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12x49 - The Treasure Is All Mine!

Posted: 04/07/24 19:19
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: With his final Sinnoh League Gym badge hanging

in the balance, we find Ash in training with

Dawn's able assistance.

ASH: Monferno! Use Flamethrower!


DAWN: All right, Piplup! Dodge it and use Bubble Beam!


ASH: Monferno, use Dig to dodge it!


- ASH: Monferno, what's wrong? - DAWN: What's going on?

ASH: Wow! A treasure chest! Cool!


BROCK: Yeah and it's really well made!

DAWN: Whatever's inside, it must be worth a lot!


ASH: Brock, come on! Open it! PIKACHU: [EXCITED]

- BROCK: Whoa, it's stuck tight! - ASH: Here. Let me try it!

JESSIE: I love Twerps who struggle!

JAMES: I'll wager that treasure chest is chock-full

of goodies by the gob!

MEOWTH: Those goody six shoes don't deserve goodies no way!

Grabbing the goods is what I say!


Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right.

Be brave!

Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life.

And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!

ASH: What do we do with it?

BROCK: Well...maybe we should bring it over to

Officer Jenny for a look!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: Ah, chest fever!

MEOWTH: Treasure chests are our middle name!

JAMES: We're the Treasure Chest g*ng! And we've never met a

chest that didn't cheerfully ring our chesty chimes!

JESSIE: And right now, trust us with your treasure chest, and

we'll have it safely in the arms of Officer Jenny in a jiff!

ASH: Hold on a second!

JESSIE: You trust us, or else!

ASH: All right, who are you guys?

JESSIE: The truth? I'd tell you, but your head would explode!

JAMES: Though it's tons of fun reciting this ode!

MEOWTH: Enough secret code!

ASH: Oh boy, you guys!

JESSIE: Toss the treasure, Twerp!

ASH: Okay Pikachu, time to use Thunderbolt.


JAMES, JESSIE, MEOWTH: We're blasting off right off the bat!

JAMES: When I take a tumble, my head is a jumble! Wait!

- I remember now! - MEOWTH: Spill it!

JAMES: It's about that treasure chest! I buried it here when I

was but a little shaver!

JESSIE: So by law, that chest is yours!

JAMES: Ergo!

MEOWTH: Hey, what kind of stash is in there?

JAMES: Well pish! My poor memory's on the fritz! Let's

see perhaps some rarified bottle cap booty?

Or maybe some kiddy's toys.

JESSIE: So? Big noise!

MEOWTH: It sounds to me like a treasure

tailor-made for a Twerp!

JAMES: Although, it might contain an allowance or two.

JESSIE: That's big bucks with you!

MEOWTH: So let's do what we have to do!

ASH: Man, what's in here? I really shouldn't care, but it's

kind of eating at me, you know?

DAWN: Me too!

ASH: All right, what do you guys want?

JAMES: That treasure chest is mine! I remember burying it out

here back in my youth!

DAWN: You think we're going to believe that nonsense?

ASH: Yeah! Like we're going to fall for that dumb lie!

JAMES: It's the dumb truth! You've got to believe me.

BROCK: All right, if this treasure chest is yours,

you should be able to open it!

ASH: Yeah Brock's right! Open it, and we'll believe you!

JAMES: I accept your challenge!

MEOWTH: He sounds like he knows what he's doing!

JESSIE: About time! For a change of pace.

JAMES: Open up!

MEOWTH: Me and my big mouth.

JESSIE: Back to the real world...

JAMES: That's it! Password! I believe it's the word open

followed by the name of a Pokémon...

Okay, open Growlithe!'

JAMES: Open, Growlie now! Open, Growlie Growlithe!

JAMES: Could it be?

JAMES: Oops, my mistake! The security system activates when

you get it wrong three times! Run!

JAMES, JESSIE, MEOWTH: Two blasts offs are two too many!

JAMES: Annoying. Ha! I just remembered!

JESSIE: Your memories are giving me a headache!

MEOWTH: So, what's the password pal?

JAMES: Beats me! I remembered what's inside though.

JESSIE: That would be...

MEOWTH: Your allowance dough?

JAMES: No, no, not that. It's something that mustn't be

allowed to be shown in this world at all costs!

JAMES: I'll make my world safe once more.

If it's the last thing I do!

ASH: Check it out! PIKACHU: [AMAZED]

DAWN: I'd love to know what kind of people live there!


SEBASTIAN: I can't believe my eyes!

It's Master James' treasure chest!

SEBASTIAN: It's his all right.

You see? It's a drawing of Growlie Master James etched!

DAWN: Growlie?

ASH: I think I've heard that name before.

BROCK: Of course! Because it's the nickname James gave his

Pokémon when he was young!

SEBASTIAN: It's young Master James... And if this treasure

chest has returned that means Master James has returned as

well! Where is he? Where is he? Young Master James!

Master James! Master James?

DAWN: Guys, is the young Master James he's talking about the

same James from Team Rocket?

ASH: Uh huh!

BROCK: This looks a lot to me like one of

- James' summer estates. - DAWN: Summer estates?

ASH: Oh yeah I guess you don't know, right?

BROCK: See, James' family is about as rich as they come!


SEBASTIAN: Now, what have you done with Master James?

JAMES: Disaster! If Sebastian should find me, he'll then call

mummy and daddy not to mention Jessebelle to boot!

- JESSIE: Jessebelle? - MEOWTH: Who's the girl?

JAMES: How could you forget?

She's none other than that despicable fiancé of mine!

JESSIE: Oh yeah... A peach!

JAMES: Well, if she shows up I'm toast! She'll take me back

against my fervent wishes and force me to marry her!

JESSIE: Sorry, but it's not my problem.

MEOWTH: See, I keep my whiskers out of people's business... And

I live a nice long life!

JAMES: Now don't be so standoffish! I need help here!

After all, Team Rocket always sticks together right?

Please, work with me!

- JESSIE: Oh, all right. - MEOWTH: Twist my paw.

JAMES: Oh thank friends!

MEOWTH: So, got a plan, pal of mine?

JAMES: The first thing we have to do is recover the treasure

chest without Sebastian discovering I'm here!

So here's the plan...

DAWN: Young Master James, huh?

I don't understand is what a guy like him is doing in

Team Rocket in the first place!

BROCK: If I had to guess, maybe he joined

Team Rocket looking for freedom!

SEBASTIAN: Refreshments are served. Please help yourself!

Whatever you like.

- DAWN: Looks delicious! - BROCK: Are you sure?

SEBASTIAN: But of course! Why this is the very least I can do

for you for finding young Master James' treasure chest!

ASH, DAWN, BROCK: Awesome! Thank you!



- ASH: It's great! - DAWN: You can say that again!

SEBASTIAN: If I may, where exactly did you find the

- treasure chest? - ASH: Well you see...

SEBASTIAN: If you'll pardon me.

SEBASTIAN: It can't be! Lady Jessebelle! Hello!

JESSIE [AS JESSEBELLE]: Take a pill, loser.

JAMES: Jessie? Jessebelle would never speak like that!

MEOWTH: He's Sebastian!

JESSIE [AS JESSEBELLE]: Take a pill, Sebastian.

DAWN: Hey, who's she?

ASH: Jessebelle? Hey, her name sounds kind of familiar, too.

BROCK: I remember! I'm pretty sure that she

- was going to marry James! - DAWN: Going to marry James?

Then that means Jessebelle is James' fiancé!

SEBASTIAN: My apologies for making you wait outside!

Here, Lady Jessebelle, please do come in!

JESSIE [AS JESSEBELLE]: I'm quite comfortable!

I just came here to get that l'il old treasure chest.

SEBASTIAN: The treasure chest? But...

JESSIE [AS JESSEBELLE]: You see, James asked me

to get it for him!

SEBASTIAN: Young Master James?

Does that mean Master James is with you Lady Jessebelle?


SEBASTIAN: This is unbelievable!

At long last Master James has returned! How long have I

waited for this day to come?

JESSIE [AS JESSEBELLE]: You're making a mess!

MEOWTH: You! Down here! Bring it on, treasure boy!

- ASH: You mean me? - MEOWTH: No, your uncle!

Yeah you! Now give me that treasure chest!

ASH: more grouchy, why don't you...

JAMES: Excellent! A few more sniggly bits and

the chest is mine!



- JAMES: Growlie! - DAWN: Is that...

POKEDEX: Growlithe. The Puppy Pokémon. Growlithe are very

loyal and won't move, unless their trainer commands it.

DAWN: Wow... Is that the Growlie you were talking about?

SEBASTIAN: Correct, Master James' dear pet. It just so

happens that Growlie is staying with us at the manor for the

day, and I couldn't be more pleased!


JAMES: Stay away, Growlie. Please, be a dear!


JAMES: Stop it, Growlie! That tickles!

SEBASTIAN: Why, it's young Master James!

- JAMES: Hi ho, Sebastian. - SEBASTIAN: Master James!

JAMES: Let's not overdo things.

SEBASTIAN: All right! Duty calls... I have pledged to hand

you over to your father young Master James!


SEBASTIAN: Spinarak use String

Shot, and tie up young Master James!

JAMES: Still up to your old tricks, eh?

Now, Mime Jr. Use Teeter Dance!




JAMES: Sorry. But you're better for me down

there than up here....

JESSIE: Guess there's no need for this disguise anymore!

JAMES: As you can see it's my treasure chest, and I'm taking

it. Now to remember the password or be forced to

open it by force!

DAWN: Hey, why are you so hung up over that treasure chest in

the first place?

JESSIE: Truly! I'd like you to riddle me that too.

JAMES: I'll tell you. But this is a tragic tale of woe is me,

as you will see!

JAMES: All right... it all

happened when I was very young...


JAMES: I don't think you're listening one whit!

JESSIE, MEOWTH: We're all ears, palley!

JAMES: I was weary of the formal balls that mummy and

daddy would host night after night...

JAMES [KID] : No fair...What's so much fun about those stupid

balls, anyway?


JAMES [KID]: Growlie, something wrong?

JAMES [KID]: Uh, what's your name?

JESSEBELLE [KID] : It's not polite to ask a lady her name,

without introducing yourself first.

JAMES [KID]: Yes, indeed! My name is James!

Uh... You didn't say your name!

JESSEBELLE [KID]: Well, my name is...Jessebelle...

JAMES [KID]: Jessebelle. Sweet.

JAMES: She was my first love. And so I wrote my feelings for

her in a letter!

JAMES [KID]: Jessebelle, darling dearest. Won't you-marry me?

That's all he wrote! How embarrassing it would be if

someone read this before she...

- MUMMY: Leave it to us, dear! - JAMES [KID]: Mummy! Daddy!

DADDY: Son, we have a gift for you!

JAMES [KID]: What's is it?

DADDY: Why, it's a special treasure chest I made myself!

For you to put a treasure in though you'll need to use your

password first! Then the chest will protect your

treasure from harm!

JAMES [KID]: What kind of treasure?

MUMMY: Well, like a love letter, for example...

JAMES [KID]: Ooh! Thank you so much, dear mummy, daddy!

MUMMY: And, I just received word from Jessebelle's parents that

you've been invited to her house tonight. Isn't that nice?

JAMES [KID]: Wow, to Jessebelle's house?

DADDY: Courage! Have courage and tell her how you feel!

JAMES [KID]: Right!

JAMES: So I placed the letter in my treasure chest and that

evening paid her a visit...

JAMES [KID]: Uh Jessebelle there's something

I'd like to give you ...

JESSEBELLE [KID]: I've made my decision. And the answer is yes.

JAMES [KID]: Yes? To what?

JESSEBELLE [KID]: Why, to marry you, silly! And our parents have

already agreed to it as well.

JAMES [KID]: Really They have?

JESSEBELLE [KID]: I'll handle all of the arrangements for the

ceremony! And I'll instruct you personally on how to act like a

true gentleman. Oh, and also,

about your Growlithe I expect you

get to get rid of it and get a Skitty instead.

JAMES [KID]: A Skitty instead?

JESSEBELLE [KID]: Of course! I don't like Growlithe!

JAMES [KID]: I won't! My precious Growlie is my partner,

and that's that!

JESSEBELLE [KID]: No, I'm your partner now!

JAMES [KID] : I refuse to get rid of Growlie! So, you can just

call off our wedding!

JAMES [KID]: I had no idea how selfish Jessebelle was!

Oh dear. The note...

Uh, what's the password? I'll get rid of

the whole lot! Growlie, quick! Use Dig!


ASH: Wow! So after all this time, Monferno dug your treasure

chest back up!

DAWN: Wait! But that letter isn't such a big deal though,

- is it? - JAMES: Big deal? If Jessebelle

were to get her hands on it, horrors!

JESSEBELLE: Why, I do declare,

this's like a marriage certificate!

JAMES: Then, my life is over!


ASH: Whoa! What's that?

JAMES: Oh, just the security alarm...


JAMES: J-Jessebelle! Now, how did she know I was here? Oh no.

You told her Sebastian!

SEBASTIAN: Sorry Master James!

But, you must try and understand I did it for your own good!

JAMES: Good my foot! We've got a code red!

JESSEBELLE: All right! Surround the property and make sure James

can't escape this time!

- JAMES: Sadly, we're trapped. - MEOWTH: Plan, genius!

JAMES: I've routed an escape route just for

special moments like this!

SEBASTIAN: Lady Jessebelle!

JESSEBELLE: Sebastian!

SEBASTIAN: Young Master James is this way!

SEBASTIAN: That passageway is connected to a secret

underground tunnel!

JESSEBELLE: You're just as clever as me!

JAMES: Hurry! Jessebelle won't lag far behind for long!

DAWN: But I don't get what this has to do with us!

ASH: Yeah, I know!

JAMES: This fiasco never would have happened if you hadn't

found this blasted treasure chest in the first place!

Twerp, clean up this mess!

ASH: That's easy for you to say...

BROCK: Did you remember that password by any chance?

- JAMES: That's it! - MEOWTH: Then out with it kid!

JAMES: Uh...Open, Carnivine!

JESSIE: Wrong password, pin head!

SEBASTIAN: Young Master James!



SEBASTIAN: Leave it to me!

ASH: We'll hold them off, and you guys run!

BROCK: Go while you've got the chance!

JAMES: We need to dispose of the letter first! Open, Dialga!

JESSIE: Oh, please! Open, Palkia!

MEOWTH: Third time's the charm? Nah... Nothing charming there!


JAMES: Growlie! It's imperative we destroy the letter

and that treasure chest! Flamethrower, go!



JAMES: Growlie!


JAMES: Growlie, you're so brave!

Right, surrendering to a treasure chest is not us!


JAMES: Quick use Dig!


JAMES: Now! Seal the deal with Flamethrower!


JAMES: Come on.

TREASURE CHEST: Congratulations!

Impact surpassed level three hundred thirty three, so this

treasure chest will now flee!


JAMES: Daddy never messed around when he made something by hand.

JESSIE: The pointlessly amazing things rich people

do with their money.

MEOWTH: Save the fan mail for later!

JESSEBELLE: Enough! I'm bored.

JESSEBELLE: Vileplume, out you come!


JESSEBELLE: Vileplume, use Solar Beam!


JESSEBELLE: I've had enough playing tag with

you James, my love.

JAMES: Jessebelle!

JESSEBELLE: The preparations have been completed for our

wedding ceremony, which is to take place at my house and your

mummy and daddy are waiting there for you, too!

SEBASTIAN: You must make the right choice Master James!

JAMES: I must. Just allow me to bid a fond

farewell to my chums then.

JESSEBELLE: Good! I'm glad you know when to quit!

JAMES: Look Twerp! I need you to use Thunderbolt on us!


JAMES: I know you can't predict where we'll be blasting off to,

but I must be free from Jessebelle's grip!

JESSIE: You can just blast off by yourself!

MEOWTH: Why drag us into it?

JAMES: Simple! Team Rocket's a team and teams stick together!

MEOWTH: Hey, thanks for sharing!

- JESSIE: Meowth's right! - JAMES: Please Twerp!

ASH: Okay.

ASH: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!



JAMES: A shocking thrill!

So long, Growlie! Take good care!

Hey, I just remembered! The password to open the treasure

chest is open password!

MEOWTH: That's it! How do you function with out a brain?

JESSEBELLE: The chest would be a lovely gift for our marriage.

MEOWTH: That ain't Jess; that's Jessebelle!

JAMES: Talk about a real shotgun wedding!

We're blasting off again!

JESSEBELLE: I do! I do! I do!

JESSIE: Wait, where did everybody go?

CAPTAIN: Well well, Lady Jessebelle has returned!

SUBORDINATE: Lady Jessebelle!

JESSIE: Take those sunglasses off! I'm not Jessebelle!

DAWN: To say this was a bizarre day

is putting it mildly. PIPLUP: [AGREEING]

ASH: Cheer up! Remember you've got another Pokémon Contest

coming up before you know it!

DAWN: Right, and you've got your next Gym Battle for your final

badge in Sunyshore City, right?

ASH: You bet!

BROCK: You'll both do your best!

ASH: Hey, thanks Brock! PIKACHU: [EXCITED]

DAWN: Thanks! We will! PIPLUP: [AGREEING]

NARRATOR: And so, as our heroes calmly walk toward the future...

James is moving at a different pace...

- JAMES: Leave me alone! - JESSEBELLE: Never, James dear!

MEOWTH: I hate running from other mugs' messes!

JAMES: Go away! Help! No!

NARRATOR: As their journeys... Continue!

JESSEBELLE: You're not running properly!