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02x24 - Stolen WEB-Quarters/Spideys in Space!

Posted: 04/05/24 21:28
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Spidey] "Stolen WEB-Quarters."

Whew! That drum solo was a hard one,
but I figured it out.

I'm almost done with this experiment.

I just need to add a few more drops,

put in this cork and…


Look out!


Maybe some right here. Whoa!

[sighs, chuckles]

-Sorry, Miles.

That experiment didn't go quite
how I expected it to.

Oh, no. Your painting got all messed up.

Hey. Is that us in WEB-Quarters?

Wow. It's fantastic, but I ruined it.

That's okay. Don't worry about it.

I'll just paint over it and start over.


Sure. I start paintings over all the time.

And who knows?
Maybe I'll like the new one even more.

Wow. That's a really good attitude.

When I was first learning how to paint,
I made a lot of mistakes.

Starting over is just part of the process.

[WEB-STER] Webs up. Spidey Alert.
There's trouble in Times Square.

Trouble? I wonder who's causing it.

Let's find out.

Go, webs, go!

[Spin, Ghosty grunt]

-[citizens screaming]
-[villain cackling]

People of Times Square,
I have come to take your stuff.

You are powerless to stop me.

Soon all your stuff will be mine.

[gasps] Hey! I just bought that pizza.

And now it is mine.

-My dolly!

[laughs] Now it is my dolly.


Correct, dolly. I am your mama. [cackling]

See how easily I have taken your pizzas
and your dollies.

Soon I will take your entire city!

-[Spidey] Oh, no, you won't.


Here you go.

-[gasps] Dolly.
-Thank you, Spidey.

-I'll take that.


Pizza delivery.

Yes! Thanks, Ghost-Spider.

You're welcome.

Who is this guy, anyway?

I am Zola!

And I am unstoppable.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Who's the boss now, traffic light, huh?

Ha! Now I'll get you.

-[mechanics glitching]

-[Spin] You're not going anywhere, Zola.
-Hey! Hey! [grunting]

[Spidey] And no more stealing either.

Oh! You think you can stop me that easily?

-Think again.
-[device powering up]

I can zap myself
into any electronic device with a screen.

I will rule you all.

We could just turn this screen off.

[Spin] Yeah, Zola. You wouldn't be able
to tell anyone to do anything.

I'll just zap myself into another device
with a screen before you can.

Aha! There's a video advertisement
on the side of that bus.


I am now in control of this bus. Whee!

[cackles] Look at me go! Look at me go!

-Oh, no! I can't control it.
-[controls beeping]

-[Ghosty] Oh, no.
-[Spidey Team grunts]

[music playing through headphones]

-Look out!

-Here you go.
-Thank you, Spidey.

[gasps] Someone needs to stop that bus.

Spinning around! Spinning. Spinning.


-Move, bus. Move.
-[air hisses]

Drat. My bus is broken.

-Are you okay?
-Yes, but whew, what a ride.

Hey. Thanks, Spin.

You're welcome.

The driver's okay.

Luckily, he was the only one on that bus.


Now we've just got to figure out a way
to get Zola off of that bus's billboard.

Those spiders are planning something.

Maybe it's time to move

-to a different screen.
-[Spidey] Yeah, that could work.

Ooh! Yes. That will do nicely.

Let's just pull the billboard off the bus.

[Ghosty] Hey. Where'd he go?

Maybe he zapped himself
into some other device.

I don't see him anywhere.

Let's go back to WEB-Quarters.
We can have WEB-STER search the city.

[Spidey Team grunts]

WEB-Quarters, they say. Ooh! [cackles]

I just can't wait to see it.

can you please search the city for Zola?

-Searching the city.

Searching for me.

Won't they be surprised.


-Search no more, spiders.
-[Ghosty] What?

I'm right here,
and your WEB-Quarters now belongs to me.

How did he get in here?

WEB-STER, are you still there?

Zola has forced me out of WEB-Quarters.

I couldn't stop him from taking over.

[Zola cackling]

-I am in full control.
-[WEB-Quarters powers down]

[Spidey] Oh, no.

[Ghosty] Yikes.

My art supplies!

Wha-- Look out! Whoa!


It's dangerous in here.

We've got to get outside.

-[Spin] Whoa!
-[Ghosty grunts]

He chased us out of our own WEB-Quarters.

We've gotta get it back.

[struggles] The hatch is shut tight.

You will never defeat me, spiders.

I've taken your WEB-Quarters,
and now the entire city will be mine.

-[Spin] Whoa!
-My city awaits me.

[Spidey Team screaming]



[Spin] WEB-Quarters can walk?

[Spidey] I guess it can now.

We've got to stop it.

People-- People on the train,
your city is now mine.

Quick. Let's web it up.

That's right, everyone!

-Zola has arrived.

-[Spidey] Together.
-[Spidey Team straining]

-[Ghosty shrieks]
-[Spidey] Whoa! WEB-Quarters is strong.

It just broke right through our webs.

There's gotta be some way we can stop him.

We'll figure it out. Come on.


People of the park, I am Zola,
and your park is now mine.

Look upon my ginormous feet.

-[gasps, screams]
-See what they can do.

My cart!

I gotcha.

Whoo-hoo! Thanks.

[Spin] I can't believe
Zola is using our WEB-Quarters like this.

It was such a cool and happy place.

Now it's like he ruined it.

He really has.

So, what if we just get rid of it
and start over?

Like I did when my painting got ruined.

Make a whole new WEB-Quarters?

Yeah. Even cooler than the last one.

-We could do that.

If we get rid of WEB-Quarters,

how do we keep Zola from just
zapping himself into something else?

I think I have an idea

of how we can get rid of WEB-Quarters
and Zola at the same time.

[WEB-Quarters stomping]

-Know what that is?
-Watch out!

-Let's go!
-Look out!

People in the streets,
make way for me, Zola.

I'm the boss of the city.

No, you're not, Zola.

Shoo, spiders. Shoo, shoo, shoo.

You are powerless to stop me.

you'll never rule over the whole city.

That's right. The city goes
all the way down to the waterfront.

That's way too much city
for you to take over.

What? Oh, yes, I will. Out of my way.

Okay, we've got this.

We'll stay with him
and keep everyone safe.

Great. I'll see you at the pier.

[crowd screaming]

[citizen] Watch out!

[shrieks] What is that thing?

Run, puny fisherman.
Now this waterfront belongs to me.

Stop right there, Zola.

I am unstoppable.

You will all do everything I tell you to.

[Southern accent] Oh, no, I won't.

-What? Who said that?
-[lighthouse keeper] I did.

You don't tell me what to do.
I'll tell you that, fella.

What? What was that? Who are you?

I'm unstoppable.

Wow, Spin really knows
how to make a good disguise.

We better get ready.

[scoffs] You dare defy me?

Eh, I'm just saying what's fact.

This city doesn't belong
to any one person.

It belongs to all of us.

And by golly, I'm not gonna just stand by
and let you take it all for yourself.

No, sirree.



So silly. Who are you anyway?

A little lighthouse keeper?

Oh, no. I'm just a distraction
so they can sneak up and stop you.


[Spidey] You like taking things, Zola?

[Ghosty] Have this giant web-ball.

Huh? [grunts]

What? No.

This can't be happening to me. I--

I-- I am the all-powerful Zola!


Ooh! This is not over.

No, it's not. [grunts]

Somehow I'll get out of here.

I, uh, I don't know how.

But one way or another, I will be back.

[gasps] Ooh! A pretty fishy fish.

[normal] So long, Zola.

Yeah. And goodbye, WEB-Quarters.

[sighs] I sure did love it.

Me too.
But we'll love the new WEB-Quarters too.

I've got some ideas for it already.

So do I.

Well, let's go, webs, go and get building.

It's another beautiful, uneventful day.

-Time for my power walk. [humming]
-[music playing through headphones]

[chuckles] Okay, she's on her walk.

-Let's have a look.


-[Spidey] Presenting…
-[Spin giggles]

…the brand-new WEB-Quarters.


Check it out!

Whoo-hoo! I loved the old WEB-Quarters,
but this one's even better.

It's bigger. It's got more stuff.

And done.

What do you think?

Oh, wow, it's perfect.

I think so too.

How about you, WEB-STER?

I think it's good to be back home.

You can say that again. [sighs]

[giggles] It sure is.

-[Spin] I agree.
-[Spidey Team laughing]

[Doc Ock] "Spideys In Space."

[drum solo playing]

[Spin] Whoo-hoo-hoo!
I'm loving our new WEB-Quarters.

This paint station is the best!

Whoo! This new drum set rocks!

-[Spidey] Just a little more adjusting.

And there.

That should do it.

[chiming, beeping]

Looking good, Spidey.

Thanks for your help, Iron Man.

Hey, Ghosty, Spin. Come check this out.

[Ghosty] Ooh, what are these?
New comm-links?

Why do we need these
when we still have our old ones?

Spidey and I have been working
on a whole new technology.

Here, try 'em on.

They work like this.

-Just press right here and…
-[comm-link chimes]

[Spin, Ghosty] Whoa!

The new comm-links
transform your regular suits

into web-spinner suits.

-[laughs] All right!
-[comm-links chime]

-[Spin] Whoa!
-So cool!

With these web-spinner suits,
we can go places we've never been before.

Yeah, like volcanoes.
The bottom of the ocean.

The frozen arctic. Even outer space.

-Outer space? [squeals] No way!
-[laughs] Yes way.

And watch this.

See this button?

Press it and you've got…


-Whoa! Power blasters!

Just like me!

Now you're talking.


Whoo! Nice! [laughs]

[shrieks] Whoa!

[sighs] Okay,
I think I'm getting the hang of it.

-Nice move.

You wanna see a nice move?

-Check this out.
-[Spidey] Whoa!



-[comm-link beeping]

Hey, kids. I gotta head up to the moon.

Whoa! The moon?

Yeah. I got this science station up there
that monitors weather here on Earth.

Or it should anyway.
But something's gone wrong with it.

Need any help fixing it?

Nah, it should be easy.
But hey, why don't you follow me up there?

You could test out your new suits.

-No way! On the moon?
-Let's go!

-We'll take the Spider Crawler.
-Meet you there.

-[Spin] Bye!
-See ya!

[Spidey] Come on. Down here.

[Spin] Whoo-hoo!

-[Ghosty] Whoo-hoo!

[WEB-STER] Prepare to launch.






[Spin] Spider Crawler, to the moon!

-[Spidey laughs] Yeah!
-[Spin, Ghosty] Yeah!

[Spidey] Hold on tight!

[Spidey, Spin laugh] Whoa!

Wow, look at that.

I've never seen the moon
this close up before.

Spidey, your backpack. It's floating.

Yeah. In space there's no gravity.
Everything floats.

-Even us.

Come on.

[Spin] Whoa!


[laughs] Whoa!

-Hey! Out of my way.
-Ah! Out of my way. [laughs]

Check out my somersault! [laughs]

Perfect, Spin.
Now let's see you do it backwards.

Iron Man! Where are you?

I'm at my science station on the moon.

See, this big antenna here was broken
for some reason,

but I'm not sure why.

That's strange. Do you need help?

Nah, I'm just gonna pop in my Moon Rover
and have a quick look around the area.

-I'll meet you at the landing pad.
-[Ghosty] Be there soon.

We better get ready to land.

[grunts] Check it out.

[laughs] I'm actually on the moon.

[Ghosty] I feel so much lighter here.

Yep. Because you weigh less.

There's less gravity here
than there is on Earth.

This is awesome! [laughs]

Hey, where's Iron Man?
He said he was gonna meet us.

I'll try him on the comm.

Iron Man, are you there?

-Hello? Iron Man? Can you hear me?
-[static on comm-link]

-He's not answering?
-That's strange.

[Spin] There's not a lot to swing from
on the moon.

It's going to be hard to look for him.

Hey, we've got our power blasters now.
Let's use those.

Whoa! Too high!

Ooh! Hang on, Spidey! We'll get ya!


[sighs] Thanks.

I forgot the power blasters
would work differently on the moon.

Yeah. We're not as heavy up here,
so they blast us up too high.

I'll just make a quick adjustment and…

That's way better!

Try 'em out.

Oh, yeah! They work great now.

Let's go find Iron Man.

Hey, look!

I think I see something.

Let's check it out.

[Spidey] This looks
like Iron Man's science station.

Yeah, but still no Iron Man.

He said he was gonna look around
in his Moon Rover.

-These must be the tracks.
-Let's see where they go.

Just a little farther.

[Spin] Here's the Moon Rover.

But where's Iron Man?

Something's definitely not right.

[cackling, distant]

Uh-oh. Hear that?

Yeah, it sounds like…

[Spidey Team] Doc Ock!

-Come on, CAL. Keep up.
-[Iron Man grunts]


She's trapped Iron Man!

-Ah! Hey. [grunts]

You won't get away with this, Ock.

Of course I will. We're on the moon.

Now that I've captured you,
who's gonna stop me?

Over here is where I'm going to build
my beautiful moon lair.

-Just look at the view.
-[Iron Man] Yeah, it's great.

But, you know, I prefer looking at it
without a force field in my way.

Not a chance.

I can't have you snooping around my moon

doing your silly
little science experiments.

I bet she broke the antenna
on Iron Man's science station.

She just can't leave anything alone,
can she? Even on the moon.

Let's go save our friend!


-Give it up, Doc Ock!
-[Doc Ock] Huh?

No moon for you!

Iron Man goes free now!

Well, well, well. If it isn't Team Spidey.

Coming to save your friend?

Aw, how sweet.

-[Spidey Team gasp]

Watch out, g*ng. If she zaps you with
that thing, you'll be trapped like me.

No need to explain, Iron Man.
They'll find out soon enough!

Ooh! Look out!

-[Spidey] Whoa!
-[Spin grunts]

-You can't dodge forever!
-[Spidey grunts]

Whoa! How are you walking so fast?

[laughs] Heavy weights.

You like them? I've got one on each side.

They weigh me down so I can walk
and jump like normal, even on the moon.

-It's still three against one, Ock!

-Drop that remote!

We've got you surrounded.

-[engine whirs]
-[Doc Ock grunts]

Oh, please.

I'm way heavier than you
and way stronger than you. [grunts]

[Spidey, Ghosty grunt]


[Spidey] I'm getting dizzy!

-I told you you're no match for me.
-[Ghosty screams]


[Spidey Team screams]

Sorry, Iron Man!

I'm good!

CAL, get him!


[Iron Man approaching]

Don't worry about me!

Take care of Doc Ock!

You got it!

[scoffs] Not likely.

All right, spiders. It's bubble time!

-[Spidey Team] Whoa!
-Use your power blasters!


[Spin laughs]

Oh, I'll get you!

[laughs] Gotta find us first!

[yelps, grunts] Oh!

I can't see!

-[grunts] No!
-[Spidey] Look out!

[Doc Ock] I'll get you yet!

Not good! We need to take cover!

This way. Come on!

[Doc Ock grunts]

[Spin, Ghosty grunt]

We've got to get that remote.

CAL, do something!

The problem is,
with all that extra weight,

Doc Ock can move around
way easier than we can.

what if we got the weights off Doc Ock?

Maybe we could trick her into jumping.

She'd fly so high.

Yeah, like I did with my blasters,

Exactly! We could web her up
and take the remote back, no problem.

And free Iron Man.


We need to take her weights off
without her noticing.

Oh, she won't suspect a thing.
Not if I use my cloaking power.

Perfect. When you get her weights,
we'll get her to jump.

[Spidey] Let's go.

You might as well come out, spiders.

There aren't a whole lot of places to hide
on the moon.

[Ghosty] Yoo-hoo!

-Here we are.
-Up here.


[Spidey grunts]

Oh, I'll get you yet! [groans]

Time to cloak.

-Let's check it out.
-[Doc Ock grunts]

-[Ghosty] Over here!
-[Spin] That's one.

[Spidey] Yoo-hoo.

[Spin] That's two.

-Come and get us, Ock!

Oh, I'll get you, all right!

Here I come!


What's happening? I'm going so high!

Don't worry. We've got you.



Oh, what a relief.

I'll take that remote, thank you.

[gasps] No!


Come back?
What do you think I'm trying to do?

Get me down! Get me down!

Worst balloon ever.

[Doc Ock] I am not a balloon!

I am an evil, brilliant genius. [groans]

You spiders ruin everything.

Let's get you out
of this force field bubble.

[sighs] Aah, yes, way better.
Thanks, Spidey.

Great work.


-Uh-uh-uh. Going somewhere?

I didn't think so.

CAL, you just let him do that to you?

You're supposed to be helping me.

What kind of sidekick are you anyway?


Sheesh! You two really do belong together.

-[groans] This is all your fault, CAL!

What do you mean, "No, it's not"?

I didn't even want to bring you
to the moon.

While you two think about
what you did wrong today,

how about I finally show you kids around
and we have some fun, huh?

-That'd be great!


One moon tour coming up!
Follow me! [laughs]

[Spin whooping]

-[Spidey] Yes!
-[Ghosty] I love the moon!