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01x06 - Graffiti

Posted: 04/08/24 11:02
by bunniefuu
hey punky what the hell you doing I'm

regular him run

hi oh oh that was insane I'm all hyper

dizzy adrenaline like dr*gs but legal I

like it ah that was nothing

once I got dared to tag a bus during the

day while I was moving

I could take the dirt sleep on that one

yeah yeah I almost got arrested once dan

five-o don't they have better things to

do than hassle us you said it man really

oh come on

let me go again watch watch - man there

you go oh my god with your heart

so where's your sidekick Mecca she like

blew me off for some guy who doesn't

even know she exists damn Matt still a

no-show what's this problem I just hope

he gets here before anyone I know walks

by and thinks for like together or

something hey would you be so upset if

someone thought you and Mac were hooking

up yeah of course good but not petrified

not my fault the trash can move don't

sweat it Shaka

uh you okay you're not yelling at me for

hanging out here you're not even to tell

me I piss off the neighbors yeah do what

you want hang out piss on the neighbors

if you want I really don't care I now

know what it feels like to be on the

other side of trouble oh yeah was that

my pain-in-the-ass older brother or some

kind of POD person sorry I'm late we've

been to an art critic of the bat we've

been waiting on your ass for like 45

minutes please we've only been here like

five it took us forever to get downtown

there's this fire on the four five six

man the trees are like all laid up

between stations laid up yeah I heard

some worker saying yo either all night

sorry I can't go with you guys then huh

look I have to go paint oh I can do some

really dope pieces for the whole line

laid up like this they'll never have

time to clean up a b*mb train they'll go

right into service oh my god that's so


can I come forget a body he doesn't even

let me go with him to paint I do kind of

prefer to go in alone come on

wouldn't you rather spend the night

above ground and underneath ah

please just this once I could use a

lookout I guess it's okay uh two

lookouts you can carry the paint shut up

Jen I'm not gonna turn into some

lifeless shell of a man there's still

hope for me I mean I want the rush of

being young and stupid we're not going

bowling tonight we're gonna do something

cool risky crazy Alex stop eating up the

tape Leia I thought no one was home I'm

screening I don't want to talk to this

guy I have to break up with but I'm

waiting for this other guy to call plus

I have a date tonight and you're

clogging the line well where's Jen is

she there no she should be back any


I'm coming over I'll just sit around and

wait for her okay

whatever didn't you say something about

wanting to do something crazy yeah I do

but not alone I think I'm going through

a midlife crisis or something yeah you

have to be old and bald and have a lot

of money and a wife and stuff like most

of the guys I date I just feel like I've

wasted my youth on stupid crap I totally

know what you mean like it took me into

80s really take advantage of the fact

that I was cute what a waste

I've had boob since the sixth grade so

when did you say Jen is coming back so

okay any of the transit cops POTUS was

screwed you know what I heard about

those cats I heard they have this

blacked-out flat

Trinette turns into a big fight train at

night it's like bloodsport the strongest

workers fight each other's I'm kind of

like heavyweight deathmatch you're a

suck-ass liar if they're so ferocious

then how come so many people are allowed

to live in the subways cuz you know

there's like 5,000 people down here with

us there are like whole communities and

mold pieces of mayors and everything

come on mole people yeah and farther

down there are people totally detached

from reality

we're like reading for the apocalypse

when everyone will have to go

underground to survive and they'll be

ready because they have all this mac and

cheese and crap it's true man

I know one guy you saw an electric eel

down here said it was a side of a small

tree really what's this you believe him

and not me come on

eels my ass oh whoa I should be really

the transit cops could easily catch that

on their boards there you go getting all

serious again what is your problem to me

oh by the way did I mention the third

rail yet touch it and the Volt's fries

you like I don't know about the third

rail is that the third rail from the

platform or the third rail from the wall

could you do me oh you know I would

never wait around like this for someone

I was

Jen and I are not we're just friends

right and no I care that your girlfriend

never tries to look nice for you

she doesn't even wear lipstick she's not

my girlfriend

but what I really want to know how come

you guys don't do it here you can you

know I don't mind I think this will look

better without the bra don't you Oh

ah-6 trained and not a moment too soon

I swear fruity if we get busted cuz you

tripped the circuit it's okay I've got

enough fake IDs for all of us some man

you scared me half to death

what's up - dude your spider senses must

be slipping man I've been watching you

for like ten minutes

Hey I guess my mind's on painting you

know what the fire and all I understand

we're the guests some people yo man I

just heard folks talking about that

water tower piece you painted last month

what piece I saw kids taking flicks of

it last week you're like a hero bro so

me even saying that you're dead really

cool yeah man

people sweat anyway take care

sub - you guys got stupid name madman

you never told me about any water tower

are there any other secrets you're

keeping from me

put down the paint and step away from

the Train

trying to get us k*lled

come on

before that train clears

are we lost or what we're not lost I

just don't know where we are

tell you what why do we call it a night

get out of this hole and hit my pad for

a few rounds of Tekken hey maybe I

missed out on the stole trains but I'm

gonna paint tonight besides we can't go

back now

the trains the guys are there how do I

know you're not secretly a serial k*ller

leading us to a dark corner

you're gonna sacrifice us to your new

best friend sub birdie are you gonna let

a girl want to go farther than you know

there's some weird sewer goo in here I

don't know about this come on man

there's a light at the end of the tunnel

yeah well you know it's gonna be at that

light at the end of the tunnel another


that's what look another tunnel hello

it's like juvie Center lighting in here

wow this could be the unfinished P line

I've heard about it was abandoned like

50 years ago but they still keep it lit

up and clean well mostly

why would anyone maintain some tube to

nowhere well there are theories really

yeah it's where the city trains its

super secret hunter-k*ller robots or

it's for weird experiments on people

they swipe off the streets or it's for

moving massive

Wow how 101 back in the day all the

old-school artists used to paint here I

thought it was just a minute

it's like some kind of exclusive club

without the drink tickets damn love to

tag an appeal on come on there ain't no

way I'm getting my new sneakers wet so

you could catch a tag on some fellas

pissing wolves not a pissing wall just

return you're in a hot tub and if some

stuff floats by make-believe its bubbles

now I'm definitely not going in

suit yourself but I swear if my balls

get chomped on by some mutant eel or

Overlord brain I'm gonna whoop your boat

with all my remaining limbs oh this

isn't working either yeah yeah I think

the other outfit was better

but Laird you should get some shades

some guys watching you from across the


yes oh he's always doing that I think

he's kind of cute and he sees a cab home

from work sometimes three times a week

so he's got a good job come over you

just invited him over are you crazy

and he's a stalker the stalker with a

good job he could k*ll us or hire

someone to do it for him hey you said

you wanted adventure yeah but not like

I'm gonna die adventure I mean I just

wanted a little stealing a candy bar

from the deli adventure here now do you

feel better get it over with already

I find the right spot being it only all

guys were like you

let's check this up oh damn these are

like prehistoric 1983 Oh check this one

out what it just looks like a bunch of

Smurfs oh god this is unbelievable is

all the original master and school

bilbo 125 look Krinsky 116 those guys

painted just for the love of it didn't

care if anyone would ever see it wow

this is like a Hall of Fame

what can't get it up

uh-uh my tag with all the Masters of the

Universe I'm just not at that level yet

I mean I've never even been to jail and

someone called you a hero you're just a

regular sucker like the rest of us hey

speak for yourself

well yeah I think I've had enough

excitement for one day I'm gonna go home

now Oh Jen hello hello

that's not Jen and it's if you're gonna

hang out could you wait in my room I

don't wanted to know there's another guy

in here even if it is just you well and

I would feel that if I left in your head

wound up in the shoe box so I'll be in

the next room listening I mean listening

for trouble in case you're in trouble hi

there hi so this is what my apartment

looks like from the inside and echo you

know well like this is whole movement of

people in Germany now to copy his style

excuse me people are we just gonna stand

here all night look at these damn

pictures you know this farm animals out

there with no balls having more fun than

I am right now you're so vulgar God why

can't you just admit that your best

friend is cool and he does pull things

nobody begged you to come here in the

first place man what's the big deal

anyway it's just a bunch of scribbles I

could do just as good

stand back junior watch the master do

his wild stuff

hey man don't be stupid you ass this is

why I never bring with me this is why I

didn't tell you about that mural because

I knew you'd be jealous and you'd act

like that hey I'm not jealous you screw

up the short like you let the transit

cops to us and like you're screwing up

right now you're going crazy man getting

all up in my face with your rules and

regulation Oh yo chill you sir worse

than a couple of girls man this is why I

go in alone

hey man chill up he didn't need it I

said this is why I go in alone

who needs him anyway man we're doing

Gorman Oh Snickers where the hell are we

oh I'm cold

don't touch me man he's so caught up on

some Vincent van Picasso Monet crap

inside of this on top of that on that

he's been this scene with your attitude

wouldn't oh that sewers line was like

everywhere in there are you sure we

shouldn't just go back and find Matt no

way we're taking the slime FUS and what

kind of best friend this is a person

like this

it's worse than the time he abandoned me

on the side of the highway we borrowed a

friend's car to go to Philly this one

weekend and in the middle of nowhere 995

Matt pulls over I got a pain I got a

pain now he just jumped out of the car

and dash with his wreck the plane took

the keys with them and all just left me

in the sea of cows god I am so sick of

hearing you talk about Matt what are you

like in love with him or something don't

be saying stuff like that rooty uh-huh

hey that's not funny

he's outside draw a real date yes Alex

why didn't you tell me this would happen

who's he the next guy in line no I'm


I'm a friend of the roommates oh so

you're doing the roommate I am NOT doing

the roommate she's just a friend okay

good you two stay in here until I leave

and keep totally quiet the kinky stuff

is in the middle one Shh

what's that nothing

Shh wow it's like a tiger's heaven all

these trains just laid out come on

you've gotta go get Matt and bring him


uh-uh he gets nothing from me birdie

this is like his dream friend traders

don't have dreams they have nasty little

fantasies while they're waiting

then I'm gonna get it myself uh-uh no

way I saw it first

screen finally sight in the perfect spot

the damn zip is stuck guess what we

found it from the train yard partner

there's dozens of them just sitting

there you're not messing with me

nope well let's hit it but you gotta

know I'm not telling you about this cuz

I forgive you for this scene yeah that's


and I didn't diss you because I was

feeling left out or anything you

deserved it I know as long as you know

why are you guys pushing each other

we're not and then the value of my

portfolio increased 5% so you see future

speculation can be really cool so you

wanna check out the middle drawer hey

lair what was that

who's talking oh how could they find us

all the way down here Oh

first a power switch and now the goop I

told you we shouldn't go the way with

the sludge ah that's so wrong

oh hey forget him

get the others I can't believe he just

ran oh let go please don't do anything

stupid kid damn I'm gonna k*ll fruit I

really hope there is a giant eel and I

really hope he gets him

what's with you so long huh you suck man

I haven't felt so betrayed since the

time you took the car and left me

stranded on i-95 settle down man I ran

and flipped one of the power switch

things I tripped over remember that was

when you told me I screwed up for the

first time

nice yeah right it's probably just a


a coincidence that happened at the exact

same time in the exact same tunnel


it could have been a friendly

neighborhood mole present look at that

we're in Queens across the entire East

River how is crazy we don't even have to

make a book good story to go back with

no even though I didn't get to tag Jack

I still had fun yeah well if it wasn't

for me you wouldn't even have had the

chance to paint those trains excuse me

okay but who saved your asses from those

flubber carcasses that's right

who's the hero now what is going on here

I'm not getting any I swear what about


are you dating him too uh I would say

dating is too strong were you telling me

the truth it's the truth really I mean

look at him

Leia look I know you'd rather chew off

your arm that have a relationship

conversation with me but we got to talk

Leia pick up the phone or don't fine

Oh what I figured you were cheating on

someone with me but going behind two

guys backs that's just too much you are

dating with the one on the phone also

michaelia this place yeah craziness my

pc my country only man

more than one man hey you know what's

going on yes

oh yeah don't even look at me Q sorry

I'm late

now I've been waiting for you I was all

set to do something risky and exciting I

would have been home sooner but the damn

train from Queens got shut down by a

power outage so what do you want to do

now I'm exhausted and I want to go to

bed ooh

with or without a night-night hey I've

had enough of crazy your roommate is in

there with two guys and the third ones

on the phone and they're all fighting

really it's a hot bed in that I would

avoid your place if I were you in no way

this is what I live for

damn I can't believe we made it through

that one yeah now what time is it

Hoffman oh man yeah why not

my night is gone ah get my sneakers what

I the GU got how was your name man

turn out like you wanted haha was it

saved there was cheating and nudity

fights lipstick stains imprisonment in

the bedroom ah how about you guys um we

had a pretty mellow night nothing


yep just hanging out he should have come

with me you really missed out boy Alec's

making up stuff just to impress us

what was that why didn't you tell him

that I saved you all like chemo you must

the man who's the hero yes yes what has

really yeah your eyes

give it up Mia give me the receipt exude

started like you the respect that you

open which you should not touch it

presses come on give it up perform it

little man doing say your sorry asses
