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02x01 - Godspeed

Posted: 04/08/24 10:23
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Beacon 23...

How much time do we have?


[ASTER] This is where
I was going, Beacon 23.

What are you doing here?

The reports you sent,

mineral deposits, unknown isotopes,

nothing ever seen before.

I'm Harmony.

I'm her personal AI.

- I was born here.
- On the beacon?

Memories... I had them. My
parents never talked about...


You're seeing this, right?

- I've seen this before.

There is something about this place.

No one escapes Beacon

[KEIR] Aster is communing.

She's made a connection.
She needs time to complete her journey.

Look, the only journey she's taking
is with me off of this beacon.

It's over, Keir.

Look, I can't let you die here.

Come with me.


Into the Artifact.

You can't talk with Aleph.

How I handle Aleph is my decision.

I don't need your
guidance. You can leave.

You're in extremely
uncharted territory, Aster.

Do not ignore me.

What does it say?

They want us to take out the Mothership.

They want to use us
to detonate the ship.

- So, you'll do it?
- [HALAN] Mmm...

Of course I will.

We don't like what we see,

we leave, no strings attached.

Where's Aleph?

Uh, Keir, look, I know
you're disappointed,

but this is the best possible outcome.



No. Aster!


[HALAN] Hey!

Aster, no. Come on. Talk to me.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Come on.

What happened?

[HALAN] Look at me. No!

- Harmony!

I need dermas to stop
the bleeding, and a scan.

How bad is it? Can we fix it?

I can only handle basic life support...

I'm in full control of the beacon now.

Do something!

[HALAN] No...

Aster Calyx, time of death

universal standard time, 14:02:36.





No, no, no, no, no, no, no...



Stop! Stop! You'll k*ll him!

You k*lled her! Why? Why?!

I had to, she gave me no choice!

She was on his side!

You heard her. She... she cut a deal.

And he can never access the Artifact.

We don't know anything about it!

- [g*n WHIRRS]
- No, no, no, no, no...

You call yourself a revolutionary. Huh?

I've been prepared to give my life.

Halan, stop.

- Why should I?
- There's a lot of emotion here.

Pathos. Rage. Judgements are clouded.

Irrational actions lead
to complicated outcomes.

I don't care. I don't
care about any of you.

But you do care about Aster,

and what she wanted.

She loved you.

In her way.

She made a vow to both of you.

Now, it seems...

she's given her life for it.

We can't let that sacrifice be in vain.

No, what would you know
about sacrifice, huh?


[ALEPH] It's not rhetoric.

Rhetoric. It's not...



This isn't... [DEEP VOICE ECHOING]


What are you doing?

Are you attacking me
through my interface?

- Through the beacon?
- Stop this right now!

Finch, hurry.


Very well, then.


I'll give you the opportunity
to cease your att*ck.

You don't have much choice.
This isn't gonna end well.

You're the one who's afraid.

Come here.


The Column has gotten
under my skin for ages.

Spoken like a true fascist.

I'm not going to debate the merits

of political systems with you.

And I don't need to
justify myself to you.

I do what I do to ensure
the survival of humanity,

the species, not individuals.

So anybody who opposes
you is expendable?

We're all expendable.

Some of us are just better at
assigning ourselves meaning.

Stop your att*ck.



When something gets under your skin...

you gotta root it out.






[KEIR] Stop it, you're k*lling him!


Don't do this, you're torturing him!

Aleph, this is pointless
and cruel, stop it.

You assholes want to k*ll each
other, do it when I'm gone.

I've had enough of this sh*t.


No, no, no, no.

It's okay.

Okay, I've got you, Finch. I'm here.

[HALAN] No, come on, Aster.

[SALDANA] That's it. Hold on.

Hold on, you're gonna be
okay. You're gonna be okay.

[HALAN] Aster.

[SALDANA] Keir! Come on.

Let's get him in the bedroom.







Come on, come on. Come on. Up!

Okay, we... we need more derma patches!

I k*lled her.

Yeah, you got us deeper into
this sh*t with no way out.

I never... I've never
k*lled anyone before.

Look, you made a call,
it was a stupid one,

- but it's over.

And now you've pissed him off
and almost got Finch k*lled.

- I had no choice!
- Listen to me! Listen to me!

- I had no choice!
- We're losing Finch.

Maybe we can still save
him. Pull yourself together.

We'll figure the rest out later, okay?

All right?

- I had no choice.
- Print some dermas.


[GROANING] Sal... Sal...

- Mmm, Sal, Sal.
- I know. Come on, come on.

- Up, up.
- Sal, Sal, Sal...

- Here we go.
- [SOBBING] I need a hit.

I need a hit.



That's it.

- That's it.

You hold on.

You hold on, you're gonna be okay.

- You're gonna be okay.

I'll fix you.

[PANTING] Why bother?

I'm dead soon.




Stay with me, Finch, stay with me.

You're gonna be okay!

Stay the hell away from him!

- I can help.
- No.

Let her. She was with Aster.

- She tried to k*ll us.
- Do it!

Connect him.




That's it, that's it, that's it.

That's it. That's it.

Thank you.

I have to go.


- Rest.

Rest. Rest.




Have you forgotten the plan?

He's here. Double down.

Take him out.

He's right. This might
be our only chance.

What is it?

k*ll... k*lling Aster made
things less theoretical,

but isn't there another way?

You're kidding me. Now you find God?

I'm not afraid of k*lling
God or even myself,

but you, and him, and Halan...

This is what you signed up for.



Rest in peace, soldier.

You were as tough as the rest of 'em.




[KEIR] Halan, can we talk?

Please, man, I want to explain what...

What could you possibly say
that would make this better?!


you saw what he did up there.

Aster confirmed that
the Artifact is from

an alien civilization.

helped him access it...

She wouldn't have given it to him.

He wouldn't have given her a choice.

You saw what he did to Finch.

Imagine him with more
power, more control.

You and I both know where that leads.

Aleph is playing God.

Aleph never k*lled her. You did.

You're all g*dd*mn assassins.

- No, we're freedom fighters.
- You're zealots.

Look, you and Aster got
involved in something

you didn't mean to.

- I... I want to make it right.
- Good luck.

You have 30 minutes to clear this space.

I don't want your
blood on my hands, too.

That's very big of you.

Thirty minutes.


[HALAN] I'm taking the Amboyna.

I'm getting off this beacon.
Aster's coming with me.

Where will you take her?

What's it matter to you?

Human remains can be
processed into raw elements,

or simply released.

She's not a piece of space junk.

I found a trajectory.

I'm releasing her into the nearest star.

You did make her a promise.

By extension, you made a promise to me.

What? Go into the Artifact?

- No thanks.
- What a shame.

She told me you were the key,
that she needed you by her side.

You're the only one left
who can decipher the message.

If not for Aster, for all of humanity.

Pass on the guilt trip.

You know what I find odd?

The fact that you came all this way.

I value the mission.

- Or you're scared.
- Of what?

I don't want to know.

Which is why I'm 100% out.



You don't deserve this.



You haven't entered a flight plan.

You don't know where you're going.

I was gonna make it up as I go.

You want to honor her,
and I applaud that.

But she'd want you
to think this through.

You knew her best.

What do you think she'd want me to do?


Ally yourself with Aleph.


I was hoping...

you were gonna give me
directions to a beach colony.

You're right. Aleph is in trouble.

- You can use that as leverage.
- I don't want to, Harm.

I don't want to play his game. I'm done.

I am programmed to advise
against making a decision

during a significant life transition.

Look, if you're just gonna
come at me with data...

No, but that's the thing, Halan.

My programming is aligned to Aster's.

There's nothing I can
advise you to do or not do.


I've come to think of you as a friend.



Thank you, Aster.

It's been a privilege.




How's it going?

I've put him in an induced coma.

Keir told me.

Scan shows damage to his ACC.

Anterior cingulate cortex.

Aleph really got in there.

That's what he does.

Look, I'm sorry.

I know what it's like to lose someone.

She'll go down as a
martyr for the cause.

Not a traitor.

- That wouldn't help us.
- Wait, bad PR?

What about the fact that she
was assassinated by the Column?

How do you think that'll
play with the colonies?

I can understand why
Keir did what he did.

- I wish there was another way.
- There was.

It may have been rash,
but it was the right call,

given Aster's connection
to the Artifact.

If Aleph had been able
to use her to gain access

to whatever it wants to tell us...

Do you think it's sentient?
That it has a will?

[SCOFFS] I don't know.

I think it has a purpose.

Either one that Aleph would give it,

or one of its own.

Don't you see? We can't fight him as is.

You know he's probably
listening right now.

Of course he is. I don't care.

I always knew it was
a losing battle anyway.

But still worth it.

I'm taking off.

Go ahead, run. That's what you do.

You're a coward.

Prove me wrong.

Have you ever done anything honorable?

Ever taken a stand?

Aster screwed up at the
end, she got herself k*lled,

- but at least she had balls.
- What do you people

want from me? To fight your fight?

I barely make sense to you.

And who's the coward? You're
gonna blow yourselves up,

go out in a blaze of glory?

You don't even know if that'll
scratch Aleph, let alone k*ll him.

We'll send the beacon
into the Mothership.

Oh yeah, like he won't see that coming.

You know what, good luck.

I know you people believe in
whatever the hell you believe in.


It tastes like sh*t,
but it does the job.



I can't imagine the pain
you must be experiencing.

Yes, you can.

I'm sure you've run
exponential grief simulations.

Oh, a simulation's
hardly the real thing.

I mean, you're a personal AI.

I'm, to be crass, an algorithm.

I... I confess, I've
always been a tad envious.

Trust me, you don't want to feel this.

But to do a singular job,

with clear parameters,
and a finite term,

that must bring a satisfaction
I'll certainly never know.

I failed her.

I should have seen the thr*at coming.

I should have stopped it.

We can't predict every eventuality.

Especially when it comes to humans.

There was no rational
thought, no belief,

no feeling that could
justify Keir k*lling her.

Humans k*ll.

Aster m*rder*d Coley. They
were best friends, lovers.

- And yet...
- That was self-defense.

So you see, there is
always a justification.

No matter how, uh... feeble.

What would you say
was your justification

for torturing Finch?

I mean, you could have just k*lled him.

Well, that would've made him a martyr.

Now he's a warning.

Hmm, not to disobey the almighty Aleph.

I don't want obedience. Just answers.

That's all this universe is,

answers to questions that
no matter how comprehensive

or complete, inevitably fall short,

crushed by infinite
waves of other questions.

Waxing poetic, are we?

We're on the cusp of something great.

Once your debrief is completed,
you'll be rehabilitated.

Debrief? Now?

So soon?

Your assignment's concluded.

It's all standard,
there's nothing to fear.

But she... I...

- I want to say goodbye.
- You said your goodbyes.

Or do you mean something
more immaterial?

Her memory.

Share any relevant information
you have on Halan Kai Nielsen.

Halan Kai Nielsen. Reported AWOL.



[ASTER] It brought you here, Halan.

The silicate sent you across
the universe for a reason.


Is this true?

Since the Artifact is out my perception,

I can only confirm that
Aster believed it to be true.

What else do you know?

You and Aster shared
something significant.

The Artifact wanted you here, too.

It brought you across the
universe to complete it.

Biggest mistake of my life.

But proof that you can
run for a hundred years

and in a blink, the Artifact
might bring you right back here.

A hundred years away from
here sounds like a great idea.

I was wondering where you'd take her,

and then I realized...

T6 Colony.

Your father was there,
Commander Nielsen.

He was devastated when
he learned you deserted.

Dishonoring such a renowned family.

I'd imagine he preferred
you were k*lled in battle.

Would he be happy to know
you're alive and well?

It'll be such a tearful reunion.


I'll go into the Artifact.

Now that is an honorable and noble path.

An exciting new chapter for all of us.

I don't know what the
Artifact is capable of, or...

or if there's a chance that maybe...

It might bring her back to you.

She believed in it. Gave her purpose.

And you'd like that for yourself.


You made the right decision.



[KEIR] We were gonna drive
it into the Mothership,

but with Finch down,
Aleph will see us coming.

- You could pilot the ship.
- He'll see that, too.

This is our best bet.

Well, you'll destroy the beacon,

but the blast won't
impact the Mothership.

It'll take a direct as*ault
on the core of the craft.

We can't get near it now.

Well, only one way to get
that close to an enemy.

Make him an ally.

You're cutting a deal now, too?

Aster did. I just agreed to honor it.

He'd never suspect I was armed.

Even if he scanned, I'd be within range.

We'll only have one sh*t.

You'll die in the blast.

Why the change of heart?

He found someone else who's close to me.


[ALEPH] Why bother?

There's nothing you can do for him.

I'm sorry to say, he'll
probably never be the same.

He made me do it.

You think I enjoyed taking
him to the virtual woodshed?

I'm a transhumanist.

You're a clown.

Clowns bring people joy.

Or terror. Milan's
daughter was so afraid.

And that got you off?

- Being feared?
- Oh no, not at all.

I just want to be appreciated.

Something your little
sect has no interest in.

I'll let you go.

Take one of my ships, go ahead.

You'll be in Phi Modrani
by the end of the day.

We will fix him up, good as new.

All I need from you are a few names.


Some of your key organizers

have eluded detection. I
admire their resourcefulness.

And then you'll let me go?

- You expect me to believe that?
- I've run your algorithm.

You play things right, you've
got a good 'nother 100 years.

Less than a blink.

I will win out in the end.

You'll never win out.


We need to load these up right away.

Won't he detect them in the Amboyna?

Not if we put them in Aster's Sleep Pod.

She would have gotten
a kick out of that.

Thank you for doing this.

For joining us.


I'm not doing this
for your stupid cause.

We have a common enemy, that's it.

How do we get this to
Docking without him seeing?









- Aleph.

It's headed straight towards it.

All other sensors indicate

this area is clear of dark matter.

I don't pick anything
up either, but still...


Could it be that since
AI can't see the Artifact,

the dark matter is also occluded?

But it's a sizable wave
and still approaching.

What are our options,
hope that the Artifact

senses it somehow and moves?

Hope that it misses it entirely?




I still don't detect anything.


Hey. Don't touch her.




[ALEPH] Aster's pendant.

It's an accurate replica
of the Artifact, correct?

Of the atomic structure of the silicate?

If you say so.

If for some reason you don't return...

I can't give it to you.

I don't know about that.

Give me the pendant!

- Aleph,

I have full access of the pendant.

- Can't you access it?
- No.

Run a diagnostic.

[HARMONY] Running.


I can only posit that the Artifact

is affecting you in some way.

- Why isn't it affecting you?
- I don't know.

Here, I'll send the file now.


Farewell, Aster Calyx.



Goodbye, Halan.

Goodbye, Harmony.

Thank you.









Why doesn't he go straight for it?

He will. Give him a chance.



What's he waiting for?

Halan, is something wrong?

Halan, you can do this.

Veer 17 degrees starboard.



- sh*t!
- He sold us out, I knew it.

What are you doing? You've
got one sh*t. Take it.

[KEIR] Halan, don't do this.

Go ahead, Halan, you're almost there.

Join with it. Commune.



- Too fast. Slow up.
- That's too fast. Too fast!

I hope you find whatever
you were looking for.


[SMALL expl*si*n]









So if she can't have it,
no one can, is that it?

You called me pointless and cruel.

Look what he's done.

Look what he's taken from me.

That was our only
expl*sive. What do we do?

The only thing we can do.

Hit him as hard as we
can before he kills us.


I'm outta here.



You're not going anywhere, Halan.














[ALEPH] Behold, their last stand.

It was far from the glory they sought.

I doubt you'll grieve them.

Come on, Halan.

Don't keep me waiting.

You cut off their oxygen.

I should have done so long ago.

One of my many, uh... miscalculations.

Just do what you're gonna
do and be done with it.

- We had a deal.
- I have no regrets

about what I did.

You will.

What have you done?

You mean, what have I become?

Clearly, I've not been
who I thought I was.

Remnants of my former human
self allowed me to be blindsided.

I trusted when I shouldn't
have. I've walked a crooked mile.

So I've made certain
corrections to my programming.

- An upgrade.
- An evolution.

[HARMONY] Aleph...

- Enough k*lling.
- I didn't k*ll Aster.

The Column did. Don't
you want them punished?

These three, maybe.

But certainly not what
you're planning next.

Finch was dumb enough
to plug into the beacon.

He gave me all the information
I needed about the Column.

Their locations, their plans.

And now you want to hunt them
down across entire systems.


That's a purge. A genocide.

I like to call it... a housekeeping.

Is that what my execution
is? Tying the loose ends?

Your execution?

You wish.

You're never leaving here.

Your Column buddies
will keep you company.

You'd best start harvesting
their proteins and water.

- So you're imprisoning me here?
- That was your choice.

Aleph, don't do this.
What's done is done.

- Focus...
- And you betrayed me.

I see that clearly now.

You knew that dark
matter wave was a ruse.

You stopped me from getting the pendant,

stopped me from seeing the expl*sives.

That was the Artifact.
It affected us both.

You betrayed me.

No. You betrayed yourself.

Who you used to be, your humanity.

I begat you!



You won't have her
either. You'll be alone.

Should give you plenty of time
to think about broken promises.

- What good am I to you here?
- You've given me a purpose.

To somehow reassemble the Artifact.

If I ever need you, I'll
know where to find you.

Don't leave me here,
okay? You'll need my help.

I can't trust you.