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12x44 - Try for the Family Stone!

Posted: 04/07/24 19:14
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: As Sunyshore City lies ahead,

along with Ash's eighth

and final Sinnoh region Gym badge challenge,

our heroes find themselves lost in a deep forest.

BROCK: Hmm. Strange.

I'm almost positive we're on the right path.


DAWN: Look! It's a Murkrow!



BROCK: You know what they say:something bad may happen

when a Murkrow flies over your head late at night.

DAWN: Wow, it's bad enough that we're already lost,

but now something worse is going to happen?

ASH: Nah! That's nothing but superstition.

And plus, it's not even night yet.

BROCK: Yeah, that's true!

DAWN: Being superstitious is just plain silly.


BROCK: Whoa!

DAWN: Ash, I think you may have spoken too soon!




BROCK: Quick, Ash, run!


Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right. Be brave!

Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life. And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!

BROCK: Well, I think we're all safe now!

ASH: Man, my heart. PIKACHU: [EXHAUSTED]

DAWN: Hold on a sec. Do you hear that?




RHYANNA: Come on! Snap out of it, please!

ASH, BROCK, DAWN: Help, help, I'm drowning, help me!

Help me, please!

ASH: Hold on. What just happened, guys?

RHYANNA: What you all just experienced was an illusion

from Murkrow's Confuse Ray.

BROCK: Hi! I'm Brock, and I'm not really confused!

I'm sure your beauty is as real as real gets,

unless you somehow could be an illusion

that Murkrow's Confuse Ray created, too!

BROCK: No confusion there.


DAWN: Don't give it a second thought.

It happens all the time!

- ASH: Hi, I'm Ash! - DAWN: I'm Dawn.

RHYANNA: I'm Rhyanna.

I live in a village very close to the forest.

DAWN: Well, thank you so much for helping us out.

BROCK: So how did you know we were seeing illusions, then?

DAWN: Some fast recovery.

RHYANNA: That's an easy one.

The reason why I know is that Murkrow is my brother's Pokémon.


MITCHELL: All right.

ASH: Tell me, why do you think your brother would go

and do something like that?

RHYANNA: He's never been like this before.

To tell you the truth, I haven't the foggiest idea.

Mitchell's a Pokémon Trainer, like me.

Whenever we had the time,

we always used to battle each other.

RHYANNA: Okay, Misdreavus, go!


MITCHELL: Now, Murkrow, come on out!


RHYANNA: Rhyanna, ready to go?

MITCHELL: Sure! Bring it on!


MITCHELL: No, Murkrow!


MITCHELL: Better watch out.

I'm beating you next time, Rhyanna!

RHYANNA: Mitchell and I were constantly competing

against each other.

So I guess that made the two of us true rivals.

But one day, Mitchell suddenly decided to go up on the mountain

and train with Murkrow.

RHYANNA: And that's when he started playing pranks

on travelers, like today with you.

ASH: Oh, man.

DAWN: Why not just ask your brother why he does that?

RHYANNA: He's always avoiding me, so I can't!

Like, whenever I try to talk to him, he just runs.

And that's why I've been looking so hard for a Dusk Stone.


RHYANNA: Right. There should be a

Dusk Stone somewhere in the forest.

I'm going to use it to evolve my Misdreavus into a Mismagius!

ASH: But why do that?

RHYANNA: It's what I heard from Grandpa!

He said Mismagius can chant spells

that may bring people happiness!

Now maybe if I were to use that spell on Mitchell, then...

BROCK: Then perhaps you and Mitchell will make up, right?

DAWN: Do you think Mitchell would be happy with a spell?

RHYANNA: Don't know.

But I've kind of run out of ideas.

BROCK: Now, Rhyanna, wipe the sorrow from those pretty eyes!

Ah, if I could only rid you of your sadness

for just a little while!

Of course! The only thing for me to do, Rhyanna,

is pitch in and help you!

RHYANNA: You will? I'm just thrilled!

BROCK: Oh no, I'm the thrilled one! Because...

JAMES: Now there's some news of note!

A spell that takes people to their happy place!

JESSIE: Music to my fine-tuned ears!

I heard every wonderful word!

It's true girls just want to have fun,

but just have fun happily!

MEOWTH: True! But I wanna have fun, too!

JESSIE: Well, in order for us to hop on the happiness express,

we need that Dusk Stone pronto!

I'm on it! This one. This one! No, it's this one!

JAMES: I doubt Jessie would know a Dusk Stone

if it gave her a back bite.

MEOWTH: And though I'd love to see it, that ain't happening.

JESSIE: Busted. I figured since dusk is around the corner,

the Dusk Fairy would turn every stone into a Dusk Stone

is that so wrong?

JAMES: Jess. Cheer up!

I have a secret w*apon just for an occasion like this!


My newly patented Dusk Stone Detection Device!

JESSIE: Please. Wire rods?

MEOWTH: No Dusk Stone in its right mind's

showing up for those!

JAMES: These are what are commonly called dowsing rods.

Since days of old,

they've been used to locate underground minerals

of all kinds.

As we close in on the Dusk Stone,

these rods will open wide!

JAMES: See? It's not there, and that proves it!

JESSIE: Then it's off to find our happiness elsewhere!

MEOWTH: Dowsing our troubles away!

BROCK: Rhyanna, what's that?

RHYANNA: Grandpa told me about that, too!

Back when he was young, he said people used to mine Dusk Stones

somewhere near this shrine.

DAWN: Wow, maybe there are some of them left.

RHYANNA: The problem is I've looked around

here several times, but I've never found anything.

BROCK: We'll help you find a Dusk Stone!

ASH: Yeah! Let's split up and look!

RHYANNA: Thanks so much!

BROCK: All right, Ash and Dawn,

why don't you two look over there?

- ASH: Right! - DAWN: Got it!

BROCK: How about this?

Let's ask your Misdreavus to come out

and give us a hand while we look for it!

RHYANNA: Misdreavus?

BROCK: Murkrow and Misdreavus are the only Pokémon

that evolve with a Dusk Stone!

So maybe Misdreavus might be able to find it.

RHYANNA: Wow, I never even thought of that.

It sounds like it just might work.

Okay! Let's do it now!

Misdreavus, go!


RHYANNA: Would you please help us find a Dusk Stone?


RHYANNA: I think Misdreavus is sensing something!

BROCK: Let's go check it out.


DAWN: Now, Piplup, if you find a Dusk Stone,

you let us know right away, all right?



DAWN: It's that Murkrow!

ASH: Well, we're not falling for it again! Pikachu!

Use Thunderbolt, let's go!



ASH: Yes! Pikachu, that was great!

MITCHELL: Murkrow, no!

MITCHELL: All right! What're you doing to my Murkrow?

ASH: Now hold on a minute,

you two are the ones who snuck up on us!

DAWN: So you're Mitchell?

Why do you pull pranks on people like that?

MITCHELL: Knock it off!

ASH: Look, your sister's worried about you.

MITCHELL: Give me a break.

She doesn't care about me at all.

DAWN: Hey, that's a lie! She's looking for a

Dusk Stone because she wants to evolve her Misdreavus

into a Mismagius to try to make you happy with its spell, see?


RHYANNA: Wow, Misdreavus's cries are getting a lot louder.

BROCK: Yeah! And I think we might be closing

in on a Dusk Stone, and fast.

JAMES: Whoa. Oh. Ho ho!

Closer, closer, closer, closer, closer, closer.

Dusk Stone, bingo!

Any closer and we'd be behind it.

JESSIE: Happy times!

MEOWTH: I'm gonna get a happy place of my own!

MEOWTH: Dig that door!

I'll bet someone dug that door to dig in that mine.

JESSIE: Maybe digging for a Dusk Stone?

JAMES: You see? Dowsing's the real deal

for a determined digger!

JESSIE: Just think. We could wind up unearthing

a darling Dusk Stone family or two!

JAMES: It's great! It's our fate! Happy days await!

MEOWTH: Hey, when we get our paws on that Dusk Stone,

we could evolve a Mismagius for a gift to the Boss.

MEOWTH: Think of when he gets home

from a lousy day at the office!

GIOVANNI [MEOWTH]: Oy! This has gotta be the worst day

of my dictatorial life!


GIOVANNI [MEOWTH]: There's nothing like a Mismagius spell

to keep the ol' Boss thinking happy thoughts!

I'd take your spells over a massage any day.

GIOVANNI, [MEOWTH]: And this day is a perfect day

to give Meowth and his friends a happy time they'll never forget!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: We're playing it cool!

Happiness rules! We're rich!

JESSIE: Uh, of course, when we find the Dusk Stone,

we'll have to catch a Misdreavus, too.

JAMES: It would be handy if one were just lying around!

MEOWTH: Hate to burst your bubble, bud,

but this is real life, not a movie.


A Misdreavus!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: Lights, camera, action!

ASH: C'mon, Mitchell, wait up!


- ASH: Stop! - MITCHELL: Look! Let go of me!

I need to go and find the Dusk Stone before my sister does,


DAWN: But the reason why Rhyanna's looking

for the Dusk Stone is to help you out.

MITCHELL: Ha! Rhyanna doesn't care about me.

The only reason she wants to evolve her Misdreavus

into a Mismagius is so she can beat me every time we battle,

and that's all.

ASH: Well, that's not what Rhyanna told us by a long shot!

DAWN: What makes you think that anyway?



MITCHELL: No, Murkrow!

MITCHELL: See, every time we battle, Rhyanna always beats me!

Obviously I want to beat her,

so I decided to go train up on the mountain

and become stronger.


MITCHELL: Hit it! Use Wing Attack!


MITCHELL: That's not what I said! Use Wing Attack!


MITCHELL: Hey! Where are you going?

Murkrow, come back here!

MITCHELL: That's it.

Now Murkrow won't listen to a single thing I tell it.

DAWN: Wait, are you saying you had nothing to do

with Murkrow's Confuse Ray or any of those illusions we saw?

MITCHELL: Right! Nothing. If you want to know the truth,

the whole thing is Rhyanna's fault, period!

DAWN: Wait! I don't think you should blame Rhyanna.

DAWN: Yeah You should think more about your Pokémon's feelings!

ASH: You're never gonna get strong

unless you and Murkrow work as a team.

Maybe you ought to start thinking

about Murkrow's feelings instead of yours!

MITCHELL: Use Wing Attack! C'mon, hit it, hit it!


MITCHELL: I never thought of that.

I'm so sorry, Murkrow.

I was angry that I couldn't beat Rhyanna.

So I took it out on you.

It must have hurt, getting hit all those times...


JESSIE: Two Twerps! The taller one,

alongside a taller Twerpette!

RHYANNA: Where are we?

I've never seen this in the forest!

BROCK: Do you think this is the place your grandfather

was talking about when he said

they used to mine for Dusk Stones around here?



RHYANNA: Misdreavus? Something over there?

BROCK: Rhyanna, look! That stone!

RHYANNA: We found it! It's a Dusk Stone!

BROCK: So we did!

RHYANNA: Thank you! I never would have found it

if it wasn't for you and your hard work.

BROCK: Well, thanks to Misdreavus!


- RHYANNA: Misdreavus! - MEOWTH: You're grounded, pal.

JESSIE: Happiness in a net!

RHYANNA: Now who in the world are you supposed to be?

JESSIE: We're out of this world.

can't you tell by our suave demeanor?

JAMES: Our grass is always greener!

- JESSIE: On the wind! - JAMES: The stars!

MEOWTH: Neener neener!

JESSIE: Happy searching at a breakneck pace!

JAMES: Dashing hope with a smile on my face!

JESSIE: Joy by any other name's just as happy!

JAMES: While you Twerps are so sappy.

- JESSIE: Jessie! - JAMES: And James!

MEOWTH: Meowth's the name!

JESSIE: Putting the do-gooders in their place!

JAMES: We're Team Rocket!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: In your face!



BROCK: They're Team Rocket,

and they're a less than successful. uh,

a disastrous bunch of crooks.

RHYANNA: Give me back my Misdreavus, now!

JESSIE: No! You think I'm handing over my happiness

to a Twerp with a 'tude?

JAMES: We're soon to evolve this Misdreavus

utilizing a Dusk Stone,

and then Mismagius will happy us to our hearts' content.

MEOWTH: One Dusk Stone, please, and make it fast!

RHYANNA: No way! Misdreavus, rip the net and come here!

MEOWTH: Nope! This may come as a shock, but...

RHYANNA: Misdreavus!

BROCK: Sudowoodo, come out now!


BROCK: Sudowoodo, save Rhyanna's Misdreavus!


JESSIE: Meowth, let's get that Dusk Stone

and dust those dum-dums, stat!

MEOWTH: Where it's at! I'm down with this dilemma,

so I brought my happy place robo-remote! Emote!

ASH: Oh man, what's that? PIKACHU: [CONFUSED]

MITCHELL: I've never seen a Pidgey that big.

RHYANNA: That can't be a Pidgey.

BROCK: I wonder if it's Team Rocket's.


MEOWTH: It's into the Porta-Pidgey Mark Two for you!


RHYANNA: Misdreavus is trapped!

BROCK: Sudowoodo! Use Double-Edge!


JESSIE: Meowth? You do have a plan?

MEOWTH: Everything I ever learned about Pidgey,

I programmed into the Porta-Pidgey Mark Two,

including an awesome Gust like you won't believe!


JAMES: I'm a fan of your work, Meowth, but this is silly!


JESSIE: Wow! I say if it's not broke, don't fix it!

BROCK: Don't give up, Sudowoodo!

Get going and use Double-Edge again!


MEOWTH: Next, Sand Attack!

I love stirring things up.


JAMES: How do you create doom and gloom with a broom?

JESSIE: That way, since it's working.

MEOWTH: And now it's that time to sh**t a wing.

JAMES: A wing? Surely you speak of Wing Attack, yes?

MEOWTH: Nope, wing! Watch while I give it the gas!

Wow, what a blast! Rocket Wing, away!


JAMES: Excellent! I love when you speak literally.

JESSIE: So, let's get our gloves on that Dusk Stone

and then glide away.

MEOWTH: A-OK! Time to play!


BROCK: Sudowoodo, return!

RHYANNA: Give it back! Stop! Let go!

MEOWTH: Hand over the Dusk Stone,

and you can have your hands back!

- RHYANNA: I'll never let go! - BROCK: Rhyanna!

JAMES: Those Twerps just don't tire.

JESSIE: Meowth? The time has come to drop her midair.

MEOWTH: That sounds fair!

ASH: Man, I knew it was Team Rocket!

MITCHELL: Rhyanna!

RHYANNA: You can't have Misdreavus,

and you're not getting the Dusk Stone!

I need them both to help Mitchell feel happy,

and that's that.

BROCK: Ash! Rhyanna's Misdreavus is inside that robot!

DAWN: Then we've got to stop them!


ASH: Pikachu! You can't use Thunderbolt now!

Staraptor, I choose you!


ASH: You've got to help Rhyanna, okay?


MITCHELL: I wanna help Rhyanna, too!

Murkrow, come on out!

MITCHELL: Murkrow! Work with Staraptor

and get Rhyanna back here safe!


MITCHELL: Please, Murkrow! For me?

MITCHELL: Murkrow?


JESSIE: We're free to roam about the cabin!

JAMES: This is, without a doubt,

one of the hap-happiest flights I've ever flown!

MEOWTH: You're not alone!



JESSIE: No, not our Dusk Stone!


JESSIE: I feel my happiness slipping away!

JAMES: Meowth, un-slip it!

MEOWTH: U-turn coming up!

MITCHELL: You're safe!

RHYANNA: But they've got Misdreavus!

ASH: Can't use Thunderbolt with Misdreavus inside!


MITCHELL: Murkrow! Get Misdreavus back!



ASH: Now, Pikachu! Thunderbolt, go!


MEOWTH: How come I get the feeling

we're all leaning into a punch?

JAMES: Because we are?

JESSIE: Oh, my poor exquisitely beautiful face!


JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: We're blasting off again!

MITCHELL: We did it, Rhyanna! Wow!

RHYANNA: We did it!

BROCK: Maybe this would be a good time to talk,

since it was a misunderstanding and nothing more.

MITCHELL: Rhyanna, I'm sorry.

RHYANNA: No. I'm the one who should be sorry.

I assumed those pranks were yours.

So, what should we do with this stone?

I don't need to evolve Misdreavus

into Mismagius anymore,

because you don't need a happiness spell anymore!

MITCHELL: Hey! How about whoever wins the most battles

out of gets the stone?

- RHYANNA: Yeah! Great idea! - MITCHELL: Let's do it!

ASH: It's such a relief they're finally getting along,

like a family should!

DAWN: Yeah, and both of them are training really hard!


ASH: And...hey, Pikachu, what do you say we do the same?


NARRATOR: Family disputes can arise,

but in Rhyanna and Mitchell's situation,

a little help from our heroes

has settled their disagreement once and for all!

And now that Ash has drawn training inspiration

from new friends, the journey continues!