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11x269 - Satisfied Bijou

Posted: 04/05/24 13:04
by bunniefuu
What a nice day!

Thank goodness!

Because, because today...

I'm going on a date with Hamtaro!

I can't believe it!

Ah, it will just be the two of us!ne

The Ham-Hams are always around, but...

Today Hamtaro and I will be alone on a date!



What's wrong?

Are you sick?

I'm ok!

You don't look like your usual self...

What should I do?... I need to go soon, but...

I'm really ok!

See, I'm healthy as can be!

You do seem to be in good shape as usual...

I'm going to go then!

Take care, Maria...

Satisfied Bijou

What should I do, what should I do?


Like where's the fire Laura?...

What should I wear?

This one fits me pretty well, but...

But this sweater would look better...

She doesn't need to go to school today, so what is she so worried about?

Hecke? I think there was something I needed to do too...


What do you think, which one would Travis like?

This one? Or this one?

The second one is better, right?


Ah right, she's going out with Travis today

It's so great that I got this date...


Well, it's not really a date

I just asked Travis to hang out...

So that's just what I think of it

Not actually a date? I was so worked up

But if we're alone...

Then it'll really be a date!

Oh no! I forgot I promised Mama I'd help with her work!

Ah... I can't make myself look all dirty

I need to hurry! It'll be horrible if I make Hamtaro wait!

Bijou! We were looking for you! Where are you going?

Ah, uhm... I was...

There! Over there!

I got to get there fast, excuse me!

Don't tell me they're going to the flower field too...

So then why did Mistery tell me that I'll have my first date in the flower field?

Wait a second... you, over there

Ah, Mistery!

I can see you and your loved one

Eh? My... love you say?

Ah, another success! As expected from Ms. Mistery!

It is a girl who always dreams about her love!

Uhm... but I don't have any...

You sure? You can think of someone, right?

There is sort of someone, but, I don't have a date or anything...

You will have a date soon!

Eh? I will?ka

Yeah, the place where happiness will find you, the place where luck strikes...

Is the flower field!

The flower... field?

At then I thought it couldn't be, but...

The flower field?


People in town all say that at the flower field... there are a lot of fun things to do!


Ok! Let's go to the flower field tomorrow!


Yeah! We need to tell Boss, Oxnard and the others!

Oh, no no! You shouldn't do that!

Let's keep it a secret from everyone, ok?

Sure thing! We'll go together!

To think I was able to get a date...

Mistery's predictions are amazing!

Oh wait! This is the way to the Clubhouse!

If someone finds me...

I won't be able to get free...

What are you doing, Bijou?

What a weird disguise...

Is this for some kind of French show?

Eh? Ah, that's right... a French show!

I see, that's it...

But... how do you know it was me...?

Easy! I can see your blue ribbons!

I'm in a hurry, so... bye!

What's wrong with her...?

I'm going!

I fell asleep

I wonder if Laura left already?

I need to go to the Clubhouse too...

Ah, that's right! I promised to go with Bijou!

I'm going, Brandy!

Ah, Oxnard!

Hey, Hamtaro! Are you going somewhere?

Yeah! I'm going with Bi...

Let's keep it a secret from everyone, ok?

What's wrong?

It's nothing

Uhm, uhm...

I'm almost there!

I can't wait to see Hamtaro!

What should I say when I meet him?

Ah! Long time not see!

That sounds funny...


But then it's weird to be talking to him in French...

Good morning!

Yeah, that's the best way to do it!ne

Then, what to do with Hamtaro there...

Hey it's Bijou!


Uhm, are you going this way too?

I was delivering something, how about you?

Eh? Uhm... uhm... y-y-y-you see...

I wasn't doing anything special...

Uhm, is there something different about your looks...?

Oh! I was going home!

I need to get back fast...

See ya!



I was just about to tell you!

You'll fall in that if you go that way...

Guess Bijou isn't here yet

This place is awesome

Episode dedicated to Shadow Bijou and Bluesoul

Ribbon-chan (Bijou)

Hamutaro-kun (Hamtaro)

Don't worry! Hamtaro will wait for me!

This is our first date...

I will have to apologize for such unacceptable demeanor...

It's so nice and warm!

A dragonfly!

What huge eyes!



This is perfect!


Hamtaro, I'm coming!

Elder-Ham, what's wrong? Elder-Ham!

It hurts!

What hurts?ka

Where does it hurt?ka

Here! No, here!

W-What should I do? This is bad

Come on, this way!

Wait here please! I'll get the Ham-Hams!

Wait! It won't be needed...

With this much pain... I might not...

Elder-Ham, don't say that! Hold on!

I'm on my deathbed... As a last request... I want to eat some delicious sunflower seed...

That would be my last wish...

I'll bring you the seeds! Please wait!

Elder-Ham! I brought them... the sunflower seeds...!

Here, please eat them, Elder-Ham!

There are so many! This is fantastic!

Bon appetit!

Thank goodness!

Elder-Ham, are you feeling okay?

Yeah, I feel great!

Uhm... does it not hurt anymore?

Ah, that was... just a joke!

But you said... you might not...

I'm old, so I can easily do those kind of jokes... you got tricked, right?

I see...ka

Well, then... I'm in a hurry, so...

Eh? What was that? Well, run, quickly!

Then... if you'll excuse me...

Wait, wait for me, Hamtaro!

Hey! Wait, where are you going?

Uhm... over there...

Over there, you say?

Get on that!

Then, quickly, get on!

Oops, it went the wrong way...

NOTE: He's singing an old japanese song or something... xDDD

This isn't the way~chu

We're sorry to announce that we won't go further than the next stop

Which way?

Ah, it looks like this is the right way!

Got to hurry!

Or Hamtaro will leave!

Geez... Just don't worry about that now

No matter! I need to hurry! I promised!no

Uhm? Bijou?

Yeah, she was acting a little weird...

Now that you mentioned it, back then...

She said she needed to get "there"


Where could "there" be?

I saw Bijou heading to the flower field earlier...

She really didn't seem like herself...

To the flower field?

Just a little more... Just a little more!


A little more, a little more...

That's right! Maybe she is here because Ms. Mistery told her she would a date here!

But her loved one is nowhere to be found...

I knew itne

I'm really late... I thought Hamtaro would wait me but...

No... don't give up... Don't...

Don't give up... Don't give up...



That's right! Don't give up!

Ah, Bijou!


You waited for me all this time...

I was playing with the dragonfly! It was so fun!


Even though you weren't here until now, it was still really fun!

I look awful... It's so embarassing!

Even my ribbons...

Then... use this!

It's just like a ribbon, it's really beautiful!

Ah, that's right! Bijou, come this way!

Flower... field?

Then when the sun sets, happiness will find the two of you!

When the sun...

I found this earlier!

I wanted to show you, Bijou!

It's beautiful...

I'll never forget this... watching the sun set, alone with Hamtaro!

Wow, incredible!

So beautiful!

How rude of them to not tell us about this, Hamtaro and Bijou...

Ah, t-that's...

Yeah, we were planning to tell you about this later!

I'm glad you guys came!

Oh, I see

It's really incredible!


It's almost dreamlike...

Yeah! So beautiful!

Ah, Laura missed it

That lake was really really pretty!

Today made me really happy!

My date with Travis... I wish I could be with him forever!

Eh? Forever?

Then again if we're always together it won't as fun, right?

But I'm so happy!

I'm really happy too!


Hecke! Something came out from underground!

It's the dreamdigger hamster, Mole!

Dreamdigger hamster? You said dreamdigger?

He digs all over the world!te

That's incredible, right, Hamtaro?

Let's dig too, Ham-Hams!

Next time!

Dig, dig! Mole!

See you next time!

Who will be lucky?

Tongari-kun (Jingle)