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01x05 - A Man of Destiny

Posted: 04/05/24 17:51
by bunniefuu




[BREATHES HEAVILY] I need the compass.

It's in the boat. [GRUNTS]


I almost enlisted once.


Low wages. Terrible food.

Those poor bastards.

And the uniforms.

I like to choose my own look.

Who knows what position they'll
give me when we get to Richmond.

General. High-ranking.

No, no, no, no, no, no. No. No.
No. No, come on, you son of a bitch.

What's the matter? We further
from Richmond than you thought?


We're not even in Virginia. [SIGHS]

Don't play games.


Where are we?

We circled back.

We circled... What are
you saying to me, David?

I'm saying that we're back in Maryland.

It was cloudy. [STAMMERS]
I couldn't see the stars.

Son of a bitch!


All right, listen... listen, we...

All right, you're...
you're about his size,

and he's about mine. All right?

Come on, we, uh...

We need to go.

Come on.




[CONGER] Still no leads on Booth?

[LUTHER] No leads.

Does the Mad Hatter not know
it's raining? Or does he not care?

God told him to slice off
his ball sack and he did it.


It's true.

And he'd been breathing in
hat chemicals for ten years.

Who knows what he's thinking.


Dear Lord, ever since
you took my family,

not me,

I've prayed to serve you.

Show me why everything
had to be this hard.

When will you show me?


[CORBETT] Ladies'
hats! Half price today.


What happened to you, my child?


I wasn't sinned against.

I sinned.

Lost my beautiful
wife, Emily. Childbirth.

If I didn't have these base
desires, she'd still be here.

Tell me your name.

Tom Corbett.

There's only shame with it.

Well, cast yourself away and be reborn.

Tell me how.

[PREACHER] "Boston."

Boston Corbett,

I baptize you in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

for the forgiveness of your sins.

The truth is I was a poor boy.

I never even went to school.

I believe in the Union, but like you,

I'm fond of the institution of sl*very.

I sympathize with the loss of
your slaves, your assets, by force.

- I lost mine too. However...

... many of your great-great-granddaddies
didn't earn that property.

They were British men

who were granted the acres
when America was founded.

I missed the boat on that,
but look where I sit now.

[PROTESTOR] Johnson's
presidency is illegitimate!

What in tarnation is that?

Protestors. They don't let me sleep.


You fellas got a head
start for a few generations.

Now, it might hurt to
lose some of your gains,

but you got to pick yourselves
up by your bootstraps, same as me.

It can be done.

First, freedmen own land.

Next year you're gonna
give 'em the vote.

Have you thought this through?

You think they'll stop
at taking our land?

I see your point.

But the w*r secretary tells me

there will be unrest as long
as the n*gro remains beneath us.

Police them.

Otherwise, they're gonna take our
wives, our daughters, our businesses.

and states will be run by Negroes.

At this rate, you could lose
your second term to a n*gg*r!




We're protesting you too. [SIGHS]

Here's our petition
against the land grants.

We can get more signatures if we
need to help you with your problem.

What problem is that?

Your Stanton problem.


Let's hand them around.

Gentlemen, listen here!

I am tasking you with the
capture of John Wilkes Booth

and his accomplice, David Herold.

We now have a map of their Secret Line.

Search every Secret Line
address, every home, every tavern,

every chicken coop
between here and Richmond.

Good luck and Godspeed.


Praise the Lord. [CHUCKLES]




One, two... [STRAINS]


[HEROLD] I had my doubts, but I think
I'm going to get you to Richmond.


This is Virginia.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa.

[EDDIE JR.] Is it them?

Look away, look away, look away ♪


♪ ... the land of cotton ♪

♪ Good times they are not forgotten ♪

♪ Look away, look away, look away ♪



♪ ... away, look away, look away ♪

♪ In Dixie's Land where I was born ♪

[STANTON] Whoa. Whoa.

We're looking for the
president's murderers.

Have you seen them?

We have not.

We don't want no trouble, sirs.

Four years served and
now we're almost home.

Where is home?

We hail from Bowling
Green and Port Conway, sir.

Look, we've turned in our
weapons. We're unarmed.

I swear we pledge
allegiance to the Union.

You boys sign the allegiance?

On our way to sign at Port Royal, sir.

God bless America.

Search and question them.

Got a message for Secretary
Stanton from Thomas Eckert in D.C.!


Johnson's rolling back Reconstruction.

He wants to reverse the land grants.

I need to go back.

[EDDIE JR.] How many?

All of them.

Can he?

Yeah, he can.

[STANTON] Morning. We're
here to see General Sherman.

Here goes nothing. [SIGHING]

[STANTON] General, I have
a delegation of preachers

representing the freedmen of Georgia.

What would most improve conditions?

What would most improve
conditions is owning our own land.

Land would mean we could build capital

and invest in American enterprise.

We were property by law.

Now we want to own property
to gain a foothold as a people.

[PREACHER 1] Mm-hmm.

Most of us were freed without a thing.

Property would mean that
we could till our own soil,

we could earn our own wages,

we could protect our women and children.

What say you?

Controversial, to say the least.

Well, thanks to your leadership,

we've been able to confiscate
miles of coastal land.

[STANTON] Let me ask you this:

Would you order the Army
to enforce land grants?

My main concern is not
moral, it's logistical.

How many grants do you have in mind?

Secretary Stanton has drawn up a
map of the Carolinas and Georgia

that equals 40,000 tracts.

All at once?

Forty acres for each
freedperson, plus a mule

once they can be spared by your men.

The other 30,000 or more?

If it goes to plan, before winter.


Fine. I will redistribute the coast.



My mother taught me the old saying,
"The meek shall inherit the earth."

We saw how well freedmen fight.

Meek no more.

Mr. Green has lent me this beautiful

house while we're controlling the South,

but I still miss my own damn pillow.

Everyone should have
a place to call home.

Show me where to sign that order.

- Thank you, William.
- Mmm.

I understand the political
risk you take. Thank you.

This country will have a permanent poor.

Why can't the colored people be
self-made men like you and me?

You owned slaves.
How is that self-made?

I hadn't read your plan. Now I have.

It don't sit right with me,
giving away so much for free.



We cannot free these people into
society with nothing to their name.

Without an education, without
capital to build businesses, homes.

These are people, most of whom
don't even know their true name.

We need to give them the dignity
and the rights of citizens.

I didn't say they can't have rights.
They just can't have the land.


I have almost... [INHALES SHAKILY]

... 40,000 land grants in the works now.

You will see thousands
in misery. On the streets.

Is that the America you want?

If my ideas disturb you,
there's no requirement.

I'm happy to find another w*r secretary.

gave their lives for this country.

The n*gg*r*s can't keep the land!

[INHALES SHARPLY] Now, you assign
troops to reacquire the acreage,

or I will find someone who will.

You're making a mistake...

may take decades to mend.

Please. I am begging you.

Keep the order.

This ain't a game, Edwin.

I mean it.




[STANTON] There has
to be a move to play.

I don't think you have a choice.
I think land grants are over.

What was the point of defeating
them if we can't impose our agenda?

- We still reunited the states.

Well, he's threatening
my position over it.

[ECKERT] I know how much
this order means to you,

but I don't think its reversal is
worth you stepping down and leaving,

- to never finish any of your plan.

Johnson is president now,

whether we like it or
not. And this new order?

It's your duty to obey him if
you wanna remain in the Cabinet.

Do you wanna resign?

[CLEARS THROAT] What if he's bluffing?

Sir, I believe him.

I think you have to accept...

your new role is-is-is to
temper Johnson's worst instincts.


I promised Abe. [SIGHS]

The land grants are the... the
foundation of Reconstruction.

And how are you gonna finish his
work if you risk your position?


It's a tragedy...

but let Johnson take back the acres.

Then put things in place to
protect the rest of Reconstruction.

Do what you did to gain
advantage in the w*r.

- Meaning?

Stay on the offensive.

Choose your battles.




[BOOTH] David.

It's empty.

It's empty, or no one's home?

I'm taking the bed. [GRUNTS]

[MARY] G. Good job.

Excuse me, sirs. Now, what's this about?

This is private property.
This is trespassing.

- Milo, don't start nothing. Just wait!
- Leave here, right now!

Did you also receive a mule?

[MILO] Neighbors got a mule and land.

My sister got these 40 acres.
No mule. Why do you ask?

They... They're doing their duty.

What do you mean?

This a mistake or... This not a trick?

What's wrong, Mary? What it say?

It say we gotta... [INHALES SHARPLY]

we gotta give this land back to the
government. It's not ours no more.




This your cabin?



[HOMEOWNER] Charley?
You all right in here?

No cause for alarm.

Just looking for a place
to stay for a little.

You boys got transportation?

We're gonna need a ride.

Pa, ain't that man there
the man on the posters?

[SHUSHES] Don't you say my name, boy.

Charley, you go on and
fetch my wagon, you hear?

I was thinking, Pop, about the law.

What about it, Charley?

Oh, just about traitors.

When traitors get caught, do they
hang 'em, or sh**t 'em like dogs?

I reckon they hang 'em.

Union office around here crawling
with Yankees hunting traitors.

I heard they sh**t
'em, then they hang 'em.

- Don't listen to them. [BREATHING DEEPLY]
- [DRIVER] Hyah!

We're almost there.

If-If you take me back,

I'll give you the best service possible.

I'll ruin you for runnin' off.



- Yes?
- We're ready.

All right. Uh, bring my things.

Sir, the cavalry did report that
they have not seen or heard of Booth

- in the vicinity of the Potomac River.
- Right.

But they are still searching every

location on Sanders's distribution list.

We did notice something.

One of those first stops on the
Secret Line is Bryantown Market.

Dr. Mudd lives spitting
distance from it.

You think he could be CSS?

It'd explain how Booth
was able to find a doctor

in the middle of the nightb
on his way to Richmond.

He already knew him.


JWB. Your tattoo. Like Booth?

John Wilson Boyd.


This here's my cousin, Larry.


Lucky we got to serve on the
same brigade as one another, so...

Front line.

- Right behind Stonewall Jackson himself.
- Yes, sir!

Where you receive your glory?

Bull Run.

Where'd you earn your medal?

Bull Run.

That's not what we wore there.

You know, I have changed
my clothes since then.

Or, I reckon you weren't there.

What are you lookin' at, boy?

You're no veteran.
Neither is your friend.

How dare you?


- Cowards?
- Hey, lay low.

No, no, no.

All right. You got me.
[SNIFFS] I wasn't there.

But I was at Ford's Theatre.

- [SCOFFS] He's joking.
- I'm not.

I was there the night of April 14th.

In the president's box!

I stood on that stage
in front of 1,500 people!

Sic semper tyrannis!

I didn't need to be at Bull Run.

He's done more for the
cause than any of you.

I'm a hero.

- A symbol.
- Symbol.

Honor's won on a b*ttlefield!

Not like you did.

sh**ting a man in the back
while he attends a play?

That was despicable.


[VETERAN 1] Port Royal Ferry is landing.

How far is it to the Union office?

You going to pledge your
allegiance to the United States?

Whole lot of us are. Ain't
easy for me to walk far.

How far is it to sign the oath?

Don't you worry.

Union office to sign your pledge
is directly across the road

from the ferry landing.

[FERRY CAPTAIN] Watch your step.

Where you fellas headed?

Looking for a friendly
hospital in Richmond.

Richmond. That's a ways. You walkin'?

Uh, we need horses.

Can you help us?

Closest friendly is a man
named Garrett. He has horses.

Can you point us in that direction?

Let me ask you something,
what's wrong with these men?

We're supposed to be on the same side.

They're just staying out of trouble.

I'm trouble?

They're almost home. Last thing
they want is survive the w*r,

then get arrested at the
last hour helping you.

How come you're so willing?

[CHUCKLES] 'Cause I'm about to
marry the wealthiest girl around.

I'm not afraid of the law.

[BOOTH] The hell you looking at?

n*gg*r*s don't get rewards, boy!

First farm before you hit town
center, Garrett's Tobacco Farm.

He's got a daughter needs a
dowry, and he lost his slaves.

He'll host you for a good price.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

[FERRY CAPTAIN] We are now
departing for Port Royal.


- [ECKERT] w*r Department! Open up!


[ECKERT] Mind that back way.

I'm from the w*r Department.

We have a search warrant
for Dr. Samuel Mudd.

Is, uh... Is that you?

I'm Dr. Mudd. But
w-what is this regarding?

One of my men questioned
you after the assassination.

- He didn't search the house.
- Search for what?

What are you expecting to find on me?

You stated that when you
treated John Wilkes Booth

the day after the assassination,

- you were not aware of who he was.
- No.

Well, how did Booth
find a doctor so quickly?

I'll tell you the same
thing I told your officer,

I'd never met the patient or
his friend before that night.

I'm a good man. I simply
treat the sick and the injured.

That is my oath: Do no harm.

[SCOFFS] You'll find nothing on me.

Look, you have to
believe me. Had I known

that that man had shot the president,

I most certainly would
have turned him in.

[STAMMERS] Yes, I have a few servants,

but... [SCOFFS] ...
labor isn't free anymore,

as you know, and I would have
gladly collected that reward!

I swear to the good Lord.

You gentlemen need anything to drink?


Fetch these men some water.

Is this the, uh... the patient's boot?


You didn't notice, uh, his
initials stamped into the leather?

[STAMMERS] I'm not a cobbler.
I didn't examine his boot.

[STAMMERS] I don't remember all the
details. I see a lot of patients.

I'm the only family
practitioner for miles.

My father practiced
family medicine like you.

And he was a liar too.

You knew your patient
was John Wilkes Booth,

because you knew Booth
way before that night.

That's preposterous. I was
merely obeying my oath. I swear.

- Arrest him.
- [EDDIE JR.] On your feet.

He knew exactly who they were...

Booth, Surratt, the whole lot of
them... before the assassination.

She's a liar!

No sir. He's lying right
through his teeth to you.

He knew exactly who they
were. He helped them.

[DR. MUDD] I did nothing wrong!

He was not sorry the day of
the 14th. He not sorry now.

All I did was fix his
leg and give him a crutch!

- Out. Get out.
- That's all I did!

Where were those
Confederate soldiers headed?

Uh. Port Royal. Why?

Be one way for him to
blend in. With a crutch.

- Surround himself by the injured.
- Exactly. Take this.


What's your name?

Mary Simms.

That took courage. Thank you.

Do you have any family you can go to?

There's a... a temporary
settlement at Arlington.

Can I offer you shelter there?

Can I take my brother?

[MUMBLES] We'll find room for you both.




[GROANS] F... f*ck!


can't. I can't do it today.

I can't make it through
this trip. I... I can't.

- [HEROLD] Come on.

Slowly. Slow, slow, slow.

[ECKERT] US w*r Department.

Am I in some sort of trouble?

Did you ferry Confederate veterans?

These days, all I do is ferry
them to go sign the pledge.

Rumor is, y'all ain't giving
reward money to Black folk. True?

[ECKERT] We reward valuable information.

Your fugitives rode with me today.

Mustache shaved, but they
were who they claimed to be.

Did Booth admit who he was?

Well, he and his friend
were posing as soldiers,

but that ain't go over so well.

Think he wanted the attention.

He's in bad shape.

Which way did they go?

I minded my business, but they spoke
with a regular named Willie Jett.

I seen Jett give 'em directions.

Where can we find Willie Jett?

He has a regular room at the Star Hotel.

Thank you. All right. Let's go.

[SOLDIER] Hep! Hep!


Oh, my. Am I in heaven?


Why is it... It's so hot
in here. It's like hell.


Hey, can you answer me
that? Huh? Sweet angel?

Have you got anything to treat a fever?


- You're a hero, Mr. Booth. A symbol.

A symbol. Yes...

But when do I get my ribbons?


Are you Willie Jett?

Who's asking?

Edwin Stanton. Secretary of w*r.

Well, you have to wait an hour.
We're about to be occupied.

She'll have to wait.


Did you speak with John
Wilkes Booth on the ferry?

- Yes.
- Broken leg?

And a tattoo on his
hand. His initials. JWB.

You know where he is?

If I tell you, do I get
that reward money you posted?

Your reward is I won't arrest
you for aiding an assassin.

Now, where is he?

I wager he took my tip.

Stayed at the Garrett's.
First farm before town center.

Garrett's Farm?


If you're lying, I will find you.

Eddie! Eckert! We have him!

The Garrett Farm,
before the town center.

I have you now.

[ECKERT] Move! Let's go!




Get a doctor!


- What are you waiting for? Go. Go.
- No, no, no. We're not leaving you.

- Thank you, Jesus. This is why.

- We can't lose him. We can't lose him.

We're gonna wait for
the doctor, all right?

Let's go! Charge!

[CONGER] Go! Move off!


