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02x02 - Vacation to Lesbos

Posted: 04/08/24 14:44
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the bottle

but then I hit a cup

just see me guna strike



I gotta go



I don't know what it is about Saturday

night but there's something magical in

the air that just screams what have you

got on tonight like going down to skid

row to bet on which drunk will pass out

birth as a matter of fact yes and you

giving some hairdresser a rubdown with

your face

it's buffets not of the gym when it's

time to flex my gluteus I was at silky

smooth and soft burns my treat the room

sorry that blade must have got a little

dull when I use it to scrape the bird

[ __ ] off my wheels take you to fiddle

with my father behind my back come on

princess where's this sense of humor

Riley if you want me to get you ready

you'd better shake a leg no thanks

Frannie's coming over for a little game

of scratch and sniff I gotta get all

sweaty anyway so why clean up what a

life you act like a slop and she still

lays out the pink welcome mat yes it is

good to be me sorry fellas

give me some bad chili you better clear

out it ain't gonna be pretty

I will give you complete privacy you

just take your time hey why so dressed

up why aren't we going out while we're

gonna end up here anyway I figured we

can cut right to the poking and roping

part of the evening oh I guess I just

thought that since it's my that dress

looks so great on you I can't wait to

take it off

come on Frannie the little general wants

to inspect the troops attention take me

all night

you can watch the sunrise between my


that was incredible baby the best what

wait you mean then we do it again must

be six hours now she's begging for a

rest looks like you had a good time at

Jim Spaulding ah does the smile on my


give me a why no it's the barbell

sticking out of your butt okay can I

have a piece of her leg it's a dream of

mine oh we all chipped in - Frannie was

love from the boys you purchased a half

acre of rainforest as a sanctuary in my

name Oh

this must have cost a fortune we've been

saving up for months and I sold my

great-grandma's wedding ring

well once we dug her up it was no

problem slipping it off her finger oh

you are all so thoughtful okay I was in

a bit of a jam but I figured with a

little luck someone would change the

subject and I'd be home free

Oh do I sense like people with a bad

memorize it I was wrong

surprise Wow even I remembered and I'm a

thoughtless pig

I didn't forget I just just

very impressive yeah I could sink my

teeth into a piece of that no I mean the

size of your cojones to Google another

babe when you're standing beside your

girlfriend must you leer like a goat and

heat at every woman who walks by I'm a

man we're genetically programmed to

forget birthdays until ear like heated

goats what a guy is filet mignon every

night sometimes he likes a little

hamburger smell so you're saying I'm a

piece of meat no literally out of

context what I meant was the one thing I

am a vegetarian for another thing shove

it up your ass what's just we've been

together so long I'm relaxed around you

you're like a comfortable old shoe

what a sweet talker this shoe is walking


pull Franny she deserves so much more

how true she's such a gem nah she could

have done a lot worse than my man Riley

Thank You Fontaine serial K*llers act

murderers cannibals hey I put Frannie up

on a pedestal yeah so you could look up

her skirt I've got an idea

mind your own freakin business let her

cool her heels

she'll be back apologizing to me


he takes me for granted he's so

uninformed try wiping his are february

died we should look into my eyes instead

of that my chest when he talks to me you

want a little womanly advice do yourself

a favor

try a little comparison shopping i

couldn't all I'm saying is that someone

else comes knocking on the door take a

look through that peephole miss the

South Alfa suffer any trauma on the way

to the restaurant

no each sprout was individually

euthanized by our chef to make sure they

felt no pain in fact no vegetables were

harmed in the making of this sandwich

hey I'm no you please did either of you

notice that man over there was

undressing me with his arm

gee I didn't mean either nah didn't

think though this should get it started

I'm sorry you had to see me and my

boyfriend fight like that oh forget it I

had the same problem in my last


luckily a car ran over my problem huh

your boyfriend got hit by a car - yeah

but yours lived you poor thing do you

mind I'm on a break

confirms it you were an Egyptian

princess in a past life we were best

friends Oh My yes yes it's coming back

to me I even remember when we met April

2nd 2000 BC it was your birthday this is

where I get off

I really enjoyed talking with you yeah

let's Sun do it again



morning honeypot last night was amazing

we reached a cosmic plane all 14 times

is my boyfriend gonna wonder where you

were oh I'm sure he'll be totally okay

with this he knows I need to try new


good then let's go for number 15 hello

I'm back sooner than I expected

listen Frannie I know it's tough to find

words right now so I'll go first apology

accepted how understanding of you one of

us has to be big about this I want to

share the most incredible experience of

my life with you yeah you hold that

thought I'm up to 1,500 points here I

met someone

there's no way that spaceship got me she

and I have so much in common we talked

for hours and then we had sex

Oh night yeah it's great great honor she

you had sex with a she just in case I

miss something

go back to the top and start from the

beginning our auras merged our souls

became one our fingers gently probing

our hungry tongues searching


how could you have done that I thought

you'd be happy I was just expressing

myself you can't have sex behind your

partner's back that's a man's job good

for you girlfriend Paula things

wonderful you knew about this Hugh gay

Judas I forbid you to ever do anything

like this again you forbid me I didn't

know I was on a leash so I told him we

needed some time apart oh I knew you'd

be upset maybe miss Winkie can cheer you


not right now I'm not in the mood no

this is miss Winky Oh your bunny is

adorable so is yours and I bought you

something for your birthday

how thoughtful it's

it's bad

I figured Frannie was probably home

crying herself to sleep she'd be back on

her hands and knees where incidentally

she'd done some of her finest work in

the meantime I was determined to spread

my own wings a little now I can do all

the things I couldn't do cuz Fran he's

been holding me back

oh sweet freedom all those things you

wanna do oh brother what are those

things again well I can I've got it

I can eat pork rinds and fart oh you

said a mouthful brother

let's see Oh little pate Kevin bear Oh

some crab legs hurry up hurry up I'm


you're not getting used to all this

freedom it's gonna be tough taking Fanny

back I ran into her and Paula last night

she's never seemed happier really I'm so

glad to hear that oh so you don't mind

that some carpet muncher is doing the

labia lip-lock with your sweetie the

most important thing is Franny's

happiness if a clam digger can satisfy

her in ways I can't god bless her

felt good telling the guys how happy I

was for Frannie and her new relationship

but it just wasn't true I'm such a fool

what am i done I'm nothing without her

oh it's nothing really I just saw them

and thought of you thanks they're great

wait don't you want to try the mom yeah

there's something else I'd rather sleep

me too I get that one over there why

don't you just send her a boot-cut

little florist and pay the prices those

jackals charge no thank you

you just keep picking


Riley how sweet noise

I hope you're hungry

I made your favorite meal I just want a

vegetal or wax Jesus a slug oops

might have to get me a new bunny good

thing you're only a couple of bucks

she'll be here any minute it's all set

Frannie you look spectacular a toast to

your unparalleled beauty how sweet

hey careful those are genuine cubic

zirconias oh what a week I'm sure glad I

have you to support me guys need your


I've got to get Franny back to life you

know what they say once you go guy

there's no other one who says that I do

you heal in time if not you'll be dead

in 40 years the pain will stop then

later have I ever asked you for anything

before I don't know when your lips start

flapping I stopped listening this is me

begging please well I had no idea you

were so good at groveling

okay okay I'll help now the first thing

we got to do is to know the enemy get

inside the lesbian brain think like ways

be ins act like lesbians we must become



I'm not the kind of man to let friendiy

go without a fight

I was gonna show the world just what

kind of man I am prepare to enter the

secret world of gorgeous supermodels

with tiny hips and full right since when

did you become an expert I spent

countless hours watching pornography not

just as a pervert but as a student

yeah they are no beautiful it's it's

like they're like regular people I've

been lied to

boy if you can't trust the porn industry

who can you trust

how could we be sure this one is even a

woman she's a woman all right oh quit

fooling around

we came here to learn let's spread out

and many more I'm not personal but where

do you keep all the good-looking

lesbians are they in the back or

something good

does this h*m* thing run in your family

are your mom and dad both lesbos how

come when we're performing our lesbionic

duties on one another some guy always

wanders by and horns in on the action

when you first became a lesbian did you

have to take a written test or is it all

oral new ladies are asking a lot of


so what did we learn actually I don't

know and this line tells me you are an

Egyptian princess in a past life hello


Oh Frannie wait not that you're ever a

big help but you could draw sure we had

our problems who doesn't I made mistakes

plenty of them

now don't hunt me the rest of my life

you want to hear me say it is that what

you want fine I'm pathetic happy now

Paul I can't take it anymore your

incessant whining it's driving me up a

bloody wall

I'll help just promise me you'll shut up

boy if I don't pathetic worked so well I

would use it years ago


just be honest with her speak what's in

your heart as soon as she comes in sneak

up and slow if she decides not to take

it back

you still got yourself one last piece

hmm the important thing is not to act

like yourself oh I was so nervous my

mouth was dry my heart was pounding it

was like our first date all over again

Frannie come in you look really you know


kind of real pretty like five bucks says

she stays with the lesbo I I appreciate

the trouble you've gone to but the truth

is maybe we're just not meant for each


before you make that decision I've

prepared some visual aids to find out

just who is right for you

if I can point out some pros and cons of

each relationship it should make things

clearer this is you me and your lesbian

first the lesbian you're the same sex

you can share clothes that's one point

on my side I have a penis we can share

ten points and two testicles five points

each true your lezzy has a vag*na but so

do you it's redundant subtract the point

okay stop this is ridiculous yes it is

haha your lesbian is my pool cleaner yes

what about it well for one thing you're


Frannie I don't know what I was thinking

I was wrong I'll never treat you that

way again that's a pretty nice apology

what's it worth Riley ten points

ha I can do better than that I'm sorry

for everything I've ever done anytime

anywhere yeah top that lesbian I wasn't

at the Pharaoh's tomb I just said that

to get close to you

she lied just to get you in the sack

isn't that just like a man I resent that

honey please I'll change I'll do


so will I it was the longest moment of

my life except for that time I was

really hungover and waiting for the

liquor store to open you're smart and

funny and talented Riley Raleigh's none

of those things he needs me

thanks Franny I think I'll never take

you for granted again oh I hate to be a

fly in the ointment but there is a flood

problem the scores are tied um may I

suggest the tiebreaker

give him 15 points alright you're up hey

no props


who says romances








