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02x14 - Pirate Plunder Blunder/Bad Bot

Posted: 04/05/24 21:19
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Gobby] "Pirate Plunder Blunder."

[Aunt May gasps] Just look at it, kids.

A real pirate ship.


Thanks for bringing us to see it,
Aunt May.

Oh. You're welcome. To be honest,
I really wanted to see it myself.

[sighs] Just imagine sailing
the seven seas, searching for adventure.

Did someone say adventure? [laughs]
At your service.

-Mr. Von Carnegie.

-Well, hello there.

I am so excited you've come to tour
the museum's outdoor exhibit,

The Magnificent Muttonchop.

Prized possession of…

[both] Web Beard the Pirate. Arr.

[both laugh]

Are you a pirate fan?

[chuckling] I think maybe my Aunt May
wants to be a pirate.

-[Gwen, Miles laugh]
-Oh, Peter. Well, maybe just a little bit.

Where did you get that wonderful hat?

There's a hat stand just down the pier.

[chuckles] They're free.

Free pirate hats?
Oh, I need to check that out.

[sputters] Do you mind watching the kids,
Mr. Von Carnegie?

-I'll be right back.
-Not at all.

Meanwhile, would you three like to hear

a story of one of Web Beard's
amazing adventures?

-Oh, yes, please.
-You bet!

[Mr. Von Carnegie] It was the year 1672,

and ship after ship sailed
the Caribbean Sea…

Free pirate hats.

Come and get 'em.

Just put on a hat
and you too can be a pirate. [cackles]

I mean… [sputters] Arr.

Arr, matey. I'd be interested in
one of them there hats.

-I'll take one, please.
-Me too.

-Here. One for you and you.
-Right on.

-How nice.
-Oh, thanks.

Aye! Take 'em. Take 'em all.

Look at me, I'm a pirate.

[chuckles] Perfect fit too.

These hats are so much fun.

Oh. What was I thinking?

I should get some for the kids. Excuse me.

Uh. Huh?

Wh-- Where'd he go?

My favorite disguise worked like a charm.

Nobody knew it was me, Green Goblin.
And now comes the best part.

Everyone who wears my pirate hat
will be under my control.

Yoo-hoo. Anybody seen that hat seller?


-Aye, aye.
-Report to the captain.

-We be pirates.

Gobble-delightful. It worked.
Now I've got my own pirate army.

Orders, Captain?

Plunder the pier. Ruin everyone's day.

Plunder the pier. Ruin everyone's day.

-[pirates] Arr.
-[Gobby cackles]

And soon Web Beard was chasing
the king's entire fleet.

Whoa. What happened next?

Well, Web Beard knew the king's fleet…

-[pirate] Arr.
-…had a weak spot and…

[child] Leave me alone.
What are you doing?

Heave ho, landlubber.
Give me that fancy sandwich.

Hey, that's not fancy.
It-- It's just my lunch.

Arr. Hand over your baubles.

-Mom, what's a bauble?
-I don't know.

Let's get out of here.


-Why are those people acting like pirates?

I'm glad people are enjoying the exhibit,
but that behavior is too much.

Something weird is going on.

Thanks for the story, Mr. Von Carnegie,
but we need to find my aunt.

Of course.
I'd better see what's going on too.

Like how I must plunder
for Captain Goblin. Arr.


These people are really acting strangely.

Quick, down here.

It's Spidey time.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

-Arr. Plunder the pier.

-Get away! [screams]
-What are you doing?

[Spidey] All right, everyone.
No more playing pirate.

You're ruining everybody's day.

Treasure. [cackles]

Hey. That's my tackle box.

-[pirate] Arr. Get these landlubbers!
-[fisher] Give me that.

They're not listening to us.

I guess we better web them up
till we can figure out what's going on.

-[Spidey] Hyah!
-[pirate grunts]

Cut us loose, ye briny barnacles.

-Why are they talking like pirates?

Do they really think they are pirates?


Let's turn up the plundering, shall we?


Help! Help me.

-[pirate] Arr.
-Hey, that's my corn dog.

Not anymore.

-Arr. Aye, aye.

Whatever is happening,
they need to be stopped.

[Spidey, Ghosty] Go, webs, go.

-[Ghosty] We should split up.
-[Spidey] Good idea.

You, stop.

Shiver me timbers.

-Aunt May? I can't web up my aunt. Can I?

Wait, come back!

Ah. [cackles]

Drop that cotton candy.

Avast, ye slippery spider.

Mr. Von Carnegie?



Sorry, pirate. But your prize is a web.

I answer only to Captain Goblin.

[gasps] Mr. Kielbasa? They got you too?

Now, away with you.

I've got plundering to do.

Whoa. [screams]

[Spin grunts]

Mr. Von Carnegie is a pirate.

-So is Mr. Kielbasa.
-[Mr. Kielbasa] Arr.

[Mr. Von Carnegie cackles]

[Ghosty] Look out!

[Spin, Ghosty grunt]

-[Ghosty] What? [grunts]
-[Spin] Hey! [grunts]

-[Ghosty] Hey, stop. Let us go.
-[Spin] Stop! Let us go.

Aunt May! I-- Uh-- Ma'am.

-Uh, Miss Pirate? Uh. Stop.

Out of the way, ye scurvy spider.

-[grunts] What happened to my aunt?
-[pirate cackles]

-Wait a minute.

They're all wearing those pirate hats.

That's gotta be it.
Just need to take it off her head.


Whoa. Whoa.

-This hat is really tight.

Ha ha.

That's right.

I didn't want them to come off.

And they won't as long as I have this.


-No, you don't.
-We protect our captain.

Oh, look at them go.

Anyone who wears a hat
is now part of my nasty pirate crew.

There's nothing you can do about it.

-[Spidey grunts]

[Spidey] We'll just see about that.

-[Gobby cackles]
-[Spidey grunts]

I've been gooed.

Another day well ruined. So long, Spidey.

-[Spidey grunts]

Wait, Gobby.

[Ghosty, Spin] Put me down.

-[Ghosty] Let us go. Stop.

Oh, no. They've got Ghosty and Spin.

-[pirate cackling]
-All hands on deck!

[pirate] Stop struggling!


They're stealing
The Magnificent Muttonchop too?

I've got to get unstuck.


[grunts] I'm free!

[pirates cackling] Arr.

[Gobby cackling]

Swab the yardarm. Seal the kipper.

Chart a course for Goblin Island.

-Aye, aye. You heard the captain.

-Aye, aye.

[Spin, Ghosty grunting]

Man, these ropes are tight.

There's gotta be a way to loosen them.

Arr. Keep it quiet, you two.

-[gasps] Spidey.

I know why everyone
is acting like pirates.

It's Gobby's pirate controller.

We saw him waving it around
when they took us.

Yeah. Everyone who wears a pirate hat
is in his control.

-Arr. What's going on over here?
-[Spidey] Whoa.

Nothing? All righty, then.
Back to me chores.

We need to get close enough to Gobby

and grab that controller
so we can free everybody. [grunts]

How will we get past all these pirates?

It's weird webbing up people I know.

Maybe one of us can be a pirate.
[grunts] Here.

Spin and I will keep your Aunt May
and the other pirates busy

while you get close enough to Gobby.


Um. I think I'm going to need to use
a little paint to cover your Spidey suit.

Just a little more.

That's more like it.

[chuckles] Arr.

Just keep your head down
so Gobby doesn't see your mask.

Oh. Gotcha.


Arr, matey. Nothing strange here.


Hoist the sideburns. Trim the yard sail.

Aye, aye, Captain.


Captain Goblin, the spiders have escaped.

-[Ghosty] Hey, pirates.

-[pirates] Arr.
-[Spin] Can't catch us.

Get them.

[pirates] Arr. Get those spiders.

-[pirate] …spiders.
-[Aunt May] Arr.


Aha, Gobby.

It's me, Spidey.
Now hand over that pirate controller.

Spidey? [groans]
I left you stuck at the pier.

You should know by now, we never give up.
Your pirate game ends now.

I'll be the judge of that.

[Spidey grunting]

[Gobby laughing]

Give it up, Gobby.

[both grunting]

Never. [laughs]

Hyah. Hyah.

[sneezes, groans]

-[Gobby] Hyah. [groans]
-[Spidey groans]


[shouts] My pirate controller.

[grunts] Got it.

[Spin sighs]


Arr-- [gasps]

What's going on?

Ah. [cackles]

What happened?

[all] Arr.

-Where am I?

What happened?

-Did you trick me with a hat?
-You've got a lot to answer for.

Wait, everyone. My loyal crew.
I can explain.

No, I think we'll explain everything
on the way back.

You can stay right here
and think about what you did.

[screams, grunts]

Your pirate days are over.


[Spidey] We'll take this loot back
where it belongs.

Thank you, Team Spidey, for all your help.

-[Ghosty] You're welcome.
-[Spidey Team] Goodbye.

[sighs] I need to find Peter and
his friends and make sure they're okay.

So long.

Uh, Peter? Miles? Gwen?

Right here, Aunt May.

-[Peter laughs]
-Boy, are we glad to see you.

Yeah, there were pirates everywhere.

I know, and apparently I was one of them.

I thought being a pirate
would be exciting.

But no, thank you.

[chuckles] You can say that again.

[all laugh]

[Doc Ock] "Bad Bot."

-[Peter] Okay, TRACE-E.

-Are you ready to do this obstacle course?

We made it just for you
to test your skills.

It's the hardest one yet.



And go!

-Whoo! Go, TRACE-E!
-You can do it!


-Keep going.


You're halfway through the course,


Uh-oh. Look out, TRACE-E.
Here's a little surprise obstacle.


-Jumping to the ceiling. Nice!
-I've never seen her do that before.


-Last challenge.

Don't forget to turn on your camera
and send video.

[both grunt]



You're at the end. Time to figure out
the code with your scanner.





-You did it!

-Good bot!
-[Spidey Team] Whoo-hoo.

-[laughs] Yeah!
-[Miles] Nice!

[WEB-STER] Webs up! Spidey Alert!

We should check this out. Hop on, TRACE-E.

What is it, WEB-STER?

[WEB-STER] Something big is moving
through Central Park and causing trouble.

Thanks, WEB-STER.
We better find out what's going on.

Let's take the Team Transport.

-[mechanical thudding]

-Help! Robot on the loose!

[Spidey Team grunts]

Wow, that is one big robot.

-I wonder where it came from.
-And who built it.

We better stop it before it hurts someone.

You stay here where it's safe,
okay, TRACE-E?

-Let's swing!

[Ghosty, Spidey grunt]


[Doc Ock laughs]

What those spiders don't know

is I built that big robot
just to distract them.

While they're busy webbing up that robot,
they won't notice this bot.

It looks
just like their little bot, TRACE-E.


But fake TRACE-E will trick the spiders

and bring them to me
where I can lock them up

and take over the whole city! [chuckles]

Ready to make some mischief?



[Spidey Team grunting]

Go swap fake TRACE-E
for the real TRACE-E, CAL. Quickly!

The spiders are so busy fighting
that big robot, they won't even notice.


[grunting] Whoa!

[grunts] Gotcha!

Let's surround it and use even more webs.

[Spidey] Whoa.

[grunts] That thing
just keeps breaking all my webs.

Come on, team. We've gotta keep trying.

[both grunt]



[trills, laughs]


-[TRACE-E chirps]
-[CAL trills]


[CAL trilling]

Everyone, on the count of three, pull.

-One, two, three.
-[Spidey Team grunts]

[Spidey, Spin grunt]

Huh? That was weird.

It just fell apart?

Wait, check it out.

Doc Ock stamped her symbol on this thing.

It must be hers.

But why would she make a robot
that falls apart so easily?

I don't know. I have a feeling
she's up to something bad.

We better look for her.

[Spin, Spidey grunt]





Everything go okay while we were gone,


Huh? Did you say something?


Okay, then I guess it's time to take off.


Let's find Ock.

WEB-STER, any ideas on where she is?

[WEB-STER] Searching for Doc Ock.


[Spin] Hey! What are you doing?

Whoa! TRACE-E!

-[gasps] Hey!
-[engine revs]

Whoa! TRACE-E!

What are you doing?

You've gotta be careful
around these controls.


TRACE-E, why are you acting so weird?

Maybe that extra hard obstacle course
we put her through overloaded her wiring.

I'm sorry, TRACE-E.
Let me check out your machinery.

Whatever's wrong, I can fix it.



TRACE-E, what are you doing?

-Hold still.
-[engine revs]


[groans] Hold on!

We're gonna crash!


-[Ghosty] Wha-- [grunts]
-[Spidey, Spin] Whoa!

Whew! Everyone okay?

-[sighs] All good.
-[sighs] We're okay.

But TRACE-E definitely isn't.

Ha ha ha. Why, hello, spiders.

[gasps] Doc Ock!

[Spidey Team grunts]

And-- Wait a minute.


There are two TRACE-Es?



Aw. You haven't figured it out yet?
Take as long as you need.

-No wonder this bot was acting so weird.

This isn't the real TRACE-E at all.

That's the real TRACE-E in that cage!

-You are correct, spiders.

Well, you won't have her for long, Ock!

[cackles] Oh, that's what you think.


[Spin grunts]

What you don't realize
is that I tricked you with fake TRACE-E.

-[Ghosty gasps]

And it crashed your vehicle
right at my lair…

-[Spin screams, grunts]
-…so I could do this!

-[Spidey Team grunting]

We're trapped!

Ha ha! Yes!
And guess who will be guarding you?


Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a city to take over.

-Come along, CAL.

TRACE-E, we'll save you!



You won't get away with this!

Let's web it up!


Aw. Missed.

[Spin] Hmm. That thing is fast.

Somehow, we've got to get out of here
and save TRACE-E from Doc Ock.

And stop Ock
from taking over the whole city.

-[Ghosty] Hey, little bot.

You don't really
want to work with Doc Ock, do you?

She's mean.

Yeah, if you help us instead,
we'll be nice to you.



So much for talking some sense into it.

Hey. Look.

It's leaving the key to unlock this cage
on the wall.

All it would take
is a well-aimed web to grab it.

[squeaks, cackles]

-[Spin] Aw.
-Wow! Your web didn't even stick to it.

Ugh. Ock must have made that bot
out of some kind of material

that webs won't stick to.

The fake TRACE-E
may look just like the real TRACE-E,

-but could not be more different.

[sighs] I hope TRACE-E's okay.

[cackles] Am I not the greatest, most
brilliant evil genius of all time, CAL?


Lock that bot up in there!

She'll never get out
because only I know the code.



-[trills, cackles]

Time to make the city Doc Ock City!

How glorious! [cackles]



-What was that?

Go check, CAL.

-I can't have anything ruin my plans.


[CAL trilling]







[Spidey] We've gotta get out of this cage.

But how do we do it
with fake TRACE-E here?



-[Ghosty] Yes!
-[Spin gasps] TRACE-E!


Quick, grab the remote! It's up there!


We've gotta get that remote.



[Ghosty] Come on, TRACE-E!
You've got this!


Almost got it.


TRACE-E, you're doing great!

Now can you keep the bot in one place?





I've got this!


-[Spidey] Nice!
-[Ghosty] Whoo-hoo!

[Spin] It's over, fake TRACE-E.

-[engine revs]

-[Spin] Whoa!
-[Spidey] Huh?


Time to switch you off.

[squeaking stops]

The bad bot is beat!

Great work, TRACE-E!

You were amazing!

If it wasn't for you,
we'd still be trapped.

Now to stop Doc Ock!

It would be great if we could get
the bad bot to go after her.

I think I know how to do that.

It'll just take a little reprogramming.

Now see, CAL,
first, I'll take over the park.

I can ride the carousel
as many times as I want.

Then, I move on to the amusement park
and keep all the cotton candy for myself!

Soon the whole city will be mine!

-Or not.


We thought you might want your bot back.

Wait a minute. Why did you let them out?


[gasps] How dare you?


What's gotten into you?

Stop that this minute!


I think that's bot
for "It's over, Doc Ock."

[grunts] Oh!

I'll get you next time!

-We did it!

And we couldn't have done it
without the best bot ever, TRACE-E!


[theme music playing]