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10x251 - Oh No, Hamtaro!

Posted: 04/05/24 12:51
by bunniefuu
Hamtaro is gone!

So, I'll start counting!

One, two, three...

I'm sorry.

I am too. I apologize!

NOTE: A yukata is a traditional summer kimono.

I found this place first!

It looks like a yukata!

No way; this place is taken already!

...Eighteen, nineteen, twenty!

Here I go!

Ah, there it is!

How lucky! Make sure not to forget it again, okay?



H-How troublesome... What should I do?


I'm saved, somehow.

I'm not saved at all. If I fall from here...

I need to get out of here quickly.

What's wrong, Ellie?

A flying squirrel?

Stop it, Ellie!

A hamster?

Why was he up there?

Huh? Where...

Where is this place?

There are a lot of animals.

Where is this place?

Hey Norochi, where are you?

Ah, you're up here after all.

Geez, you like to be around Pyon.

NOTE: Pyon is the sound for 'jump', so I assume that 'norochi' makes a reference to something related to turtles.

It's Kazuya, Maki's big brother!

But how do you even get up here?

Oh, so you woke up, Musahamu?


At first I mistook you for a flying squirrel.

I guess that's so much for a zoo caretaker.

What were you doing?

Umm... I was playing hide & seek.

Anyway, Animal Land is a dangerous place for tiny guys like you.

Until we find your owner, you'll be here, okay?

I get it, Mako!

It's time for lunch already.

I'm in trouble.


Where are you? Hamtaro!

How strange. Where could he have hidden?

Maybe he went home already?

Hamtaro! The game is already over!

It looks like he's not around.

Even he's not such a fan of hide & seek.

Maybe that...

What is it?no

What should I do?

Laura is coming back from school soon!

Eh? A hamster?

Yeah, could you take care of him, Maki?

It's Maki!

Is it this guy?

Huh? Did this guy have that face?

It looks like Hamtaro.


Yeah, it's Laura's hamster.

But... maybe this guy is not?

I guess I mistook it, but this guy has a funny face!

I wonder if he had such a fat face earlier?

Oh well, if anyone starts searching for him, let me know.


That was close.

He's not around. What a carefree guy.

I wonder where he could've gone?

Ah, Lapis, Lazuli!

You know? Right now, a new hamster came to my brother's place!

Lapis, Lazuli!

It was Hamtaro after all!

Thank goodness! I was crazily worried about what to do!

Why are you in a place like this?

Umm... because... back when I tried to hide...

More importantly, we need to get you out of here!

I'll open it!

Hey, you can't do that!

That is troublesome.

That's right.

What should we do?

More importantly, will it be okay on Laura's side?

That's right!

When she notices Hamtaro is gone, it will be troublesome!

What should we do?

Look! I found it at the pet shop on my way home, so I bought it!

Biggest sunflower seeds?

Yeah! I'm going to give them to Hamtaro!


NOTE: Whoops, it seems the video freezes here for a bit; sorry about that. Skip to :.

NOTE: This episode is incomplete, so expect a cutoff later.

What are you doing, Hamtaro? Are you asleep already?

Look, there are big sunflower seeds!

Come on now, they're delicious!

Won't you eat some, Hamtaro?

Maybe he is full?

Well, I'll leave them here, so make sure to eat.

That was close. I thought Laura was going to catch me.

Doesn't this look yummy?

I'll just get one.

It's delicious!

Laura must be worried that I'm not there.

I'm sorry, Laura.

Lapis, guys!


House? Could it be... my house?

Boss went... my house?

I got it! Boss went to my house on my behalf!

It looks like he got it.

I guess we need to leave it to Boss for today.

See you tomorrow!


Yeah, I got it!

Thank you!

Thank goodness! I can relax now.

Not being with Laura makes me feel lonely.

I want to be by Laura's side.

Mr. Rabbit?


It seems like you're saying I don't need to worry.

Thank you, everyone!

I'm not lonely anymore.

That was mean! You surprised me!

That's a funny bird.


You ate all of them?

I thought you could be sick.

Again? Aren't you eating a bit much, Hamtaro?

Oh no... He's getting fat.

You are not getting more until tomorrow, okay?

No? You want to eat more?

Jeez, Hamtaro... How strange...

Well, then a little more.

I'm so full!

But... Maybe I went a little too far.

Even if I can eat all these delicious seeds... after all, I think being a wild ham suits me best!





You got us worried when you disappeared during hide & seek!

I'm sorry.

More importantly, how is Boss?

He's still posing as you. It seems that he hasn't had a chance to leave your house.

I see...

But it won't be a problem!

Because it's Boss!

I wonder about that.

When I went to check, Laura was worried that he was not by her side.

I need to hurry up and go!

That's why everyone came to help. We two couldn't do it alone!

Come on everyone, let's do it!

We really can't.

What should we do?

It's Norochi!

That's right, if we ask the turtle for help...

I'm sorry, but we're counting on you.

Do your best!

He did it!

He did it!

Thank you, everyone!

Thank you, Norochi!

What is he doing?

Come on, let's hurry, Hamtaro.


How big!

That is... a llama!



What do you mean?

That turtle really likes the rabbit!

So he wanted to meet her!

So that's why the llama helped?

Isn't it a surprise?

You see, llama and 'horyama'!

NOTE: 'Horyama' is a way to say you're surprised.

We need to help him!

Hamtaro, we should hurry.

Yeah, but I can't leave Norochi like this!

Norochi came to save me!

So I need to help him too!

Huh? You again, Norochi?

Musahamu ran away?

I was starting to like him. I hope you're fine.

NOTE: Sorry, but the raw cuts here.