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02x31 - Scientific Bear

Posted: 04/07/24 07:58
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun?
-Here's where! ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the House of Blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪ In the House of Blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Door is open ♪

♪ Come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's begin ♪

Oh, hi! It's so good to see you.

And I was wondering when
you were going to get here,

'cause I'm just about
the check the mail.

Look! We've got mail!

Oh, yes!

[happy music]

♪ What's in the mail today?
What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ I wonder, wonder ♪

♪ What's in the mail today?
What's in the... ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪


Now let's see
what's in the mail today.

Oh, look!

It's my magazine.

I can't wait to show you this.
Come on.

This is...


Hey! What's that smell?


It smells like blueberries!


It's you!

[deep breath]

Oh! Tell me.

Did you just have a blueberry
muffin for breakfast?

Because you smell
like blueberries!


Or maybe you smell
this good all the time?


Anyway, I can't wait
to show you this.

See? This is my issue of...

Scientific Bear Magazine!

Yeah. I love this magazine.

It tells me so many
interesting things

about the world
and how it works.

For example, in this month's
issue... let's see...

Hey! "Science fact:

Did you know that almost
every snowflake is different?"

Wow! I didn't know that.
Did you?

There's so much more
I want to read.

I can't wait. Come on!

Oh, look! It's Tutter!
I wonder what's he's doing.

Hey, Tutter!

Hello, Bear. Hello. Hello.

-What are you doing?
-Well, Bear,

it has occurred to me that there
aren't enough uses for cheese!

Not enough uses for cheese?

Yeah, I mean, sure you can
eat it and that's great.

But cheese has so many
wonderful qualities.

I just know that
it could be used

for other things besides food!

I just know it!

Interesting idea, Tutter.

Yeah. But that's
the problem, Bear.

It's just an idea.

How will I ever find out
if I'm right about cheese?


How will you find out if...

Hey! Wait a minute!

-Tutter, I have an idea.

You could do
a science investigation!

-A science investigation!

And what's that, Bear?

Aw! Well...
in a science investigation,

you do experiments.

That's perfect, Bear!

Perfect! Yes! Um... Bear?

-What's an experiment?

Well, an experiment is a test
you want to do to find out

if something is true.

Okay, but how do I do
an experiment?

Well, first, you ask a question

that you want to find
an answer to.

Okay, okay, I get it.
Okay, let's see. My question.

My question is:

Can cheese be used
for other things besides food?

-Good question, Tutter.
-Thank you!

Okay... Now, you do experiments
to find out what the answer is.

Okay, Bear.
Okay... some experiments.


Boy! I'll have to think
about that one, Bear!

-I'll have to think about it!
-Okay, Tutter.

You think about it,

while I go off and read
my magazine!

-Okay, Bear.
-See you later.

Bye! Now, let's see...

Wow. Tutter's going
to do a scientific experiment!

Hey. Science. Yeah.


Science is great.

Because science is looking
at the world around you

and the things in it.

And a scientist is someone
who is curious about the world

and how it works.

And a scientist can study...

Oh, for example... The ocean.

[water rumbling]

Or plants and animals...


Even outer space!

Yeah! Science is great.

And if you take a look
at the world around you,

and think about the things
you see,

you could be a scientist too!

♪ I had a burning question
Can you get an egg to fry ♪

♪ Right on a sidewalk,
the 4th of July ♪

♪ So I cracked an egg
and on that summer day ♪

♪ My question got answered
the scientific way! ♪

It cooked,
but it was really runny.

♪ I feel terrific ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm scientific ♪

♪ I'll join the science fair
cause I'm a scientific bear! ♪

♪ I had a question
it was a tease ♪

♪ Which smells worse
a skunk or Limburger cheese ♪

♪ So I got a skunk
and moldy cheese one day ♪

♪ My question got answered
the scientific way! ♪

It was the skunk!


♪ I feel terrific ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm scientific ♪

♪ I'll join the science fair,
cause I'm a scientific bear! ♪

♪ Hey! Have you
got a question? ♪

♪ Find the right tool
for the job ♪

♪ A test tube, a ruler
some thingumabob ♪

♪ Use some elbow grease
And get involved ♪

♪ With merriment, experiment
Your question will be solved ♪

♪ And eureka! ♪

♪ You'll feel terrific! ♪

♪ Hey! You're scientific ♪


♪ And if you grow
a lot of hair ♪

♪ You'll be a scientific bear ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

♪ Join the science fair
You'll be a scientific bear ♪

Like me!

Yeah! Science is great,

because there are so many things
yet to be discovered!

But... what do you think?

What kinds of things
have you discovered?

What do you think?

I've done projects
and experiments in science.

Making stuff with formulas.

H20 is abbreviation for water.

Some cold water in the freezer.

And then we start seeing
little drops of water.

And it just melts, melts,
melts, melts, melts.

The kid in our class
made a thermometer.

I learned how to make
electricity with a battery

and a penny.

I put different things together.

Little model of a dinosaur.

And I think it's really cool.

Wow! You sure have made some
great discoveries.

-I think...
-Bear! Come quick!

Come quick! Come on!

Hey, Pip. Hey, Pop. What's up?

We found something really,
really cool out by the pond!

-Really? What did you find?
-We can't tell you, Bear...

-You have to see for yourself!
-Come on! Come on, Bear!

Okay, okay. I'll be right there.

Do you want to see, too?
Well, come on, then.

To the pond!

Come on, Bear, come on!

It might come back
at any second!

Okay, guys, okay...

Hey... what's this?

Oh that's our...

Whoosh detector!

A whoosh detector?

Yeah, Bear. So we know when
the mighty whoosh is here.


Oh, the mighty "whoosh."

Yeah. Um.

Excuse me, guys.
I have a question.

What is "the mighty whoosh?"

-We don't know, Bear.
-We only know it exists.

Yeah. It kinda comes and goes.
But it'll be back in a second.

Yeah. We just have to
wait quietly.

Aw, Okay...



Hey, guys. The mighty "whoosh."

Is it a kind of a bird
or an animal...


Oh, no Bear. Nothing like that!

-Look! Here it comes!

-See, Bear?
-Look, Bear!

Look at the whoosh detector!

I see!

-Isn't it cool, Bear?
-Oh, it is so cool, isn't it?

It is! It is!

And listen...

[air whooshing]

That's why we call it
the whoosh!

[imitating air whooshing]

Because that's what
it sounds like!

[imitating air whooshing]

Now I get it!

Wow! You guys
are very scientific!

We are?

You're looking at the world
around you

and discovering how it works!

Hey cool! We're scientific!

Yep. And do you know what
you've just discovered?

What, Bear?



Yup! When air moves,
it becomes wind.

And that's what's
moving the leaves on the...

whoosh detector.


So air is everywhere!

-Yay! We love air!


-We gotta go, Bear!
-We have to go make some more...

scientific discoveries!

-See ya!
-See ya!

Now, maybe I can read a little
of my Scientific Bear Magazine.

Let's see...

It says bats sleep hanging
upside down!

I definitely want to read
about that.

-Did you hear that?

[shadow laughing]

That sounds like Shadow.

I wonder where she could be.

Well, you know,
maybe if we sing a song

and look real hard together,
she'll appear.


♪ Where, where,
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where, where,
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where, where,
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where could Shadow be? ♪


[shadow laughing]

Hey, you furry old Bear!

I'm over here!

Why, Shadow, there you are!

So, what have you been
up to today?

Oh, I was just measuring
the shadows out by the pond

to tell the time, Bear.

Shadows lengthen
as the day gets longer.

Wow! I didn't know that!

Well, Shadow, I was wondering,

do you have a story
for us today?

I'm always ready with a story
for you, Bear.

In fact, I've got it
down to a science! Just watch.

♪ Wear you a hat ♪

♪ Or wear you a crown ♪

♪ All that goes up ♪


♪ Must come down ♪





♪ So wear you a hat ♪

♪ Or wear you a crown ♪

♪ All that goes up ♪

♪ Must come down ♪

Unless, of course,
you're in outer space.

[air whooshing]

Houston, we've got men
with head gear.

Wow! What a great story.

Thank you, Bear! Well, I'm off.

But when you need another story,
just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow! Bye, Bye.


Now maybe I can read
a little bit of my magazine...

TUTTER: Bear! Bear!

Hey! That sounds like Tutter.

I wonder how
his cheese experiments

are coming along?

Let's go!

[happy music]

Hey, Tutter.

Snazzy vest...

Pretty nice, right?

Yeah, and...


Hey! It's made of cheese!

So I guess,
this is your first experiment?

Yes, yes.
The way I figure, Bear,

this Swiss cheese
makes a fine vest,

don't you think?

I mean, look how easily
my arms fit through the holes!


Wow! That's pretty good, Tutter.

Yeah. But the experiment's
not over yet, Bear!

We still have to test the vest
to see if it'll hold up

during a busy day.

Let's test it!



Okay, Bear! We have completed
the Swiss cheese vest test.

Now what?

Well, the last part
of the experiment

is to think about everything
you've learned

and tell us
what you've found out.

All right. May I see
the results, please, Bear...

Oh, there they are...


Very interesting.

Yes, well, I would have
to conclude

that we found out that...



We found out that cheese vests

smell really bad
after you exercise

in them for a while.



[clearing throat]

Therefore, I believe that
cheese is not so good

as a clothing material.

Well, that's great, Tutter!

You just done your first
science experiment!

Wow! Cool!

Hey, you know what, Bear?

I'm going to try
more experiments.

Well, you never know!

I might make a great discovery
in the field of cheese science!


Well, see ya later, Bear.

Thank you, Bear!


You're welcome, Tutter.
Good luck!

Thanks! Bye!

I really think this is
the best thing for Rock Boy,


You're right, Ojo...
You're right.

Hey, Treelo. Hey, Ojo.

Hi, Bear!

Um, Sorry, we can't stop to talk
right now.

Um, we've got really important
stuff to do outside. See ya!

Yeah. Can't stop. Go outside!

Wait a minute.
What important stuff?

What's so important
that they have to do it outside?

Well, let's go find out.
Come on.

[happy music]

Okay, Treelo.
Let's put Rock Boy down here.

-Right there.

Hey, Ojo! Hey, Treelo.

-Hey, Bear.

Um, what's going on?

Oh, we're setting Rock Boy free,

Treelo, do you want to say
a few words?

Yeah. Okay.

Rock Boy...

Treelo going to miss you.

I'll miss you, too, Rock Boy.
But you have to be free!

Goodbye, Rock Boy! Goodbye!


Goodbye, Rock Boy! Run free!

Run free, Rock Boy! Run free!


-He's not moving.
-You're right.

Excuse me? Can I ask a question?


Why are you trying
to set Rock Boy free?

Well, 'cause Treelo was worried
that Rock Boy wasn't growing.

So we fed him dirt, but...

-He no eat the dirt, Bear...
-Yeah. No. No.

-And we gave him water too.
-And he no drink the water.

Yeah, it just rolled
right off him.

So, we thought if we let him
run free with the other rocks,

then maybe he'd eat and drink
and grow big and strong.

-Yeah, big and strong! Rock Boy.

Okay, well.
Can I tell you guys something?

Yeah, Bear.

Well, you see, first of all,

I know Rock Boy is
a very special rock...

-Very, special rock for Treelo.
-Yeah. Very, very special.

You're right.
A very, very special rock.

But, you see, If you were to
take an ordinary rock,

like say... this one?

That just ordinary.

Yeah. Well, if you tried to feed
this rock, dirt and water,

well, wouldn't eat it either.

-That's right.

You see, rocks are different
from plants and animals and you.

We're all living things,

so we need food and water,

but rocks don't.


See? Rock Boy is fine.

He's just doing what rocks do.

Even though, we all know
that Rock boy is

a very special rock!

Yeah. Rock Boy
not ordinary at all!

Not ordinary at all!
Very special.

Yeah. So, you see, Treelo.
He's fine.

-Yeah. Hey, Rock Boy okay?
-Yes. He's fine.

-And Treelo can keep Rock Boy?
-And you can keep him.

-Yay! We can keep Rock Boy!
-Oh, yes!

And, you know what, Bear?

I was really gonna miss
the little guy!

He's really nice.

Ojo, let's go play Rock Boy now!

Okay. Good idea, Treelo.
Come on.

-Bye Bear!
-Thank you, Bear.

Bye, Ojo. Bye, Treelo.
Bye, Rock Boy.

[happy music]

[happy music]

Wow. What a great day!
And so many discoveries.

Hey. Didn't I close the door
on the way out?


That sounds like...



Hey, Tutter.
So still experimenting, huh?

Yes, Bear!

And I'm happy to say,
I think I have discovered

a bold new use for cheese!


The cheese doorstop!


You see? No matter how I push...

this heavy and solid chunk
of cheddar holds the door open!


Wow. Congratulations, Tutter!
Your experiment is a success!

Thank you, Bear.

Well, this is one tired mouse,

Tired scientist, that is.
See you in the morning!

-Goodnight, Tutter.
-Goodnight, Bear!

Wow. I can't wait to tell Luna
about our day. Come on.

The attic.

Isn't it great?

Sometimes I like to
just come up here

and look out at the stars.

It's also where I come
to talk to a special friend.

Let's go see if we can find her.

There she is! Hello, Luna.

Hello, Bear.

How was your day
in the Big Blue House?

Well, it was very scientific,

Oh! How exciting!
What did you discover?

Well, Pip and Pop found out
that air is all around us

and that when it moves
it becomes wind.

That's an important discovery,


And Ojo and Treelo
discovered the difference

between things that are living,
and things that aren't living.

Like a rock.

Oh, very interesting.

And Tutter did experiments


-That's right.
-Oh, that Tutter!

You know, Bear, I'm particularly
fond of science.

Really? Why is that, Luna?

Well, without science,

no one would have been
able to come and visit me!

Aw! That's right!
The astronauts!

Wow. That's true!

Hey, Luna?

Would you sing the Goodbye Song
with me before you go?

I would love to Bear.
I would love to!

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the Bear,
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play
To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House! Bye-bye!


And by the way, keep looking
at the world around you.

Hey! You never know.

You might make a scientific
discovery of your own!

See you soon!

[theme music]