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02x18 - All Weather Bear

Posted: 04/07/24 07:48
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪-Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪-Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here,
bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's… begin ♪


Hi there!
It's so good to see you.

Some storm we had last night.

But you know,

I think the Sun's
just about to rise.

♪ Oh, when the day begins ♪

♪ I look outside my window ♪

♪ I see the sun has come
to start the morning ♪

♪ Why, bear my friend
it's you! ♪

♪ I'm so glad to see you, too ♪

♪ I've travelled 'round
the whole wide world to say ♪

♪ Good morning, good morning
good morning from the sun ♪

♪ Good morning, good morning
good morning everyone ♪

Oh, Ray, it's so good to see you.

Likewise, Bear!

♪ You make the sky so bright ♪

♪ Just call me
your ray of light! ♪

♪ When you're not there, well,
it's just not the morning ♪

♪ But on a cloudy day
I'm never very far away ♪

♪ And I'll be droppin' by to say ♪

♪ Good morning, good morning ♪

♪ Good morning from the sun ♪

♪ Good morning, good morning ♪

♪ Good morning to everyone ♪

-Good morning, Ray!
-Good morning, Bear!

So Ray, what's the weather

going to be like for
the rest of today?

Sunny and warm,
as far as I can see.

But of course you know,
Bear my outlook is always sunny.

[both laughing]

Well, I'll see you soon, Bear!

Enjoy my day!

I will, Ray!
And thanks!

Well, come on in!


What's that smell?



Ha! It's you!


Tell me.
Were you just outside?

Because you smell
like grass and sunshine!



Or maybe you just smell
this good all the time.

TREELO & OJO: Hey, Bear!
Bear, Bear, Bear!

Hey, Ojo.
Hey, Treelo.

Are you ready to go swimming,
yet, Bear?

Are you ready to go to the
Otter Pond and go swimming?

That's right.

Today, Ojo and Treelo and I

have planned to do
swimming down at the pond.

We've got all our stuff!


Let's go tell Tutter.

-Bear. Wait.

Do you have the
surprise for Tutter?

-Tutter surprise.
-Yes I do!

We have a little surprise
that he is going to love.

Come on.
Let's go tell him.


-Hi, Tutter!
-Hey, Bear. Hi Treelo. Hi Ojo.

Say, what are you guys
all dressed like that for, huh?

Hey! Wait a minute!

I know why you guys
are wearing that stuff!

You want to go... swimming.

Well, um, yeah, Tutter,
and we were wondering if you...

Oh, no.
I will not go swimming.

The last time I went swimming,
I got water in my ears!

In my ears!

I didn't like that!

But Tutter...

I like to sit
back, enjoy a nice, cool drink,

and just soak in the sunshine.

Well then, I guess you
won't have any use for this.


Is that a-float?

Yes it is. And see?
There's even...

And even there's a place
to put my Cheez-a-rita!

I see it, Bear!
I see it!


Thank you. Bear. Thank you.

I can't wait to try this out!

I can't wait!

Okay, you guys.
You go on ahead.

I'll be right out...
Bear's just love to swim.

And we love to float, too.

Okay, see you out there, Bear!

Yeah, yeah!
See you at the pond!

And thanks again!

C'mon you guys...
to the Otter Pond!

[all cheering]

Okay, See you later.

Now, everybody sure gets excited
when the weather is nice.




There's all kinds of weather.

And all kind of ways to get ready for it.

For instance, when it's
snowing you want to stay warm

and when it's raining
you want to stay dry.

And in the sun, you want to
wear sunblock and keep cool.

Yep, there's all kinds of ways
to get ready for the weather.

That way you can make the most
of it... rain or shine.

♪ Weather is cold
weather is hot! ♪

♪ Weather is rainy
except when it's not ♪

♪ It can be cloudy
then suddenly clear ♪

♪ There's weather
for every day of the year ♪

♪ I wonder what the weather
has in store for me today ♪

The thing is you never know
what the weather is gonna be...

♪ Weather is mild but
sometimes it snows ♪

♪ Weather keeps coming
but it never goes ♪

♪ Weather is sunshine
then it just pours ♪

♪ Your weather is mine,
my weather is yours ♪

♪ I wonder what the weather
has in store for me today ♪

♪ Wow, everyone talks
about the weather ♪

♪ I feel like talkin' 'bout it too ♪

♪ Nothin' we say is gonna change it ♪

♪ Hey, what you gonna do? ♪

♪ Wow, when it gets stormy
stay cozy inside ♪

♪ When it gets sunny
let's go for a ride ♪

♪ There can be thunder
crashing so loud ♪

♪ Then comes a big
white billowy cloud ♪

♪ I wonder what the weather
has in store for me today ♪

♪ Wow,
I wonder what the weather ♪

♪ Has in store for me today ♪

But what do you think?

What kind of weather
do you like best? Hmm?

What do you think?

I like the rain
'cause it's not so hot.

Little drops of water.

Because I like
using umbrellas for it.

We like to, um,
step in the puddles.

I like summer.

I like it sunny
and it has got a breeze.

I like the cold because,
um, you don't get to hot.

Snow looks like
some kind of cereal.

They look like
little sparkles...

They're little tiny, they're
little tiny ice particles.


Build snow castles.

Because I like to
make snow angels,

and have snowball fights.

I like the Fall because
I get to rake up all the leaves

and start jumping again.

Boy, you sure know
a lot about weather.

-But you know...
-TREELO & OJO: Bear!

-C'mere. Bear.

-What...What is it?

Come quick! Something
bad happened to the pond!

Something bad?
But what happ... Ojo.

-Come, Bear, come!
-You have to come out.

Well, okay.
I'll be right there.

[tense music]

See, Bear?

How can we swim in that?

Yeah! Pond all icky.

Yeah. I don't even
need my float, Bear.

I could just walk across.

Wow! The storm knocked a lot
of leaves and branches

into the pond last night,

That's what
happens in bad weather.

Hey, where are Pip and Pop?



We're here.

Hey, guys!
Some storm last night, huh?

Yeah, Bear.

We were just trying to
clean it up...

Yeah, but it's really...
Really Hard!

Well, maybe, urn, we
wanted to go swimming...

so maybe we could help!


That's a great idea, Ojo.

In fact,
if we all work together,

we can all get this done before
you can count to...

One... two... three!

That's a lot better, isn't it?

It looks great!

Thanks, you guys!

No problem!
Now, let's go...swim!

Hold it! Did anyone
else just feel something?

Oooh, ooh, I just felt a little
something too!

A little, um, drop!

Me too! Wet!

I just felt something too!

I think those are
raindrops guys.

-Yeah. Look.

The clouds are coming back.

I think it's gonna rain.

Well, that's it for me, guys!

Thanks very much.
Good night.


Mice don't like the rain.

Uuuum... What's a little rain?

We can still go swimming,
right Bear?

Still swim?

Yeah! We can still swim!
Right Bear?

Well, guys, I don't think it's
a good idea to swim in the rain.


Never mind. Bear. I think we'll
just go inside and play, okay?

But Ojo...

Sorry, guys.
Come on, Treelo. Let's go!

-Yeah, hurry!
-What about you, Bear?

Will you still swim with us?

Well, guys, I really
don't think it's a good idea

to go swimming in the rain.

Why not?

Well, when it's raining
and thundering and lightning,

it's just safer to go
inside the house.

But, Bear,
we don't want to go in.

Yeah. We worked so hard
cleaning up the pond.

Now we want to swim in it!


Okay. That's it. Sorry, guys.
Come on. Come on.

Okay... We're coming, bear.

I was all excited, too.

I'm sorry, guys.

But it's just safer when
it's storming outside.

But, Bear...
It's still not really raining.

Not really.

[water pouring]

Now it's really raining.

-Yep, that's the rain.

Yeah. The rain is here.
Ruining our fun.

Thanks a lot rain.
You're a real pal.

Hmm... Seems like
a couple of Otters

are a little down
about the rain.

We don't love rain!

But, you do like the pond,

Yeah... so?

Well, how do you think
the water gets into the pond?

Oh! I always thought Pop
put the water in the pond.

But, Pip!

I always thought you put
the water in the pond!

It wasn't me, Pop.


How does the water
get in the pond!?

The rain?

That's right!

But, um, Bear?

How does the
rain get up in sky?

Well, it happens like, this...

You see, water from puddles,
and oceans,

and ponds, and rivers,
and streams...

the water gets warm in the sun.




And then, the water evaporates!

Oh! That means the water

rises up into the sky
and makes clouds.

And then it rains again.


Hey, Bear!

We love the rain!


We still kinda want to
go swimming, though.


Well, in the meantime,
you can always watch the rain.

Watch the rain?


Okay, Bear.

Okay, guys.
I'll see you later.

Later, Bear.


The weather sure
changes quickly, huh?

You never know what
it's going to do next.

[Shadow laughing]

Kind of like a certain
Shadow friend of mine

who I think I hear right now...

[Shadow laughing]

That's her alright.

Let's go find her.
Come on.



I know she's
around here somewhere.

Hey! Maybe if we sing
our song

and look real hard,
she'll appear.


♪ O Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪


Hey, you big ol' Bear!

-I'm over here!

Hello, Shadow! So,
what have you been doing today?

Oooh! I was just dancing in the
bedroom with the curtains, Bear!

That sounds like fun.

Well, Shadow, do you
have a story for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!

Let me see what tale
is blowing on the wind.

Just watch.

♪ The north wind doth blow ♪

[wind blows]

♪ And we shall have snow ♪

♪ And what will the
Robin do next, poor thing ♪

♪ He'll sit in the barn
and keep himself warm. ♪

♪ And hide his head
under his wing ♪

♪ Poor thing ♪

I'm goin'ice skating!

Yahoo!! Hey, look at me.
Quadmple lutz.

[excitedly shouting]

Wow! "North Wind Doth Blow."

I guess no matter
what the weather is,

you can always find
something nice about it!

You know what I like
about rainy days, Bear?

What, Shadow?

I love the feeling of
being cozy

and warm inside
the Big Blue House!

Hmm... That is a good feeling,

Well, I'm off. But when
you need another story...

just try and catch me!


-Thanks, Shadow! Bye, Bye!

Hey. Do you know what I
like about rainy days

in the Big Blue House?

Just listen.

[water pouring]

The sound of the
rain on the roof.

It is so soothing sound.
So peaceful. So quiet.

I wonder what Ojo
and Treelo are doing?

They're not in the kitchen.

It looks like they're
doing nothing.

Hey, Ojo. Hey, Treelo.

[slow feeble voice]
Hey, Bear.

Umm... What are you doing?


Oh, come on. There must be
something you want to do.

Yeah. We want to play outside!


Well, it's raining
kind of hard right now.

So, why don't we
think of something else.


I don't know.
What do you want to do, Treelo?

Treelo not know.

-What Ojo want to do?
-I don't know, Treelo.

You decide.


No, no.
Treelo no decide.

-Ojo decide.
-Okay then.

I decide...that...

you decide!


Treelo say...

[clock ticking]

-Treelo not know what to do...

I really thought we had
something there for a second.

It can be hard to decide
what to do

when the weather's bad,
isn't it?


Hey, you know,

I think there's a

somewhere that's
sunny and warm...

Yeah, but where?

I don't know, maybe some place
we could go to if we...



Oh, oh!

I know! I know!

We could pretend
to go to Ojo Island!

I can make the weather do
whatever I want it to there!

That's a great idea, Ojo!

I can see it now.

Ojo Island!

A sandy island with a palm tree.


The weather is warm
and sunny there.

warm and sunny!

Yeah. A sandy island
with warm sunshine.

So warm, so dry so pleasant!

Uh-oh! I think I feel a chill
in the air, Bear.

But I thought it was warm, Ojo.

No, no, no, no, no, Bear!

Now it's snowing!

Yay! Snow!

Treelo need scarf and hat!

Snow on Ojo Island.

Who would have thought of it?


But...! The weather's changing,
Bear. It's getting windy.

The wind is coming our way.

How big a wind, Ojo?

[wind whooshing]
It's a big one, Bear.

The wind is really blowing you.

-I'm flying in wind!
-The wind is gone now.


What's everyone doing inside?

What's going on?

What do you mean, you guys?

It stopped raining!

-It did?
-Yeah, it did.

We were having so much
fun we didn't even notice!

Well, this mouse wants
to do some floating in the Pond.

Anyone want to go with me?

-Come on, let's go.

Yeah, let's go.
This is getting heavy.

We're going swimming!
We're going swimming!

It's fun to pretend the weather.

But it's even more fun
to be outside in it!

Having fun!
Come on!


Well, the rain has stopped
and the pond is nice and full.

Yeah, Bear. And the
water is so fresh and clean.

The rain will do that.

This is the life, Bear.

This is the life.

Yeah, it is, Tutter.


Oh, look everybody,
it's our old friend Ray!

He's back!

-Hey! Ray! How you doing?
-Thanks for the sunshine.

Hello, hello, hello my friends,
and are you enjoying yourselves?

Yeah. You bet.

Well, the day's not over yet.

I have a little
surprise for you...

A surprise?

Oh, yes..

It's a little something
I like to do after a rainfall.

Just turn your
eyes to the skies.

[all whispers]

-Oh! Look.
-Oh! Beautiful.

-A rainbow!
-The colors.

It turned out to be
a beautiful day after all.

[voices overlapping]

I got an idea.

Let's play Marco Polo...



Some day, huh?

Why don't we go up
and tell Luna all about it.


[soft music plays]

-Hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

I see you had a storm today.

Yes, we did,

and the first one really made
a mess of the Otter Pond,

-but we cleaned it up...
-Well that's good.

And then it rained again
so we had to go inside

Oh, that's too bad...

But inside we did have
some fun playing Ojo Island.

Ojo Island!
I'd love to see that some day.

Yeah, it's a lot of fun
to play Ojo Island

when you want to pretend.

And then it stopped
raining and Ray came out.

Oh, my old friend Ray.

He's quite a colorful
character isn't he?

Indeed he is.
In fact, he made...

A rainbow!

-Aren't rainbows wonderful.
-They sure are.

Hey, Luna?

It's so hard to know
what the weather will be.

Why is that?

Well, Bear, it's hard
to know

when the sun or
rain or winds will come.

But one thing is for sure.

The world needs all of

and it's good that
they come when they do.

True. True.

Say Luna, would you
sing the "Goodbye Song”

with me, before you go?

Ha, I would love to, Bear...

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!


[light turned off]

[light turned on]

And by the way, I always like
to see you, rain or shine!


See you soon!

[light turned off]

[theme music]