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07x07 - Last Call

Posted: 04/06/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT...

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

What's this? Luca back in the building.

So, counterterrorism training went well?

Man, London SWAT k*lled it, man.

- They're quick learners.
- Maybe it's time

I sit down with Hicks and
finally start the process to retire.

Won't you miss it though?

Yeah, of course.

But it's time for something
besides SWAT to take priority.

You've had my back since day one.

It's time for me to do that for you.

So you can you have
your chance to shine.

- Whoa, hey, hey. Stay down.


KELLY: Luca!

Luca! Luca! Luca!

Help! Somebody help!

- DOCTOR 1: Another sponge, please.
- DOCTOR 2: Yep. Putting in now.

- DOCTOR 1: Here's the suction.
- DOCTOR 2: Pressure's dropping.

- Suction.

- DOCTOR 1: Cut it right there.
- DOCTOR 2: Clear for removal.

DOCTOR 1: Got this one clipped.



Still nothing?

Almost four hours Luca's
been in that OR.

It's the waiting.

The hardest part, I know.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you for bringing this.

I don't even know
the last time anyone's eaten.

Well, you could all use some food.

If only for the distraction.


Did you get ahold of his parents?

They were in Seattle.

They managed to book
the first flight back, but...

It'll probably be the worst three hours

on a plane they'll ever experience.


It's my mom.

Probably about Vivie. Give me a second?






No, thanks.

TAN: How does this
happen to one of our own?

- Again?
- Hey.

We ain't there yet.

Luca's fighting for his life
on that table.

We focus on that.



I was halfway to San Diego when I heard.

How's he doing?

He's, uh, still in surgery,
so no word yet.

Do we know what happened?

Luca took Kelly to a diner
over on La Cienega.

As they were walking to the restaurant,

three gunmen fled
a nearby jewelry store.

- Robbery?
- Looks like it.

I don't know the details.

Detective Burrows has
RHD all over it, but...

Luca engaged the suspects,

but... he was outnumbered, so...

How many times was he shot?

Three. He's got one center of chest.


He lost a lot of blood.

Paramedics couldn't find a pulse
for, like, two minutes.


There's a chance he doesn't make it.


HICKS: Deac.

Figured you could use this.


Well, let's hope God heard your prayer.


I mostly just sat in silence.

Well, sitting in silence
in a hospital chapel,

that counts as prayer in my book.

You know, it's strange.

This job forces you
to prepare for the worst,

every minute, every day,

and, yet, it's easy to forget

that the worst can happen to you.

I just keep thinking about
Kelly witnessing this mess.

I mean, the poor girl had
Luca's blood all over

her clothes for Chrissake.

Her mom pick her up?

Left about a half hour ago.

Kid couldn't stop crying, you know,

thinking it was her fault.
Begged to stay.

No, no. No, it's best she went home.

Who knows how long this goes on?


Oh, by the way, I got your text earlier.

Since we're gonna probably
be here for a while,

what'd you want to talk about?

I could use the distraction.


No, it can wait.

Ah, all right.



It was touch and go,

but Officer Luca held strong
and pulled through.

Luca's alive?

He's incredibly lucky.

One of the b*ll*ts missed his
heart by just three millimeters.

Any closer and we'd be having
a different conversation.

What's the prognosis?

Fortunately, none of the
b*ll*ts struck a major artery.

His right shoulder will require
some serious rehabilitation,

but the worst is behind him.

But with rehab, he'll fully recover?

It'll be a long road,

but as long as he's patient

and diligent, I'm hopeful.

He's in recovery now.

Once we get him transferred to a bed,

you're welcome to see him.

All right.

- Thank you, Doc.
- Yeah.

- I'm gonna call Annie, fill her in.
- All right.

Considering how many b*ll*ts Luca took,

this is the best outcome.

I've never been sold
on the whole miracle thing,

but this feels pretty damn close to one.

Yeah, it does. I'll find
Powell and Alfaro,

tell them the good news.


I'll be right back.


I'm sure this is bad timing.

Well, actually, we just got word

that Luca made it out of surgery.

- Oh, that's great.
- What's the latest, Detective?

We were able to track down
the sh**t' getaway car.

to a 26-year-old male, Omar Woodman.

Fits the witnesses' physical
description of the driver.

Get an address?

Koreatown, 200 block of Serrano Avenue.

You send me everything you
got on this guy. We're rolling out.

Whoa, whoa, h-hold on now.

Passions are high right now, Hondo.

All right, nobody's thinking straight.

Everyone's wound up,

not to mention exhausted.

I'm sending 60-Squad.

Respectfully, Commander, hell no.

Luca just fought for his life on
that operating table.

The least we can do is nail the son of
a bitch who put him there.

This is a 20-Squad job, ours only.

Please, don't you hand this off.

You give us a minute?

This is personal.

But we're not out for blood, you get me?

Keep it clean, and keep it focused.

No maverick crap that gets us
caught up with IAD,

or worse, get this guy kicked
free if we screw up the arrest.

You have my word.

Yo, man, call me back.

That dude y'all shot was a cop.

It's all over the news.
I'm freaking out here.


Show me your hands! Do it now!

Don't even think about it!

heading to the two side.

Freeze right there!

Drop the knife!

Get those hands in the air!

HONDO: It's over. You're screwed, Omar.

You heard him, so drop the w*apon!

What, so you can waste me

just like you think I wasted that cop?

No, man, I ain't stupid.


That officer you shot?

He didn't die.

That's right, he's not dead,

which means nobody's dead.

And only you have the power
to keep it that way.

So what do you say?

Drop the knife.


DEACON: One suspect down.


Rest of the house is clear.
No sign of his partners.

Get up! Get up!

Ow, man!

What'd you do to me?

I need a doctor, like, right now.

And the cop you left
bleeding on a sidewalk.

You don't think he needed a doctor?

I didn't know nothing about that.

You got one chance, so your
dumb ass better listen up!

The cop your lowlife buddies sprayed

three b*ll*ts into was one of our own.

The hell's that got to do with me?

Drop the act and start talking.

You can start by who
and where your buddies are.

You kidding me?

You know what they'll do
to me if I give them up.

Nah, man.

I ain't telling you jackasses nothing.

Get him out of here.
Get him out of here!

Let's go.

He's more afraid of them
than he is of us.

Deacon, we still got
three suspects in the wind,

including Luca's sh**t.

Which means we're gonna
turn this city inside

and out until we find them,
and we will find them.

BURROWS: Your boys shot a cop, Omar.

I told you I didn't sh**t nobody.

Especially no damn cop.

HICKS: So you've been saying,
but you've given us jack-all

to support your so-called innocence.

BURROWS: Omar, if it was
one of them in that seat,

do you think they'd protect you?

I'm done conversating
with you ass clowns.

I know my bills of right.

HICKS: Three weeks and my disdain

for this junkie hasn't softened one bit.

Even got less love
for these three bastards.

How am I gonna look Luca in the eye

when we still got nothing on them?

Hey, it's just a matter of time,
Commander, you know that.

Right now, these guys are laying low,

knowing how much heat is on them,
for sh**ting a cop,

but sooner or later, they will surface.

I hope you're right.

All these pieces combined don't add up

to a fraction of what
that necklace is worth.

These smash-and-grab thugs
got lucky to stumble onto it.

LAPD's got eyes on every pawn shop

and every fence in the county.

Still no sign of it.

Well, there's no way a $5 million
necklace changes hands quietly.

Which means they're still
sitting on it. That thing's

got to be burning a hole in their
pocket. Trust me, they'll mess up.

When they do, we'll get them.

BURROWS: Got some good news.

I guess three weeks in county

has given Omar some second thoughts.

Oh, don't tell me, he wants to talk?

Reached out to his lawyer last night,
looking to make a deal.

Finally ready to rat out
Luca's sh**t, I hope.

With any luck,

D.A. will be sitting down with him
by the end of day.

Hey, how's Luca doing?

He's good. He's actually
supposed to stop by today.

He's still a ways from active duty,

but today will be
his day first back here.

And now we've got some
good news to throw his way.

Thanks, Detective.

Hey, boss, yo.

Hell yeah.

There he is, the man himself
in the flesh.

Welcome back, brother.

You know, not quite yet,
but damn if it doesn't feel good

to be back in this building.

I can't tell you what it means
to see you here again.

This place ain't the same without you.

I can't believe how close I came

to actually never stepping foot
in here again.

I ain't gonna lie, Luca,

I had a few nights
where I thought the same thing.

TAN: I live with this guy,

and even though he's home,
alive and well,

it still shakes me up
when I think about that day.

Well, it was you guys that
helped me pull through it.

I mean, call me crazy,

but I don't think I would've
made it off that operating table

- had you not all been there.
- HONDO: No way, man.

That was all you, Luca.

You fought for your life and you won

because you're a fighter,
through and through.

You always have been.


seeing as you are a fighter and all,

I don't know, I was kind of thinking

we might have an arm wrestling
rematch right about now.

- Oh, yeah, arm wrestling.
- It might be my time to get you.

Just wait, man. I've been,

I've been putting in the work,
doing the P.T.

Soon enough, I'll be back in action,
kicking all your asses.

No doubt, no doubt. But, hey, real talk,

docs give you any idea
when you can get back on duty?

Supposed to get
the MRI results back today.

Hopefully, tell me when I'll get
full strength back in this arm.

Yeah. Won't be soon enough.

Luca, just know

how much we all appreciate you.

- Thanks, Hondo.
- HONDO: All right.

All right, go catch up with your fans.

You're all they've been
talking about for three weeks.



What's up, Commander?

Got word from Burrows

Omar Woodman reached out to his
attorney wanting to cut a deal.

That's excellent news.

HICKS: Well, it was excellent news.

Omar was just found
stabbed to death in jail.

TORRES: Inmate Woodman

failed to return to his cell for
headcount after morning mess.

C.O.'s went looking for him.
Found him in the showers.

DEACON: And you're fairly certain

it was this Rick Fontana
that k*lled him?

Fully certain. Fontana was still
stabbing Omar when they found them.

Took three C.O.'s to subdue
the son of a bitch.

Was there a beef
between Omar and Fontana

- that you know of?
- No.

Fontana's a third striker,

already looking at life,
nothing to lose.

Might be Omar just looked at him wrong.

- Right in here.

Warden's boys already got
a confession out of me.

What more you want?

A pinky swear?

All right, pinky swear, I did it.

Rick, we already know you k*lled Omar,

for which you're clearly
not harboring much guilt.

We're more interested in why.

- Who put you up to it?
- FONTANA: No one.

Omar ran up an IOU, and
he didn't come through on it.

And that's a sure way to get
yourself a scarlet letter around here.

TAN: Your story's a crock.

You k*lled him because
someone told you to.

I don't take orders from anyone.

Last night, Omar called his lawyer.

He was ready to rat out his crew.

This morning, he's dead.

That's-that's no coincidence.

Someone on the outside put you up to it,
so I'll ask again,


You got a younger brother. Joey, right?

TAN: Heard he just
opened his own restaurant.

DEACON: Big change from six years ago.

Three DUIs, couple bar brawls,

a hit-and-run.

That's not who Joey is anymore.

He's a good kid.

Except for the part where he's running

an illegal gambling den
in the back of his restaurant.

What gambling den?

It's a couple of guys playing cards.

He's turned his life around, all right?

His family and that restaurant
are his entire world.

Well, then it would be a real shame

if he were to lose all that

because his big brother
isn't willing to play ball.

FONTANA: All right.

I'll tell you.

But you stay the hell away
from my brother.

Pinky swear.

Now talk.

My girl, Devon,

asked me to do it.

Someone, I don't know who,

promised her a big payday.

She's got a son with special needs,

and she makes jack where she works,

so I thought, if I could do this
one thing, for her and her kid,

then why not?

And where can we find Devon?


How you doing?

Doughnut shop's half a block that way.

Come on, that's a lazy insult,
even for a bouncer.

Yeah, well, you being here isn't
exactly a magnet for business.

So maybe go somewhere else
to get your rocks off today.

POWELL: We're going nowhere,

not until we talk
to one of your dancers, Devon.

- Goes by the stage name Starla.
- Ah.

What is this about?

In case the uniform and
the badge didn't tip you off,

it's a police matter.

We're going inside.

If you put a finger on us,

I'll have you in cuffs
for assaulting an officer.

Do you really want to go that route?

Didn't think so.


DJ [OVER P.A.]: Okay, Fantastic
Jasmine, ladies and gentlemen.

Jasmine's available
for lap dances in the back.

Talk to her about it.

Which one's Starla?

Follow me.

Simple ask would've been cheaper.

Oh, cheaper is a sure way not to
make friends around here.


Devon Bailey?
We'd like to ask some questions

about your boyfriend, Rick Fontana.

Is that what he still calls himself?

In his dreams, maybe.

You two broke up?


Right after the last time
he got arrested.

Haven't talked to him.

[SIGHS] Now...

if you'll excuse me,

it's the start of my shift,
and, as you saw,

it's slow going out there.

Oh, it's hardly going slow for you.

You're what they call an O.G. stripper.

I bet you have two regulars
waiting for you right now.

Normally, I'd mean that as a compliment.

Right now, I mean it
to out you as a liar.

Okay. You got me.

Very rare I have a slow day.

But I got nothing to do
with Rick Fontana.

That's weird because, according
to Rick, you called him.

Told him someone offered you ten grand

to get him to k*ll an inmate
by the name of Omar Woodman.

That conversation ring a bell?


Is that what you have on me?

The lies of a third-strike loser

rotting in jail for the rest
of his life? [CHUCKLES]


I know I'm no angel,

but my word against his in a courtroom?

I'll take those odds all day long.

In other words, I'm done
answering your questions.

Nice ring.

Where'd you get it?

It was a gift.

It's stolen property.

Ties you to a robbery that
resulted in a cop getting shot.

We don't need Rick's testimony anymore.

We got everything we need to
lock her up right there on her finger.


that means that you
will be separated from your son

for a very long time,

and I'm sure he needs you.

I was just the middleman, okay?

One call to Rick, that was it.

Who asked you to make the call?

Who wanted Omar dead?


Uh, who's Rocco?

Guy who works the front door.


LAPD. Stop the car!

g*n, g*n, g*n, g*n!

on the 300 block of Ventura Boulevard.

White male suspect, headed eastbound.

Forget it, Powell.

He slashed our tire.

Hey, we get anything yet
on the strip club bouncer?

We got a BOLO out.
My guys checked his LKA.

- So far, no sign of him.
- That doesn't mean

we're not putting the pieces
together, though, Hondo.

Garland's got a long history
of theft crimes.

HONDO: Jerry Ramos and Hank David.

We think those are
the other two guys involved?

Well, after Garland got
busted for his last stickup,

he spent some time in Corcoran
with these two.

They match the general
descriptions of Luca's sh**t.

Any recent contact?

TAN: We pulled Garland's cell
phone records. Over the past year,

he's had contact with both of them,

but last couple months, nothing.

- They probably switched to burners.
- LUCA: That's him.

That's the guy who shot me.

HONDO: Hank David. You're sure?

LUCA: Dude was masked, but those eyes...

Thought it was the last thing
I was ever gonna see.

I'll never forget 'em.

What about this other guy?
He jog your memory?

No. I-I never really saw him.

TAN: Hank David was
cellmates with Jerry Ramos.

They have a long history together.

All right, then I'm going
with these three as our guys.

I'll put RHD on it right away.

We'll dig up everything we can
on Ramos and David.

HONDO: All right, let's look
into jobs worked, prison call logs,

last known addresses,

anything that can pinpoint
their whereabouts.

Hey, we will get these guys.

TAN: Hey.

You okay?

If I'm being honest, no, I'm not.

Luca, we're getting closer
to nailing these guys.

Yeah, I know. It's not that.

I feel useless, man.
I'm on the sidelines over here

while you guys are out there
hunting these guys down,

- doing my dirty work.
- This is 20-Squad's job.

They hurt you, they hurt all of us.

And you're not gonna be
on the sidelines for long,

but first things first, man,
you got to heal up.

Just be patient with yourself.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah. Close the door.

A few weeks ago,
you said you needed to talk.

Yeah, yeah, but then I, uh,

I decided to put that on hold.


It's actually
kind of complicated, Commander.

I don't suppose it'd have
anything to do with retirement?

FPP sent over your forms as part of, uh,

confirming eligibility
to start pension calculations.

What's going on, Deac?

Well, me and Annie, we're, uh,
we're not doing so good.

When she landed at
the public defender's office,

we agreed to juggle both our jobs.

Only, it's-it's not working.


Little time for the kids,
even less for us.

Family's paramount, Deacon.

In the end, it's...

the secret sauce
to any of this making sense.

You need to protect it.


as much as it pains me...

...I respect your decision.

Thing is,

I made this decision
before Luca got shot.

And now... [SCOFFS]

[SIGHS] I don't know what to do.

So until I do,

I prefer to keep this between us.

All right.

- Uh, Deacon.
- Yeah?

But don't drag it out.

Otherwise you put
your marriage on the line,

and you lose your squad's trust
in the process.

LUCA: Hey, Deac.

Hey. What's up, bud?

Heard you had quite
the homecoming this morning.

- I'm sorry I wasn't there.
- No, it's all good.

I didn't want a big to-do, but...

Hey, it is a big to-do.
We've missed you.

And I'm sorry Annie and I
haven't been by.

We've just been trying
to get our new routine down.

You guys got a full house.
I get it, man. Trust me.

All the food you guys sent
over... Man, I feel the love.

How are you and Annie and the kids?

- Everything okay?
- Yeah, you know, busy,

- but-but we're good. Thanks for asking.

Oh, it's my doc. MRI results.

I've been waiting on this call.




TAN: Deac, hey.

Might have a lead on one
of the robbery crew,

Jerry Ramos. I just talked
to an ex-girlfriend.

She said Ramos always had money
problems, would constantly hide

from people he owed cash to.

The ex-girlfriend say where?

An aunt's house in Tujunga,
and I talked to Burrows.

RHD traced him to the same address.

Seems he gets mail there.

All right, let's get to that house.


You got a minute?

I heard you got a call from your doctor.

MRI results?

Deacon got the impression
it wasn't good news.

He's concerned, as am I.

Doc said that my hand and arm

won't move the same ever again.

Even with rigorous P.T.,

there's no chance things will improve?

No. Doc thought that the nerve
would regenerate,

but it's not happening.

The damage is permanent.

Oh, geez.

Yeah, here I was acting
all sure of myself,

thinking, "You know, son of a
bitch just shot me three times,

and they still didn't k*ll me."


Turns out, the joke was on me.

Then the joke was on all of us, Luca.

I mean, between your relentless drive

and your commitment to SWAT

and this squad's faith in you,

we were all convinced
you were coming back.

Yet here we are.

Here we are.

SWAT's my whole life, Commander.

I mean, I always saw myself
as one of those old guys

they'd have to push out the door.

The truth is,

I've never thought
about my life beyond SWAT.

Luca, you... you...

you've got all the knowledge
and expertise of a veteran cop,

but you're still young enough
to do good work for LAPD.

You'd have a lot to offer if you
took a supervisory position.

Now, true, you wouldn't be
in the field anymore,

and I get that,

but you'd still be making a difference.

Say the word.

I'll make it happen.

I appreciate the offer, Commander.

I mean, I do.

I guess I'm just gonna need
some time to think about it.

- Hmm. All right.
- Okay.

- Fair enough.
- All right.

You know where to find me.

Yep. Okay.


HONDO: LAPD. We got a warrant!

DEACON: Give me two.


Hands! Let me see your hands!
Get up. Don't move.

- What the hell is this?
- HONDO: Martha Ramos?

We're looking for your nephew
Jerry. Where is he?

I don't know.

Somewhere around here maybe.

Hondo, house is clear.

Moving to the three side.

Clearing the backyard now.

Our intel might be wrong.

[SIGHS] Pause on that, Hondo.

Think we found Jerry Ramos.

Face is battered. Looks like
some of his fingers are broken.

So he was tortured before he was k*lled.

Which means whoever did it
wanted something from him,

and they wanted it bad.

My money's on that $5 million necklace.

They know we're on to 'em,
so there's no more laying low.

They need to make a move.

Word on Jerry Ramos is he always
had big money problems.

Maybe he planned to make his own move,

keep that necklace for himself.

HONDO: All right, Tan,
get the unis, and the coroner here.

Deac, you and I will talk
to Jerry's aunt,

find out what she heard, what she saw.

MARTHA: I should've figured something

like this would happen.

Jerry was always running
with the wrong people.

Mrs. Ramos, do you have any idea
who was here today?

Did you see anyone come through?

Did your nephew mention
anyone he was expecting?

No. He didn't say anything.

Oh, but earlier,

I was in my room, and I heard voices.

I peeked, and I got

a quick glance at two guys with Jerry.

They were walking towards the garage.

That's where Jerry stayed.

Are these the men you saw?

That's them. Th-That one

on the top, I-I met him before.

Uh, his...

his name is Rocco.


This douchebag sure made himself
comfortable here.



Some singles for your next visit
to the strip club.


Is that a joke?

I don't know.

Seemed like you knew your way around
that place a little too well.

You, like, a regular or what?

What if I was?

Is that a problem for you?

I'm just surprised, is all.

Getting to know each other
like we've been,

you didn't strike me as that guy.

This looks like where they tortured him.

POWELL: Guess it was easier

than searching the hoarder's paradise

that is this whole place.

Burner phone.

Do you know anything
about this necklace?

Anything at all. Did-did Jerry ever

show it to you or say anything about it?

I never saw it
and he never said anything.

Look, are-are we done?

Okay, just one last question.

Did Jerry ever say anything
about leaving town?

Jerry always talked about picking up

and moving to new places,

but he was pretty much holed up here

from the time he showed up.

He only left the house once.

And where did he go?

The Beverly Palm Hotel.

It's where my daughter Kristy works.

All right, I'm here, Hondo.
What do we got?

HONDO [OVER RADIO]: Commander,
we're headed back to HQ,

but we found a burner phone
Jerry Ramos was using.

We need a trace.

Sir, I just texted you the number.

- Tracing it now.

What did we get out of Martha Ramos?

She ID'd Hank David and Rocco Garland.

Confirmed they were
at her house earlier today.

Jerry Ramos had been tortured, so

we're thinking he was planning
on screwing the other two

by getting away with that necklace.

TAN: That's definitely in line
with what we know about Ramos.

He's got a history
of not paying back debts.

Also explains why the other two
wanted him dead.

Clear motive.

Once David and Garland have the
necklace, they're not sticking around.

All right, getting trace results.

All incoming and outgoing calls

from the burner trace to two

unknown numbers,
likely Garland and David,

but there's a third,

Kristy Ramos's cell. Last contact

was about two hours ago.

That's about the same time
that David and Garland

would be arriving at the Tujunga house.

What if Jerry Ramos had
his cousin hide the necklace?

Innocent third party that
his buddies would never suspect.

That's probably their next stop.

Tan, reroute us
to the Beverly Palm Hotel.

Get us there yesterday.

Roger that. I'm on it!



up the west stairwell.

Copy. We're on the east side,
nearing the top floor.



Hand it over.


HONDO: You know the deal.

g*n on the ground, hands in the air.



DEACON: 30-David, we got two runners

on the top floor, heading north.

DEACON: Hondo, I got this.

Get Hank David.


POWELL: LAPD! Stop right there!




Police! On the ground!

POWELL: Get on the ground! Don't move!

Give me your hands!

LAPD! Stop right there!



You're either leaving here handcuffed

in the back of a cruiser,
or in a body bag.

The choice is up to you!

Hands! Let me see your hands!

Turn around! I said, turn around!

Back up to me slowly.

Now down on your knees.
I said, on your knees!





You shot the wrong cop that day.


Code 4 all around.


Well, Hank David and Rocco
Garland are locked up tight.

I got a feeling they'll be
headed back up to Corcoran

until their dying days.

You guys did outstanding work today.

You should be proud.

I've been trying to get ahold of Luca.

I wanted to give him the good news,

but he's not answering my calls
or texts.

Luca got some bad news today.

It's bad news for all of us,
and I don't know how

to put it, so I'll just say it.

His SWAT days are over.

- The call earlier?
- Mm-hmm.

But he-he's been working so hard.

All the P.T. He's done everything right.

HICKS: He has,

but in this case, it just wasn't enough.

The nerve damage
in his shoulder is permanent.



What the hell is he going to do?

One thing's for certain.

This squad is never gonna be the same.


Hey, hold up.

I just want to make sure we're cool

about the whole strip club thing.

What you do in your free time
is your own business.

Oh, you really want to press this, huh?

I promise you,
you're only gonna feel worse.

What? I'm not judging, I swear.

But you got me all wrong.
Look, I got a whole lot of love

and respect for women in those places,

but it's not 'cause I'm a regular.

Look, my mom had me young,

and things were rough.

We were on the verge
of living out of our car, but...

God. Your mom danced.

You're right. I feel even worse.

Look, it was only for a short while.

I was little.

Couldn't afford a sitter,
so, I'd go with her.

I'd hang out in the dressing room

while the women would all look after me.

That must've been so strange.

I don't know.

I was only five or six at the time.

All just seemed kind of normal,

except they treated me like a king.

Yeah. Well, I still have to say it.

I'm sorry, you know,
for coming off judgy.

Nah, it's all good.

We're good.

And I'd be down to grab a drink with you

at one of those clubs some time.

Right, yeah. That's not gonna happen.



Your favorite surf break.

I figured I'd find you here.

So many days, I-I come here
and stare at the water.

Somehow, it tells me
everything is as it should be.

But not today.

You know, my whole life,
almost since I was born,

SWAT's been part of me.

I'm third generation.


all I've ever known.

It's all I ever wanted.

Now, for the first time in my life... isn't part of my future.

- It still could be.
- What? The Hicks offer?

No, man.

I would k*ll myself
if I had to sit in HQ

and watch as the rest of you
were out there doing your thing.

I mean, being behind the
wheel of Black Betty...

...being out there in the field
with you and Deacon

and everybody else...

...that was always my happy place.

It's what I live for every day.

I'm just...

I'm just not ready.

I mean, I don't want to say goodbye.

And the worst part is, is that

I feel like I'm letting everyone down.

No way, man.

You ain't letting nobody down.

That ain't even in you.

You've given everything
you got to this job.

And I know you would
give more if you could.

So what's next?

Oh, man, there's a
whole world out there.

I don't know. I think
having my daughter Vivienne

has given me a different outlook on...

...a higher power
or whatever you want to call it.

I just think that somewhere

way past where that sea meets the sky...

...someone or something is trying
to tell you this is your moment.

[CHUCKLES] Whether its chasing
surf breaks all over the world...

...finding someone special...

...or just discovering
something brand-new.

Luca, you got an opportunity
to walk away...

...while you're still young enough... find a whole new happiness.

Maybe one even greater
than what SWAT can bring you.

That's a pretty high bar.

You know, all these years

being part of 20-Squad.

I can't even tell you
what it's meant to me.

I mean, we've been
through so much together

as a team.

You are one of the most
honorable men I've ever known.

You are loyal...

...someone I've trusted with my life,

no hesitation.

You remember this.

Badge or no badge... will always be one of us.

That's how family works.

I'm gonna miss you the most, brother.

HICKS: Officer Dominique Luca,

your legacy spans three generations,

starting with your grandfather,

who was also a mentor of mine,
your father Carl,

who I had the honor of serving with.

And now you, Dominique.

You have forever

left your mark on LAPD SWAT.

The very warmest
congratulations on your retirement.

And we wish you the best.

- Thank you, brother.
- I'll miss you, buddy.

Dispatch to 22-David.

It is with enormous pride

that today, at 1630 hours,

I, your team leader and your brother,

deliver your last radio call.

you have safely reached the end
of your watch.

It's been my honor...

and my privilege.

over and out.



