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12x286 - A Strange Love! Skyham

Posted: 04/05/24 13:11
by bunniefuu
Skyham in love!

Let's go!

Heading out!

Jeez... This isn't good. It's too much to pay.

He failed once again?

Skyham, just give up with that pointless thing already!


We came here to play!

Welcome, Ham-Hams! Okini~~

Are you okay, Skyham?

I'm fine, I'm fine... I just stumbled a little.

You're still trying to do that sky thing, Skyham?

We have faith in you!


Forget about him and come play!

She never worries about me.

She's so cold.

Skyham can do it!

Okay, everyone, let's go play!

Let's go!

What's wrong, Pashmina?

Just wait a moment.

You're all dirty.

Now it's okay!

You get as dirty as Penelope does.


Well, keep doing your best, Skyham.


Pashmina is such a kind girl.

Hey, let's play!

Sukapi... This is fun, Maxwell.

Ms. Mystery, what's your prediction?

I can see it-chu!

It seems that Skyham fell again.

He should hurry and come play.


Penelope, wait just a moment, okay?

I'm beat.

What's wrong, Howdy?

Ah, nothing.


No, I'm fine, I'm fine!

You must be cold!

Let's warm up a bit, okay?


It really is warm!

But why is Pashmina being so kind to me?

It's incredible.

You don't even hesitate to follow your dream and fly in the sky, Skyham.

M-Maybe... Pashmina... and me...?

It seems like you've warmed up already, Skyham.

It can't be. Skyham and Pashmina doing such lovey-dovey things...

There is no doubt about it! This has to be a nightmare!

Yeah, that must be it! This is a dream!

Kana, look. Hasn't Travis been acting kind of strange lately?

Yeah, he keeps glancing over at Laura.

I-I wonder...

Don't you think it's strange?

I do!

What is?


Heke? You want our help, Skyham?

We're your hamigos! What's bothering you?

Don't be shy!

Really? You see... Umm... eh...

What are you mumbling?

I get it! You want us to help you fly, right?

That's something we can do!

That's not... The flying stuff... Let's put it aside for now.

There's something more important to you now?

Now I just can't stop thinking about Pashmina!

Well? How about a date?

A date with Pashmina?

Wait, wait! What about flying in the sky? You can't just betray your dreams!

I'm not betraying anything!

At that moment, Pashmina's warm heart and my own were so close to one another!

I-It can't be! Does Pashmina like you?

I wonder...

In any case, a date is too much to ask, Skyham.

Yeah, and why us?

If I could do it by myself, I wouldn't be asking for help! Was all that stuff you said earlier a lie?


I understand, if it's what you want, then I'll help you.

Okay, then count on me too!

I'm a bit disappointed, but... whatever, I'm helping too!

Thanks, you guys. You're the best friends I could ask for!

Okay, then I'll tell Pashmina about my love for her on the date!

Tell her?

Love is such a wonderful thing!

I feel as if my heart is racing!

Ah, my beloved Pashmina!

A date is okay, but... that Skyham... did he forget about his dream?

I'm also a bit disappointed now.

Everyone, let's play!

Pashmina and Skyham, you two play together!

Penelope, come with me!

This is the first time we've played together, right?

I guess you're right, Pashmina.

Everyone, we need to let them play alone!

He means it's a date.

Date boycott! Date boycott!

Stop it... I understand what you're feeling.

But you're on their side!

That's right!

Date boycott! Date boycott!

I understand! Shut up, shut up!

Heke? Penelope is against the date too-nano?

She wants to play with Pashmina too-dechuwa.

But... this is the first time Skyham has been on a date. I'm not sure if it's going to go well.

So, as we have heard your request, we're going to give you a prediction!

Ms. Mystery, what do you say about Skyham's love?


I can see it-chu!

What are you seeing, Ms. Mystery?

Skyham's love... will be a big success-chu!

A big success?

That means... that Skyham and Pashmina will fall in love?

That can't be. I won't accept it!

I won't either!

Boycott, boycott, boycott!

Penelope looks lonely.

She likes Pashmina too.

Try to understand, Penelope

Well, I need to go, Penelope is waiting for me.

Wait, Pashmina!

What's up, Skyham?

I, you know... Well...

I don't want to interfere with your dream. I hope you can fly soon!

See you!


I'm useless.

What? Weren't you able to tell Pashmina you love her?

Cool! Yay!

Cheer up, Skyham!

But... I must fly! Then I'll have the courage to tell her!

That's it! You'll be able to cross the sky!

It seems he hasn't given up!

But he won't really be able to cross the sky!

It seems that way!

Sorry for making you wait. Let's play, Penelope!

What's wrong?

Wait, Penelope!

Eh? Penelope did what? Oh no!

Let's search, everyone!

I know, I'll help too!

Episode dedicated to HHP users

Sorahamu-kun (Skyham)

Mafura-chan (Pashmina)

Hey, Penelope!

She couldn't have gone too far.

But this forest is big. She might be in trouble!


Don't worry, it'll be all right, Pashmina! We'll find her!

Was that Penelope?

It was!

Right, let's hurry!

Okay, I'll search for Penelope from the sky!

Here we go!

Dang! Not again?

I hope you cross the sky soon.

This time I won't fail! Wait for me, Pashmina!



How dare you!

We're going to save Penelope!

We did it!


It's okay now. I'm here to help you.

Everyone, catch them!

It's impossible. We won't make it in time!

Leave it to me!

What's that?

It's Skyham!

H-He's flying?

Hamtaro, take my hand!


Let's go!


I'm so glad you're safe!

Skyham finally crossed the sky!

It's amazing-dechuta!

How does it feel to fly?

Flying... feels great!

You're the man! Well done, Skyham!

Okay, now's my chance!

Pashmina, I...!

This is bad! We need to stop Skyham before he confesses his love to Pashmina!

Howdy, it's time to do what you do best!


Howdy's joke time! Special edition!

I've been waiting for this! First one!

Second one!

Third one!

That's so funny.

Skyham, come on and join in with us!

I don't want to play! I will tell Pashmina...!

Is that so, Penelope-dechuta?

Are you afraid that Pashmina likes Skyham more than you-dechune?

You're wrong, Penelope! I would never do that!

Of course I like Skyham.

The same way as I do Hamtaro, Boss and the others.

Isn't it obvious? The one I like the most is Penelope.

Wha-? But Skyham said that he...

Pashmina is kind to everyone, so...

Don't be sad, Skyham! That's the faith of a man!

I'm not sad, of course, but I feel for you!

I'll help you out with your next crush too!

Just kidding.~

Well, it doesn't matter... but thanks to Pashmina, I was able to cross the sky.

We have our chance again!

I'm so happy, Dexter!

But Mystery said that Skyham's love would be a great success.

Of course she did-pitoli!

Skyham was able to cross the sky-chu!

But she said "his love"!

Skyham's love is to cross the sky, so the prediction was a huge success-chu!

NOTE: Magical words and an "Of course" between them

As expected from Ms. Mystery!

You fulfilled your dream, Skyham! You're so awesome!

Look at yourself; you always believed that you'd be able to cross the sky, and now you're the first hamster to do it!

In others words...

You're a legendary man, Skyham!

I-I'm a legend?

No way!

It's Travis!

He must be waiting to tell you that he loves you!

Tell me that he loves me?

Come on, Kana. Let's leave these two alone.

Well, see you later, Laura!

Um... Haruna, this is yours.

A love letter!

I wish I could have given it to you earlier, but everyone was hanging around by your side.


Finally, Laura! In the end, Travis did it!

I told you! It's a letter expressing his love to you!

What's wrong? You should be happy, Laura!

But this isn't a love letter.


I was absent yesterday... and Travis needed to give my test to me.

And he was too shy to bring it to me in front of everyone.

Don't worry, Laura! I failed too!

You two need to study more.

Hamtaro and the others! And Pashmina too!

Everyone, please look!

Here we go!

He's flying, flying!

Penelope, it's incredible, right?

Right on, legend man!

He's so cool!

Everyone, I have a new dream!

That is... I will become a justice hero of the sky!

Justice hero... of the sky?

That's right! Whenever you're in trouble, call my name!

Let's try it!


Here comes the justice hero of the sky, Skyham!

I can't see a thing!


Jeez... I was able to do it once.

Don't worry!

He's right!

Now's the time to focus on your new dream!

We're counting on you, Skyham!


You guys...

Ah... This is the worst.

Laura, today Skyham was finally able to fly!

And I helped him!

I think there's nothing more to do now.

If I want Travis to not be shy anymore, I need to put in a lot more effort!

Okay, I'll do it!
