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02x26 - Rollin Rhino/The Octopus and the Kitty Cat

Posted: 04/05/24 21:30
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Rhino] "Rolling Rhino."

[racer 1] Whoo-hoo!

Welcome one and all
to the annual Roller Race.

What a group of amazing skaters
we have here today.

All competing for the grand prize:
a free pizza party!


It is skating time!

-Yeah! Go, Aunt May!
-What a move!

That pizza party will be yours for sure!

[chuckles] Aw, you kids are sweet.

I'll be happy
if I just skate my best today.

But you practiced so much.

I know,
but that's just because I love to skate.

I'm just doing this for fun.

And if I do well, great.

That's some really good sportsmanship.

Calling all racers.
The race is about to begin.

Please move to the starting line.

Don't start without me.

Whoa. Whoa-- Whoa!

Oopsie-daisy! There you go.

Thanks. You saved me from a wipeout.

[laughs] I'll say.
Most stupendous skating.

You too.

[announcer] The skaters are all lined up
at the starting line, and--

Wait! What's this?

Out of my way, everyone! It's Rhino time!

Rhino is entering the race? It can't be.

Oh, yes, it can.

And I'm gonna win… [grunts]
the pizza prize with my brand-new skates.

No way.

He's definitely here to cause trouble.

Time to suit up.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

[Rhino] Out of my way!

Make room for the guy-- Whoo--
who's gonna… [groans] beat you all.

And that guy is me. Rhino. [laughs]

[Ghost-Spider] Not gonna happen, Rhino.

-Team Spidey.
-Oh, thank goodness.

Don't worry, everyone. There's no way
we're letting Rhino spoil this race.

What are you talking about?

I'm not spoiling nothing.

According to the rules,
I can race just like everyone else.

I can't believe it, but he's right.

"Anyone is allowed to participate
provided they race fairly."

There's no rule against villains.

Ha! Told you.

Well, if those are the rules,
then all right.

But we'll be keeping an eye on you.

Good luck trying.
I'll be going speedy quick. [grunts]

Racers, line up.

On your mark,

get set,

-[horn honks]

And they're off!

Racers are skating around
their first turn.

May Parker and Fitzhue Von Carnegie
are in the lead.

[grunts] Those are some smooth moves.

Fabulous footwork yourself. [chuckles]

-[crowd] Go, go, go!
-Rhino charging through.

I'm a zillion times faster than all of ya.
[laughs] Whoa! Whoa!

But how do you steer these things?

[grunts] Dude, not cool.

Well, don't be in my way
and I won't crash into you. Hello.

-Rhino. Watch where you're going.

I didn't do it on purpose.

-Are you okay?

For sure. Thanks, Team Spidey.

Don't worry about me, spiders.

I promise, from now on,
I'll be extra careful.

Watch out, everyone. Here I come!

[Ghost-Spider] Well, if he's cheating,
then he's doing a pretty bad job of it.

[Spidey] Still, we better watch him.

[sighs] Isn't this fun?

I'm gonna go a little faster.

What skill. I must catch up with you.

May Parker has pulled into the lead
with Fitzhue Von Carnegie a close second.

And all the way in last place is Rhino.

Oh, I might be last place for now,
but I won't be for long.

[Gobby laughing]

Having fun, racers?

Get ready to boo-hoo-hoo while I goo-hoo
you all with my pumpkin pranks.

-[Ghost-Spider] First Rhino, now Gobby?
-[Gobby laughs]

[Spidey] Go, webs, go!

[laughing] You get a prank.
And you get a prank.

Oh, I'm stuck.

Hmm, me too.

I've got you. [grunts]

Great. While you help them,
I'll goo up everyone else. [laughing]

[Spidey] Not a chance, Gobby!

[both grunt]

Look at me. I'm passing people.

Oh, racer number one and racer number two!

How about I give you some icky,
sticky goo?

Oh, dear.

-[Gobby laughs]
-Oh, my!

[gasps] Fitzhue!

You're stuck.

I'll pull you free,
Mr. Von Carnegie. [grunts]

Perfect. Now, where's Rhino?

Here I come skating super fast!

[grunts] Yeah! I'm in the lead!
I'm in the lead!

I'm gonna win! [laughs]


[dumpsters thud]

Ugh, do I have to do everything myself?

This will keep those spiders busy.

Whoo-hoo. We're back in the race!

Oh, again?

I've got ya.

We've got to web up Gobby before
he completely ruins this race. [grunts]

Thank you!

And did you notice the only skater
he hasn't tried to goo up is Rhino?

-[Ghost-Spider grunts]
-Thanks, Team Spidey.

They must be working together.

[Ghost-Spider] Where did they go anyway?

Rhino? Rhino, where are you?

[Rhino] In here.

I sorta kinda crashed. [chuckles]

Get that can off your horn
and get out of that dumpster!

You're supposed to be winning the race!

I told you to practice.

Pfft. I don't need practice.

You're cheating to make sure I win.

And then I get half
of the pizza party, remember?

I don't care about pizza.
I'm here to ruin the race.

Imagine how upset everyone will be
when a villain wins first place.

Oh. So, what you're saying is
I get all the pizza?

[sighs] Will you stop talking
about pizza already?

-Move it!
-I'm going. I'm going. Sheesh.

[mumbling, laughing]

-Out of my way!

Rolling Rhino coming through! [laughs]

[announcer] Rhino has reentered the race.

But will he catch up to May Parker
who is in the lead?

That lady's a pretty good skater.

If Rhino's gonna win,
I should get her out of the way.

That should do it.
Now she'll skate in the wrong direction.

Ooh, another arrow. Better turn this way.

Whoo, I'm Gobble-dee good.

[sighs] Hi, Gobby.

[gasps] Skate that way, Rhino.

I changed the arrow.

Oh, boy! Pizza party, here I come!

[laughs] He's in the lead now.
No one can catch him. [laughs]

Look! Over there!

[Ghost-Spider] There goes Gobby. Come on.

Wait a minute.
This arrow is pointing the wrong way.

Doesn't this lead to a construction zone?

[Spidey] I've got to help Aunt May.

I'll make sure the other skaters
head the right way.

[vehicle beeping]

Whoa! [grunts]

Whoa! This doesn't seem
like a race course.

Uh-oh. Look out.

I got it.



Whoa-oh! Way to go.

[sighs] Thanks, Spidey.
How did I end up here?

The arrow was pointed the wrong way.

I bet Green Goblin
had something to do with it.

Oh, that Green Goblin.

Well, follow me.
I'll take you back to the course.

Thanks, Spidey.

-[Ghost Spider] Hey, everybody.
-Thank you, Ghost-Spider. You're so cool!

-You're doing great. Whoo-hoo.
-Thanks, Ghost-Spider.

[announcer] Folks, the racers
are coming around the bend,

and Rhino has a big, big lead.

Actually, where is Rhino?

Rhino, what are you doing with that cake?

I needed dessert to go with my pizza.

Again with the pizza.

You're not gonna get pizza
if you don't win the race!

Now, go.

[groans] My feet hurt.
I'm not used to wearing these skates.

That's because you didn't practice.

[announcer] And here come
the other racers.

What? How did they get here?

Yeah. I thought you changed the arrow.

[sighs] Those do-gooder spiders
must have fixed it.

Keep racing.

This time, I'll make sure
no one catches up with you.

[announce] I can't believe it.
Rhino has pulled into the lead.

[horn honks] Special delivery.

Gobby's got Rhino's Slime Truck.


I'm gonna win!

You sure will. Thanks to me.

[announcer] May Parker
is gaining on Rhino.

She won't gain on anyone.
Not on a race course covered in slime.

-[Spidey] Got you this time, Gobby!

[Ghost-Spider] It's over.

[groans, grunts]

[groans] So much slime. I am defeated.

[laughs] Rhino is gonna win.
No one's getting past all that slime.


Aha! I got this.

I am not gonna let you
ruin this race. [groans]

Go, brave skater!

-Win it for all of us.
-[Aunt May groans]


[groans, grunts]


[announcer] An unbelievable move
by May Parker.

Folks, in the history of the Roller Race,
I've never seen anything like this.

Hey, how did you get ahead of me?
I'll get you yet!


[chomps, swallows]

She can win. That's okay.
I got my dessert. Mmm.

[announcer] And May Parker wins the race!

[Spidey, Ghost-Spider] Whoo-hoo!

-You did it, Aunt May!
-Way to go.

[sighs] Thanks, kids.

That race sure had a lot of surprises.

But, uh, I guess all my practicing
really paid off.

Don't forget you won a whole pizza party.
What do you say about that?

I say, with all of Gobby's dirty tricks,
this race wasn't fair.

So, this party belongs to all of us.

What do you say? Pizza party for everyone?

-[racer 2] Hooray!
-[Aunt May] Pizza for everyone!

[racer 3] Thank you!

Now, that's what I call
good sportsmanship.

[Black Cat]
"The Octopus and the Kitty Cat."

[arcade machine] Nice dancing!
Cool moves! Wow!

-[Miles grunts]
-[Gwen] Yeah!

-[arcade machine] Keep it up!
-We got this! Yeah!

-Almost there!
-[arcade machine] High score! High score!

We are good!

-Wanna go again?
-Let's do it!

[CAL trills]

[grunts] Didn't I just explain this?

My brilliant invention, the Octo-Portal,

allows us to go wherever we want,
whenever we want.

With the click of a button,
we'll step through the portal

and be back in my lair.

[CAL trills]

Now, let's get back to the mall
for my ingenious plan.

-All right. Look, CAL.
-[CAL trills]

See the jeweled octopus
in the window of that store?

-You're going to steal it.
-[CAL trills]

Yes, you!

And I'll zap us back to my lair
before anyone catches us.

Just remember, to grab that octopus
you'll need to be very sneaky.


[CAL trills]

Well, come on in. We have diamonds.
We have emeralds. We have rubies.

-…beautiful sapphire here.
-[CAL trills]

You're just gonna love it. Uh-huh.

I would get it myself.

[CAL trilling]

Huh? Hey, it's Doc Ock's little robot!

Stop! Thief!

Hey! Get out of here! Give me that!

You call that sneaky?

That wasn't sneaky at all!

-Whoa! You hear that?
-Sounds like trouble.

We better suit up!

It's Spidey time!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

Stop! Thief!

-You're not going anywhere, CAL!
-[CAL trills]

Oh, spiders!

[sighs] Thank you, Team Spidey.

I caught him sneaking
into my jewelry store.

Okay, CAL. What did you steal?

[CAL trills]

Looks like Team Spidey's busy.

Now's my big chance
to grab something pretty.

[gasps] Black Cat?

Oh, what is she doing here?

Meow! That octopus is so sparkly!

I want it!

Okay, CAL.

Well, if you didn't
actually take anything,

what were you going to take?

[CAL trills]

[gasps] The jeweled octopus! It's gone!

No way.

-[Black Cat chuckles]
-[Ghost-Spider] Um…

-Black Cat!
-Let's go, webs, go!

The nerve of her!

She swiped my precious octopus!

You know, if you were more like Black Cat,

they never would've caught you
in the first place.

[CAL trills]

Yes, I know, Black Cat is super sneaky.

I'm just saying, if I had a helper
as sneaky as she is, then… [gasps]

Wait a minute. That's it! [laughs]

Come on, CAL.
We've got a kitty cat to catch.

Whoo! You are so pretty and sparkly!

And now you're all mine!

[Ghost-Spider] No, it's not, Black Cat!

[Spin] Hand it over!

Team Spidey! I'm meow-ta here!

Got it!

-[sighs] Hey! [gasps]
-She went down there!


-[Spin] Where'd she go?
-[Ghost-Spider] We lost her.

Well, let's bring the octopus
back to the jewelry store

before something else happens to it.

Aw, kittens. I really wanted that octopus.

It was just so sparkly.

So sparkly.

-And you, kitty cat, deserve to have it.

Oh, it's Doc Ock and CAL.

[CAL trills]

I saw how you took that octopus.

It was amazing!

I said to CAL,
"Boy, that Black Cat, she's super sneaky."

[Black Cat] It doesn't matter.
Team Spidey always catches me.

What if I told you I have an invention

that would help you get away
with all the things you want?

Really? And Team Spidey couldn't catch me?

That's right!

And just think, if we work together,
we'll have so many sparkly things.

I love sparkly things!

They're so pretty and fun to play with.

I know, right?

So, what do you say?

Let's do this!

The two of us working together,
we'll be unsto--

-Sparkle buddies!
-[CAL trills]

Yeah, sure, sparkle buddies.

-Follow me.
-Right behind you, sparkle buddy!

Sparkles away!

[both grunt]

Well, that octopus is back safe.

Hopefully there won't be any more trouble.

[passerby] Hey! Those aren't yours!

Sounds like trouble to me.

Come on.

-[groans, laughs]
-Come back here!

Whoo! Sparkly watches!

[Spin] Black Cat, drop those watches!

Not this time, Team Spidey! [laughs]

[Spin grunts]

[laughs] Hurry! Back to my lair!

-[pants] Bye!

-[Spin] Whoa.
-[Ghost-Spider grunts]

Did you see that?

They disappeared
through some kind of portal.

Yeah. Black Cat and Doc Ock.

This is bad.

[comm-link buzzes] Webs up! Spidey Alert!

Black Cat and Doc Ock
have been spotted downtown.

Here we go again!

My bracelet! [pants]
Someone took my bracelet!

[Spin gasps]

[Black Cat, Doc Ock laugh]

[Spin] Oh, no you don't!

Oh, yes we do! [laughs]

[Ghost-Spider] No, no, no!

[both sigh]

[classical piano music plays]

[crowd cheering]

[crowd gasps]

[gasps, laughs]

Hey, that's mine!

And now it's mine!

[Spin] Stop right there, you two!

Not so fast!


[sighs] Unbelievable. They got away again.

Ooh! The museum!

-Yep. And look at that.

So sparkly!

-[Ghost-Spider] Stop!
-[Spin] Got you now!

Hey, spiders! How about a game of catch?

-[Ghost-Spider] Look out!
-[Spin] Oh, no!

[grunts] Gotcha!

Let's bring this back to my lair!

Then, it's off to the pier
for our biggest heist yet!

[sighs] We've got to figure out a way
to beat that portal.

Hmm. Doc Ock said they're stealing
something big from the pier next.

Let's get there first
and find out what they're after!

Look at all our sparkly jewels,
so shiny and pretty.

[chuckles] Wow, looking snazzy, CAL!

Hey, sparkle buddy, don't you want
to play dress-up with CAL and me?

[gasps] I'm a little busy over here.

Busy working on even more plans
for my Octo-Portal, that is.

[chuckles] Evil plans.
Super-duper evil plans!

What do you mean?
I thought you just like sparkly things.

Oh. Yes, sparkly things.

Speaking of which,
we should get to the pier.

First play dress-up with us. Please?

If you want me
to keep being your sparkle buddy.

[sighs] Oh, all right.

[worker] So you say Doc Ock and Black Cat

are gonna steal something
valuable from this pier?

[Ghost-Spider] That's right.

Well, cargo comes in on ships
and gets unloaded right here.

So I'd say the most valuable thing
we have is this.

It's a big shipment of gems.
Feel free to check it out.

Whoa! Look at all these gems!

That's gotta be what Doc Ock
and Black Cat are after.

Well, we can't just leave them here.

No. [gasps]

Excuse me, is there another crate
we can move these to so they'd be safe?

Sure. I've got plenty.


So, what if we take the gems
out of this crate, and we hide inside it?


Then Doc Ock and Black Cat
will zap us back to her lair,

thinking we're the gems.

And then we'll web 'em up!

[both gasp]

But, sparkle buddy,
I wasn't finished playing dress-up.

Uh-oh, it's Black Cat. We better hurry!

[Spin grunts]

Once we steal these gems,
you can play all the dress-up you want.

Ha! Here it is.

This whole box is full of jewels?

-I wanna look inside!
-Not now!

Let's get the crate back to the lair
before those pesky spiders show up.

[Black Cat grunts]

Oh, wow. [chuckles]

This thing is even heavier
than I thought it would be.

[grunts, pants]
Now, let's take a peek, shall we?

[both] Surprise!

[gasps] Hey!

Come on, Doc Ock!
We gotta get out of here!

Oh, no you don't!

[Spin] Not happening!

Think you're so clever? Watch this!

[groans, grunts]

[Spin] Whoa!

-[Spin] What?
-[Ghost-Spider] Hey!

Ha! I trapped you,

and now there's no one to stop us
from taking over the city!

But I don't wanna take over the city.

I just wanna play with my sparkle buddy.

What? Oh, don't be ridiculous.

With these two out of the way,
we can do whatever we want!

Evil things.

Brilliant things.

Brilliantly evil things.

Mmm. Is that really
what you want, Black Cat?

You stay out of this!

First, we'll name me boss of the city.

Then we'll turn everyone into
super obedient little hamster people.

-And then… [gasps] … Hey!
-Got it!

I don't wanna be
your sparkle buddy anymore

'cause you're just a big meanie!

Come on out, Team Spidey!

-[Spin] All right!
-[Ghost-Spider] Yes!


[Spin] Time to web you up!

No, no, no!

Oh, drats!

Thanks for your help, Black Cat.

A real sparkle buddy wouldn't ask me
to do something I don't wanna do.

And I don't wanna do
any of those mean things she wants to do.

Taking things that belong to other people
is pretty mean too.

Oh, I guess you're right.

I really don't wanna be a meanie.

So you'll never steal anything again?

Okay, I won't.


She kind of just stole
that portal thing, didn't she?

Yep. We'll have to get it back
right after we return all of these jewels.