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02x17 - The Maltese Kitten/A Day With Black Panther

Posted: 04/05/24 21:23
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Black Cat] "The Maltese Kitten."


And Gwen's got the ball.
But Miles is blocking her shot.

I've got this.

-She fakes right.
-Let's go.

She fakes left. Then--

Be ready, Miles. I'm gonna beat you.

[Peter] Left again.

-Oh. There goes Miles.

And she scores.

-Gwen, you're really good.

Who scored? Gwen? Whoo!

-Way to go, Gwen!

Hi, Aunt May. Wanna play with us?

Oh, I'd love to, but I can't.

I've gotta get this box down
to the museum.

Oh, really? What's in the box?

Just some old stuff we don't use anymore.

There's a donation drop-off
at the museum today.

So, I'm leaving this there.

[Peter] Toaster. Some towels. [gasps]


This was my favorite stuffed animal.
I loved him.

Aw. I felt the same way about Sparkles,
my stuffed turtle.

My favorite stuffed animal was
the green dog I slept with every night.

I called him Green Dog.

-Somehow the name just fit.

It's okay if I give Bloopy away,
isn't it, Peter?

I haven't seen you playing with him
in years.

Yeah, that's okay.

You've been a good friend, Bloopy.

I know you're gonna make some kid
really happy.

All right, I better go.

I just hope I have time
to drop this box off at the museum

and run all my other errands.

Why don't we come along? We could drop
the donation box off for you.

Oh. That would be great.

And I hear there's an amazing new exhibit
you can see.

The Maltese Kitten.

That sounds cool. Let's go check it out.

Looks like the donation area is over here.


Now let's go check out the Maltese Kitten.

-All right. [laughs]

And here we have our latest exhibit,
the Maltese Kitten.

This gorgeous statue has emeralds for eyes
and a ruby for a nose.


I've never seen anything like it.

That is one pretty kitty cat.

This statue was handcrafted
by artists long ago for a royal princess.

Huh? [gasps] Ooh.

Meow. [whoops]

-[patron 1] Watch out.
-[patron 2] What is she doing?

-Oh, no. It's Black Cat.

Now, this pretty little statue
belongs to me.


-No. She's taken the Maltese Kitten.


Looks like it's time for Team Spidey.

[all] Go, webs, go!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

[Spidey Team grunting]

I think she went this way. Come on.

[chuckles, grunts]

[grunts, chuckles]

[Spidey] There she is.

[gasps] Team Spidey! I'm "meow-ta" here.

Oh, no, you're not.

[grunts] Let me go.

-[Ghosty] I'll take that.
-[gasps] Aw.

It's just such a pretty kitty cat statue.

I really wanted it.

Well, maybe so,
but it doesn't belong to you.

It belongs to the museum.

I know. I'm sorry.
I promise I'll never do it again.

That's what you always say.

You should probably leave the museum now.

Okay. Bye, I guess.

Well, that takes care of her.

Let's return this to Mr. Von Carnegie.

To think that this treasure
was nearly lost to us forever.

I can't thank you enough, Team Spidey.

We're always happy to help,
Mr. Von Carnegie.

-[Ghosty] Bye.
-[Spin] Bye.

Would you mind staying for a bit?

Just in case some other thief shows up
and tries to steal it?

-Sure thing.
-We'll be right here.


Well, rats.

I really wanted that Maltese Kitten.


It's Doc Ock. What's she doing here?

How's a brilliant supervillain
supposed to break into this place anyway?

[Doc Ock grunting]

I can't get my tentacles
on the Maltese Kitten

if I can't get inside the museum.


You can't have the Maltese Kitten,
Doc Ock.

It's pretty, and sparkly,
and it belongs to me.

Oh, really?

Well, if it's yours,
then why don't you have it?

Well, I tried stealing it,
and Team Spidey caught me.

You found a way in?

How? Where is it?

Why should I tell you?

You'll just go in
and take the Maltese Kitten for yourself.

Me? [scoffs] Of course, I wouldn't.

In fact, if you told me how to get in,
I would share it with you.

Share it with me? That would be nice.

But I promised Team Spidey
I wouldn't steal it again.

That's the beauty of it.
I'll do the stealing.

All you have to do
is keep the spiders busy.

Huh. I guess if you took it,
then I wouldn't be breaking my promise.

Exactly. So, how do we get in?

That's easy. Follow me.

[chuckles] Oh. An unlocked window.

Just what I was hoping for.


[Black Cat] Oh, boy.

I can't wait to get my hands
on that statue.

-[singsong] Here I go stealing the statue.
-[patrons gasping]

Not gonna happen, Black Cat.

Team Spidey! Yikes.

Time for me to run.

We caught you last time.
And we'll catch you again.

[laughs] Perfect.

While she keeps those spiders
out of the way,

I'll steal the Maltese Kitten. [chuckles]

-[child] Ooh.

-Gotcha. [laughing]
-[patrons scream]

[screams] Doc Ock.

Now she's stealing the Maltese Kitten.

-Doc Ock?
-Black Cat tricked us.

She sure did.

And now this bejeweled little statue
belongs to me.

-The statues!

[Spidey] We've got 'em.

[Spidey Team grunting]

[sighs] Thank you for saving those.

And we'll get the Maltese Kitten back
safe and sound.

I know I can count on you, Team Spidey.


Sneaking into the museum through
this window was a pretty good idea.

Thanks. We make a good team, huh, Doc Ock?

-[scoffs] We are not a team.
-Sure, we are.

Now, since there's only one kitten
and two of us,

we're gonna have to figure out
a way to share.

But first, let's give her a name.

I like Little Miss Pretty Paws,
but you can pick another name if you want.

You don't get it, Black Cat.

We're not naming anything.

What's the point

when I'm just going to smash
this little statue to bits for the jewels?

What? Smash it?
But you said we were going to share.

You lied to me.

Silly kitty.

-I was never going to share with you.
-Hi-yah. [whoops]

These jewels are mine,
and there's nothing you can do about it.

-[Doc Ock laughs]

-Little Miss Pretty Paws! No!

I've gotta stop her.


-[Ghosty] Stop right there.
-[Spidey] We've got you, Black Cat.

-Where's Doc Ock?
-And the Maltese Kitten?

Doc Ock is up there.

She took the Maltese Kitten,
and she's going to smash it.

-Smash it?
-We need to stop her.

-[Spin grunts]
-[Spidey] Hyah!

[Black Cat whoops]

There she is.

Looks like she's heading to her warehouse.

Let's go get that statue back.

-[Ghosty] Whoo!

-[Spidey] Yeah.
-[Spin] Whoo-hoo!

-[CAL trills]

Well, CAL, as usual,

I outsmarted everyone
and got the statue for myself.

Now to smash it for the jewels.


Not that, you silly bot.

With this.

My latest invention.

The smashomatic smasherator.


There's the Maltese Kitten.

[Spin] Uh. What's Ock doing with it?

In ten seconds, my smashomatic smasherator
will crush the statue.

And the jewels will be mine.


-[smasherator] Ten.





-I already outsmarted you, Black Cat.

-You can't stop me now.

-[Spidey] But we can.

-[Spidey Team] Hi-yah.

-[Doc Ock grunts]

-Oh, drat. Well, you might have me.

But you won't save the statue
from being smashed to bits.

-I'll save you, Maltese Kitten.

-Hi-yah. [whoops]


[grunts] Whoo!

-[groans] Phooey.

Great work, Black Cat.
You saved the Maltese Kitten.

Now we can give it back to the museum.

Um. Nope.

Little Miss Pretty Paws is mine.

That sneaky little cat. Come on.

-[Spin grunts]
-[Spidey grunts]

[giggles, gasps]

Hand it over, Black Cat.

No way! I'm keeping her.

She's pretty and shiny,
and I'm never ever gonna give her up.


-I've got it!

[Black Cat gasps]


I can't believe I almost destroyed
that beautiful statue.

I'm so glad it's safe.

Time to get it back to the museum.

And time for you to apologize
to Mr. Von Carnegie

for stealing it, Black Cat.

[sighs] Thank you, Team Spidey.

I'm eternally grateful.

And what do you say, Black Cat?

I'm really sorry for stealing it.


And I promise I'll never do it again.

[scoffs] I should think not.

It's just that I really wanted
that kitty cat.

You can visit it
and enjoy how pretty it is

whenever you want.

And so can everyone else.

That's exactly right.

Something so special should be shared.

Yeah. And you can't have that kitty cat,

but maybe you'd like to have
this kitty cat?

His name is Bloopy.

[gasps] Really? For me?

Like Mr. Von Carnegie said,

some special things
are meant to be shared.

Oh, Bloopy, the two of us are gonna have
so much fun together.

You know what would look so pretty on you?

A sparkly necklace. Let's go find one.

We're gonna have to keep an eye on her.

-[Spidey Team giggles]

[Electro] "A Day With Black Panther."



[engine revs]

Hello, my friend.
It is so good to see you.

You too, Black Panther.

Ready for your tour of New York City?

I am eager to see
all your favorite places.

First, we get pizza at Moe's.

Just wait till you try Moe's Deluxe
with mushrooms, eggplant and extra cheese.

Mushrooms, eggplant, cheese?

All together at once?

-Please hop on and point the way.

-[cackling in distance]
-Wait, what is that noise?

I don't know. Let's check it out.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm singing my song

If you think it's bad
Then you're just plain wrong


-Please, please stop playing.
-[singing continues]

I reserved the stage for my son.

This is the worst.
This isn't what I came for.

Someone make her stop!

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Singing my--


-Concert's over, Electro.

These people did not come
to hear you play.

-That's right.
-[crowd cheering]

They came to hear my son Simon
play the bagpipes.

I practiced a whole bunch.
Today's my recital.

[groans] Who cares? I was having fun!

-[crowd gasps]
-[Black Panther, Spin grunt]

[Black Panther]
You're ruining everyone else's fun.

Time to let someone else take the stage.


[Spin grunts]

[Electro screams, grunts]

-[crowd cheering]
-[Electro grunting]

Simon, your recital is back on.

Wow. Thanks, guys.

[bagpipes sound]

[groans] Ruin my fun this time, will they?


-[gasps] Look!
-Oh, well, next time I'll ruin your fun.

How about that?

-[Black Panther gasps]

[Black Panther] Electro has escaped.

At least she won't bother
these people anymore.


So, how about that pizza?


Pizza, here we come!


On second thought, Maybe I'll follow them
and ruin their fun right now.

One Moe's Deluxe with mushrooms,
egg plant and extra cheese.

-[Spin] Ooh. [chuckles]


It smells delicious, Moe.

Just wait till you taste it.

Moe makes the best pizza in town.

Oh. Thank you.

It just makes me so happy
to see people enjoy it.

Looks like they stopped for lunch?

So, Black Panther,
what brings you into town?

My friend Spin is showing me
all his favorite things about the city.

Your pizza was the first on his list.

Then I'm taking Black Panther
to Times Square

to see the giant video screens.

Oh, nice.

And then the subway.

And last, we're going to the museum
to see their new dinosaur fossil.

It will be a day of much fun.

And I'll have so much fun spoiling it.


-Hey, guys.
-[all gasp]

I think that pizza needs
a little more baking.

[Spin] Look out!

[pedestrians screaming]

-[screams] The pizza!

-She ruined it!
-[Electro] Yeah.

[laughing] Ooh!

Sweet ride!


[groans] Electro!

[laughs] Later, fellas! Whoo-hoo!

Oh. She took the Panther Patroller.

-Let's go get it back!

-Good luck.
-[Spin] Thank you.

-One hot dog, please.
-You got it.

And look!
I'm in a video on the big screen today.

I'm Mr. Kielbasa,
your friendly neighborhood hot dog guy.

Drop by my stand and have a bite.
You'll love it.

Whoa. That is so cool.

[crying] It's a dream come true.

[Electro laughing]

-[pedestrian 1] Look out!
-[pedestrian 2] Watch where you're going!

[grunting, laughs]

Oh, no!


[pedestrian screams]

-Hey! My cart!
-[Electro laughing]

Totally not cool, Electro!

There she is.


Wow. Look at this place.

-Those giant screens are amazing!
-This is Times Square.

It's one of the places
I wanted to show you.

How about if I show him this instead?


I've got it!


[pants, grunts]

[grunts] Whoa! [grunts]

Yes. Success.

[Spin] Nice.

[groans] You two are spoiling my fun!

I am supposed to be spoiling your fun.

Oh, well. I'll just mess up the subway!

[gasps] The subway?

We will stop her.

[pedestrians scream]



Watch where you're going!

-Whoa. Look out.
-[yelps] Out of my way, everyone.

I gotta get even
with a couple of superheroes.

Now, let's see.

What do these controls do? [gasps]


Ooh! I like it! I like it a lot.

-[Spin] Electro!

[laughs] Too late, guys!

I already ruined the tracks.
See you later!


[Spin] We can't let her ruin the subway.

People need it.
It's how they get around the city.

All the neighborhoods of this big city
connected by these trains?

That is wonderful.

[train whistle blows]

One of those trains is coming right now.

We must fix the tracks quickly.


-[Spin] Hyah!

[train whistle blows louder]



Just a little more.


-done. Whoa!
-[Black panther grunts]

-[sighs] That was close.

And Electro got away.

But I think I know where to find her.

She att*cked Moe's pizza place,
then Times Square.


And then the subway.

All the places I was going to take you.

She must have heard us talking about them.

Which means…

-[Black Panther grunts]
-Next stop, the museum.

This is the museum's
most spectacular fossil.

It's a bone from a giant dinosaur

that stood as tall
as a four-story building.



-[Electro laughing]

Whoo-hoo! [laughing]

-[Electro] Whoo!

-[laughs] Knock knock.

Just imagine this massive creature

nibbling at the leaves
of the tallest trees,

-roaring in satisfaction.
-[engine revs]

-What's happening?
-Is that the dinosaur?

-What was that?

Hey, hey, everyone. It's me. Electro.

-Let's get outta here!

[groans] Electro, you get that thing
out of here this instant.

-This is a museum, not a speedway.

Okay. First, I'll just turn around.

-Whoo-hoo! [grunts, laughs]
-[Mr. Von Carnegie grunts]

[chuckles] Oops. Did I do that?

Oh, my goodness! I can't let it fall.

Aw. Would it break
into little, itty-bitty pieces?

-Not a chance.
-[Electro] Huh?



Help! [grunts] Help! [grunts]

-I've got it!

-[Black Panther grunts]
-[Spin grunts] And I've got this!

[Black Panther, Spin grunting]

[Black Panther, Spin sigh]

-That should keep it steady.

Thank you both.

As for you, Electro…

Hey, where'd she go?

I-- I don't know.

Well, at least she left my Patroller.

We'll keep an eye out for Electro,
Mr. Von Carnegie.

Thank you. I always know
I can count on you superheroes.

Let's take this back to the park
and put it on my jet.

We must keep it away from Electro.

Yeah. Good idea.

A jet? In the park?

Why drive around the city when I can fly?

[chuckles] Now this is gonna be fun.





All right.
Now I will drive this into my jet, and--

Yoo-hoo! Look who's got your jet.

It's my jet now.

Electro again?

[giggles, squeals]


She has started the engines!

We've got to stop her!



The jet's too strong.
I can't hold it back!

Quick! Another web for me.


[Spin grunting]

I think we stopped her.

Why am I not flying any higher?

[groans] I need more power!

[Black Panther, Spin grunting]

[Black Panther] The jet is pulling away.
It's too strong for the two of us.


Nothing can stop me now!

[Spin grunts]

-[Frisbee knocks]

Yo! Hero dudes!

We can lend a hand.

You help us all the time.
Today, we help you.

All right! Grab on.

[all grunting]

Come on, guys. We can do this.

-[grunting continues]
-[Mr. Kielbasa] We stopped it! For now.

That jet sure has a lot of power.

Power. That is it.

Hold on just a little longer.
I know how to stop the jet.

[grunts] Whoo-hoo!


Vibranium! It powers my jet.

I will just remove it and-- [grunts]

-Got it.
-[engine slows, stops]

[gasps, groans]


[grunt] Aw.

So much for taking a ride in my new jet.

It's Black Panther's jet!

[sighs, groans]

-And this is our city.
-Don't mess with it.

[sighs] You guys are just no fun.

Thanks for the wonderful tour.

It was nice to visit
all your favorite spots… [chuckles]

…despite Electro's mischief.

Uh. I guess we did visit them, didn't we?

So, what part of the city
did you like the most?


The subway? Times Square? The museum?

Honestly, my favorite part of your city

is the people.

-For sure!

-You said it!

-Yes, sir!

[theme music playing]