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11x273 - It's Art, Sandy!

Posted: 04/05/24 13:06
by bunniefuu
Is art, Sandy!

Good morning!

Good morning!

Is great we have such a good day, right?

Yeah! It's a perfect day to have a picnic in the town museum's park!

Besides that, Kana's drawing was awesome!

Don't say that! Laura's one was better!

No, no... your daughter was better!

Well then, shall we go?

It would good if Hamtaro and the others come too, right?

Yeah, but with that many people if they lose it would be troublesome!

That's right. Then, see you later!

See ya!

What about Laura's being better? Jeez...

Don't worry about that, I'm not that good after all...


It's ok, right? At least you managed to get in the town museum's mural!

That's right! Over there are the best paints!

That's right... ok!

It has been a while since our last picnic! I'm waiting for it!

It is that funny?

Understanding science is always funny!

What's... science?

Science is science, you can't get something like that?

But we're saying we're going on a picnic, what understanding science have to do with it?

That's it!

NOTE: Sorry, I'm not sure about the science thing...

Yay! Picnic, picnic!

I'm sorry!

Big Bro, you always...! Sorry...

Don't worry, it's nothing


It's really huge!

Hey, be careful and don't get lost!

There's a lot of people...

Ah, we go this way!

And we that way!

Then, let's meet later

What's this?

Penelope, be careful to don't get squashed

Everyone, follow me this way! Let's move!


Where is this?

Dunno... but he says to come this way, right?

So beautiful!



What's this? A face?

Ah, here are sunflowers!

They look delicious!

Yay! Wow! Dancing girls!

Let's do it!

This is really a place for dreams, right?

If you say so... I don't get it...

Boss, it's not real...

Jeez, Boss!

It really looked real... It is really well done...

There's a lot...

Seems everyone who participated come here, right?

But where is Laura's picture?

Over there!


This really wonderful picture... Is perfect for sure!


If you say so...

What's up with this place?

It was funny!


But it's ok from looking drawings, right? Now let's do some move! Yahoo!

Let's go, Sandy!

Ah... right!

Is really a good day, I'm so happy!

Jeez... why that...

Is your dad mad, Kana?

A little...

Uh? What's wrong, Sandy?

Ah, yeah... I was thinking on the drawing from early...

Ah! Sandy really look to enjoy them!

I wanted to see them one more time though...

But over there is a little scary...

Don't worry! We'll go later with everyone!

Ah, that's right! I can go with Big Bro!

Uh? Where could he be?


Dancing, dancing!

Then, here I go!

Limbo, limbo, limbo dance!~~


Jeez, Big Bro...

Ok, one more time!

What are you doing, Big Bro?

Hey, Sis! Didn't you saw it? Limbo dance!

Come here!

What are you doing, Sis? Now Big Bro is busy...

I want to see that drawing from early! Come with me!

Eh? That can wait! Lady's are waiting me...


Then, see you later, Sis!

It's ok!

Uh? Sandy?


Ah, Maxwell!

W-Where did you go?

I was heading to the room from early... I wanted to see the drawings one more time

I see! Then I'm going too!

It's dangerous to go alone... and I want to see them too!

Come on, let's go!



Sis? Where did you go?

That girl...

Episode dedicated to Kurt and Wolfenheim

Torahamu-chan (Sandy)

Torahamu-kun (Stan)

It's really incredible...

Yeah, that's right...

It's strange... she looks like if she's flying...

Yeah... maybe that was the artist heart feelings...

Heart feelings?

The heart is the strength!

You can put what is on your dreams with it

Dreams... I see...

You know where my sis is?

Uhm... Now that you say it, she say she wanted to see the drawings from before!

The drawings? Did she go alone?

But she said it was scary so she go to search for you...

My sis!

Hey, where are you going?

The artist of this one likes to paint things realistic

It looks real!

Yeah... is somehow scary...

That's right... hamsters surely won't like this picture

That's right!

There's a lot of flowers!

It looks like Autumn!


Yes... those are clovers, and there's a lot of purple flowers too!

Hey, there was some purple flowers out there too

Eh? Really? I didn't noticed... I want to see them...

Then, let's go!


She is alone in a place like this?


Nowhere... That means...

Where are you?


Where's Sandy?

She's nowhere!

That's weird...

Now that you say it... I haven't see Maxwell neither

Eh? Maxwell?

Could it be they are together?

What will happen if they're not?

It can't be...!

Sis, where are you? Is Big bro fault! Get out of whenever you are, Sis!

You don't need to worry that much...

That's right... we should think of something

You guys don't understand!

She is so cute as I!

Eh? Ah, well...

Don't you get that he can be target for any flirter!

Hey, lady!

That's right! Could it be that the wild pig mistake her with me?

Don't go, wild pig!


That's it... that's what happened!

I get it now! There's no doubt!

That hamalien... how dare him!

That's not possible

How did you know it? Why did you know it? My sis is the most important!

Stan, even if you say so...

There's nothing impossible!

Ah, where would she be...

Wait! Big bro is coming to save you!


Where are you, Sis?


Sis... Hey! Where are you? Hey!

S-She is nowhere...

Get a hold of yourself!


Someone... Get my sis...

Ok! We're going to search too!

That's right! Bijou and the girls, take care of him!


Eh? Already?

Go home?

Your dad need to return quickly to the town

They need to return to job tomorrow

How boring...

Well, we can play at the town too, right?



They're going home?ka

It seems so...

Anyways, everyone, let's hurry and return to the car! Boss is searching for the others!

But Sandy and Maxwell...

They may found them already

Anyways, come with me!

That's right!


These are... Dindo, Cosmos and Marguerite

Incredible! Maxwell knows from a lot of things!

Eh? Don't say that...

You're incredible! And you were so gentle to come with me...

Not like that Big bro...


I think Stan is really a good boy, though

Always like "Yay, girl!"... I really want to do like that

Eh? You want?

That's funny

Really, uh? But I can't...

You're funny, Maxwell

They didn't return yet?

The car is about to go!

How it goes, they come?

Hamtaro haven't arrived yet...

Where's my Sis?

We haven't found her yet...


Ah, wait! What would you do?

But is my sis...! My sis...!

Now I understand, sis...

I was a really bad Big bro...

Even you told me to go with you... I... I...

From now on, I will always hear you! I won't put my eyes on any girl!

Sis, if you're ok, I'll do whatever!



Of course!


He found them...

Sorry for made you worry

Hamtaro look for us

Dad, you forgot to close the car boot

Oh, that's right!


Take my hand!

Sorry! Sorry!

You did well, Stan!

Eh... no...

Hey, Big bro...

What's up, sis?

What you said before, it was real?

If you're ok, I'll do whatever!

Well then, what should you do...

Uhm... stop flirting with girls... don't dance anywhere... stop saying "Yay" everytime, and...

Eh? That's too much, sis!

I don't want to! Help me, baby! I'm your brother!

Even I didn't win, it was great to see my drawing in there!

Uh? Seems Hamtaro has fallen sleep already...

Today was so tiring

Goodnight, Laura...

Goodnight, Hamtaro!

I'm glad I found Sandy and Maxwell!

Hecke! Someone come to Hamha House!

He says he's called Nande

Could he stop that "Why, why"?

He's asking so many things!

Eh? You're lose, Nande?

Kushi, Kushi! That's troublesome!

Everyone let's look for Nande's home!

Next time!

Why, Nande?

See you next time!

How will be lucky?

Koushi-kun (Oxnard)