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02x11 - Liberty on the Loose/Green Goblin's Dino Disaster

Posted: 04/05/24 21:17
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Miles] "Liberty on the Loose."

Mommy, it's about to start.
Let's find a good spot.

Okay, mijo, I'm right behind you.

[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
Ant-Man and Wasp!

[Mommy gasps] Mijo, look! There they are.

-Hi, everybody. I'm Wasp.
-And I'm Ant-Man.

Thanks for coming out
to this special event

at the Statue of Liberty.

Or, as we like to call her, Lady Liberty.

You know, when people arrived
in this harbor for the first time,

Lady Liberty's torch is
often the first thing they see.

That's right. She holds her torch up high
as a reminder that everyone,

no matter who they are,
or where they're from, is welcome here.

-Wait. Even me?
-[chuckles] Even you, Ant-Man.

But after standing out here
on this island for so long,

Lady Liberty's torch
has gotten kinda dusty.

So we're gonna clean it up,
so it shines as bright as it ever has.


Hey, but first, here are some neat facts
about the statue.

Did you know that she's 305 feet tall?


That statue looks so big
when you get close up to it.

I remember thinking that too,
the first time I came here.

I was the same age you are now.


Your abuela, Gloria, brought me, and
she told me something I'll never forget.

Lady Liberty not only reminds us
to be welcoming to each other,

but she also gives us all hope
for a good life with a good home, friends,

family and everything we need.

-That's a big job for one statue.
-It is.

She really means a lot
to the people of this city.

-And that concludes our statue facts.
-[Wasp] Gotta love those facts.

While everyone is watching
that big statue,

it'll be the perfect chance
to swipe some pretty stuff.

[gasps] Ooh!

I'll take that and this, and…

[gasps] Meow!

So shiny! I've got to have it.


All righty. It's time to clean that torch.

-I've got cleaning supplies right here.
-What? A tiny sponge?

It'll take forever
to clean that big torch.

Yeah. And we can't stay up past bedtime.

Right you are, Wasp. So, time to get big.



-[person 1] Did you see that?
-[person 2] Wow!

-You too, Ant-Man.
-Oh, yeah.

-[person 3] Yeah!
-[person 4] Awesome!

[person 5] Oh, yeah!

A little scrub here,

a little scrub there,

and ta-da!

I'd say we're golden.

-Oh, wow.
-[person 6] So shiny!

-Huh? Ooh!

So shiny. I want it.

[Black Cat] Those gadgets on their wrists
grow and shrink stuff?

I can swipe so many things
with one of those.

Starting with that statue.

Thank you all for coming today.

We hope you enjoyed the event.

Ready for the gift shop?

I want to find a special souvenir
to remember our exciting day.

-Can I stay to watch a little longer?
-All right, mijo. You can stay.

The gift shop is right there.
Meet me after, okay?

Okay. Thanks, Mom.

I'll just put these cleaning supplies away
in here, and…

Ant-Man, catch!


Hey, my backpack. Now it's all teeny tiny.

Ah, well, now I guess it's a pocket pack.

-Hey, I guess it is.
-[crowd laughs]

All right. It's time for us to run.

-Thanks again for coming today.
-[crowd cheering]



-Hi-yah! This is mine now.

She took my gauntlet! [grunts]

[gasps] Black Cat!

And now this shiny statue is mine too.


[giggles, squeals]

She's stealing the Statue of Liberty.
We've got to stop her.

[Ant-Man grunting]


Black Cat can't get away with this.
Go, webs, go!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day

-She went through here. See her?
-No. Maybe she went this way.

[grunts] Ant-Man, Wasp, I'm here to help.

-[sighs] Great.

Anyone see where Black Cat went?

I'll get a view from above.

-[Black Cat grunting]
-[Wasp gasps] I see her.

She's under that tree.

Which tree? Like this tree?

No, no. The big green one.

There are a lot of green trees.

[Black Cat] Whoa!

[gasps] Quick, the other way.
She's hiding behind a trash can.

Gotcha. And now she's gone.
Wow, she is sneaky.

-Any idea where she went?
-Hang on.

[Black Cat giggling]

Yes, I see her.
She's heading to the docks.

[Black Cat] Hi-yah!

-Yay. Shiny statue, you're all mine.
-[Ant-Man grunting]

-Hey, you come back here.
-Oh, no. Too slow. Bye!

-Wasp, wait! We can't follow you.
-I don't see any other boats.

[Wasp] Oh. Not a problem.
I'll fly you across.

Oh, good idea. Time to shrink.


Here's a shrink disc for you.


-Hold on tight.
-[Spin] You got it.


I'm way too sneaky
for those superheroes to catch me.

You and I will have so much fun together,
shiny statue.

Black Cat's down there somewhere.

-[Spin gasps] I see her. Look!
-[Wasp] We've got you now, kitty cat!

Whoa. Uh, uh…

[gasps] Oh, no, you don't.

-[both gasp]

Hey, those doughnuts aren't yours.

Watch out for the yummy doughnuts,


[giggling] Ha!

-[citizen 1] Look out!
-[citizen 2] Run!

-Giant doughnuts!
-[citizen 3] Look out!


[heroes shout]

-We better stop those doughnuts.
-Before someone gets hurt.

I'll go after Black Cat.

[gasps, screams]

[grunts] Gotcha.



-[Spin gasps] Look out!
-[citizen trembles]

-[Spin grunts]
-[citizen screams]

-[sighs] Thanks.

[citizen screams]


-[sighs] Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-[Spin] Whoo!

-Doughnuts are off the menu.
-Let's go help Ant-Man.

[grunts, sighs]

That was close.

But I got away
with my pretty little statue.

Caught ya, Black Cat.

Time to hand over that statue,
and my gauntlet too.

Meow-za! Gotta hide.


Oh, come on.


Here, sneaky-little-kitty-cat girl.

[grunts] Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

Shrinking is the perfect way to escape.


Stop right there!

-Time to get big again.

-[Ant-Man] Hey, come back!

-Whoo. Yikes!

Oh, no, you don't. Hand it over.

We need to put that statue back
where it belongs.

-No way. Time to fly.


[Spin] Aw, come on!

-[wind whistles]
-[gasps] Oh, no.

Whoo. That was close.


-Better get big.

-I've got you.

[grunts, sighs]

Now, hand over the Statue of Liberty.
It doesn't belong to you.

-[screams, gasps]
-Neither does my gauntlet.

It's over, Black Cat.

No, it's not. You can't stop me.

-[gasp] Uh…

I'm so big,
no one can make me do anything.

And Lady Liberty,
with her shiny torch, is all mine!

-Wait, is that what I think it is?
-Oh, what's that in her hand?

Is that the Statue of Liberty?

-I think it is!
-So that's what happened to it.

-[citizen 4] Give it back.
-Yeah, you've gotta share.

-It's everybody's.
-Put her back. She's here for everyone.

When I'm selling balloons around the city,
and see her off in the distance,

she makes me smile.

Please give her back.

But she's mine.

She is yours, but she's also mine,
and theirs too.

She's everyone's.

-She lights the harbor for everyone.
-Sharing is caring.

-Yeah, you gotta share.
-[citizen 5] It belongs to all of us.

I didn't know
so many other people loved you.

-They do.
-Let's take the statue back home.

[sighs] Okay, okay. I didn't think
everyone would be so upset about it.

-So I'll give her back.

[crowd] Yeah! Whoo!

But, if I give this back,
can I keep all the other stuff I stole?

-No way!
-Definitely not.

-Hand it all over.
-Aw, kittens.

One full-size Statue of Liberty,
coming up.


You did the right thing.

I guess it looks pretty good there.

I'll just have to find some other
shiny treasures to keep instead.

[giggles] Bye!

[giggles] I'll definitely have to
check on her later.

-[Mrs. Morales] Miles?
-Uh-oh. Time to change back.


Ah, there you are.

Sorry to keep you waiting, mijo.
There was a long line.

But look what I got you.

A toy Lady Liberty,
so tiny you can carry her in your pocket.

Isn't that fun?

It's perfect. It'll definitely help me
remember this day forever.

[Gobby] "Green Goblin's Dino Disaster."

Hi, everyone. I'm Spidey.

And I'm Reptil.

Thanks for coming to the zoo today,
so we can teach you all about

my favorite animals, dinosaurs.

-Yay! Dinosaurs!
-This is exciting!

But before we get started,

does anyone wanna see Reptil
turn into a dinosaur?

-[child 1] Yes!
-[child 2] Yes!

[all] Reptil! Reptil!

Okay, everyone, check this out.

-[crowd murmuring]

I haven't totally turned into one yet,
but before I do,

let's find out
which dinos are your favorites.

-T. rex!

Oh, no, you don't! Come out, you rascal!

Ms. Kimathi? Is everything all right?

Not exactly.

My squirrel friend here seems to like
the taste of bird food.

-Mrs. Parrot is not pleased.

I was hoping to lure him out
with this peanut,

but it doesn't seem to be working.

Maybe I can help.

Thanks, Spidey.

Come on.

[squirrel chattering]

Come on. That's it.

[squirrel chattering]

[chuckling] Here you go.

Thank you, Spidey.

That should keep him happy.
For a while, at least.

You're welcome.

Okay, so now that we know
who everyone's favorite dino is,

I guess it's time to turn into

-a real actual dinosaur!

-[crowd screaming]

-[gasps] What in the world?

Okay, that is not a real dinosaur.

It's Green Goblin's robot dinosaur.

That's right.


This is my new and improved T. Rex 3000.

I put in all the latest features
including this nifty tail basher.


-[both] Whoa.

[grunts] Pretending to be
a dino to destroy stuff?

That's just wrong.

We have to stop him.

And if I press this button,

my T. rex will automatically target
anyone I want it to.

-Now it's following Reptil.

Or maybe I'll target you, Spidey.

Or maybe I'll just control it myself.

[Reptil] Careful!


Whoa. That dino robot is tricky.

Of course it is.

I made it that way.


[Gobby] Your webs are no match
for my robot.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa!

-[grunts] You better run. It's not safe.
-[squirrel chattering]

[gasps] Spidey Sense!



-[dinosaur roars]


[gasps] Whoa.


The zebras, they're frightened.
They're running into the park.

-We better round them up.
-I'm on it!

-Go, dinosaurio!

[Spidey grunts]

Ha ha. I'm having so much fun.

Let's see what else I can ruin.

[Gobby cackles]

[both gasp] Zebras?

-[child 3 screams]
-Look out!

[panting, sighs]


[Spidey grunts]

We need to get the zebras
out of the playground.

If we can safely chase them out, I can
build a pen with webbing to put them in.

But those zebras run pretty fast.

So do velociraptors.

They're perfect for rounding up animals.

Go, dinosaurio!

Hi, zebra. Let's run this way.

Sweet. I'll build the pen.

Come on, zebras.

Time to turn around!


This way!

A little more that way!

In you go.


[sighs] That should hold them
until Ms. Kimathi arrives--

Very impressive.
Thank you, Spidey and Reptil.

I'll get the zebras safely transported
back to the zoo.

And we'll make sure
Gobby doesn't cause any more trouble.

[Spidey grunts]

-[honking, tires screeching]

-[squirrel chitters]

[Gobby cackles]

Oh, how clumsy.

[Gobby] Let's see what else we can ruin.


[Gobby shrieking]

Get away from me!



Get out of my robot!


Let me in, you bushy rodent!

Open this hatch now!

Uh, Rexy, are you okay?

He's after me!

-[Spidey grunts]
-[Gobby shrieking]

-But who's controlling the robot?

Definitely not him. He needs our help.


Dino! Over here!

Safe for now.



You! You could have told me
you were gonna do that!

All right, Gobby. What's going on?

I outsmarted that robot
is what's going on.

I got away.

I'm pretty sure
Spidey just saved you with his web.

Meh. You see it your way. I see it my way.

Oh, T. Rex, yoo-hoo! Can't catch me now.


[Spidey] Whoa. That's new.

Yeah, I, uh, kind of forgot
I added those super-springy foot springs.

Excuse me.

[Gobby screaming]

-Wh-- Whoa!
-[Reptil grunts]

How far can that robot jump, anyway?

[Reptil] Uh, pretty far!

We need to get away from that robot.

It keeps chasing Gobby everywhere.

[Spidey] This way.

-[all sigh]

-I don't think it saw where we went.
-[sigh] Good.

What is going on with your robot, Gobby?

Well, I, uh-- Um, I'd rather not say.


It seems like it's chasing you.

If you don't help us stop it,
we can't help you.

Okay. There was this squirrel.


What squirrel?

I saw a squirrel back at the zoo.

Was he pushy? Did he drop on your head?

You know this squirrel?

I know a squirrel.

He att*cked me when I was in my robot.

He must have fallen inside your robot
when you were smashing things up.

Where's the squirrel now, Gobby?


-In there.
-[squirrel chattering]

So, a squirrel is controlling your robot?

Not exactly.

I think it pressed
T. Rex's targeting button.

[Reptil] Whoa!

Go away! Shoo!

Stop targeting me!

[Spidey grunts]

We need to stop that robot.

And we need to save that squirrel.


[Gobby whimpering]

Save me from that thing!

[Reptil] That water just messed up
your robot.

Well, yeah.
Water isn't great for electronics.


The robot has gone out of control.

With that squirrel inside.

-We really need to get him out of there.

-[citizen 1] Dinosaur!
-[citizen 2] Dinosaur!

[citizen 3] Run away!

How do we safely stop that thing?

Hey, Gobby,
does your T. rex have a shutoff switch?

-Wait. Where did he go?

There he is! He's running away!

Whoo-hoo! T. Rex is out of control!

It's no longer just after me!

[mechanical groaning]


Looks like Gobby needs our help again.



It's working again!

Someone save me from my dinosaur!

Gobby! Where is
the emergency shutoff for your robot?

I didn't make one.

That's a problem.

How are we going to stop it?

The only way I know. Dino-to-dino.

Go, dinosaurio!


I see the squirrel.

We need something to lure him out.


Peanuts. Of course.

How much for a peanut?

Just one? Here. Take it.

Thank you.

[grunting] Could use some help here.

This should get that squirrel's attention.

-Come on, buddy.
-[squirrel chattering]

That's it.


He's out!


Somebody do something!


[whimpers] I can't look.

Good riddance.

[scoffs] I don't know about you two,

but I have had enough of being scared
for a long, long time.

Well, I hope Gobby learned his lesson.

Yep. No matter what,
never get a squirrel mad at you.

[theme music playing]