah I'm the director um the part calls

for identical twins so I'm gonna have to

verify your identity so let's go behind

that bush and I'll count your freckles

okay people we got a movie to make let's

rock and roll

okay you with the useless limbs I want

you to roll through the frame from here

to there hmm

I want the short round guy to just sit

on the bench waiting for the bus and I

was hoping for someone whiter and less

blind okay and you lean against that

tree and eat an apple good eat an apple

I can do that


I'm having a little trouble with my

motivation why am i eating this Apple am

i angry bored or simply health-conscious

you're just a man eating an apple how

long since I've eaten I don't know you

missed breakfast I did who did my wife

leave me did my kitchen explode have my

children been kidnapped

oh god no tell me the kids are all right

dude in 3 seconds you're fired okay one

two I'll just go with hungry hungry is

good okay places everyone and action


glass head do you rule shred into pieces

and make him pay what was all that about

maybe it has something to do with that


careful there Sparky fellas keep

searching we got to find the rest of

this poor bastard




well I had no idea you were a

cold-blooded k*lling machine I have a

whole new respect for you




I've never eaten anyone's head in my


pretty impressive they took the

background scenery and turned it into

the main attraction how dare they come

on what are you so upset about

so you slashed off a couple of heads

where's the harm this is an unauthorized

you supply image who I'll contact the

actors union I'll write the head of the

studio I'll sue your moviemaking ass


look what you've done to him geez you're

looking at a million dollars worth a

pathetic pal dude I've been looking

everywhere for you man the studio loves


mass m*rder*r with a heart of gold

we're talking psycho buddy sequel a

major motion picture with an actual

script and catering after the way I've

been treated I don't think so I prefer

the theater where I can use my formal

training uh can I have a minute with my

client I'm so proud of you standing up

for your artistic vision most actors

would jump at this kind of opportunity

well it's all about the quality of the

work I mean what you did with that Apple

another actor would have just gobbled it

up but you took a simple piece of fruit

and sprinkled it with movie magic

exactly I tried to get into the mind of

the Apple i nibbled it right down to the

core then turned it over to find another

bite on the other side Oh

truly amazing what did you say the title

of this new movie was scream if you know

where I left your guts last summer scene

25 mark we had a burgeoning movie star

on our hands

sure he was fragile but let's face it

all actors are nut jobs so we brought in

some help to keep him on an even keel do

I look okay I've never liked the way I

look in shredded black robes you look


Dirk I'm sure you are I need just

breathe and say your mantra Knight of

the green pearl

strong as a rock light now go have fun

and k*ll some people huh okay places



I'm going birth any day

I knew






great job everyone he'd freak incredible

I have a few tiny problems with this

next scene it blows why am i slashing

Shelly throat wouldn't I try to reason

with her first

I might slice her to bits but I'm not

unreasonable one for me nonfat double

last day with two sh*ts at chop I said

three sh*ts of chocolate you imbecile oh

look at this there are green candies in

here I said no green ones this is an

outrage everything myself he's two

seconds away from getting a coffee enema

all right all right everybody just calm


where's Debbie jerky you naughty boy you

try that again and you'll get us

thinking and I'll be wearing my nurse's

uniform I am an artiste I live in the

moment now I want a scene where I can

really show my emotional range this will

do nicely

William Shakespeare but the dude who

wrote those plays no Ralph

Shakespeare the guy who fixed the fridge

I want to do a classical monologue yeah

but you're a homicidal maniac with a

sensitive side

I mean maybe when I'm not k*lling I I

teach theater to underprivileged

children look you better talk to him but

he's freaking me out

I think lefty is 100% right laughs

lighters the creepers strong as a rock

he brings great news the Raven himself

is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance

of Duncan under my never was awarded

cease air bloody hands were washed with


I am so excited I haven't been to a big

movie progressive Luigi house never

sound that's about right no wonder I'm





I'm so hot I'm going




here's my monologue and now I have you

two small got it sorry buddy it was

rejected by the censors they felt it was

in bad taste

what have I done what could possibly

justify perpetrating this glorified

bloodfest it was a virtuoso performance


hi can you slice my neck so the kids at

school believe I met you it was a lot of

fun we had a great cast we were a family

I think this is a film that really

speaks to a lot of people all the

reviews are in

what do they say did they catch the

textured nuances of my performance

you've been hailed as this year's

bloodiest new psychopath the newspapers

called me a bloody psychopath just The

Times The Daily News as you're a

deranged butcher why don't you go get

some fresh air like another autograph

fine I'll sign my name is easily as I

sold my soul think I'm evil incarnate

this year's bloodiest new psychopath

derived butcher


I'd never hurt a fly I'm an actor

playing a role mhm I see Lefty are you

okay we just heard what happened at the

supermarket we feel terrible

what good is you having a nervous

breakdown if we're not around to enjoy

it can't go on I totally understand if

you're not happy I'm not happy oh what a

relief to hear you say that you'll get

all the rest you need later first we've

booked a couple of personal appearances

I know what you're thinking we were

taking advantage but we were just trying

to fulfill Lefty's dream of being famous

and along the way my dream of being

independently wealthy come on down to

filthy Phil's youth cards we're slashing

prices if our salesmen won't deal we'll

deal with them


oh please I've been posing like this for

hours come on baby this is a great


sorry buddy I guess we left you in there

a little too long


do me a favor run these cookies over to

the kids Spalding baked too many ice I

hate to see them go to waste

you called them they should be here any

minute it can't be a real celebrity if

you don't have a police record selling

dr*gs to school kids that should do it




ah talk to me that you Lefty

dear God these pictures are humiliating

are you kidding you look fantastic

not everybody looks that good getting

arrested have you been working out well

a little really shows you can't buy this

kind of publicity and look at us now are

you sure we can afford all this we've

got it all worked out at the rate we're

spending the money we've made should

last us what another 300 beautiful and

your next film is gonna take us over the

top just listen to this title / hands

takes London I don't like it I love a

little quality time and ye merry old

slicing and hacking from one coast to

the other brilliant or am i insane it's

inspired right lefty

oh no I refuse to compromise my values

any longer I quit

ho ho you can't do this now we're just

about to hit the big time first class

all the way we're gonna tell t-shirts

I'm sorry my decision is made

oh man this bites the big weenie it

looks like all deals are off wait wait

let me be the k*ller ask anybody I've

always wanted to m*rder people don't

worry babe we'll deliver / hands I



one actor signed sealed delivered he's

yours I throw in a few extra shower

scenes for free all right here she would

be look at him lining up

one thing I love about teenagers they

don't have any taste and he doesn't know

anything about it I told him he looked a

little pale

you know lefty that's enough to send him

to bed for a week



Oh miss can you spare hey how about a

pound of flesh



take a little something to remember you



a little rough now blokes but you'll get

the hang of it


sneaky and you got no morals our

strippers you're perfect for show

business I am I didn't do it alone

I'd like to thank the members of the

committee I knew it

you tricked me I'm Dan come on Dirk pick

up I know you're screening I've been

calling all day I have to talk to you

I'm late

Lefty look I know how you feel about us

compromising your values yeah that's it

so I talked to the director even though

we signed for a sequel they're gonna let

us out of our deal

they are why I thought it was doing

boffo at the box office you know that

group parents against v*olence

apparently they've been protesting great

they're gonna burn down our house

Nancy you rang

yes'm some folks from the Shakespeare

Festival are here they want to talk to

you about making an appearance finally

someone recognizing my ability









