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12x45 - Sticking with Who You Know!

Posted: 04/07/24 19:15
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: As our heroes make their way to

the Sunyshore City Gym,

NARRATOR: a rather impressive town captures their fancy.

DAWN: Wow, what a town. It's big!


BROCK: First off, why don't we head to the Pokémon Center?

ASH: Yeah! Great idea. PIKACHU: [EXCITED]

ASH: Hello there!

JOY: Why, hello there!

BROCK: Hi! It's such a treat to view none other than Nurse Joy!

BROCK: The viewer's name being Brock! Although my journey here

was long and fraught with hardship...

BROCK: Rain will not defeat me! And wind will not defeat me!

BROCK: But though the wind and rain fought to keep me from you,

they're powerless against my love for you. Fate has grabbed

me and made my dreams come true!

BROCK: Though Croagunk knows how to grab too!


ASH: Okay buddy, how about a little training

after we get settled in?






DAWN: Come on, Piplup, that was your fault, so try to calm down.

Pikachu did nothing wrong. There's no reason to get angry.


ASH: Piplup, Pikachu apologized,

so why don't you give it a rest, okay?



DAWN: What's going on?

BROCK: They do seem a little strange.



Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right. Be brave!

Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life. And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!


ASH: Pikachu, what's going on?

DAWN: You too, Piplup.

BROCK: This is strange, even for those two!

PROFESSOR KODAMA: A puzzlement. This can't be happening.

What's going on here?

JESSIE: Notch it down, Professor Kodama.

We're trying to clean up!

JAMES: Which is made that much more difficult

with you flinging documents!

MEOWTH: The circular nature of this gig's a real drag.

And with Professor Slobbo, it never ends.

KODAMA: Blast it! It's simply not scientifically possible for

this not to have worked!

JESSIE: I think the only things he hears come

out of his own mouth.

KODAMA: Hey! You may call yourselves Team Rocket,

but allI see are three good-for-nothing bums without

a job until I hired you out of the goodness of my heart!

Complain all you want, but you won't get paid for it!

JAMES: Though he can hear the grass grow, I do wish he'd turn

a deaf ear on our quips.

JESSIE: Now hear this! I'm sick of cleaning!

JAMES: I just remembered I've got grocery shopping to do.

MEOWTH: And I'll go with you!

JESSIE: Hey! Come back! You can't leave me with Mr. Mess!

KODAMA: Excuse me, Jessie.

Do me a favor, and organize those papers over there.

JESSIE: Over where?


JESSIE: Haven't you two had enough

of a stare-down contest already?



ASH: Pikachu? I'm trying to talk to you!


DAWN: Please, Piplup. Are you getting sick or something?


ASH: We could try and pull them apart.

So Dawn, why don't you grab a hold of Piplup, okay?

- DAWN: Right! Got it. - ASH: Here we go!

DAWN: And pull!


DAWN: Come on, let go!


BROCK: Yes! You're almost there!

DAWN: A little more!


ASH: Man. Was that... really... necessary?

DAWN: I really don't think zapping us solves anything.




BROCK: No use.

ASH: This sure is a big problem, no matter what's going on.

DAWN: No duh. What's gotten into them, anyway?

BROCK: Hey, I think I've got an idea! Dawn, why don't you try

putting Piplup back in its Poké Ball?

DAWN: That's a great idea! That'll force those two apart!

All right, Piplup, return!


DAWN: Wow, that worked just like a charm!

ASH: Sure did! What the...

Pikachu, what's wrong? Say something!


DAWN: Piplup?

BROCK: Piplup came out on its own!



- ASH: Here we go again. - DAWN: Oh no!

BROCK: That didn't work.

Looks like it's back to the old drawing board.


ASH: Really, Brock? You think this is a good idea?

BROCK: Of course! When they first grabbed onto each other,

even if we pulled them apart for a moment, as soon as we'd let

go, they'd go rushing back to one another. Like they had

absolutely no control over what they were doing! And then we'd

pull them apart again. And then they'd go rushing back again, as

if they were behaving exactly like two magnets.

BROCK: So like magnets, if we turn one of them around,

they might pop apart.

DAWN: I dunno, Brock.

ASH: Well, it can't hurt to give it a try!

- C'mon, let's do it, Dawn! - DAWN: Right with you!

ASH: And pull.


ASH: Let it go, Pikachu! Give it up!

DAWN: C'mon, Piplup, let go!

BROCK: That's it! Now, turn them around!


- BROCK: Perfect! - ASH: We did it!

DAWN: Wow who would've thought?


ASH: Oh, man. We gave it our best shot.

DAWN: And after all of that work.

It looked so good at first.

BROCK: Yeah. I was totally convinced that turning them

around would do the trick.

ASH: Now what do we do?

DAWN: It'd better be good.


ASH: I think we'd better go and talk to Nurse Joy.

I'm sure she'll help us figure out what to do!

DAWN: Yeah, if anyone can help, she can!


JAMES: Me thinks Twerps have invaded the forest.

MEOWTH: Me, too. Did you get a load of the action down there?

JAMES: No. Just seemed Twerpish.

MEOWTH: Well, this sharp-clawed detective saw something

interesting a-percolating.

JAMES: Care to elucidate?

MEOWTH: Not now. Let's zip it for the moment

and go keep an eye on the Twerps' every move!

JAMES: I want to know what's interesting!

ASH: Check it out!

ASH: A Squirtle and a Raichu! SQUIRTLE: [AFFECTIONATE]

DAWN: And look! A Marill and a Luxio!

BROCK: And there's a Mareep and an Octillery!

ASH: What's this? Nurse Joy?

DAWN: My Piplup and his Pikachu are stuck together

just the same way!

JOY: You guys, too? Their Pokémon as well.

CHILD A: I brought it out of its Poké Ball for a battle when all

of a sudden, this stuff!

CHILD B: They're stuck together tight, and they won't separate!

CHILD C: And when I try to get it to return, it just pops out

again! I don't know what to do.

CHILDREN [X]: Nurse Joy, please do something!

JOY: Well, I'll try! I hope.

BROCK: Hold on. No way!

ASH: What's up?

BROCK: There's Pikachu and Piplup...

there's Squirtle and Raichu...

then Marill and Luxio... and Mareep and Octillery!

Each pair is a Water type and an Electric type.

DAWN: Wow, come to think of it, you're totally right.

BROCK: Nurse Joy, what other types of Pokémon

do you have here in the center?

JOY: Just what you'd expect. But these are the

only ones who are stuck together!

BROCK: Electric types and Water types only.

What in the world could it mean?

MEOWTH: I don't know, though it could mean the professor's

experiment's finally working perfectly!

MEOWTH: This could be a groove, or it could be a zero.

Either way, let's book back to the lab and see what's up!

JAMES: Okay...I think...

JESSIE: If you don't say something

to Grouch Puss, I will!

JAMES: Shh! Let's leave the fact-finding to Meowth.

- MEOWTH: Professor Kodama? - KODAMA: What is it?

MEOWTH: See, I was wondering if the experiment you're currently

conducting happens to involve making Pokémon stick together.

KODAMA: Ridiculous! I'm not trying

to just get them to stick together.

I'm trying to force them into being

friendly with one another, fool!

JESSIE: What? Oh, please.

MEOWTH: Hmm! So! This device here is what

you use to make that happen?

KODAMA: Correct. I've dubbed it The Affinity Enabler.

MEOWTH: Boy, there's a nifty name that just

rolls off the old tongue.

- KODAMA: Hey, what was that? - MEOWTH: It's beautiful!

KODAMA: The Affinity Enabler takes the Pokémon move Attract

and converts it into a digital signal that is then transmitted

using the antenna located on the roof!

KODAMA: When Pokémon receive the converted signal, even the

bitterest of rivals will change their attitudes and wind up

becoming the best of friends!

JESSIE: Is he on the level, or is that a bill of goods?

JAMES: Looking at that Quagsire and Magnemite gives me

disbelieving pause, too.

KODAMA: I'm still in the initial stages, but it will work!

Thisdevice is groundbreaking in many ways.

The Affinity Enabler is highly effective on Pokémon

in a similar manner to the move Attract,

but is even more powerful as it also works on

Pokémon of the same gender, and that is of

truly historic proportions!


KODAMA: But those historic proportions

aren't there as of yet.

JESSIE: I think he means he blew it.

JAMES: Yes, truly! Pardon, sir, but have those two Pokémon

always been at it like this?

KODAMA: Yes, sadly. One Pokémon a Water type, and one an

Electric type. Quagsire and Magnemite are totally mismatched

for battle, which causes me to wonder why they

act so bitter all the time.


KODAMA: Stop it this instant! MAGNEMITE: [ANGRY]


KODAMA: See, I love them very much, so I have no choice but to

figure out a method to get them to love each other!

KODAMA: Well, I suppose I could increase the power!


ASH: Now they're even closer!

DAWN: Oh no, Piplup and Pikachu, are you two all right?



CHILD C: Marill!

ASH: I sure wish I could figure out what's

up with Water types and Electric types.

DAWN: It's just so weird!

BROCK: Together they usually don't work well,

but that's onlyduring a battle, while at other times, they can

be the best of friends!


ASH: What're you thinking of, Brock?

BROCK: I think it's possible what we're seeing isn't

happening naturally.

DAWN: What do you mean?

BROCK: There's absolutely no way these two would

be acting like this for all sorts of reasons.

BROCK: No, the only way this makes sense is if someone is

causing this to happen.

JOY: Who would do that?


JESSIE: Time to recycle that hunk of junk.

KODAMA: It has to work!

KODAMA: I won't give up! I'll make them be best friends

if it's the last thing I do!

JESSIE: Okay. So what's in it for us?

MEOWTH: I say we swipe that bucket of bolts!

JAMES: When you consider the facts,

this experiment's a success!

JESSIE: You two are so strange.

MEOWTH: Look, the Twerps are all at the Pokémon Center,

where their Pikachu and Piplup are stuck to each

other like airplane glue!

JAMES: And there are scads of Pokémon suffering the same fate.

Pairs and pairs of Pokémon plastered as one!

JESSIE: So how do you explain Quagsire and Magnemite?

MEOWTH: That's the -dollar question. But once the ghosties

are all gotten out of the machine, that thing's gonna be a

real love- and friend-making winner! And that's when we swoop

in and scoff it, dig?

JESSIE: Uh-huh. What do we do with that winner?

MEOWTH: Okay, what do you think would happen if Pikachu and I

were to become best buds?

JESSIE: No more battling!

MEOWTH: That yellow pain in the neck's given us so much grief.


MEOWTH: But since BFFs play

nice and don't fight each other...

MEOWTH: Then at long last we'll be able to catch Pikachu,

then give it to the Boss and put this baby to bed!

JESSIE: I like what you said!

MEOWTH: So for now, let's lay low and keep working for

theprof until he works out all the kinks, then, whammo!


JAMES: Not again!

KODAMA: Curses! My machine has stopped working altogether,

thanks to you!




ASH: They split!

DAWN: Wow, Piplup, are you okay?

BROCK: That's great! Looks like things are back to normal!

KODAMA: Please! Can't you two behave

so I can get this working?



ASH: There they go again.

DAWN: Something strange is going on.

CHILD A: Maybe it's for the better.

CHILD B: What do you mean?

CHILD A: Well, if you really think about it, my Raichu and

your Squirtle have never gotten along, even before

they were ever battling.

CHILD B: I guess that's true, but...

CHILD A: No buts! They'd always get into an argument that

stopped them from even starting a battle.

CHILD A: Knowing that, this could actually

end up working better!

CHILD B: Well...

BROCK: Is what you said true?

DAWN: What, Brock?

BROCK: See, I'm thinking if this is a man-made phenomenon

we're all dealing with, wouldn't it also make sense that whoever

caused all of this to happen would have Pokémon that don't

get along well at all?

BROCK: In other words, whoever did this had a reason

to cause this to happen so their Pokémon would start

getting along with one another!

JOY: Professor Kodama!

BROCK: Who's that, Nurse Joy?

JOY: Professor Kodama conducts lots of experimental Pokémon

research. His research laboratory is located right

behind the Pokémon Center.

ASH: So, Nurse Joy, you're telling us the professor has

Pokémon that don't get along?

JOY: Right. Quagsire and Magnemite.

ASH: Quagsire and Magnemite. Water and Electric types!

ASH: Can you take us there, Nurse Joy?

JOY: Follow me!

JOY: Professor Kodama, how are you doing?

KODAMA: Fine. What can I do for you?

ASH: Have a look at this!

KODAMA: Amazing!

ASH: They've been stuck together like this for a while!

KODAMA: This must mean my experiment's a success!

DAWN: Experiment?

ASH: That's part of it, right?

KODAMA: This is the key! I engineered this equipment to

bring Pokémon closer to one another! Now, all my years of

research have finally paid off!



ASH: Why aren't Quagsire and Magnemite getting along?

DAWN: They're Water and Electric types.

So why aren't they being friendly?

KODAMA: Good question. I'm working on that one.

BROCK: That's strange.

JESSIE: So why don't you all lighten up? We'll get there!

JAMES: This is no place for amateurs,

so why don't you all leave?

JOY: And you are?

JESSIE: Why, we're Professor Kodama's

well-trained assistants!

JOY: I don't remember any assistants!

JAMES: We're part of the Jobs in a Jif program!

MEOWTH: Anyway, back to the grind.



KODAMA: That demonstration proves it has to be working!

JESSIE: Those Twerpish dummies

prove it's time to move this along!

- JAMES: And how! - KODAMA: Hey,

where do you think you're going, Team Racket?

I mean, Team Rocket?

JESSIE: There's nothing worse than a brainy big mouth!

JAMES: Except Twerps with big ears.

ASH: All right, that's it!

JESSIE: We're busted, so off with my disguise!

JAMES: There's lots of time left to feed you more lies!

- JESSIE: On the wind! - JAMES: Past the stars!

MEOWTH: My, how time flies!

JESSIE: Bringing you chaos at a breakneck pace!

JAMES: Dashing all hope and putting fear in its place!

JESSIE: A rose by any other name's just as sweet!

JAMES: When everything's worse, our work is complete!

- JESSIE: Jessie! - JAMES: And it's James!

MEOWTH: Meowth, that's a name!

JESSIE: Putting goofy do-gooders in their place!

JAMES: We're Team Rocket!

MEOWTH: And in your face!


ASH: It's Team Rocket!

DAWN: What have you got up your sleeve this time?

MEOWTH: Forget up our sleeve!

We're taking that machine up in the air! There!

ASH: What are you doing?!

MEOWTH: Two points! From now on,

just call me the sultan of strategy!

KODAMA: Where do you think you're going?

- JOY: Professor! - JAMES: Excellent!

By accompanying us, the good

professor can address any remaining techno issues!

ASH: Hold it!


ASH: That's awesome! They're back to normal again!


ASH: Man, this is nuts!

JAMES: It helps to remember, Loser is as loser does!

JESSIE: And you're about to lose Pikachu to the

Team Rocket crew!


- ASH: Pikachu, no! - DAWN: Piplup!

JAMES: Yes! A Pikachu in the hand!

JESSIE: And it packs much less of a jolt

without that Thunderbolt.

- JESSIE: What a dolt! - ASH: Pikachu!

DAWN: Piplup!


- JESSIE: I don't believe it! - JAMES: Is that Magnemite?


- KODAMA: Magnemite! - ASH: Now what?

BROCK: It's trying to save Professor Kodama!


MEOWTH: No, burned again!



KODAMA: What happened? Were you two trying to save me?


ASH: Hey, I don't get it!

ASH: I thought those two couldn't stand

the sight of each other!

BROCK: So maybe they didn't hate each other after all.

Maybe they were just having a little battle practice!


- ASH: It's Pikachu! - DAWN: And Piplup!

BROCK: They're both back to normal

after the machine fell apart!

ASH: Okay, Staraptor, go on up and bring back Pikachu and

Piplup safe and sound!



JESSIE: James! Get them back!

JAMES: They were great stuck together,

but now I'm stuck with you.



JESSIE: Seviper, right this wrong!

JAMES: And Carnivine, you tag along!

ASH: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt, let's go!

DAWN: And Piplup, use Bubble Beam!


JESSIE: Your stupid strategies are slick as sandpaper!

MEOWTH: Look at the bright side!

When we want a k*ller Thunderbolt or Bubble Beam,

we know just who to call!

JAMES: I need those att*cks like I need a hole in my head,

which, thanks to Carnivine, I have an abundance of!

JESSIE: We're blasting off again!



KODAMA: And after all we went through, it still didn't work on

Quagsire or Magnemite.

BROCK: Maybe it's because Quagsire's a Ground type

as well as a Water type, and Magnemite

is a Steel type as well as an Electric type.

That just might have something to do with it.

KODAMA: You know, that might be it!

KODAMA: It looks like I now know exactly what my next research

project will be! So! I'd better stop lollygagging

and get to work!

JOY: And I do hope it goes easier next time.

DAWN: All's well that ends well! Don't you think, Piplup?



NARRATOR: Thanks to some clever deductive reasoning,

quick thinking, and decisive action, a sticky situation

has been resolved! And now for our heroes,

their journey to Sunyshore City continues!