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02x14 - The Big Blue Housecall

Posted: 04/07/24 07:44
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ in the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here,
bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's… begin ♪


Hi there!
It's so good to see you.

Come on in!

Well, today is...


Wait a second.


What's that smell?




It's you!


Ooooh, tell me,
did you just wash your hands?

Because you smell
all clean and...




Or maybe you smell
this good all the time.

Well, as I was saying,

everybody today is very excited,

because today is... Check-up
day in the Big Blue House!

Uhh... Hi Bear.

Hi Ojo!

Um, did you say check-up?


Bye, Bear!




Guess we missed her.

Well, she'll be back,
because today.

Old doc Hogg is coming
here to the big blue house

to give everybody a check-up.

Oh, a check-up is when
a doctor checks you out

from head to toe

to see how healthy you are
and much you've grown.

Usually you go to the
doctor's office for a check up,

but today,

old doc Hogg is coming here
to make a special visit!

PIP: Calling Dr. Pop.
This is Dr. Pip calling Dr. Pop.

You're wanted in the examining
room... Dr. Pip to Dr. Pop.


That sounds like it's coming
from the living room.

[background music]


-Calling Dr. Pop!
-Calling Dr. Pip!

-Where are you? Dr.
-There you are...

Dr. Pop we have a very
important patient over here.

Well certainly!
Let's take a look.

Well, right this way. Dr. Pip.

[background music]

Hey! It's Pip and Pop!

Wonder what they're doing.


Hey, Bear!

We're doctors!

Oh, Pip and Pop
are playing doctors.

-I'm doctor Pip.
-And I'm doctor Pop.

Me patient.

Treelo's the patient!

A patient is what you're called
when you go see a doctor.

-Treelo get check-up.
-That's right!

What a good idea.

Treelo's getting a check-up.

So, doctors, how is the patient?


could we speak with
you for a minute, Bear?

-Certainly, doctors.

-How do we put this delicately?
-Yes. This is the hardest part.

Umm... umm...

We're kind of new at this
whole doctor thing, Bear.

How exactly,
do you give a check up?

what does a doctor do?

Well, a doctor checks
you from head to your toes

to make sure
everything is in order.

Oooohhh! I see!

-Well, after you, Dr. Pop!
-No, after you, Dr. Pip!

-No, after you. Dr. Pop!
-No, no, I insist!

No, I double insist!

Come on! Treelo want check-up!

Woo! An excitable lemur!

We had better take a
closer look at this. Dr. Pop!

Watch Dr. Pip and Dr. Pop's
examination technique.

[indistinct conversation]

[Bear clears throat]

Ready when you are.
Doctor Pop!

-Pop nose?
-Yep, he's got one.

-Yep. Those too,

but hey, they're wiggling!

We better take a closer
look at that, Dr. Pip!

Yes, indeed!

Hey, Dr. Pop!
Look in here!

I can see you!


Well, it looks like they have
everything under control.

Uhh! A tail!

So bright and colorful... I've
never seen anything like it!


Well, I'll see you guys
later when Doc Hogg arrives.

Right Bear!

Bye Bear.

Now, take a deep breath...

Well, I can't believe
it's check up time again.

Hey! Doctors.

Yeah, Doctors!

Doctors are great, because
they know so much about you,

and your body and
how much you've grown.

And you can learn a lot
about yourself from doctors.

Like, for example, um...

You can learn how
much you weigh.

Or how tall you are.

And sometimes
they give you stickers!

Every time you get a check-up,

it's a chance for you to see
how much you've grown!

Yes, over the years.

Doc Hogg's given me

many a check-up here at
the Big Blue House...

and he always tickles
your toes when he's done!

♪ When I feel bad
and start to droop ♪

♪ Who says "try chicken soup" ♪

♪ It's old doc Hogg,
he's comin' to ♪

♪ The Big Blue House ♪

♪ Which doctor says "open wide" ♪

♪ Checks my throat,
and my insides ♪

♪ It's old doc Hogg's
he's comin' to the ♪

♪ Big blue house ♪

♪ Old doc hogg comes to town ♪

♪ Gives me a check up,
up and down ♪

♪ I see doc hogg,
and yell hot dog! ♪

♪ Everything'll be okay ♪

♪ who checks my Heart,
makes sure it's going ♪

♪ Taps my knee
my leg goes Bo-ing ♪

♪ Old doc hogg is comin' to ♪

♪ The Big Blue House ♪

♪ Who hears my heart
go thumpety thump ♪

♪ The stethoscope's cold
and makes me jump ♪

♪ Old doc hogg's comin'
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Now do you have
a doctor too? ♪

♪ Like old doc hogg
I bet you do! ♪

♪ Does he patch you
up as good as new? ♪

♪ When you have the flu? ♪

Of course!

♪ Then checks your ears,
looks up your nose ♪

♪ Likes to tickie your big toes ♪

♪ Like old doc hogg, who's
comin' to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Old doc hogg, he's comin'
to the Big Blue House ♪


Doctors are great!

Cause when you're sick,
they help you to feel better!

And when you're healthy,
they help you stay that way.

What do you think?

Why do you go to the Doctor?

What do you think?

Sometimes I'm sick and
I have to go to the doctor.

I got a boo-boo.

Sometimes you get hurt so bad,
you have to have stitches.

I got one right there,
one there, and one there.

She took out two teeth.

They have this thing.
They look in your ear.

And your eyes too.
And your mouth, and your tongue.

They measure how high I am.

-They gave me sh*ts.

We don't exactly like that.

When it was over,
I liked it when I got stickers.

Sometimes when I'm good,
I get a lollipop from there,

Well, you sure know
a lot about doctors.

And speaking of doctors.

Old Doc Hogg should be here

[door bell]

That must be Old Doc Hogg now.

Welcome to the Big Blue...

Gee, I thought there
was somebody here.

Well, how do, Bear!
How do...

-Doc Hogg! You're he...
-I'm here!

-Here's where I got to be!
-It's so good to see you!

Good to see you too, Bear, but I
ain't got time to chit-chat now,

got some little ones
I need to tend to.

Gotta get to work!

Okay, Doc, I'll be right there!

That old Doc Hogg, he always
wants to get down to business!

Well, come on in.

[background music]

-And here he is, old Doc...
-Old Doc Hogg!

That's the name,
and doctoring is my game...

Hey Doc Hogg!

Well, hello there!

As you can see.
Doc, everybody's...

Everybody's right here!

Ready for their checkup.


What a healthy
looking bunch of critters!

Ojo, look.

It's Doc Hogg.

Hi Doc Hogg.

Well, hello, Ojo!

And how is my
favorite little bear cub?

Lookin' healthy.

As you can see, Doc, here at
the Big Blue House, we take...

You take good care of
yourselves, I can see that Bear.

Yeah, sure.

Well, what do you say
we get started?

Ahh... Just like that?

But, what do we do?


Well, listen up and tell you.

♪ They call me ol' doc hogg
giving checkups is my trade ♪

♪ There's really nothing to it ♪

♪ -you don't need to be afraid
-No? ♪

That's right!

♪ Cause whether you're
a mouse an otter, ♪

♪ Or a kangaroo ♪

♪ There's just one little thing
that I ask everyone to do ♪

♪ -Really?
-What's that? ♪

♪ Everybody say ah ♪

♪ That's right, my friends
now open wide ♪

♪ -Everybody say ah
-Ah ♪

♪ So I can take a look inside ♪

♪ If you're a horse,
can you say "neigh"? ♪

♪ If you're a sheep,
can you say "baa"? ♪

♪ Oh, no, it's ah,
ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ -But what about "ee"?
-Unh'unh! ♪

♪ -Huh? ♪
♪ -Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! ♪

♪ -Everybody say ah.
-Come on, you too! ♪

♪ Ooh, I just love
the way that sounds ♪

♪ -Everybody say ah!
-Not hard to do! ♪

♪ -When ol' doc hogg
-Comes around ah! ♪

♪ Now bear, although I know you'd rather
do the cha-cha-cha ♪

-That's true.
♪ -Say ah ♪

♪ -I get it ♪
♪ -Say ah, ah, ah, ah. ♪

♪ Let me hear you say ♪

[everyone saying Ah]

♪ Everybody say ah ♪

♪ yeah, sing it out
and sing it loud ♪

♪ Everybody say ah ♪

♪ And make
Yer ol' doc hogg proud ♪

♪ If you're a dog
could you say ♪

♪ -"Woof"
-If you're a parrot, ♪

♪ How 'bout "caw" ♪

♪ Nope could a frog
Get by with "ribbit" ♪

♪ -Could a donkey try "hee-haw"
-No way! ♪

♪ At Christmas time
before you sing ♪

♪ Your "fa la la la la" ♪

♪ Everybody say ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ I've got it! "Ah!" ♪

[everyone saying Ah]

♪ One more time, hurrah! ♪

[everyone saying Ah]

♪ Everybody say ah ♪

[everyone laughing]

It's check-up time at
the Big Blue House,

Let s see how it's going.

All right, now breathe
deeply my little friend.

[takes deep breath]

That's it,
take another deep breath.

[takes deep breath]

Clear as a bell.

Clear as a bell.

Who's next?

Hmm, hmm, hmm.

Treelo tall?

Well, by golly, you're a
whole inch taller, Treelo.


-Treelo tall!
-Way to grow Treelo.

Well now, let's get our trusty
little stethoscope out here.

[clears throat]

All right now, Pip, why don't you give me
a big ol' heathy cough now.


All right then. And Pop,

why don't you go ahead
and give me a big

over healthy cough!



Sorry Pip, you go ahead
and give me a big ol'...


All right then,
Pop, give me a big...


But you little rascals,

you both sound just fine.

Good and healthy.

Bear, who's next?

Doc, I wanted to know...

Now, now what do we do

talking with a
thermometer in our mouth?

[indistinct conversation]

Have you seen Ojo?

Where is she?

Maybe she's upstairs.

Let's go see!

[background music]


I don't see Ojo.
Do you?


OJO: It's okay, Snowbear, we'll
just stay under here

until Doc Hogg leaves.

I think this is Ojo.

Is that you in there?


Hi Bear,
can't come out right now.

Urn, me and Snowbear
are taking a nap.

But Ojo, don't you remember?

Doc Hogg is here
for your check up.

Uh- uh! Sorry Bear,

but we'll be sleeping here
until after Doc Hogg leaves.

Oh, I see.

Ojo, do you mind if I come in?

Urn, well, um, okay, Bear.

-Hi, Ojo.

Ojo, Doc Hogg is downstairs
waiting to give you a check-up.

Um, um, Um, Bear,
Snow Bear and I

don't really want
to see Doc Hogg.

But why not?

Because, because,

because he's going to give
me a sh*t! And I don't want one!

Oh, you mean a vaccination?

A vaccination?

Is that like a sh*t?

Um, well...yes. is a sh*t.

But Ojo, a vaccination is a sh*t

that helps keep you
from getting sick later on.

It's important to get all your
vaccinations when you're little

so you stay healthy
as you grow up.

They're good for you.

But, but, but Bear, how can
it be good for me, if it hurts?

I know just how you feel.

Why don't we sit up and I'll
talk to you about it.

Oh, okay.

Now Ojo,

sometimes you
have to do something

that hurts a little bit,
like a vaccination,

that'll help you stay
healthy for a long time.

I know because I used to
be afraid of vaccinations,

when I was little.


And you're not scared now?

-How did you do that Bear?

Well, it's this little song
that Old Doc Hogg taught me.


A song made you feel better?

That's right.

Would you like me
to sing it for you?


♪ Just say "ow" say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

♪ just say "ow" say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

♪ Some things that
are good for you ♪

♪ Hurt a bit, it's true ♪

♪ So just say "ow" say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

Sing it with me, Ojo!

♪ Just say "ow" say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

♪ Just say "ow" say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

[both "ow"]


That's funny.

But Bear do you think that
it'll work for me, too?

Yup! In fact,
if you sing our song,

the vaccination will be over
before you know it

and then you'll
stay healthy for a long time.

Okay, Bear, I'll try.

Great. So, are you ready to go
and get that vaccination?

Okay. Let's go.

-Thanks, Bear!

Sure, Ojo.

[Bear & Ojo singing]

Hello, Ojo.

And how is my favorite
little girl hear cub?

Hi Doc Hogg!

I'm ready for my vaccination.

ALL: [surprisingly]

Don't worry everybody!

Bear's got a song
just for vaccinations!

Right, Bear?

Let's sing it! Just say "OW"

[all "ow"ing]

♪ Just say "ow" say it now♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

♪ Just say "ow"
say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow" and it's over ♪

♪ Some things that are good for you ♪

♪ Hurt a bit it's true ♪

♪ So just say "ow" say it now ♪

♪ Just say "ow"
and it's over... ♪

♪ Ow! ♪
[everyone laughing]

Well, the vaccination did hurt
for just a second

but it wasn't so bad.


you have Doc Hogg to thank.

ALL: Thank you Doc Hogg!

Doc Hogg Doc. just wanted to

you don't have to
thank me little fella,

I want to thank you for eating right
and getting plenty of sleep.

Oh, well, you're welcome, but,
actually I was just wondering...

I was wondering,

You were wondering how I
learned so much about medicine!

When I was a younger boar
in medical school, I...

I think Tutter has a question...

Oh, a question?

Why I love it when
my patients ask me questions.

Ask away little fella...

Yes, um...Well, um,
Doctor Hogg, um, sir.

I've got this noise.

It's kind of a Ba-Boom!

Ba-Boom! Ba-Boom!
noise, coming from in here.

And I was
just wondering...

well I was wondering.
Just, um what is it. Doc?

What is that sound?

[imitating sound]

All right, Tutter,
let's check it out.

Do you know what that could be?

Do you hear it, Doc Hogg?

[heart b*ating]

I sure do hear it, Tutter.

That sound, my friend, is you.

That's your heart.

My heart?

Yes, it's supposed to
go ba-boom, ba-boom.

That sound tells
you it's working.

And you have a very good
heart indeed, my little friend.

Of course! It's my heart! Yeah!

It's my heart!
This mouse has a heart!


Oh, thank you, Doctor Hogg.

You're welcome, Tutter.

Three cheers for Doc Hogg!



Well, there's nothing more enjoyable than
making a big blue housecall!

Well thanks for coming by, Doc.

-It was a real pleasure...
-My pleasure,

I'm just glad to say that all your little
friends are very healthy.

Yeah, they are all very healthy.

And a lot of fun, too!

Hey! You look...

And you
and all your friends out there!

You look pretty healthy, too!

Yeah, you do!

Well, I better be going, Bear.

-Thanks a lot, Doc...
-Gotta go see little Ms. Petunia Skunk.

Seems she's having a problem
with her little stinker,

so they sent for me.
Get it?

Skunk, stink, scent?

Yeah, I get it, Doc.

Well, I'd better skedaddle.
I got a lot more check-ups to do tomorrow.


Goodnight, Doc!


Wow, what a day, hmm...

Hey, let's go up and
tell Luna all about it.

Let's go.

[background music]

Ah! There she is!

Hello, Luna.

Hello, Bear.

You know I was just rising up
into the night sky

and I saw Old Doc Hogg coming
out of the Big Blue House.

That's right, Luna!

He made a housecall today.

Oh, my! How wonderful!

Yep. Everyone was really happy
that Doc Hogg came around.

I'm not surprised, Bear.

Doctors are very special people.

They spend all their
time helping others

and making them feel better.

That's true, Luna.

They help keep us healthy!

True, true.

Well, I must be on my way.

Old Doc Hogg may need a little of my light
to help him make his way home.

Okay, Luna.

But, could you sing a goodbye
song with me before you go?

I would love to, Bear.

I'd love to.

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

It's always nice when Doc Hogg

and even nicer when you do!



[lights turned off]


[lights turned on]

By the way, say hi to
your doctor from this old bear

and here's wishing you
good times and good health.

See you soon!

[lights turned off]

[theme music]