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12x42 - Dressed for Jess Success!

Posted: 04/07/24 19:12
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Lilypad Town, where our Heroes have arrived

for the Lilypad Town Pokémon Contest!

And with Dawn's fifth ribbon on

the line, some intense training with Mamoswine is

now in full swing!

ASH: Okay, Energy Ball!


DAWN: Mamoswine, Ice Shard!


ASH, DAWN: Let's go!


- LYRA: Whoa, they ate them? - KHOURY: Why'd they do that?

BROCK: It all began back with an energy charge that

Grotlediscovered by accident!

You see, if a Pokémon swallows a move

that's the same type as itself and then releases the energy

throughout its body...

ASH: Yes!


- DAWN: It worked great! - LYRA: Amazing!

BROCK: Mamoswine really gets it now!

KHOURY: One surprise after another!


- DAWN: What do you think, Ash? - ASH: You guys got it down!


DAWN: Thanks, you two! Mamoswine, we did it!

DAWN: Hey, Cyndaquil, what's wrong?



ASH, PIKACHU: Awesome!

DAWN: That's amazing, Cyndaquil!

BROCK: I know what Cyndaquil wants! To be in the contest!

DAWN: Oh... Cyndaquil, I'm sorry... I really want you to

watch us from the audience!


DAWN: I was already planning to compete with Mamoswine, see!

Here's my strategy: Piplup, you're a pro on stage so we'll

use your pretty moves for round one!


DAWN: For round two, you'll show off your flashy battle moves!


LYRA: Aw...someone's a brat.


DAWN: Sweet Cyndaquil... See, if you cheer us on, it'll really

energize us and then the Lilypad ribbon is as good as ours!

Okay, dear?



- LYRA: Dane, are you okay? - DAWN: No need to worry.

I know this - Today I get my fifth ribbon!

Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right.

Be brave! Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life.

And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!

JESSIE: Got to be in the Contest...

- JAMES: Jessie! - MEOWTH: You've got to chill!

JESSIE: My ribbon is crying for me...Wah!

JAMES: You're ill! First conquer your cold then

compete in your contest!

MEOWTH: Look, sicko, I think you'd better sit this one out...

JESSIE: Sit this one - out? I don't know the meaning of the

phrase! Forget it! I refuse to throw in the towel!

Top Coordinator is my life!

JAMES: Stop, woman!

MEOWTH: If you don't get some rest, you're going to break!

JAMES: True! Doctor James' orders!

JESSIE: But I'm already registered... Of course...

JESSIE: I know just what we'll do...

MARIAN: The flowering beauty of Lilypad Town beckons and

welcomes you to this star - studded, flower - studded

contest stage, where Pokémon will shine and

Coordinators compete!

MARIAN: Ladies and Gentlemen, your patience will be rewarded

because it's final - ly time for the Lilypad Town Pokémon

Contest! And of course, today we are coming to you live and in

person - right from Lilypad Town! Our winning contest

Coordinator will receive this: this prestigious Lilypad

Ribbon! And after winning five contest ribbons, Coordinators

are eligible to compete in the Grand Festival!

- ASH: Hi there, Dawn! - DAWN: Hey guys!

LYRA: Wow! Dane! You look so pretty!

DAWN: Really?

LYRA: Yeah, you're number one of the bunch, no doubt!

Hey Ash, don't you think so too?

ASH: Of course she's number one! Because Dawn's gonna win!

DAWN: That's for sure! PIKACHU: [EXCITED]


LYRA: That's not what I meant by 'number one.

It went over Ash'shead didn't it?

- BROCK: And Dawn's too! - DAWN: Hey, thanks a lot, Ash!

I know today's the day for my fifth ribbon!

ASH: Yeah, show them how, Dawn!

DAWN, ASH: All right!

LYRA: Like two peas in a pod!

LYRA: Wow, I think your dress is so cute!

DAWN: Hey look! Jessilina!


LYRA: You know each other?

LYRA: Oh cool!

LYRA: This outfit is adorable! So where did you get it?

JAMESILINA [JAMES]: Well, you see...uh...The store name

escapes me! Okay then - Ta ta for now!

JAMESILINA [JAMES]: This can't be good for my heart. This is an

idea whose time has not come!

MEOWTH: Suck it up and be more confident!

That's the way Jessie always rolls and you know it!

JAMESILINA [JAMES]: Perhaps so, but Jessie's a Coordinator and

I'm anything but! I regret to say I'm going to lose round one

- and get out of this milieu. - MEOWTH: I don't think so!

JAMESILINA [JAMES]: What? How dare you!

MEOWTH: Look, if you don't win this milieu, Jessie's going to

stay sick!

JAMESILINA [JAMES]: Perish the thought.

MARIAN: So let's begin with round one! Each Coordinator's

Pokémon will display an array of dazzling moves on the

Performance Stage! And here's entrant number one! You're on!

- LYRA: All right, there's Dane! - ASH: Go Dawn! Show them!

KHOURY: So what's the Performance Stage?

BROCK: It's the round where Coordinators see who shows off

their Pokémon and their moves the best!

ASH: You'll see. Just wait! PIKACHU: [EXCITED]

DAWN: Piplup! Spot light!


LYRA: How could a Poké Ball do that?

BROCK: That comes from what's called a Ball Capsule and Seal

which can create all sorts of different special effects and

make a Pokémon's entrance really shine!

KHOURY: Wow! Say, that's what I call cool!

DAWN: Now, Piplup, Whirlpool, go!


DAWN: Follow it with Bide!


LYRA: Piplup's using Bide?

KHOURY: Yeah, but Piplup's not being att*cked by anyone!

MARIAN: Piplup's Whirlpool's coming straight down on it!


MARIAN: And now Bide and Whirlpool have joined forces,

leaving Piplup glowing an intense blue

from the energy reaction!

DAWN: Piplup, we did it!


ASH: They sure nailed that one!


KHOURY: It was really obvious Dawn wanted to show off

Piplup's blue body, don't you think?

LYRA: I thought so too! Wow! I guess you could say

the first round is kind of like a talent show!

- KHOURY: Works for me! - ASH: A talent show?


MR. CONTESTA: That truly was an impressive example of a

performance of the highest caliber!

MR. SUKIZO: Remarkable too!

NURSE JOY: The synchronicity between Coordinator and Pokémon

was perfect!






MARIAN: Now our next Coordinator! You're on!

JESSIE: Finally it's show time!

James and Meowth, do a sick girl proud!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: The things I endure to keep the peace.

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: All righty then Meowth, Rocket Launch!!

MARIAN: An entrance without a Ball Capsule! Unique!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: This goes out to all the noodle fans in TV

land! Meowth, use Fury Swipes!

MARIAN: Look at that Fury Swipes go!

LYRA: Whoa! Now that's what I

would call lightning - fast speed!

MARIAN: A standing ovation! The audience is going wild over

seeing a performance style that's fresh and new - standing

the normal fare of contest performances on its head!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Here you go! It's Meowth's noodle special

so please eat up while it's still hot!


BROCK: And served up with amazing finesse as well!

LYRA: You see? It is a talent show!

KHOURY: But such an unusual performance!

MR. CONTESTA: Who would've thought using Fury Swipes could

make delicious noodles?

MR. SUKIZO: Remarkable too!

NURSE JOY: The noodles are al dente - great broth too!

DAWN: I can't believe that Jessilina changed

her style again.

MEOWTH: Man, I'm on top of the world!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Yeah! I could get used to this

kind of worship!

JESSIE: Louder cheers than me? I demand a recount!

MARIAN: Ladies and Gentlemen that brings us to the end of an

exciting round one - so please be patient while our judges'

results are tabulated!

LYRA: You were awesome, Piplup!


LYRA: Wow, Dane, contests are really fun to watch you know?

DAWN: Glad you like it, Lyra!

LYRA: But still...waiting for the results can sure be a nerve

wracking time!

ASH: No need to worry! Piplup really did great out there!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: These contests aren't half bad!

My gleeful ears are still ringing with cheers!

MEOWTH: Yeah! I'm in my happy place.

MARIAN: And now Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you again for

your patience!

MARIAN: After careful consideration by our panel

of judges the eight Coordinators who will be moving along to

round two are on the big screen now!

- JESSIE: I'm in! - MEOWTH: Yes!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: We're golden!

MEOWTH: Bling! DAWN: Thank goodness!

ASH: You're in, Dawn!


- BROCK: Piplup knew all along! - KHOURY: Congratulations!

LYRA: Dane, you were simply amazing!

DAWN: But, the real contest starts now!

I'm counting on you Mamoswine!

BROCK: So it's Mamoswine's stage debut!

ASH: Can't wait to see it!


LYRA: I just realized this is your chance to win your fifth

and final ribbon so it's a really important contest for

- you, right Dane? - DAWN: Yeah!

LYRA: Then, why didn't you choose Piplup and Buneary?

You're quite the daredevil, aren't you?

DAWN: No need to worry! I'm fine! No reason I should do

anything differently at this point! Far as I'm concerned,

it's battling as usual!

MARIAN: And now, it's time for the Battle Stage!

With just five minutes on the clock,

Coordinators must land their

att*cks as stylishly as possible, while lowering their

opponent's points in the process! So enjoy the dazzling

display of moves!

KHOURY: So round two is a battle round!

BROCK: But unlike a Gym battle, Coordinators and Pokémon are

judged on the style of their moves and the way they're able

to dodge their opponent's att*cks!

MARIAN: Let's meet the Coordinators for our first

match! To my left, it's Dawn! To my right, Mario! We've got five

minutes on the clock and begin!

DAWN: Mamoswine, spot light!


MARIO: Now, Granbull, go!


MARIO: Granbull, use Fire Fang, now!

MARIAN: And Granbull unleashes a powerfully flaming Fire Fang!

LYRA: Wait. How come Dane's points just went down?!

BROCK: In a Pokémon Contest battle, the successful use of a

flashy move can lower your opponent's points!

KHOURY: I see. That's amazing - Only in contest battles!

DAWN: Quick, dodge it and use Ice Shard!

MARIAN: And Fire Fang misses!


MARIAN: After a quick dodge, Mamoswine unleashes Ice Shard!

DAWN: Let her rip!


MARIAN: Mamoswine has just eaten its own Ice Shard!

ASH: Go for it, Mamoswine!



MARIAN: Unbelievable! Mamoswine's fur has just frozen

over and its body is covered in icicles! It's as if Mamoswine

were wearing ice armor!

LYRA: That did it! Look how their opponent's

points went down!


DAWN: We're on a roll, Mamoswine! All - right!

Now Hidden Power!

MARIAN: And Hidden Power makes

Mamoswine's ice armor sparkle brilliantly!

LYRA: That's beautiful!


BROCK: Yeah, and by combining those moves, Dawn's making

Mamoswine look even more fearsome!

DAWN: Take Down!

MARIO: Uh oh! Dodge it!


MARIO: Granbull!

MARIAN: That's it! And the team of Dawn and Mamoswine

moves on to the semi - finals!


DAWN: Wait - That's it? The battle's over?

MARIAN: Using a triple combination move of Ice Shard,

Hidden Power and Take Down,

Mamoswine masterfully takes the match!

DAWN: Man... That was a let down.

LYRA: Let down? But Dane, in case you didn't notice,

Mamoswine won!

BROCK: Mamoswine was into it but that was only

in the beginning of the Battle.

And since it was actually won with Take Down

alone, I'll bet Dawn wishes she could have done more!

DAWN: Brock's right. It's true!

There were a lot more things I wanted to try...

LYRA: But a win is a win, right?

ASH: Yeah, but I think Dawn wishes she had won the battle in

a different kind of way.

KHOURY: Contest battles are more complicated than I thought!

DAWN: Yes! So I'll just make the semi -final battle flashier!


MARIAN: Folks, it's been one stylish contest battle after

another and your applause shows me how much you love it!

The first semi-final match will be between Dawn on my left and

Jessilina on my right! And with Dawn having won four ribbons and

Jessilina having won two, who will win the contest battle and

move on to the final round?

JESSIE: It's all up to you, James!

MARIAN: We've got five minutes on the clock! Begin!

DAWN: Mamoswine, spot light!


JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Carnivine, show time!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Not chow time, show time!

MARIAN: And once again, Jessilina puts everything into

her performance!

DAWN: Mamoswine, Ice Shard!


MARIAN: And Mamoswine's using Ice Shard! We'll see if it uses

that power - up again!



MARIAN: Mamoswine's power - up fails!


LYRA: No way!

MARIAN: And Carnivine's quick - moving Vine Whip

has stolenMamoswine's Ice Shard!

JESSIE: Now there's a slick trick!

MEOWTH: That jazzy James...! Does this mean we might pull

this baby off?!


JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Return that Ice Shard to sender!


DAWN: Mamoswine, dodge it!


MARIAN: And Mamoswine gets pummeled by its own Ice Shard!


MARIAN: Well! It appears Mamoswine is

getting all fired up!

DAWN: Please, Mamoswine, calm down!

DAWN: Wait, Mamoswine!

BROCK: Mamoswine making a move without Dawn's

command is bad news!

ASH: Mamoswine, chill out!


JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Jump and dodge it!

MARIAN: Carnivine elegantly dodges - over and over while

Mamoswine is getting more and more upset!

DAWN: Mamoswine! Watch your opponent's move please!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Carnivine now twirl and dance!

Keep them in a tipsy trance! They don't stand a chance!

MEOWTH: Yeah! Show those yahoos who wears the pants!



DAWN: Mamoswine! You've got to calm down!

LYRA: It's like Mamoswine can't hear Dane talking!

KHOURY: Even with my untrained eye, I can tell Mamoswine's

moves aren't normal! I'm afraid Carnivine's totally in control!

DAWN: Don't attack unless I tell you to!


JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Carnivine, b*llet Seed!




DAWN: Mamoswine, you've got to listen to me! Mamoswine stop!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Carnivine, use Vine Whip

to grab Mamoswine's tusks!



JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: And now......Pull back!


- DAWN: Mamoswine! - MEOWTH: Yeah!


ASH: C'mon Mamoswine, get a grip!

LYRA: I - can't watch anymore!


DAWN: Mamoswine!


MARIAN: All right, time's up!

And the team moving on to the final round is...

Jessilina, and Carnivine!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Carnivine, we're in!


JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: I love you too, but I still

need to use my head!



DAWN: Cheer up, Mamoswine. Come on...There's next time! And when

that time comes, we'll be in better synch, right?



- DAWN: Hi guys. - ASH: Sorry about your match!


DAWN: Hey! No need to worry!

LYRA: Maybe you should have used Piplup and another

Pokémon after all.

DAWN: You might be right, but there are a lot of things

youdon't know until you're actually up on stage!

One thing's for sure, Ash, I know what Mamoswine

and I have to work on after today you know? Hope you're okay

with being our practice buddy some more.


LYRA: Dane, you lost but you're so positive in spite of it!

MARIAN: Tyrogue has run out of points! So the final stage

winner and Lilypad champion is Jessilina!

LYRA: Jessilina?! Wow, she really won!

MARIAN: And now! Mr. Contesta will present Jessilina with the

Lilypad Ribbon!

JAMESILINA, [JAMES]: Be - hold! The Lilypad Ribbon!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: One more time!

MEOWTH: Do the math! Three ribbons!

JESSIE: I can count! Thank you both!

JAMES: You're in the pink!

JESSIE: That's called the ribbon cure, silly! I love you my

ribboney - poopsie - woopsie!

MEOWTH: This Jess was worth the wait!

JESSIE: One minute...

JESSIE: I'm not pleased that you as me got more applause

than I as me. So what do you have to say for yourselves?

JAMES: I say - dumb luck, perhaps?

MEOWTH: James is a dummy all right!

JESSIE: Well I want to be adored like that too! I'll never get

sick again!

JESSILINA [JESSIE]: 'Cause I'm Jessilina Top Coordinator!

I've got the look you want to know better!

JAMES: Well, it was fun and we're still in one piece.

MEOWTH: Long as our girl keeps laughing, we keep staying alive

- to see another day! Yay! - JAMES: Hey hey!


DAWN: Here you go, Mamoswine!


DAWN: Eat up, 'cause starting toow you and I are going to

practice even harder okay?!


ASH: Wow, Mamoswine's really stoked!


BROCK: We'll do whatever we can to help you win

your fifth ribbon! DAWN: Thanks, Brock!

I'll do my best! What do you say?

ASH: Yeah!

KHOURY: Nice! At times like this, isn't it great

to be with friends?

LYRA: You're right Khoury.cause whether you winor lose,

you'll always have your friends!

NARRATOR: As the Lilypad Town Pokémon Contest draws to a

close, it appears friendship is the real winner for our Heroes

and their friends, as Dawn's journey to the

Grand Festival continues!