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02x07 - Sand Trapped/Too Much Fun

Posted: 04/05/24 21:13
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Sandman] "Sand Trapped."

Five! This is gonna be so much fun.
Move your game piece, Miles.

Oh, okay.
Uh, which game piece is mine again?

-This one. The Scientist.
-Hey, wait a minute.

My game piece looks like a scientist.

Oh, sorry. You're playing
as the Purple Scientist, Gwen.

Miles, you're the Red Scientist.

So you invented a board game
where all the players are scientists?

Yeah! Isn't it great?

You rolled a five, Miles, so you
get to answer this question about science.

But can't I play as someone else?

Science isn't exactly my favorite subject.

Hey! What if my game piece
looked like a drummer? Like me.

Then one of the subjects could be music.

And my game piece could be a painter.

And you could ask me about art. Hmm.

He could look like this.

Gee. When I was making my game,

I didn't even think about other types of
game pieces or other types of questions.

-[Peter] Hmm.

[WEB-STER] Webs up. Spidey Alert.

Sandman is causing trouble at the beach.

-[Miles] Sandman!
-He's always causing trouble.

Let's go, webs, go!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

-That's right. Beat it.

The beach is all mine.



[laughing continues]

-Hold it right there, Sandman.

You can't hog the beach all for yourself.

Yeah. It's for everyone.

Team Spidey. And just in time too.

In time for what?

[shouts] For this!

-[Sandman laughing]
-[Spidey Team] Whoa!


-[Ghosty] Look out!
-[Spidey, Spin grunt]


[Spidey] Whoa!

-What is this?
-These walls are so high.

Ha! Since when did a wall
stop Team Spidey? [grunts]

[grunts] Whoa!

Aw, I forgot. We don't stick to sand.


And neither do our webs.

[laughs] You're trapped. I got ya.

What are you up to, Sandman?

You're stuck in my maze, spiders.

-[Spidey Team gasp]
-[Spidey] A maze?

[Sandman] Ha, that's right.

And you're gonna have to find the exit
if you want to get out.

But you won't,
'cause I make the best mazes ever!

Well, we can't spider crawl
or web swing our way out.

We'll find a way. Hey, Sandman!

If we escape, you have to get rid
of this maze and leave the beach alone.

-It's for everyone, not just you.

I'll leave the beach
if you escape my maze. A-poof!

-[Spidey grunts]
-Which you won't. Poof!

[Spidey, Ghosty grunt]

Just give me a shout when you give up.
I'll be watching from here!

Oh, I'm gonna win

Win, win, win
I'm a winner

I'm gonna win
Win, win…

-We are not going to let him win.
-[Sandman singing]

Let's try this way
and see if it leads to the exit.

Come on!

Down here?

And here. Um.

[sighs] It all looks the same.

Let's try this way.

Down there.

Huh? Whoa, wait a second.
Isn't that Spidey's web?

Oh, no. You're right.

Even after all that running,

we're back in the same place
where I tried webbing onto the sand.

All these walls look alike.
It's confusing.

What's the matter, spiders?

Aw, you look like you're lost.

We're just getting started, Sandman.

Oh, sure, go ahead. Yeah, get started!

'Cause you'll never finish!
My maze is the best.


If we keep taking the same wrong turns,
we could end up back where we started.

We need some way to mark the walls
where we've already been.

Hey! I've got a paint cartridge
for my web sh**t.

I can make a mark with paint.

Then we'll know where we've been.

-[Ghosty] Whoa.

-Come on. Let's go.

A little paint here.


Here's a good spot.

And here.

Look. We've been that way before.

Then let's go this way.

[scoffs] They're finding their way out.

[grunts] A-poof!

Hey! I don't think
we've been down this way before.

You think it's gonna be that easy
escaping from my maze? Ha!

Well, think again.

My mazes come with traps!

-[Spidey] Uh-oh!
-[Spin] Whoa!

Hey! You're cheating.

So what? My maze, my rules.

[laughs] Poof!

You're stuck now. The beach is mine.


This pit is so deep,
I can't even see the bottom.

Me neither.

It's wide too.

Oh, yeah. [chuckles]

Of course my web won't stick
to the other side. It's sand.

So we can't swing across.

And it's way too far to jump across.

Huh. Let's see.
Judging by how wide that pit is

and how far apart these walls are
on either side…

-[scribbling in sand]
-What are you doing, Spidey?

Just using a little science

to figure out that
you could get across that pit by gliding.

I'd have to be going pretty fast
to glide all the way over there.

You will, because Spin and I will make
a web slingshot and sh**t you across.


[Spidey, Spin grunting]

-[straining] This is going to be fun!
-[webs straining]


[chuckles] We did it!

-[Spidey] Yes!
-[chuckles] You made it!

[chuckles, munches]


What? Well, hey, no way!

-Here, catch!
-[Spidey grunts]

-[Ghosty grunts]
-[Spidey] Go for it.



Ha! Easy! Your turn.

Here I come! Hup!

[Spidey grunts]

Uh-oh. Ah!

[Spidey Team grunting]

-[Spin] Yeah!

Go, Team Spidey!

Let's get out of this maze.

[growls] Those sneaky spiders.


[Miles pants]

This way. [pants]

-[Spidey Team gasp]
-Oh, no you don't, spiders.

You couldn't stop us with your pit,
Sandman. We're going to get out of here.

You will not.
'Cause now you'll have to get past this.

-[Spidey Team] Whoa!
-Sand smashers!

Try 'em. Poof!

[grunts] Maybe you'll go splat.

You never said anything about obstacles.

-You're breaking the rules.

So what? If I break the rules and cheat,
everybody else loses, and I win.

-Just the way I like it. Poof.
-[pounding continues]

There's got to be a way past those things.
We just need to look for it.

Or listen for it.

[rhythmic pounding]

-[Spidey, Spin] Huh?
-They're moving in a pattern.

They have a rhythm. Like music.

-Listen. One, two, three!
-[pounding continues]

[in rhythm] One, two, three!

[in rhythm] One, two, three!

[in rhythm] One, two, three!

[in rhythm] One, two, three!

[in rhythm] One, two, three!

See? Just do what I did.

-Watch the smashers, follow the beat.
-[pounding continues]

Let's give it a try.

[Spidey, Spin in rhythm] One, two, three!

[Spidey, Spin in rhythm] One, two, three!

[Spidey, Spin in rhythm] One, two, three!

[Spidey, Spin in rhythm] One, two, three!

-[sighs] We made it.
-[Spin] Whew!

Good thing you heard that rhythm, Ghosty.

We're probably close to the exit by now.
Come on!

how do they keep getting past my traps?

I must win. [growls]


[gasps] There's the exit.

Finally. We're getting out of here.

-[Spidey Team cheer]
-[Spin chuckles]

-Oh, no, you don't.
-[Spidey Team groan]

I made the best maze ever.

'Cause now, it doesn't even have an exit.

I win! Ha! Poof!

[Spidey Team groan]

I am the winner. My maze is the best.

It's not winning when you have to cheat.

Boy, he must really need to feel like
his maze is the best maze ever.

Well, what if we convinced him
it could be even better?

What do you mean?

We could trick him
into making some changes to the maze,

changes that would help us.

Oh! To get out of here!

He needs to brag so much,
I bet he would listen.

This maze is so boring.

Huh? What? No, it's not. Look at it.

[sighs] I am.

-Nothing but plain sand walls.

This maze isn't so "a-maze-ing" after all.

Yeah! The last maze I was in
had these giant blocks.

Huh? Poof!


Ha! I bet they weren't as nice
as these blocks.


-Now those are blocks.
-[grunts] Ah, not too shabby.

But I saw a maze that had monkey bars
that came out of the wall,

so you could swing through it.

Monkey bars? Uh.

I've got monkey bars.
They're the best monkey bars. Eh?

Speaking of swings,
the last maze I was in had a giant one.

It was so sweet!

A swing? Uh, th-that's weird.

But-But if someone else had one,
I've got one that's better.


[laughs] Look at that.
Blocks, monkey bars, swing.

No one's ever seen
a maze as good as this one. Poof.

[singsongy] I'm the best. It's the best.

Sandman is right. It's a great maze now.

[Spidey Team laugh, grunting]

[Spin] Whoo-hoo!

-[Ghosty] Yes!
-[Spin] Yeah.

-We made it out.

It's the--

What-What? No, but no!

-It's over.
-We win!


I'll be back. You'll see.

And I'll trap you in an even better maze.

Or-- Or a box. Yeah, a big box.

A big, big box. And it'll be the best box
you've ever seen.

I'll show you. I'll show you all!

[Spin] The maze is breaking up. Look out.

[Team Spidey grunt, coughing]

Whew. We did it. He's gone.

[Team Spidey cheering]

[laughs] Yeah!

So I was thinking about
how each of us found our own way

to escape from Sandman's maze.

-Miles used paint. Gwen used rhythm.

And I used science.

I guess how we're different helps us
figure out a problem in our own way.

That's what makes us such a great team.

Which is why the three of us
should make a game together.

Then it will be fun for all of us.

Oh, yeah. That would be great!

Maybe it could be like a maze.

With monkey bars and swings.

But no Sandman!

[all laugh]

[Electro] "Too Much Fun."

Whoo-hoo! [laughs]

A whole night at the amusement park.

We haven't been here in forever.

I can't wait to go on a ride.

And I can't wait to get a veggie corn dog.
They are, mwah, delish.

I can't wait to go on a ride
and eat corn dogs.

It's bumper cars for me.

I just love
all that smashing and crashing.

Have fun, kids.
Meet ya right back here in an hour.

Got it. Bye, Aunt May.

[gasps] Corn dogs!

Got to have one now!

[Miles, Peter chuckle]

-Here you go, kids.
-[Peter, Miles, Gwen] Thanks!


-Mwah. Delish.
-Mmm. Okay, what should we do now?

Hit the target with the ball,
dunk me in the water, and win a prize.

[bell rings]

-I did it, Dad!

We are definitely coming back
to play this later.

Mmm. That corn dog was good.

Time for another one.

-Another one?
-Another one?

Another veggie corn dog, please.

Sure thing.

Hey, you just had a corn dog.

You're getting a second one already?

Like you said, they're, mwah, delish!

And who knows how long it'll be
till we come to the amusement park again.

Oh, thanks. See? I came up with a plan

to make sure I could have
as much fun as possible in this one visit.

[chuckles] This I've got to hear.

My two favorite things to do
at the amusement park

are eating corn dogs and riding the rides.

So I figure eating the most corn dogs
plus going on the most rides

equals having the most fun.

In fact, one more corn dog, please.

If you say so, kid.


I don't know, Peter.

Corn dogs are delicious,

but I'm pretty sure
more than one isn't a good idea.

Yeah. They should just be a treat.


Time for a ride.

A whirly-- [burps, grunts]

Uh, excuse me. I mean the whirly-whirl.

After three corn dogs?

You sure?

-I'll be fine.
-[bell rings]

[all laughing, cheering]

[Gwen] Whoa! Woo!

That was so fun. [chuckles]

Whoa. I'm still a little dizzy.

[chuckles] Me too. How about you, Peter?

I'm going again. [chuckles]

Don't you need to take a break first?

Most corn dogs plus most rides
equals most fun.

-Remember? Here I go.
-[bell ringing]

-[Peter] Whoa! Whoa!
-I'm not so sure about Peter's plan.

Yeah. I'm thinking most corn dogs
plus most rides

might equal biggest tummy ache.

We'll come back when his ride is over.

[groans] They call that a fun ride?
It was so slow, I almost fell asleep.

[teddy bear squeaks]

This whole place is snoozeville.

-People just don't know how to have fun.
-[bell ringing]

-But I'm gonna show 'em!

Ha! Let the real fun begin. [laughs]


Whoa! [groans]

-[person] Look out!
-[Peter shouts]

[Gwen gasps]
The whirly-whirl is going too fast.

[passengers shouting]

-Peter! Are you okay?
-[Peter] Whoa!

Maybe those corn dogs
weren't such a great idea after all!

-[Miles, Gwen gasp]
-We've gotta stop this ride.

It's time to Spidey swing.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

-[passenger] Whoa!
-[Peter] Whoa! Whoa!

-[passenger] Whoa!
-[passenger 2 screams] Whoa. Whoa!

-[passengers sigh]

This way. Be careful.


[Peter sighs, groans]

You all right?

I'd be a lot better
if I only ate one corn dog.

[straining] I don't feel so good.

You stay here.
We'll see what went wrong with that ride.

Thanks. I just need a minute
to stop feeling so queasy.

-Hi, Peter.
-Aunt May.

I thought you were on the bumper cars.

I went once already.
Now it's time for a break.

I'm gonna eat this,
then take a little walk

before I head back
for more smashing and crashing.

Have fun.

-[stomach growls]

Nothing's wrong with the ride.

I wonder what made it go so fast
all of a sudden.

-[chuckles] I did!
-[Spin, Ghosty] Electro.

This so-called amusement park
is one big snooze.

But I'm changing that.

Get ready for more speed,
more excitement, more fun.

-[crowd screams]

Let's see now.
What should I supercharge next?

Supercharge? That doesn't sound good.
Come on!

Aha! Hyah!

[passenger] Whoa!

-[laughs] Now, this is real fun!
-[passengers shout]

These people are not having fun.

Ugh, who cares?

I'm making an amusement park
that's amusing for me.

[Spin, Ghosty grunt]

If they can't handle it,
that's their problem!

[people screaming]

We've gotta save these people.


-[passenger] What's happening?
-[Spin grunting]

Whoa! [yelps]


-[metal creaks]

-Here you go, folks. Watch your step.
-[passengers sigh]

-[metal creaking]

-I can't hold it.
-[passengers screaming]

-[metal creaking]

-[Ghosty grunts, sighs]
-[passenger] That was gnarly. Thanks.

Those spiders are messing up my plans.

Oh, and I know just how to mess up theirs.

-Electro. [groans]
-[stomach growls]

I don't feel great. But I feel good enough
to help stop a baddie.

If they thought the Ferris wheel was fast,

wait till they see what I do
to the roller coaster.

Oh! Ah!

[passengers yelp] Whoa!

[passengers scream]

[yelps] I like roller coasters,
but this is ridiculous.

-[people gasp]
-Oh, my!

She's at it again.

-[passengers screaming]
-[Electro laughing]

I'll go stop her.

[Spin] Be right there.

I'll help you to the exit, ma'am.

Thank you, dear.

-[passengers chattering, yelp]
-Now, this is an amusing amusement park.


-[passengers scream]
-[Ghosty grunting]


Only one spider to the rescue?
This should be easy.

-[Ghosty yelps]
-[Spin grunts]

Try two against one, Electro.

-[passengers whimpering]
-[Spin grunts]

-[passenger 2] Whoa!

Well, then, I'll just speed things up.

-[passengers screaming]
-The coaster is pulling too hard.

-[Gwen, Spin grunting]

Ghosty! Spin! Need some help?

-[Spin] Yeah!
-[Ghosty] Spidey!

[chuckles] Oh, no, they won't! Hyah!

I've got Electro. Hup!

You two can stop the coaster.

Huh? [grunts]

-Time for you to get off the tracks.
-Huh? [grunts] Whoa!

-[Spidey] Hup!
-[grunts, growls]

-[Spin grunts]
-[Ghosty] Our webs aren't holding.

[Spin] Can't hold on.

-[Ghosty, Spin] Whoa!

[Ghosty] Thwip!

-[passengers screaming]
-[passenger 4] Help!

[webs snapping]

-[passengers screaming]
-[passenger 4] Help!

We need a hand here, Spidey.

-[passengers cheer]
-[Spidey grunting]

[passenger 3] Thanks, Spidey!

Hyah! Hup!


-[passenger] Hey, thanks.
-[Ghosty] Happy to help.

-[Spin] Keep safe.
-You're welcome.

-[Spin] You came just in time.
-You sure did.

I almost missed helping you at all
because I felt so queasy.

[groans] Well, I feel bored.


[sighs] Now, where was I?

[gasps] Ooh!

Bumper cars! [giggles]

I just got an electrifying idea.

[Spin grunts] Not so fast.


[cackles] Hyah!

[all yelp, scream]

Whoo-hoo! That'll keep you spiders busy

while I make the rest of the park
the most fun ever.

[passengers yelping]


No. Aunt May!

[yelps, screams]

-[Ghosty gasps]
-We've gotta stop those cars.

[yelping, shouts]
Definitely too much smashing and crashing!

[passengers screaming]

-This thing doesn't have any brakes!
-I'll stop ya. [grunts]

Whoa! Uh-- Uh. Oh. Whew.

-That was close.
-Thanks, Spin.


Watch out! I'm out of control! [grunts]

-You okay?

Yeah. Thanks to you, Ghost-Spider.

I wonder how Spidey's doing.

[chuckles] Thanks, you two.

[gasps] Look. Over there.

-Don't worry. I've got ya.
-Whoa! [yelps]

-[Spidey grunts]
-Oh, no, you don't! Hyah!

[Aunt May, Spidey] Whoa!

Oh, wow, wow.


-We've gotta help him.
-[Spidey, Aunt May yelp]

And stop Electro. But how?

I am outta here.
Electricity and water don't mix! [screams]

Hmm. Electricity and water don't mix.

[gasps] I know how we can stop her.
Here's what I'm thinking.

-[Aunt May yelping]
-[Spidey yelps] Whoa!

-See ya later, Spidey.
-Hey, Electro!

There's something in the park
you haven't supercharged.

The dunking booth.

The dunking booth?

Huh, I never thought of that.
But I love the idea!

[Aunt May, Spidey yelping]

Spidey, you need help?

I've got this. You take care of Electro.

One supercharged dunking booth coming up.

Fun time is over, Electro.

Aw. [grunts]
Hey. What do you think you're doing?

Have a seat.

[gasps] No! No. Not water.

Hit the target, win a prize!




-[bell rings]
-Hey! [yelps]


[spitting] You spiders are no fun at all.

An amusement park safe from Electro
and her mean shenanigans.

That's the best prize ever.

I sure hope
Spidey's got Aunt May's car under control.

[Aunt May, Spidey yelping]

[screams] I can't look!

[grunts] Hup.


-[yelps] Whoa!

-[sighs] You're safe now, Au-- Uh, Miss.

Thanks, Spidey. You're the best.

Excuse me, but I've gotta check on
my nephew and his friends.

Yes. And I've got to, uh, make sure
everyone else in the park is safe!

[Aunt May]
Ah, I just love the amusement park.

But I think I'll wait a bit
before I go again.

-Me too.
-Me three.

Yeah. Turns out
there is such a thing as too much fun.

Who knew?

[all laugh]