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02x09 - An Egg-Cellent Adventure/The Hangout Headache

Posted: 04/05/24 21:15
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

"An Egg-cellent Adventure."

So what's the super special thing
that's happening in the zoo today, Miles?

Yeah, come on. Tell us.

It's a surprise. And trust me,
it's gonna be really, really cool.

Is it time to watch them feed the giraffe?

-Uh-uh. Better.
-I've got it.

-[Peter] The sloth is actually gonna move.
-[Miles] Nope. Even better.

-Hi, Dad.
-Hey, Miles.

-Hi, Mr. Morales.
-Hey, kids.

Your dad is the surprise?

[chuckles] No, I volunteered to help
at the zoo on weekends.

That's how I know about the cool thing
that's happening today.

-What cool thing?
-What cool thing?

[Miles and Jeff chuckle]

Come on in and find out.

There, this is the rare blue-bellied

Wow, I've never seen one before.

I guess that's 'cause it's rare.

[giggles] Oh, yeah.
It's right in the name.

-Look how big it is.

Yep. But that's not even the surprise.

This blue-bellied wobble-walker
is sitting on an egg.

And there's a really good chance
it's gonna hatch today.

[all together] Whoa.


Wow, I love that sound she makes.

[chuckles] I think she wants some food.
I've got a whole bag of it right here.

-[all together] Whoa.

[Miles] Look. You can see the egg.
It's so colorful.

Hmm. You'd think a zoo
would have something to steal.


[gasps] Ooh, that's pretty.

I want it.

[Jeff] The baby bird will peck
through the egg when it's ready to hatch.

-It will be so cool to watch.
-[civilian] Hey! Give those back.

I wonder what that's about.

-[gate creaking]

Something's going on
at the monkey enclosure.

Better go see.

[squawking continues]

Let's leave Mama Bird alone for now.


-Everything okay here?
-[giggles] Yeah.

I must have gotten too close
to the enclosure,

and that little rascal reached through
and grabbed my sunglasses.

-He actually looks really cute in them.

[Jeff] Okay, time to give those back.


Everyone's distracted by the monkey.
Now's my chance to take that egg.

Hi-yah! Whoo!

-Get up so I can swipe that egg, birdie.

[grunts] Get up!


Oh! This'll get you off that nest.

You want some yummy bird seed? Yum-yum.

-There it goes.

[squawking, chattering]

And here I go with this.


-Bye, birdie. Thanks for the pretty egg.
-[shrieking continues]

[grunts, strains] Uh-oh.

-My grappling hook is stuck.

-Hey, that's the wobble-walker.
-[Jeff] Hmm.

Maybe the egg is hatching.

She sounds upset.
We better go see what's up.

Sorry, ma'am. I'll be right back.

[grunts] Meow, I can't get it down.
Whoa-- [gasps]

-[Miles] Come on!
-[Gwen] This way.

-[Miles] I hope the wobble-walker's okay.
-I wonder what's wrong.

-[gasps] The egg is gone.

Look around. It might be here,
somewhere in the enclosure.

It's not over here.

Not over here either.

Poor Mama Bird. How could her egg
just disappear?

I'm gonna go ask the zookeepers
if they know anything.

You kids wait outside the enclosure, okay?

Sure thing, Dad.

Huh. I wonder what happened to the egg.

-[shrieking continues]
-The mama bird is really upset.

I think she might have found something.

Look. What's this?

Hang on.

-[Peter grunting]

-[metal clinks]
-A grappling hook, and look at the claws.

It must belong to Black Cat.

Do you think maybe she stole the egg?

Well, it's pretty
and she likes pretty things.

She must have stolen it.

We've gotta find her.


Don't worry. We'll get your egg back
before it hatches.

Let's suit up.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

We'll be able to see Black Cat more easily
from up here.

[gasps] Team Spidey?

Aw, kittens.

-[grunts] Let go, let go!

[gasps] There she is.
That monkey's got her.

Let's swing!

-[grunting] Uh-oh. Team Spidey!
-[monkey chattering]


-Here, Monkey. Have an apple.

Stop right there, Black Cat.

I'm mee-owtta here.

[Black Cat grunting]

[Spidey sighs] Where'd she go?

Team Spidey,
are you looking for Black Cat?

I just saw her running that way.

[Black Cat grunting] Hi-yah! Whoo!

-She stole the wobble-walker's egg.

So that's what happened to it.
We gotta stop her. Let's go!

Don't worry, sir. We're on it.
We'll get that egg back in no time.

Good luck!

-[chuckles] Okay, buddy.

Let's hand over those sunglasses.

[Spidey] She's gone again.
How does she do that?

Let me try my scanner.

[Black Cat] Whee! Whoo!

Found her. She's heading out of the park,
toward the city. Come on.

Whoa! Whoo!

Whoo! Whee! [giggling]

-[groans] Where'd she go?
-[civilian] Who? Black cat?

[chuckles] She went that way.

-Thanks, sir.
-You're welcome.

[Black Cat] Ah! Whoo!

I have got the pretty egg,
and they'll never catch me.


[Ghost Spider] Now where'd she go?

Shh, shh.

She must have escaped over the wall.
Let's swing.

-[giggles, gasps]

No, you don't.

[grunts, groans]

[both grunting] Whoa!

Time for my getaway.

[grunts] You three stay here.

[all grunting]

[Black Cat] Ha! Whoo!

[all grunting]

There she is.

Let's swing up to the roof of the building
and grab her when she gets there.


Ooh. Pretty. I want this too.

Now I have two pretty things,
and I got rid of the Spidey Team.


-[Spin] Gotcha.

Aw, kittens.

Black Cat, give the egg back.

Hmm. No. Whoo!

-Wait! Stop!

That egg is special.

I know. It's so pretty and colorful
and I'm gonna--

No, you don't understand.

There's a baby bird inside
and it's going to hatch today.

But it needs to be back with its mama,
so she can take care of it.

[gasps] I didn't know
there was a baby bird inside the egg.

That changes everything.

It's in my pack.

Oh, no. It's gone.

It must've fallen out.
It could be anywhere.

Let's spread out and look.


Uh, hmm.

[Spin grunts] Hmm.

[gasps] Found it.

Now I'm getting it back. For myself.

What? But what about the baby bird?

It'll be my baby bird,
and I'll take care of it.

We've gotta get to that egg
before she does.

[all grunting]

Oh, no. Better use a shortcut.

Almost got it.

-[bell rings]

[Spidey] Where'd it go?

[Spin gasps] Look. Over there!

[Spidey] She's heading to the park.

[children giggling]

[Spidey shouting]


It's rolling towards the playground.

Huh? What's this? A big egg?
Ew! I don't like eggs.

I've got it!


Now we'll get this egg back to the nest,
and it will hatch with its mom.

Not if I get it first. Ha!

There you go. Told you we'd return
your egg safe and sound.

It won't be long
before that egg hatches now.

Good thing we got to it before Black Cat.

I'm back!

-[all gasp]
-She's gonna grab it.

I want that cute baby bird
inside that egg for myself.

Whoa! [grunting]

Wait. I think Mama Bird's got this.

[Ghost gasps] Look. It's hatching.



[all gasp]



-[all] Aw.

-Aw. That's so sweet.

You were right. That baby bird does belong
with its mama. Not with me.

I'm sorry I made so much trouble.

You should be.


Okay, Mama Bird.
I'll leave you and your baby alone.

But I'm taking this pretty shell. Bye!



I guess that's okay.

Yep. And everything else
is back where it should be.

[gasps] Except for us!

Looks like my dad's almost done
with that monkey.

Here you go, Monkey.
And here you go, ma'am.

-Thank you so much. [giggles]

-He's gonna wonder where we went.
-We better change.


Hey, kids.

Oh, wow! The egg hatched.
But how did it get back here?

-Team Spidey got it from Black Cat.

And then we saw the baby bird hatch
and everything.

It was amazing.

[chuckles] What a relief. Well,
I'm glad you three got to see it.

And I sure am glad Team Spidey was here
when we needed them.


Aw. I think the wobble-walkers
are glad about that too.

[all giggling] Aw.

"The Hangout Headache."


Whoa! Careful, TRACE-E.
I'm working on a new formula.

If I make one wrong move, I could ruin it.


Now all I need is a little bit
of this chemical, and-- Ooh--


-[gasps] Oh. [chuckles]

-Huh. Oh, no.

[whimpers, shivers]

-Well, so much for my experiment.


[sighs] Maybe I should think
about rearranging my lab,

so there won't be any more accidents.


Webs up! Spidey Alert! Green Goblin
has been spotted at Jerry's junkyard.

The junkyard?

-That's where Hulk's hangout is.

Hulk is chasing after Green Goblin
right now.

-I better go help him out.

That's right, TRACE-E. It's Spidey Time!

[grunting] Where are you? Come out here.
Stop sneaking around.

-[Gobby cackling]
-Huh? Hey!

You get out of this junkyard, Gobby.

You stop chasing me. Go away. Shoo.

Hulk jump!

[screams] Too close. Time to hide.

-Hulk, need some help?
-Spidey, am I glad to see you.

Gobby's here. He went this way.

But now I don't see him.

[Spidey] We'll find him.

-Let's look around.
-I'll check down here.

[grunting] Found ya!

Hmm. Maybe not.

Hmm. He's not up here.

-[grunting] Can't hide forever, Gobby.

Didn't know Hulk would be here.

-There he is.
-Let's go.

Just what I've been looking for. Finally.

-Finally what, Gobby?

-What are you looking for?
-Gobbledygook! Hulk and Spidey?

Time to get out of here.

You're not getting away that easy.

-[cackling] Whoo-hoo!

[Spidey shouting] Whoa. Huh.

-Ooh. This'll shake that spider loose.
-[Spidey groaning] Whoa.

Whoa! Whoa!

Hey, what's all the noise about--



-[grunts] Jerry, are you okay?
-Yes, just a little--

I got it. Hulk smash!

Whew. Thanks, Hulk.
What's going on out here?

Green Goblin was snooping around.

Where'd he go anyway?

-See him?
-Uh, no.

[sighs] Looks like he got away.

What would Green Goblin want with my junk?

I don't know, but he was definitely
looking around for something.

[sighs] Well, whatever it was, he caused
one big mess, and I better clean it up.

-Aw. Need some help?
-Nah, it'll be easy.

I've got my trusty magnet crane.

All this junk is metal. My magnet crane
will pick it up in no time.

Oh, hang on
while I climb up there to control it.

I could get you up there right away.
Hulk jump!

-[Hulk grunting]
-[laughs] Thanks.

All right. Whoo!


[electronic zinging]

Wow, that's pretty neat.

I've got this covered, guys.
Thanks for your help with Green Goblin.

-You're welcome.
-We have to find him Spidey.

Jerry's my friend. I don't like Gobby
messing with Jerry's junkyard.

We'll find him,
and I know just how to do it.

[grunts] How?

Hulk, you and I are heading
back to WEB-Quarters.

[Spidey grunting]

[Hulk grunting]

-[grunts] Hey, TRACE-E.


-Whoa! TRACE-E! [grunts]

Whoo! Whew.

-[chuckles] Sorry.
-That's okay. Accidents happen.

-Let's get WEB-STER looking for Gobby.

please search the city for Green Goblin.

He's up to something,
and we need to find out what it is.

Searching for Gobby. Stand by.

-Aw, that's great.

-Uh, what do we do in the meantime?

-We just wait.
-Gotcha. Uh…


[groaning, yawning]

Red alert! Red alert!
The alarm button has been pressed.

Red alert! Red alert!

What did I do? What did I do?

Looks like you accidentally sat
on the alarm button. Huh.

[grunting] Seems to be stuck!

-Sorry, I didn't mean to.
-That's okay.


Uh, your alarm button
completely broke off.

I can fix it later.

And come to think of it, I should make it
so it's not so easy to press by accident.

Ah, yeah, tha-- that sounds like
a good idea. [chuckles]

Meanwhile, maybe we should go wait
on another platform,

while WEB-STER searches for Gobby.

Uh, are you sure
I shouldn't maybe just wait outside?

What? Of course not.

Come on. I'll show you what
I've been working on in my lab.


Who-- who-- whoo-- whoa. Oh.

[chuckles] Hey, I've got this.

I'm coming! Whoa. Whoa.


Whoa! Oh, whoa!

Almost made it. [shouting]

-[heavy thud]

I'm okay. [grunting]

Sorry, Hulk. I forgot you can't swing
from one platform to another.

Aw, that's okay. I just don't think
I should go back up there.

How about if I wait down here,
where there's lots of room,

and you can tell me
when WEB-STER finds Gobby.

What? No way.
I can't just leave you alone down here.

Well, it's not very easy for me
to stay up on those platforms with you.

They're a little tiny
for a big guy like me.

Yeah, you're right.

WEB-Quarters was built for Spideys,
not so much for a Hulk.

There's got to be some way to fix that--

Webs up! Green Goblin located.

Great, where is he, WEB-STER?

He is headed towards Jerry's junkyard.

[both] The junkyard?

[gasps] Again?

He's definitely looking for something.

We need to stop him. Hulk jump!


-That's okay. [chuckles]

[chuckles] Now you're there.

Ah, last piece of junk put back
in its place.

Now that's a happy sight.

All thanks to my handy-dandy magnet crane.


Did someone mention magnets?

Green Goblin, not you again!

Oh! Yes, it's me again.
And finally, there's no Hulk or Spidey

to stop me from taking
what I was after all along. [cackling]

[gasps] My magnet.

It's my magnet now.

And I've got all sorts
of gobbledee-great ideas

to ruin everybody's day with. [cackling]

-Oh, rats!

You just missed Green Goblin. He stole
the big magnet right off of my crane.

-Where'd he go?
-That way.

He said he was gonna use it
to ruin everybody's day.

He can pick up anything metal
with that magnet.

Cars, ships, metal bridges,
we need to stop him.

Don't worry, Jerry.
We'll get it back for you.

[Hulk and Spidey grunting]

Hi, Sally. Would you like to go
on the seesaw with me?


-[both] Whoa!

-[Gobby snickering]
-Hey, Mister, that's mean.

You put that down right now.

Not today, kiddies.

Thanks to my new magnet,
this seesaw is mine. [cackling]


Hey! That's not your mailbox!

It is now. [cackling]

-[bell ringing]

[cackling continues]

[gasps] My ice cream truck!

Not anymore. [cackling]

I'm having so much fun with this magnet.

It's ruining everything
even better than I expected.


Your fun stops now, Gobby.

You two again?

Drop that stuff, Gobby.

Okay, if you insist.

-Here you go.

Look out! [grunts]


-Whoa. Nice one, Hulk.
-Looks like I'll get away this time.

Bye-bye superheroes. [cackles]

You're not going anywhere.

[cackling continues]

I'm too high up for you to catch me
with your web, Spidey.

You'll never get this magnet back.
I'll be causing mischief with it forever.

Oh, no, he won't.
Spidey, I've got an idea.

-Get on the seesaw.
-Huh? Okay. What's the plan?

I might be too big for WEB-Quarters,
but I'm just the right size for this.

Hulk jump!


[laughs] Nice!

[grunts] Now let's see if this magnet
will stick to Gobby's glider.

What's happening?

[groaning] Up! Up! Not down. [shouts]


[shouting continues]

[shrieking] I'm getting out of here.

-[screams, whimpers]
-Uh-uh. I don't think so.

-Way to go.

-Hulk five!
-[giggles] That's one powerful high five.

All right. No peeking.

Why did you ask me over here, Spidey?

Now that we got Jerry's magnet back,

I thought we'd just hang out
at the junkyard.

I have a not-so-little surprise for you.
You can open your eyes now.

Whoa! A platform? For me?

Yeah. Give it a try.

[chuckles] It's so big.

I can bounce on it,
and walk around, and everything!

I was thinking about how hard it was
for you to hang out earlier.

So I made this platform,
especially for you. Do you like it?


[chuckling] I love it!

Whenever you come over,
I can put this platform up

so you can be more comfortable.
No more accidents.

Thanks, Spidey. This is great.


[giggles] Oops. Sorry.

That's okay. Maybe no thunderclaps
in WEB-Quarters though?

-You've got a deal.
-[both laugh]

[theme music playing]