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01x03 - 1-800-GIMP

Posted: 04/08/24 14:25
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the bottle

but then I hit a


to see me through the strife my attitude



I gotta go



I'm starving

nothing gives a man an appetite like

being wealthy just water for me

I ate like a horse yesterday an entire

piece of melba toast I must have gained

three ounces excellent the morning paper

hmm earthquakes an assassination nuclear

plant accident

let's give us something that matters oh

listen to this socialite candy

stuffington poses with an unnamed sickly

child what a crock last week it was

taffy Turnbull and those bratty Romanian

orphans the week before it was bunny

Hampton and I don't know some kind of

retards you can't truly be someone

without attaching your name to something

senseless and tragic of course it would

help you anything for you my twig you

could get an incurable disease and die

very dramatic

unfortunately I'm as healthy as a

nut-brown gelding I need my own charity

for something really vile and loathsome

unfortunately all the good diseases are

taken heart disease diabetes they were

snapped up years ago

some lucky [ __ ] had cancer for god

knows how long

well they're classics it they never go

out of style relax dear we'll find you a

disease well we've got it narrowed down

to chapped lips or prickly heat with all

the money we pay in taxes they can't

come up with a few new diseases for us

what is this country coming to I'm sure

one day you'll get your own tumor I need

to champion people so pathetic and

desperate they make your stomach churn

but where to find them


good morning neighbor I brought you a

little pie yummy what's in the box I'm

going to have a telethon to raise money

for poor unfortunate souls would you be

interested in helping you're talking to

the wrong head lady not interested now

if you don't mind you're blocking my

light it pays handsomely what I meant

was uh tell me more all you have to do

is be your usual pathetic worthless self

for a tidy $500 fee Kate tardy in 1000 K

do I look like a cheap [ __ ] to you five


three thousand another 1000 if you can

deliver your crippled roommates I'll

tell you why next time you take a bath

leave the blinds open you disgust me

Hey i disgust me is it a deal it's a


news my differently-abled chums

i rented a video that sure to make you

feel better about your own lives real

live scheduled to see you and your

friends til next week ever wonder what

it's like to be gored by a bull it's

just kind of last minute um I need your


you're reaching out to me this is a real

breakthrough wow I feel so close to you

then can I have a pair of your workout

shorts let's not start that again okay

okay okay um I've been thinking how

lucky I am sure I might not have limbs

or internal organs but I have a roof

over my head and friends who love me yes

you're a very lucky hat I want to help

those less fortunate than me I want to

give something back how commendable we

could gather up some old clothes or

there's a telephone for the shave the

[ __ ] foundation maybe if I appeared on

it we could raise some money that's a

wonderful idea

I know what if all the guys came on

Riley lefty Fontaine no I couldn't ask

them for some reason they don't trust me

besides I don't want them to see this

side of me the tender blazer nobody


I suppose I could I mean you'll ask them

great and you're right let's not mention

that I came down here today I must say

you've got a big heart for a guy who

doesn't have one

thanks Debbie oh one last thing can i

watch you go to the bathroom

tougher than I thought it's dark I'm


and I don't know what I'm doing these

the copyright is all fixed cleaned up

and look who's here Debbie Golan a treat

to the old old factory me too

mine is don't ask it's inspiring the way

you help each other like fixing Franny's

car what if you could help people less

fortunate than yourselves where are we

gonna find people less fortunate than


no no blessed a hundred years ago if I

lost my sight I'd still be blind uh who

wants to tell him he is still blind how

would you feel about appearing on a

telethon to help raise money and we get

to keep this money no your reward is the

satisfaction you'd be getting from

helping other people when did you start

smoking crack I would but I'm just not

comfortable flaunting my hooks in front

of a television audience blazer hey you

know me mr. easygoing I'll do whatever

you guys say a good impression lefty

that sounded just like blazer

it was nice come on even Liz Bromberg is

donating her time consider it part of

your therapy pretty please with a cherry

on top okay okay we'll do it can we just

get back to work finally said if we give

her van

job give me one thank you gentlemen

you'll be glad


a touch more hairspray please the smell

of the greasepaint the roar of the crowd

neighbors come in so good to see you I'd

like to introduce you to some friends of


candy taffy Veronica these are my

cripples this is boss [ __ ] old black

blind guy look hands and little head on

a skateboard you really found some

miserable specimens yes they're horrible

welcome five minutes people oh my the

show starting you can watch in your

dressing room I gotta go

our own dressing room Trey chic hey guys

what are you doing here we came to lend

our support look at this food escargot



live it's the same the Gibbs telephone

with your host the triple sniffily and

Kim P even knows you are just a little

bit Limpy

help that's a great idea and send you

away so we don't have to see ya

pathetic hippie wretches



yeah good evening folks tonight you'll

see the most maimed and most d*sfigured

human beings it's been my good fortune

to come across they'll tug at your

heartstrings and yank at your purse

strings giimpse come down look at them

folks aren't they something can you

understand me

can you understand you you can speak

wonderful this must be a real treat for

you getting out of the house for a

change actually we wanted to stay home

today we were at the beach yesterday I

got sand up my the beach Oh were you

evicted from your tiny one-room hovel

yes now we're forced to live in a 30

room mansion scrounging through

dumpsters for food I trained at the

cordon bleu I prepare most of our meals

high protein low fat that sounds

terrible we'll be hearing more from

these courageous losers later it's time

to Jack the jolly board so far we gray

four dollars well it's a start but now

the knife-throwing


Valentino is down why aren't we raising

more money you hear those phones no

exactly your Stooges aren't very

convincing they're not hopeless enough

please as sick as a dog you ate a ton of

that escargot in our dressing room we

don't have any escargot here although we

did have a terrible snail problem get a

camera over here

get me an urgent development poor lefty

has collapsed we're not sure if he'll

pull through

till the end of the program let's listen

in nice work in there Lefty

want to talk about it these hopes Oh

it's extremely difficult to wipe with

these hugs it's difficult to wipe with

these hooks doesn't that make you think

folks oh come on people pick up those

phones give so lefty can what now how

about a little entertainment

well lefty washes his hooks

four-year-old Marquis Smith is going to




listen to those phones people love that

heart-wrenching crap get your pals to

play it off I'll double what I'm paying

you music to my ears dog showing us the

way fellas we want to raise money for

this charity we gotta sell it the more

pitiful a better Fontaine go that extra

mile some wax bugs for your ears deaf

and blind has more oomph than just blind

Lefty try these prosthetic feet misery

means money

Chris slip into this and join us nothing

says send cash like a hunchback Thank

You Ryan don't even think about it okay

okay you could be our spokesman besides

what more could I do to you I told you

they'd be back folks and here they are

in all their wretched glories

so how are you really I'll level with

you we have no friends no money no food

we had a puppy it got run over by a lawn

mower we still find little bits of

scrappy all over the yard

the mob put a contract out of my life my

mother married a Republican and I have a

terrible case of a guy you know you're

only giving how much

Seaton's minions will pick out your eyes

and feast on your intestines that's much


now do you mind if I call you sightless

n*gro fellow what we're here to make

dreams come true how can we brighten

your sorry life I always dreamed of one

day working a video camera we could do

that can't we folks now that's what I

call blind

here it is just like I promised that

little cheating punk head bastard and

he's in this with that she-devil from

next door they put me in a hump I'm

going to fill at his house I'm going to

slit him open and crap in his ear flying

off the handle and getting all crazies

no way to deal with this we need a plan

to really make him suffer



now folks a little surprise a special

presentation to the chairwoman of the

[ __ ] foundation mrs. les Bromberg a

presentation to me I'm being honored oh

she's good stock yeah we have to do

something about that hairstyle you're

right she's a [ __ ] Oh mrs. beef we want

to thank you for all you've done and

present you with this it's gratifying to

lend a hand to these poor helpless

useless creatures i spoon feed them and

keep their spirits up by reading

passages from the Bible and the camera'

Sutra I do what I can are you being too


she also bathes us even strips down on

the buff and climbs right into the tub

well now I don't know about sometimes

she washes us in those musty nether

regions yo girl learn is true what they

say about us brothers in the size

department right Lizzie now just a

moment she changes our diapers

even the really stinky ones look under

her fingernails I'll bet you'll see a

little bit of poop but she wipes my bum

with love I knew it so it's true what

they say about the brothers

know you'll peer you little weasel but

first they get a dream I

ladies this is a terrible

misunderstanding I think we understand


Oh blazer I'm with you sister

let's get that big gorilla


the hair seems to be a minor disturbance

backstage this might be a good time to

do another song don't you ever shut up

I'm a TV host


but you devil

time to shut this thing down


oh my I'm getting aroused you've always

been a troublemaker I should have done

this years ago



hey get you surprisingly the telethon

brouhaha had an unexpected effect

viewers mesmerised by the brawl pledged

staggering amounts to show their

appreciation in all some three hundred

thousand dollars was raised it should be

our money additionally over four hundred

thousand dollars damage was done

what hell it's for a good cause now the

world wants to know what has happened to

these fighting giimpse attempts to

contact them have been unsuccessful but

our nose for news team is hot on the

trail you're going to have to see them

sometime laser they'll k*ll me it's your


stay here as long as you'd like you can

room with God maybe they'll let me

explain what that you betrayed them lied

and cheated them out of their money yeah

that's pretty much it I just well well

look who's back I'm sorry fellas I've

been a bad laser don't trust the sneaky

little skull maybe the little rascal

learned his lesson let's say we give him

another chance ask me in a couple of

years 14 I'll never hide your cane again

or saw it down an inch at a time every


sounds fair Lefty no more prank calls to

the police telling them you're selling

heroin to school kids I still have

nightmares about that jail cell and

Riley dear sweet Riley quit kissing my

ass I can't feel it anyway

I'm begging if I had a knee I'd be down

on it and if I could move my foot it

would be up where your ass used to be

you can sleep in the garage until you

earn your way back in thank you I

promise I've changed

Liz you can't keep punishing yourself

like this it's okay even the hundred

thousand in damages we're liable for hey

what now look who's out the front our

viewers want more [ __ ] wrestling

apparently our theatrical debut struck a

nerve with the viewers we will never

stoop to wrestling on TV Bravo we will

not be exploited to satiate the

bloodlust of an uncaring public

I don't care squat about that but it

sounds like work and you know how I feel

about work it's time to put all this

behind us let the healing process begin

you might be right

let me handle this


I just told them there was one person

who deserved all the credit Liz Bromberg

society's vomit volcano responsible for

a failed game Pathan




