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02x10 - Follow That Sea Monster!/It's Bad to be Gooed

Posted: 04/05/24 21:16
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Miles] "Follow That Sea Monster!"

[Peter, Gwen, Miles laughing]

Aw, well, hello there, little cutie!

[Miles] Heya, Squishy.

How's it going?

It looks like she's saying hi back.

Here come some fish to say hi to you too,

-Whoa! What was that?
-I don't know.

It's like she made a black cloud
around herself.

But why?

Let's ask Isla.

She's the marine animal expert.

-Hi, Isla!
-Hi, kids.

Enjoying our octopus exhibit?

Yeah, but can we ask you a question?

That's what I'm here for! Ask away.

We were wondering about Squishy.

[giggles] Oh, yeah.
That's a nifty trick she did, isn't it?

-What was it?
-When an octopus gets scared by fish,

it'll sometimes create a cloud of ink
so it can get away and hide.

Oh, there she is!

[Miles] Way to go, Squish-ster.

You would rule in hide-and-seek.

Wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?

Aw, it's almost like you're friends now.

[chuckles] Yeah, last time we were here,
you thought octopuses were kind of creepy.

Me? Nah.

I'm totally over that.

[seals bark]

Sounds like it's time to feed the seals,
so I'll leave you to explore.

Cheers, kids. Enjoy the aquarium.

Thanks, Isla.

[WEBSTER beeps]

Webs up, Spidey alert.

Whoa! It's WEB-STER.

Team Spidey, there are reports
of a sea monster attack at the docks.

Did he say "sea monster"?

Yeah. Thanks, WEB-STER.
We'll be right there.

A sea monster?

There's no such thing as sea monsters.

I sure hope not.

See you later, Squishy.

Time to Spidey swing!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

Team Spidey.

[chuckles] Oh, thank goodness you came.

And look, Reptil is here too.

Hi, Reptil.
I guess you got the same emergency alert.

I sure did.
Can you tell them what you told me?

Well, we were about to head out to sea to
transport a big crate of valuable cargo--

But then,
something huge reared up out of the water.

-It was all like-- [roars]

It looked like a sea monster.

That thing took the crate
right off our boat.

It was scary, I tell ya.

That sounds scary.

But it probably wasn't a sea monster.

Are you sure?

It had eight big, long tentacles.

And it was big.

As big as our boat!

It grabbed that crate
and swam off into the briny deep.

[Spidey] Eight tentacles?

Sounds like an octopus.

An octopus that steals stuff
sounds like Doc Ock.

[Ghosty] But Doc Ock
definitely isn't as big as a boat.

[Reptil] Whatever this thing was,

we've got to find it
and get that cargo back.

Maybe it left some clues.

[Reptil] Mmm.

-Uh, anyone see anything?
-Not me.

Look. What about this inky black stuff?

-Was it on your boat before the robbery?
-No, no.

That leaked out of the creature
when I whacked it with an oar.

If this thing is leaking black stuff,
maybe it left a trail we can follow.

[gasps] I bet there's some in water!

Go dinosaurio!

[Captain, first mate giggle]

Oh, hey, I think I see something.

There's more black stuff right over here.

Let's follow it.

We'll get your cargo back
as soon as we can.

-Good luck.
-Vámonos, Team Spidey.

Let's go!

[Spin] Whoo-hoo!

[Spidey] A giant dinosaur
sure can swim faster than we can.

Being a plesiosaurus
definitely comes in handy.

Hey, look over there on that boulder.

[Spidey] I think it's more of that
inky black stuff.

She must've gone that way.

Then that's where I'm going.

[Spidey] Whoa! Check that out.

[Ghosty] A huge metal octopus!

Yeah, just like those sailors described.

[Spin] And its got the stolen crate
in its tentacles!

I bet Doc Ock's inside that thing.

Let's find out.

Hang on.

[Spidey] Go, Reptil!

-[Spin] Whoo-hoo!
-[Ghosty] Yeah!

[Doc Ock cackles]

-Hey, you! Stop!


A sea monster!

Nope. It's Reptil.

-[Spin] And Team Spidey.
-Hand over the crate, Doc Ock.

[cackles] Oh, you mean this crate filled
with valuable goodies?

You'll never get it from me.

My new underwater octo-suit
is far too powerful for you to stop me.

[Spin] Oh, yes, we will.

-[Spidey Team grunt]
-[Reptil grunts]

[Doc Ock] Ooh, isn't it amazing?

It's huge and made of metal,

but these floaties keep me from sinking.

You don't stand a chance
against my brilliance.

We'll see about that. [roars]


-[Reptil] Whoa!
-[Doc Ock yelps]

-[Doc Ock] Oh, Reptil is stuck.
-[Reptil struggles]

Not anymore.

[Spin] You're gonna be stuck, Doc Ock,
in our webs.

Webs? How adorable.

[Spidey Team grunting]

[Doc Ock] Go ahead and try to stop me.

-[Spin] Oh, we'll stop you, all right.
-[Doc Ock cackles]

You won't even be able to find me
once I do this!

-[Spidey Team grunt]
-[Reptil] Wha--

-[Spin] Wait!
-[Ghosty] Where'd she go?

[gasps] She's gone.

Her suit shot ink
and she was able to get away.

Just like an octopus.

And she took that stolen crate with her.

Doc Ock's gotta be around here somewhere.

Hey, look! There's more ink up ahead.

I think it's still leaking
from her octo-suit.

I'll follow it. Hang on.

Here we go.

Anybody see her?

[gasps] There she is.

[Doc Ock cackles]

Found you, Doc Ock.

I guess I'll just have to lose you
all over again.

-[cackles] So long!
-[Reptil, Spidey Team gasp]

-[Ghosty] Ow!
-[Spin] Sorry, I can't see!

[Doc Ock cackles]

Ugh. She got away again.

Uh, I think there's something on my face.

Aw, it's a little octopus.

Doc Ock made so much ink
it even confused him.

It's okay, fella.

You can go now.

I think she went that way.

Come on. We've gotta catch her.

[Doc Ock cackles]

-There she is! Let's get her.

She'll just make another ink cloud

and by the time we can see again,
she'll be gone.

What if we surround her?

[Ghosty] Yeah, she can't ink
in more than one direction.

Let's spread out.

[cackles] I can't wait to find out
what's in this crate.

[gasps] Gold?


You'll never find out, Doc Ock.

Hand it over.

Oh, silly spider.

Don't you ever learn? [cackles]

All inked up!

But I'm not.

Huh? [sighs]

Now you are.

What about me?

And me.

[grunts] I'll get you too.

Both of you.

Here I am again.



-[Spin] And me!
-[Doc Ock grunts, gasps]

[Ghosty] Don't forget about me.


[Reptil] And me.


You can't ink us all at once, Doc.

Looks like we have you beat.

[Spidey Team grunt]

-[grunts] Try finding me now!
-[buttons beeping]

[Spidey Team] Whoa!



[Doc Ock grunts] Can't see.

[gasps] Gotta get away!

[groans] Whoa!


-[floaties squeak]
-[Doc Ock gasps] No. No, my floaties!

I can't swim without my floaties! [yelps]

Whoa! That was more ink than I expected.

Spidey? Spin? Ghosty?

Where'd you go?

[Spidey] The octo-suit is going to
drag her right over that cliff.

[Ghosty] Let's grab her with our webs.

[Doc Ock] I can't stop!


-[Ghosty gasps]
-[Spin] Too late!

-[Doc Ock screams, grunts]

[gasps] Huh? My tentacle's stuck.

[sighs] At least I've stopped falling.

[Spidey] Come on.

We've got to try and lift her
out of there before she falls any further.

[Doc Ock gasps]

-[Spidey] Pull!
-[Spidey Team struggles]

-[buttons beeping]

[all struggle]

Calm down, Ock! We're trying to help you.

[grunts] Help me faster!


[struggles, shouts]

[Doc Ock sighs]

-[grunts] The suit is too heavy.

[gasps] There they are.

Hang on, I'm coming!

[Spidey Team struggles]

[Doc Ock yelps]

I should've added more floaties!

-[Spidey] Come on, we gotta catch her.
-I've got this.

I'm fast, remember?

[Ghosty] I hope he's fast enough.

[Spidey Team] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

[Spin] All right, Reptil.

[Doc Ock grunts] Let me go.

Let me go!

Hey! I thought you were helping me.

We're helping you to safety,

not helping you take something
that doesn't belong to you.


[groans] Spiders!

[Spin, Ghosty grunt]

Here you go.

One crate of valuable cargo
back where it belongs

and ready to be delivered.

We can't thank you enough.

Better check on this cargo
to make sure it's not damaged.

-Yep, safe and sound.
-[duck squeaking]

[all] Rubber duckies?

-Rubber duckies?
-[Captain laughs]

Valuable cargo indeed.

[scoffs] Oh, yeah, lots of kids' baths
will be way more fun because of these.

[sighs] I went through all that
for rubber duckies? [groans]

[Spin, Captain laugh]

Thanks for the help, Reptil.


Hiya, Squishy.

You wouldn't believe the day we've had.

That was some adventure, all right.

There you three are.

I was wondering where you'd gone.

Oh, well,
we just ran out for a little while.

Yeah, we even took a swim in the ocean.

The ocean? Oh, great!

It's such a beautiful place, isn't it?

-Full of wonderful creatures.
-[seal barks]

Hope you got to see some.

We sure did. [shrieks]

We saw a little octopus just like you,

I think she wants to high-five you, Miles.

Always happy to high-five my friend
from the sea.

[Gobby] "It's Bad to be Gooed!"

-[birds chirping]

[Peter] Okay,
so far I've seen some blue birds, a crow--

I saw that grasshopper. And a lizard.

Where are all the squirrels?

I thought for sure
we'd see some squirrels.


There go the squirrels.

[Morales laughs] What are you kids up to?

We're naming all the different animals
we see on our hike.

Aha! Well, you're about to see
a certain kind of animal

you haven't seen anywhere on this hike.

Really, Dad? What is it?

[giggles] You'll see.

Come right this way.

-[Peter] Yes!
-[Miles] Whoo-hoo!

[Morales] Here we are. The river.

Right where we find the… [scats]

…river turtles!

-Aw. Cool!

Check 'em out!

[Morales] Cute little critters, huh?

Look, there's another one in the water.

It's swimming.

It sure is.

The water's clean and safe,
and has all the food these turtles need.

Oh, what's going on?

-It's swimming toward us.

Maybe it's trying to get away from that.

Some kind of orange goo?

Yeah. It's floating on top of the water.

Hmm, that can't be good for these turtles.

They need clean water.

Here we go.

Let's get you away from that stuff.

[Gwen] Uh, hey, guys.

There's even more of it coming this way.

I've got to figure out
where that's coming from.

-But Dad, what about these turtles?
-[Morales] Uh…

Good thing I've got this container
from lunch.

Come here, little buddy.

There's a ranger station near here.

I'll take the turtles there
and the rangers will keep 'em safe.

You kids stay here, I'll be back soon.

-Okay, Dad. Bye!

You know what I think?

That this orange goo
looks really familiar.

Exactly. Hmm.

[goo squishes]

Look how sticky it is.

Just like pumpkin pranks from--

[all] Green Goblin!

But why would Gobby fill the river
with Goblin goo?

I don't know, but we've gotta stop him
before it gets worse.

[Gwen] It looks like the goo
is floating down from up that way.

Then that's probably where Gobby is.

Let's go, webs, go!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

[Spin grunts] Whoo!

[Ghosty] Look, there's the dam.

[Spidey] The river's covered with goo
all the way up to it.

[grunts] Huh?

But the water on the other side
is totally clean.

So Gobby must be putting the goo
into the water somewhere close to the dam.

[Spidey, Ghosty grunt]

-[Spin] Hmm.
-[Gobby cackling]

Somewhere really close.

They'll never find me
Way out in the woods

Makin' goo in my factory
It's gonna be goo-goo-good!

-Song's over, Gobby.

[grunts] Spiders!

Can't I go anywhere
without you three showing up?

No more gooing, Gobby.

Oh, I'll be doing plenty more gooing.

I've turned this dam into a goo factory.

Water from behind the dam goes into the
dam where my factory turns it into goo.

[cackles] And all that beautiful goo
comes out this pipe.

I'll have all the ooey gooey goo
I'll ever need! [cackles]

Not so fast.

-[Gobby] Whoa!
-[Ghosty] You're polluting the river.

Turtles and fish need clean water
to swim in.

[Gobby cackles] Aw.

-[Spidey grunts]
-[Gobby cackles]

Other animals need clean water to drink.

And plants and trees need
clean water to grow.


I need goo for my pumpkin pranks.

Speaking of which, here, have some!

-[Spin] Look out!
-[Ghosty] Whoa!

You can try to stop me,
but you won't succeed!


[Spin] He went in here.

This pipe is where the goo's coming from.

Then that's where we're going too.

[Ghosty] It's pretty dark in here.

Let's glow, webs, glow.

[Spin] Good idea!

Whoa! Now that's a lot of goo.

[Spidey] Let's keep going.
I think I see an opening up ahead.

[Spin grunts]

Look at this place.

If Gobby came in here,
who knows which way he went.

Look, there's more goo
dripping out of that tunnel.

If we follow the goo,
we'll probably find Gobby.

Let's swing out!

[Spidey, Spin grunt]

[Ghosty grunts]

[Gobby singsongy] Oh, Spiders!

Are you trying to sneak into
my goo factory?

[cackles] Well, I've got
some sticky surprises in store for you.

[Ghosty] "Sticky surprises"?

[canon cranks, blasts]

[Spidey] It's raining pumpkin pranks!

[Ghosty grunts]

Look out!

Thanks, Ghosty.

-[Spin gasps] Spidey!
-[chuckles] Nice!

Whoa! Spidey sense.


-Whoa! No!
-[Spin] Spidey!

[Ghosty] I'm on it.

Get ready to catch us.

[Spidey shouts]

-[Spin grunts]

[grunts, sighs]

[laughs] Thanks! That was close.

[Spin] Whoa!

Gobby's goo may be sticky,

but if we stick together
we'll beat it for sure.

[Spin] Here ya go!

[Ghosty] Watch out!

-[Spidey] Heads up!
-[Ghosty] Whoa!

[Spin] Gotcha!

[Spin, Ghosty grunt]

-[Spin] We made it!
-[Ghosty] Way to go, team! Come on.

[Spidey] Careful.

Watch out for all these puddles of goo.

Yep. I bet they're another one
of Gobby's tricks.

-[Gobby] Oh, Gobble-snitches!
-[Ghosty gasps]

[Gobby] You made it past my first trap.

So, yes, here's another one!

-[Spidey] What's that sound?

That is one big pumpkin prank!

[Gobby cackles]

Quick! Stick to the ceiling!

[Spin groans] Oh, no! I'm stuck in goo!

-[Ghosty] We've gotcha.
-[Spidey] Web him.

-[Spin grunts]




-[Spidey, Ghosty struggle]
-[Spin grunts]

-[Spin sighs] Thanks!
-You got it!

Let's see where this tunnel goes.

[Gobby cackles]

[Spidey] Whoa. Hang on.

[Gobby] So much goo!

I'll have enough goo to last me forever!

[Ghosty] Let's check it out.

[Gobby] Those pesky spiders
will never find me in my secret room.

Well, it sure isn't a secret now.

Let's surprise him.

[Gobby cackles]

Ooh, gush, you goo machine. [cackles]

You beautiful, goo-tiful, ooey-gooey--

Spiders! [groans]


That's right.
Your goo-making days are over.

-Time to shut your machine down, Gobby.
-[Spidey Team grunt]

[yelps, pants]

Oh, no, it's not.

-[canon powering up]

[canon cackles]

-[Spidey] Huh?
-[Ghosty gasps]

-Look out!
-[Gobby cackles]

Ooh, I love to watch you scramble to avoid
my pranks.

[grunts] Whoa!

I'll web up its mouth!

Oh! He hit my web in midair!

You'll never stop
my Green Goblin goo blaster.

And it'll never let you get close
to my goo machine.

Look out!

Whoa! Going up.

This way!

Whoa! [grunts]

[grunts] I got hit by a prank!

-[Spin] Ghosty!
-[Spidey Team struggle]

[Spidey] Come on!

[Ghosty] That stuff really is sticky.

And that Gobby goo cannon is fast.

You and I came at it
from different directions,

but it spun around
and blasted at both of us.

Hmm. Well, what if we came it
from the same direction?

[Spin] What do you mean?

We stick together!

Like we did before in that shaft.

But at the last second, we break apart.

That could confuse it.
It won't know which one of us to aim at.

And if I can get on top of it,
I can zap it with my arachno-sting.

Let's try it.

[singsongy] Spiders! Come out and play!

[Spin grunts] Ready or not…

[Spidey Team] Here we come!

Huh? That's your plan?

Three spiders in one place.

What an easy target.

-[Spidey Team grunt]

[Spidey] Come and get me.


No, come and get me.

[Spidey] Missed me.

[Ghosty] Missed me too.

[Spin] But I won't miss.


[canon powers down]

[Gobby] No!

My beautiful cannon! [shouts, grunts]

I'm stuck.

Get me out!

First, I'm shutting down this goo machine.

-[machine powers down]
-[Gobby] Aw.

[Spidey] And we'll pull you out Gobby--

But you have to do something for us
if we do.

I'll do anything if you get me out
of this icky, sticky goo!

All right.


-[Spidey, Ghosty struggle]
-[Gobby grunts]

I'm free!

[stammers] But what do I have to do?

You made a mess with all that goo.

Now you clean it up.


Here's plenty of clean water
to help you out.

-[machine buzzes]
-[water bubbles]

-Yes, you did it!

Oh, yeah! [chuckles]

[Spidey Team cheer, laugh]

[Spidey] All that clean water
really helped clear away the goo.

The river's back to normal.

[titters] Hey, look, it's my dad.

We'd better get back to him.

Aw, you poor thing.
Looks like you've got goo on you.


Miles. Hey, kids. What are you doing
all the way up here by the dam?

We were worried about the turtles,

so we went looking for where the goo
was coming from.

-Did you figure it out?
-Yeah, it was Green Goblin.

He was making goo inside the dam.

But then Team Spidey stopped him.

Wow! Good for them.

Here you go, little guy.

No more goo on you.

Now go enjoy the nice, clean river.

[sighs] I wish Team Spidey could be here
to see this.

I bet they'd be really happy to see
these turtles back where they belong.

-[Miles, Peter, Gwen laugh]
-I bet they would be too, Dad.
