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02x01 - The Church of Reilly

Posted: 04/08/24 14:43
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the bottle

but then I hit a


just see me do the strike



I gotta go


I'm pretty new at this why don't you

boys just talk about yourselves and do

what you think is right I don't claim to

be much of a philosopher but two

questions have always bothered me one

does God exist or did man invent him to

help us deal with a meaninglessness of


and two where can you get a good corn

beef sandwich in this town we offer you

love and forgiveness for your many sins

and transgressions oh please

so Dave deep into your hearts and your

savings accounts underneath the cushions

of your soul and eternal salvation can

be yours hey careful I almost felt that

how can a man with so little muscle tone

have titanium toe nails you did that on

purpose I could have lost an eye sorry I

was aiming for your mouth

ouch one of those little bastards cut me

now I've gotta get a tetanus shot so as

a new job great just great they even

gave me a nickname all day long it was

god damn imbecile do you really know how

to make a guy for you welcome it seems

everywhere I turn large sums of money

were being donated by desperate people

hoping to buy their way into heaven let

me tell you real estate up there in Chi


think this is heavy try walking a mile

with a wooden cross on your back

Redemption salvation tax-free money

market funds

it was then I saw the light and asked

myself how can I get a piece of this

holy pie

one little chicky never gets to hatch

into the pan with a little hey what are

the Dunst speed it up already we're

starving the culinary arts must not be

rushed the integrity of the dish is at

stake none for me I'm not hungry but I

made this omelet especially for you

a masterpiece of egg and cheese existing

in perfect unison I don't believe it no

it can't be what something crawling in

it it's not bad enough I found one of

Riley's toenails and the hash browns

it's her in all her blessed glory the

Virgin Mary are you sure

where is it it's a sign it's a message

from above it's one of your stupid

schemes imagine worshipers from

everywhere coming to see the sacred egg

portrait of the Holy Mother bringing

their credit cards in holy checkbooks

hey men bow your heads in worship to the

miracle omelet crayons I can't see you


alright quit shopping there's plenty of

miracles for everyone

ladies welcome to my humble shrine




okay people times up we mustn't tire the

omelet house shall we give thanks kindly

place your donations in the holy copper

and rejoice step right up folks

miracle omelets don't grow on trees



we have a problem on our hands


it looks like we robbed an arcade it's

barely enough change for the laundry ooh

I bet I could fill in some gaps in my

rare coin collection oh you mean those

coins locked up in your bedside table

yes why well I am I needed some change

for the condom machine oh now now blazer

don't upset the miracle maker he's got a

lot of important work to do I do we need

more of those omits that but that was

the miracle how can i duplicate

perfection perhaps the miracle may not

need omelet but in the hooks of he who

created the omelet Oh could it be you

must keep cooking we'll need a hundred

of them by morning and go easy on the



have you ever been convicted of a felony

no no

well that stolen car thing was a

misunderstanding and that shoplifting

charge I was gonna bring it back of

course there was that time at this strip

club I'm just gonna type in no dumb I'll

print up a copy what kind of trouble are

you getting into I've been embraced by

the spirit Frannie I'm dedicating my

life to doing the Lord's work uh-huh go

on be not so cynical

I heard the calling and I picked up on

the first ring open my heart and

accepted salvation if it's true that's

wonderful finally focusing your efforts

on a worthy cause

channeling your energy toward a

celestial journey that's me I'm just

about to get to work on my first sermon

sermon don't you have to be a minister

you had yourself ordained over the


thirty-five dollars later I am the very

Reverend Riley O'Reilly huh I've never

been with a holy man before I really did

feel a calling to all her signs were

calling to my wallet and my lap was

calling to Frannie can I get a



they say the Lord works in mysterious

ways and I guess it's true how else can

you explain Wars and famine and rap

music when it comes to religious

questions I figured I was as qualified

as anyone to answer them

he's quite a musician he's had a lot of

practice handling organs hello my

friends my name is Riley and I am a

sinner only yesterday my life was in

disarray I was a bum an air do well a

sheep in search of a Shepherd a lamb in

search of mint jelly I fell off the path

to righteousness in the Catholic school


and the nuns made me feel like garbage

by making me stand in it the downward

spiral continued into my adult years

goodnight Riley my life was worthless

without meaning or value but then the

power of the omelet turned my world

around and I became a messenger for the

Lord join me

can share these teachings from the

scriptures on the first day the Lord

said let there be light and there was


on the second day he received the

electric bill and he did Cringer then

God handed the ten condiments down to

Moses and said that a visit would be

paid unto him by the ghost of Christmas

past and if he should see his shadow

there shall be six more weeks of winter

you are so generous and he descended

from Mount Rushmore to a burning bush

where he cooked loaves and fishes for

the multitude because there was no

takeout in that area and it was good a

man here all week be sure to stop by the

gift shop on your way up and always

remember to spay and neuter your pets

and he does welcome you into his fold

unless you stray far then he will rain

pestilence on your house

excuse me but when do we get to see the






my prized azaleas and look at them now

you march right over to that asylum for

the criminally d*sfigured and make those

giimpse pay absolutely right after I



baby Jesus and John the Baptist lunch

box for maker and said Charlie they go


I'll go with the business brother Griz

the replica Omniture flowin out the door

and the holy hotcakes are selling like

hotcakes I need a half dozen chocolate

crucifixes and a case of the Chardonnay

holy wine


one little cheeky Oh what's the rest I

can't remember one little chickie there

he is the magic chef with a gift in his

hooks can't go on I need to lie down no

no no one said doing God's work would be

easy was it easy for the disciples John

Paul Ringo

George brother lefty you must continue

your work so his lighteth may shine if


little chicky listen Oh Riley my lawn

isn't your parking lot and if you don't

use me can you tell me where I can park

around here I'll take care of that for

you my little beau face my lawn is right

next door you can park on my face



put the ruler away religious fraud is a

blasphemy on the products of his church

and I'm here to wake her Botox King the

Lord has eyes everywhere he's watching

you every second of the day



excuse me sister would you care to make

a donation to the Church of Riley who

goes there just making another drop off

you shorts I feel this plays a locked up

tighter than Riley's behind I'm the only

one with the key


forgive me for I have sinned go ahead my

son yeah I am accidentally smashed my

brother in the head with a croquet

mallet while he was asleep I see I was

hoping for something a little juicier

and now every time the phone rings he

gets a nosebleed say two Hail Marys and

call me in the morning

oh and double no triple your donation on

the way out you know what I don't like

about people giving us their small

change please enlighten me Reverend

O'Reilly it's that it's small change

we've got to get them to dig a little

deeper just how much is a man's soul

worth oh oh I do believe you're going to

find out yes it's all getting clearer

how much do you know about faith healing


you ready to do the Lord's work brother

Fontaine you're sure that's what he was

he always seemed to be an aboveboard

gotta do til you started working for him

he wants us to raise money any way we

can to help the orphans think of the

organs oh we do it for you

oh you can't deal with a vast world in a

half vast manner you have to look the

part that's John 3:16 and voila it's

only perfect and now I must tend to my





greetings friends tonight I'd like to

share with you the most remarkable event

in my life last night an angel came unto

me Riley he or she said it's tough to

tell with angels you have been blessed

with the gift from above the power to

heal while I myself remain in this chair

my withered limbs a symbol of my

degenerate past

I shall heal the sick of e'en firm and

the feeble-minded

and what is your affliction my dusky

child I'm blind as blank and B my world

is blacker than a damn cup of colonial

coffee nothing but damned darkness my

whole damned dark eyes do you believe in

the power of healing I do believe take

me now you who are blind shall now see I

command it



see I can see color this beautiful

the Lord has picked my bogan eyes


we're going to need some extra call on

the help files with this one

yes good sir how can I help you I lost

my body in a tragic knitting accident

get up on the table my son by the power

vested in me I pronounce you able to





investigators infallible by association

take us to the ungodly wanted nice work


Fontaine at the six o'clock show I'd

like you to drop to your knees and

praise me after your sight is restored

got it anything for the kids excuse me

I'm gonna work on my lines I can see I

can see I can see didn't I tell you this

money is going to the orphans and by

orphans I mean anyone who doesn't live

with their parents for example you and

me see the donations are really coming

in after that performance this afternoon

why does this old heart good you know

it's going to a good cause yes your

funds come on Lefty hang in there we've

got to keep up with the demand the

healings are really boosting sales I'll

go easy on him the poor guys falling to

pieces little chickie never gets to

hatch and you made up the omelet I

suppose you use a little pale lefty take

a two-minute break the rest of you let's

restock the gift shop then uh-oh

thumping Wicked This Way Comes we know

you're working from Satan's cookbook

well no she brought the pope's henchman

with her we have to get rid of the

evidence every one of these almonds


we're gonna get rid of that one guys


you're the Saviour fine


hails above and his helpers have made

their tools of deception


it's not just creation is here somewhere

I saw it myself

no just the butch award outside if you

please it was here the Devils in this

house I swear that was too close

maybe we should let things cool down a

bit and spend some of our gotten gains

what do you say Devil's spawn clearing

out the cache

I thought she had us by the short and

curlies you should have heard their

smiling faces Riley it makes a man feel

all peed and good who's smiling faces

feel good the orphans and it was such a

sizable donation what the hell they

gonna build themselves a chapel and

dedicate it to you hidden that night for

the first time I was actually having a

genuine spiritual experience


Oh feels better

wait I don't believe it this yet look

it's her face the Holy Mother No








