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07x04 - Trouble Man

Posted: 04/05/24 21:48
by bunniefuu
Herrera. I need an update.

No, I need to get in there.

- Help him, please!
- [ROBERT] Let's move.

[SEAN] Do we have an
ETA on backup arriving?

- Dad!
- [TRAVIS] Captain, what do we do?

[NATASHA] Herrera, report in.

♪ Allow me to introduce myself ♪

♪ Come in like a mean machine ♪

♪ Throw away all routine ♪

♪ Give it what you won't forget ♪

♪ Let's make a scene ♪

Great work out there, 19.

And Beckett, way to bring it
first day back in the field.

Thank you, Captain. Glad to be here.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

You don't look fine, and
you weren't fine on the call.

So what's going on?

I didn't need your help then,
and I don't need it now.

[GROANS] For the love
of God. Stop apologizing.

We are not in high school,

and I don't care that
you hooked up with Kate.

We didn't hook up.
It was just a kiss.

- We were broken up.
- For what? Like five minutes?

I'm just a sub.

All right, this isn't
the Real Housewives.

And last I checked,
no one here is perfect.

So, get back to work.

Sounds like it's gonna
be one of those days, huh?

[SIGHS] Tonight's a full
moon. You know what that means.

All the wackadoos come out to play?

Who knows? Maybe
it'll be a quiet one.


- Come on.
- Never say the q-word out loud.

Here we go, 19. Buckle up.

"Armed with a medical bag, food,
blankets and emergency supplies,

Hughes has a gift for meeting
people exactly where they're at."

You made the big time, Hughes.


- That's great.
- What?

No awkward but endearing
displays of affection?

I'm just trying to get
some work done right now.

I see.

And that is my cue.


What gives?

You are supposed to tell me everything.

My whole life is predicated
upon judging people unfairly

on your behalf.

And now she doesn't
even laugh at my jokes.

- What am I supposed to do?
- I don't know, Travis.

What are you supposed to do?
You could try putting out a fire.

Ooh. Trying to be the
bigger person. I like it.

I don't accept it, but I do like it.

Seriously though, Kate.

How? When? Where? How? Why?

I'm fine though.
Thank you for asking.

- Okay, you're not fine.
- [SIGHS] I'm fine.

Vic, you're not fine.


- [CARINA] Maya, where are the diapers?


- Maya!

Liam's diaper drawer is empty.

- What's on your shirt?
- It's pee. Could you...

Oh, I ordered those
bamboo diapers on Prime.

The box is here somewhere.

- Can you...

Maya? Maya?


[SIGHS] You do realize that he
won't be mobile for months.

So, what I need right now,
what he needs right now,

is for you to give me a diaper, please.

Okay. I'm sorry. I
just... I know too much.

Everywhere I look there's
a million little hazards.

There was this one call wh...

Maya, please, before he pees
again. Just give me a diaper.

- [CARINA] I know.

I know.

I know. It sucks. I know.

- [ROBERT] Hey.
- Hi.

Please don't propose.

It's not like I'm gonna
do it every time I see you.

- I'm gonna hold you to that.
- Yep.

Flooded with so many calls,

I can't even get back to my office.

- Mmm. Yep. That's...
- So, I am setting up command here.

- Chief, you wanted to see me?
- Oh. Hey.

Yeah, Herrera. Please.

Okay. Here we go.


See you.

- I'm watching you.
- Yep.

- All right, I'm watching you.

Thank you so much.

Are those all calls?

[NATASHA] I am afraid so.

The entire department is
stretched thin, so be smart,

conserve your resources,
don't expect too much backup.

Copy that. We'll be ready.

Good, good.

So, Herrera, as captain,
you do realize that you

- represent all of SFD, right?
- Of course.

Then why is there a video of
you circulating on social media

antagonizing the protesters
at the Pride March?

Uh, with all due respect, those
people came to cause trouble.

And you took the bait.

You gave them the reaction
that they're looking for,

and you got them tens
of thousands of views.

All while in uniform, I might add.

I'm always gonna stand up for
my friends and their families.

Yeah, I hear you.

But you got one foot in the locker room

and one foot in the captain's office.

The sooner you make that transition,

the better off everyone is gonna be.

And one more thing,

emergency budget cuts
are coming down the pike.

So layoffs are imminent.

Layoffs? I thought...

You're gonna need to
find a way to slash 10%

from 19's annual budget.



Uh... [SIGHS]

Look, after losing Gibson,

I'm not willing to lose
another member of our team.

These cuts are serious and
they're happening fast.

So, if you want to try to pull
a rabbit out of your helmet,

I suggest you get to it.

That'll be all, Herrera. Thank you.

Ladder 19, Engine 19, Aid Car 19,

requested to the Seattle
sewage treatment plant

at 1701 Holdsworth Boulevard.



[VICTORIA] Never going to get the
smell of that place out of my hair.

[SEAN] Just hope we never
get called there again.

Whoo! Somebody
please hose that man down.


[LAUGHS] Tell me we have footage of him

trying to get out of that sewage pipe.

Very funny, y'all.
Keep the jokes coming.

Yeah. Come on, guys.

- Cut Ruiz some slack.
- No. Don't. Don't even.

We all can't keep dumping on him.

All right, everyone. I need a lineup.


- No. No. [HUFFS]
- Yeah.

- [THEO] All right. All right.
- I know today has already been a lot.

But in the next hour, I'll be giving

each of you full audit assignments.

I'll need every piece of
inventory counted, documented

- and on my desk by the end of shift.

- A full audit today?
- By morning.

- Dismissed.

- Wow.


The vibes are never usually
this off after a line up, right?

It just feels like something's missing.

Well, that's probably
because we don't have Herrera

to rally us after.

Please stay away from me. You reek. Oof.




[SEAN] I mean, right? Right?
That's not even the worst of it.

This one Christmas we went on 36 calls.

[BEN] Thirty-six?

[SEAN] Yeah. It was like every
schmo with an extension cord

and a string of lights managed
to set his house on fire.


[DISPATCH] Engine 19
requested at 441 Dobbs Road.

[BEN] This day is no joke.

The ER is always nuts on a full moon.

You know, once I had a guy
in a literal werewolf costume

- try to eat somebody.

There's no scientific proof
that the moon affects behavior...


but every doctor I know knows better.

Hey, Hughes, what was
your weirdest day on shift?

It's all a blur.

I must admit, I'm not
bouncing back like I used to.

- I'm pretty rusty.
- Who you telling?

The Tin Man ain't got nothing on me.

But, hey, we're still
here, right? [GRUNTS]

Wisdom's gotta count for
something. Right, Hughes?


- Hey, you got a minute?
- Yeah.

I... I don't wanna be
messy, as the kids say,

but Warren's been struggling
to keep up the last few calls.

I don't know if it's his back or...

Yeah, I appreciate the heads-up,
but he's been cleared for duty.

So, how about you focus on those
audits, and I'll keep an eye on him.

- My concern tho...
- I heard you, Montgomery.

Okay. Copy, Captain.

Hey. Can I ask you a question?

Make it quick. Lot on
my plate at the moment.

Okay. Are we auditing for budget issues?

I'm wondering if you've heard anything

about the naloxone initiative
getting off the ground.

Because SFD responded to
over 4,000 overdose cases...

It's frustrating, but we're
dealing with a lot of red tape.

Is there a way around the red tape...

Hughes, I've got log books,
audits, never-ending calls.

Just do your part and finish
your inventory, please.

[DISPATCH] Crisis One
requested at Omak Bridge.

Hey, Wiggins, you're with me.
Bring a harness. It might be a jumper.

[THEO] Hey, um...

- Beckett.
- Yeah?

this belongs to you.

- Oh, man.
- _

[SIGHS] No. No, I... I gave that to you.

[CLICKS TONGUE] I was just
holding on to it for you.

- Welcome back.


Well, if you need anything,

I hope you feel like you
can come and talk to me.

Likewise, Ruiz.

Thank you.

[KATE] Well, look who cleans up nice.

- What's up, Powell?
- Just hiding from Herrera.

- Well, don't let me stop you.
- Actually,

you can hop in, and we
can see how far we get

before another call drops.


[SIGHS] This is just a job.

What happened to fun Theo?

- You take this stuff so seriously.
- So what? I should be like you?

Yeah. Uh, I like my life.

I'm a floating sub. No attachments.

Plus, I work less hours so it
gives me more time to moonlight.


- You went private?
- Mmm.

Like with one of those
companies that hires

all the academy flame-outs?

No, this is a new one.

They're offering an arm and a leg

to poach experienced
firefighters and EMTs.

The pay is insane.

You should check it out.

Yeah. That's cool and all, but
I think I like where I am now.

- I belong with 19.

we're calling her now?

Okay. Well, good luck.

Boy Scout.

[ROBERT] I'm sure
Herrera has her reasons,

but these audits couldn't
have come on a worse day.

There's gotta be
something else going on.

Something about that captain's
chair that turns everyone into a jerk.

I mean, you guys were
probably both jerks

- way before you became captain...
- I'd like to see you try.

Yeah, it's like trying to walk
a bunch of feral cats on a leash.

I for one am glad not
to be in the chair.

And no matter how
prepared you think you are,

that pressure's gonna get to you.

- I'm told I was a little uptight.
- Hmm.

It's strange. I was told
I was a class-A jackass.

- What?
- [ROBERT] No way.

- No.
- [ROBERT] Really?

Well, I'm glad
someone has time to eat.

- I'm doing the work.
- Audit now.

- [ROBERT] Yep.
- [SEAN] On it.

[DISPATCH] Ladder 19, Engine

requested at 1322 Stangland Avenue.

Let me just get one for the road.

I don't... I don't need
it. I don't need it.

[SIGHS] I can't believe
he went down so easy.

- I know...

[GROANS] Jinxed it.

But give him a minute.

- But he's crying.
- I know,

but he will never
learn how to self-soothe

if you don't give him space.

But he's a baby. He doesn't
need space. He needs to feel safe.

Right, but letting him cry for
a few minutes in a safe space

- will give him agency.

I was reading about this
thing called the primal wound,

where being separated from
the bio-mom can... affect adoptees

for life.

Babies know. And if we
don't try to understand it,

it can cause all kinds of issues.

I really think that we should
consider attachment parenting.

Okay, my love.

Um, I understand that
you're trying to get ahead of

all the things that could hurt Liam,

but... you cannot co-sleep
away his heartbreak.

I've been so worried
about smothering him

when you bring him to bed
that I've barely slept.

Please, mammina. We
need to get some sleep.



Get back to me as soon
as you hear, all right?

- Chief Ross.

I already sent additional
units to the structure fire.

All Fremont units are currently active.

Yes, I know.

Yeah... We're all
doing our best. Thank you.

Captain Herrera requesting

two additional aid cars

to a derailed streetcar at my location.

We have a priority one
for two crushed vehicles

and a motorcyclist being...

being pried from under the streetcar.

There's just so...

There's a massive loss of blood.

Ross to Herrera.

Aid car resources are
still limited. If...

If you can confirm survivors,
I will request additional aid.

[ROBERT] Captain, I am at
one of the other vehicles,

and we are recovering
what we can of the driver.

We suspect there may
have been passengers,

but haven't found them.

[TRAVIS] This is Montgomery.

I, uh... I found one of the passengers.

They're 120 feet down
the road. Follow the trail.

[SEAN] Got bodies over
here as well, Captain.

Two kids with severe crush injuries.


They're gone, Captain.

Requesting time stamps
for times of death.

[PASSENGER 1] No. No, not my babies!

Where's my husband?

[TRAVIS] Mother is severely injured.

- I need medical assist right now.

[TRAVIS] Ma'am,
please, you gotta calm down

so I can treat you.

Okay? Please... Please stay still.

I need help over here! Now!


Come on. Stay with me. Stay with me now.

[SEAN] Requesting sheets to cover the...

children's bodies.

[ANDY] Herrera to Ross,
cancel aid request.

Aid 19 will handle the one survivor.

Notify PD and the coroner.

We have multiple deceased victims.

[SIGHS] I've seen
gruesome before, but...


[ROBERT] Do you want
the team to do a debrief?

Uh, no.

No, give them a minute.

I'll, um...

I'll arrange for
counseling after tonight.


Hey. You doing all right?

Word. Good talk.





Hell of a first day
back in the field, huh?

My entire career, I've never had

a day on the job that's
this kind of sober.


coping mechanism.

Just... out in the wind.


I feel like I have no skin.

Like I just...

feel everything.


I'm just not seeing a day two.

You know, when I first
got back from deployment,

I... immediately felt out of place.

Like I lost a sense
of stability and order.

Because for years, I was...

I thought I was coping by joining FD.

But what I was doing was escaping.

How did you get through it? [SNIFFS]

This place. Everyone's
trying their best.

Their compassion. Their faith in people.

Their stupid little arguments.

Come on. Be honest.

You couldn't stop thinking about
it while you were gone, could you?

- No.
- Me either.

- Oh.
- I didn't know it then,

but it was because I needed to be here.

[SNIFFS] I was hoping
you wouldn't say that.

[DISPATCH] Requesting Aid
Car 19 to 631 Tremaine Avenue.

- Stand down, all right?

- I'll talk to Herrera.
- We can't afford to lose anyone.

Not tonight.


had no idea how much time

parents spend doing laundry.

It's like it reproduces
in the washing machine.

[MAYA] You sure do poop
a lot, don't you?

[CARINA CHUCKLES] Yes, he does.

Hey, can I ask you something?


Do you think the attachment
parenting has anything to do

with seeing your brother?

Wow, that's quite a stretch.

Uh, maybe if your dad had
been a little bit more...

[SIGHS] I already had
therapy this week. Thank you.

Okay, I'm just trying to understand.

I'm not in the mood for this.

You want me to talk about your father?

Why are you being so defensive?

I'm just saying
we're not our parents,

and I refuse to live in the
shadow of their mistakes.

I... I feel like you're
so worried about Liam drowning

or falling or choking

that you're actually
gonna suffocate him

by shoving your
insecurities down his throat.

I need to be alone right now.

Maya, where are you going?


You're 18 calls in

and still have the energy
to go in on a punching bag?

- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
- I need to start drinking smoothies.

Hey, wait. When, uh, Station 23 closed,

did you all go through
the audit process?

- 23 went down too fast for that.
- Yeah.

- Thinking it's budget cuts too, right?
- Mm-hmm.

Let me ask you. When
you were battalion chief,

how'd you pick who
you were going to let go?

Well, some of them transferred
out and others aged out.

We were looking for excess in...

Like a station with too
many lieutenants? Yeah.

Well, Bishop and Herrera go
all the way back to the academy.

Yeah, and, you know, you'll be fine.

[SCOFFS] What do you mean by that?


I'm not lucky enough to
have a chief in my corner

is all I'm saying. [CHUCKLES]


[ROBERT] Captain.

Oh, sorry, I'll get
right back to the audits...

No, no, no. It's okay.
[STAMMERS] Take a minute.

What's up?

Between you and me,

something changed with
Ross and Osman, right?

Look... I-I know we haven't
always shared everything...

Andy, I don't know
anything this time.

I promise.

Copy that.


Hey, how are you holding up?

[SCOFFS] You don't
have to do that, man.

I know I lost you in the divorce.

Look, obvious...

Herrera's on a tear, so
you're gonna wanna look busy,

just in case she walks in.

I, uh... I...

Obviously, I don't
like what you did to Vic,

but... I'm not in a place
to judge your relationship.

All this coming from the most
judgmental person in the house.

Well, it's complicated. I...

You may or may not be the only one.

What does that mean?

It means I... might have

definitely cheated on Eli

- in the not-so-distant past. What?
- Oh, damn.

You know, Vic and I
were at least broken up.

- Were you though?
- Oh, yeah.

- Were you?
- No, we were broken up five minutes.

- Five minutes? Wow.
- I'll take it.

Well, five minutes is pretty cheeky.

You might wanna keep it
outside the firehouse next time.

- Cheeky? Cheeky.
- Cheeky.

Did you learn that from
your British boyfriend?

I did.

Oh, no. Wait. That's
your ex now, right?

- Yeah. That's...
- That's too soon. That's...

We gotta do better though, right?

I'm trying, man. But
y'all don't make it easy.

- I'm just grabbing a snack.
- No, yeah. I'll get out of your hair.


- Yep.
- Chief,

I've assigned Sullivan as
incident command for Ladder 19.

So, if we need to be divided
for any separate calls,

- we'll be ready.
- That's great. Thank you.

- Uh. Uh, Chief.
- Mm-hmm.

What happened to the
deal with the mayor?

You know, sometimes you find yourself

having to ride the horse in the
direction it's already going.

Respectfully, I was there
when the deal was made.


He promised Montgomery
he'd increase the budget.

I saw Osman even shake your hand.

Do you think Osman's the
only politician to go back

on his campaign promises?

Neither of us can afford
to be that naive, Herrera.

Chief, we made sacrifices.
We did everything right.

And now you can't even tell me

why this entire department is drowning,

and my team is out there
fighting for their lives?

I'm not the one trying
to draw blood from a stone

and shoving an audit down
their throats today, Herrera.

You are smart.

You know the numbers. You know
how many lieutenants you have.

You know what is eating your budget.

You are afraid to make a hard call.

Well, at least I'm not
willing to sacrifice others

for my own gain.

I know you are tired and you're
pushed to the limit today.

So, I'm gonna let this moment pass.

One time.

But whether or not you
get me those reports

by the end of shift,

you need to learn how to set
a boundary with your team,

and fast.

And, Herrera...

you will never speak to
your chief like that again.

- Dismissed.
- [ANDY SOFTLY] Copy that.



Warren. Enough is enough.

You need to admit that
you're injured and stand down.

For the last time, get off my back.

Your back's half the reason
you're a danger to all of us.

- Say it again. Say it again! Come on!
- Hey. Hey! Enough!

- Your back is half the...
- Enough!

Montgomery, walk away.

Warren, with me.

Thank God. I thought she
was gonna give a speech.

Okay, listen. I need
you to be real with me.

- What is going on with you?
- I am fine.

Well, I don't have
anyone here to cover for you.

And you won't need anyone.

Finish your audits.

Yes, Captain.




- Crazy day, huh?
- Yeah.

We're good, yeah?

No harm, no foul?

[SCOFFS] Yeah, whatever
helps you sleep at night,

'cause I'm done caring.

Well, at least you put
him out of his misery.

You know, when we first met,

everything about you
rubbed me the wrong way.

I thought you were crass,

and you were shallow and
desperate for attention.

Thank you?

But now I think maybe
you're onto something.

It must be such a relief not
to care about anyone or anything

outside of yourself.

- It's kinda like you're dead inside.
- Ouch.

- Thanks.
- [KATE] Mmm.

[BOTH] God, grant me
the serenity to accept...

Hey, Beckett, I didn't see you...

Do you mind?

Yeah, no problem. You guys are...

[SEAN, ROBERT] God, grant me the
serenity to accept the things...


Where have you been? I
called you a million times.

I went on a walk to clear my head.

I had my phone, but you didn't...

It's dead. [SIGHS]

How convenient.

Maya, you don't get to shut
down when things get tough.

Believe me, it was better
than the alternative.

I've been questioning every
decision I've ever made.

Are you gonna help me raise this child,

or are you planning on
being a part-time parent?

Carina, lower your voice.
The neighbors can hear you.

I don't care!


I don't care. I wanna fight.

- I wanna fight. I... I...


- It's locked.
- No, it isn't.

- Yes, it is.
- I didn't...

I didn't lock it.

- You don't have the keys?
- No, they're inside.



No. No, no, no, no.

- What's up?
- Are you kidding me?

I think we're missing
the hydraulic spreaders.

Didn't someone do a
check after the last call?

Maybe, but we were surrounded
by evacuated people and...

Someone must've stolen
our only set of jaws.

- Full moon.
- What's going on?

We are missing the jaws of life.

We're supposed to be checking
the equipment after every scene.

- Isn't that you, Ruiz?
- Thanks, buddy.

But no, I was actually
helping Warren with medical.

Sounds like you were the
one slacking, Montgomery.

Uh, no. Sorry, Lieutenant. I
was busy actually fighting fires

and picking up the slack for...

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.

Don't walk it back, like
your entire mayoral candidacy.

- Let's take a beat.
- No. You know what, Ben?

I don't wanna argue.
You're a problem.

[SEAN] Montgomery, if you just
worried about doing your job,

instead of complaining about Warren...

Then I would notice maybe
you're the one that forgot

to lock the gate when you
returned the spreaders?

- Let's just calm down...
- No. Stop. Ruiz, stop.

Stop trying to mediate us, okay?
You're not our babysitter.

- You're not the captain.
- Hey, enough!

- I don't know who stole the spreaders...
- Who stole what?

[BEN] Cap... Look, we, um...

We believe that someone may have stolen

the hydraulic spreaders, Captain.

- It's...
- You're kidding.

I am out here

stretching every nickel we have

to find a miracle just
to keep us together.

And you lose one of our
most expensive tools?

I'm trying to save your jobs!

Sullivan, call the other stations.

See if they can lend us their spreaders,

because if we get a
call without having...

[DISPATCH] Requesting full
company 19 to a diner fire

at 1622 Willitston.

- Wait. Where's Hughes?
- Ruiz, move!


He stopped crying. I guess
he learned how to self-soothe.

Or he thinks we've
abandoned him and he gave up.

Come on.

Oh. The go bag has a crowbar.
Uh, my car's locked. Oh.

But is your car locked?

Yeah, for sure. I'm
married to Maya Bishop.

My car is for sure locked.

[MAYA] Hmm?


Not one word.

Dad! Dad! Dad!

Wait. Hang on, Dad.

Please, please. My
dad is still in there.

Anyone else? Customers? Employees?

No, no. It's just
us. I was in the office,

and my... and my dad was in the kitchen,

and... I don't know where
the expl*si*n came from.

But I just yelled for my
dad and couldn't hear him.

All right. Hang on tight. All right, 19.

I need Beckett and Sullivan on attack.

Find the source of the fire.
Ruiz, Montgomery. On rescue.

Powell, find and shut
off the exterior gas line.

Wiggins. You're on medic...

Wiggins and Powell,
you're with Green.

Go. You all have your orders.

Copy, Captain. Let's move.

Stand up straight right now.

You lied to me, Warren.
Just stand by the rigs

and prepare to perform
any medical as needed.

Starting with checking on that patient.

- Captain, I...
- Just do it.

Sir, I can help you out over here.

Over there. That gas
main is cracked wide open.

Copy that. Captain, we found the source.

[THEO] A broken gas
line is spreading fire

across the kitchen.

Copy. Powell, have you shut off the gas?

[KATE] Negative. We're trying,
but the valve won't budge.

Can we seal the pipe closed?

[ROBERT] We need the hydraulic
spreaders to clamp the pipe closed.

I got banging from the freezer door.

I think we found our owner.

- [OWNER] Hey. Help.
- Captain. I have a plan.

If attack team can put out the fire,

I'll seal the gas
pipe with a wooden plug,

and we can use saws on the door
hinges without sparks igniting.

Copy, Lieutenant. Proceed with the plan.

- [OWNER] Is anybody there?
- Flood it, Beckett. Let's go.

[OWNER] Where's my son? Is he okay?

Sir, your son's okay!

We're almost ready
to get you out of here.

[OWNER] Thank you. I can't breathe.

And the door, it won't open.

[SEAN] Ruiz, you're up.


[ROBERT] Captain, the fire source is...

- [THEO] Everyone, get down!

- Get back!
- Sullivan, what was that?



[ANDY] Ruiz? Montgomery? Do you copy?

Dad! I need to get in there.

[ROBERT] Everyone's okay, Captain.

But the fire has spread, and we
have no way to close the pipe.

[TRAVIS] We found the
owner in the freezer.

But the door is jammed.
There's only so much oxygen.

[NATASHA] Herrera, do you have
a hold on the situation down there?

- [ANDY] One moment, Chief.
- Help him, please!

- Warren, get him out of here.
- [THEO] The plug broke in the pipe.

But give me one chance
to use a bigger one.

[ROBERT] We need to stick
to protocol and suppress

until help arrives at our location.

[SEAN] Captain, do we have
an ETA on backup arriving

- with the jaws of life?
- [TRAVIS] This man can't have

more than five minutes of oxygen left.

Captain, what do we do?

[SON] Help him, please!

Is my dad alive?

[NATASHA] Herrera, why isn't
that fire contained yet?

Chief, we have a gas
fire that's expanded.

It's a small place, and
we're all over each other.

The valve is broken, and without
the spreaders to close the pipe,

we can't shut it down.

[NATASHA] Unit 15 is now available
and headed to your location

with an ETA of two minutes.

When they arrive,

pull your team out to
give them space to work.

Sullivan and Beckett,
provide suppression.

Powell, keep working the gas valve.

Wiggins and Green, I need you
to assist Ruiz and Montgomery

with prying off the
hinges from the freezer.

[ROBERT] Copy that, Captain.

Sir, can you still hear me?

[FIREFIGHTER] All right.
Pull 'em out there.

[TRAVIS] Captain, patient
is now unresponsive.

- Copy that.
- Give me everything you've got, Ruiz.

[ANDY] Engine 15 has arrived
with the jaws of life.

Be prepared to pull out in one minute.

- [TRAVIS] Come on.
- [ROBERT] Come on, Beckett.

It's you and me.
We can do this, right?

[FIREFIGHTER] All right. Moving in, 15!

Backup has arrived.

I need the rescue team to evacuate now.

We're done, Ruiz.

No! We're so close!

We're done, man! We're done!


Ruiz, come on, man.

I almost k*lled you all.

♪ All I know ♪

♪ Go up in ♪

♪ A glow ♪

♪ Fading ♪

♪ Memories of sunlight ♪



♪ And snow ♪

♪ I lost my home ♪


I know I've been over the
top since we brought Liam home.

But the truth is... is...

- I'm just kind of freaking out.
- I know. Me too.

- Let's play a game.
- Okay.

Truth or scare.

We each have to say
something that scares us,

and it has to be the truth.

The whole truth.

Okay, um...

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm scared that

I'll be heartbroken if
they don't let us adopt him.

I can barely say that out loud.

I know.

I'm scared that Liam is gonna grow up

in a world where people
are filled with hate.

Scared that even if
I do everything right,

I'm still gonna mess things up.

I'm scared that I'm
going to die on the job.

And leave you to raise Liam alone.

I'm scared that, um...

after days like this, you
won't wanna have another baby.

- You don't have to worry about that.
- Are you sure?

Because I would still
like to do IVF I think.

- Okay.
- Yeah?

- Yes. Yes.
- Mmm.


- I'm s... I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

- Should we?
- Mmm, I would love to.

Come here.

Mmm. Buonanotte.

- Okay.
- Mmm.




No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

[PANTING] No. Oh, God.

[SOFTLY] Oh, God.

- Don't let it happen again.
- I'm sorry, Captain.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Looks like we made it
to the other side, huh?

Listen, Tash, um.

With everything that's happened
to SFD, is that because of us?

One minute I watch you
have a meeting with Osman.

Then you still have your
job, and we can go public.

And then I watch the entire
department get ripped apart around me.

Is this all on us?

No, Sully, not everything
is about you and me.

- No...
- I made the moves to save SFD

from someone who could be in
this chair and be far worse.

Someone who wouldn't care
about the bigger picture.

So, yeah, I'm gonna continue
to do what needs to be done.

Yes, Chief.


♪ And now I've washed
up In some foreign place ♪


♪ I build a hut Upon the shore ♪

Captain. Captain.

You got a second?



So, I know days like
this can be a gauntlet,

but, you know, the
great thing about that is

everyone can find out what they need,

and what... what they don't need,

or what works when the chips are down.

What are you trying to say?

I think I can help
with your budget issue.

I'd like to put in my resignation.

Ruiz, that expl*si*n
wasn't your fault, okay?

And... and... and the budget
can still be adjusted if we...


I'll have my paperwork on
your desk by the end of shift.